Har du et spørgsmål, så tjek venligst de ofte stillede spørgsmål nedenfor først. Nederst kan du se, hvordan du stiller yderligere spørgsmål, anmoder om funktioner samt indrapporterer fejl.
## Indeks
* [Godkendelse af konti](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/FAQ.md#user-content-authorizing-accounts)
* [Hvordan kan man...?](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/FAQ.md#user-content-howto)
I de fleste tilfælde vil hurtig opsætningen automatisk kunne identificere den rigtige opsætning.
Mislykkes hurtig opsætningen skal du manuelt opsætte en konto (for at modtage e-mail) samt identitet (for at sende e-mail). Til dette behøver du IMAP- og SMTP-serveradresserne og portnumrene, om enten SSL/TLS eller STARTTLS skal anvendes og dit brugernavn (for det meste, men ikke altid, din e-mailadresse) samt adgangskode.
En søgning på *IMAP* samt navnet på tjenesteleverandøren er ofte tilstrækkeligt til at finde den rette dokumentation.
I visse tilfælde vil du skulle aktivere ekstern adgang til din konto og/eller benytte en speciel (app-)adgangskode, eksempelvis når tofaktorgodkendelse er aktiveret.
Til godkendelse:
* Gmail/G Suite, se [spørgsmål 6](#user-content-faq6)
* Outlook/Live/Hotmail, se [spørgsmål 14](#user-content-faq14)
* Tilføj CC- og BCC-adresser: Tryk på folks ikon i slutningen af emnet
* Gå til næste/foregående besked ved arkivering/sletning: Deaktivér *Luk automatisk samtaler* i adfærdsindstillingerne og vælg *Gå til næste/foregående samtale* for *Ved lukning af en samtale*
* Føje en mappe til den fælles indbakke: Langt tryk på mappen i mappelisten og afkryds *Vis i fælles indbakke*
* Føje en mappe til navigeringsmenuen: Langt tryk på mappen i mappelisten og afkryds *Vis i navigeringsmenu*
* Overspring papirkurv ved beskedsletning: I 3-priksmenuen lige over beskedteksten *Slet*, eller fravælg alternativt papirkurvsmappen i kontoindstillingerne
* ~~En [fejl i Android 5.1 og 6](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37054851) medfører, at apps sommetider viser et ukorrekt tidsformat. Skiftning af Android-indstillingen *Benyt 24-timers format* kan midlertidigt løse problemet. En løsning blev tilføjet.~~
* ~~En [fejl i Google Drive](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/126362828) medfører, at filer eksporteret til Google Drive kan være tomme. Google har løst problemet.~~
* ~~En [fejl i AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/78495471) medfører, at FairEmail undertiden går ned ifm. lange tryk eller strygebevægelser. Google har løst problemet.~~
* ~~En [fejl i Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/138441698) medfører af og til et nedbrud med en "*... Undtagelse under behandling af realtids databasedata ... Kunne ikke læse række...*". En løsning blev tilføjet.~~
* En [fejl i Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/119872129) medfører, at FairEmail går ned med en "*... Fejlbehæftet notifikation sendt ... * "på visse enheder en gang efter opdatering af FairEmail og tryk på en notifikation.
* En [fejl i Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/62427912) medfører af og til et nedbrud med "*... ActivityRecord ikke fundet for ... * "efter opdatering af FairEmail. Geninstallering af ([kilde](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46309428/android-activitythread-reportsizeconfigurations-causes-app-to-freeze-with-black)) kan løse problemet.
* En [fejl i Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37018931) medfører af og til et nedbrud med "*... InputChannel ikke initialiseret ...* på visse enheder.
* ~~En [fejl i LineageOS](https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/+/265273) medfører af og til et nedbrud med en "*... java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: lenght=...; index=... ...*~~
* En fejl i Nova Launcher på Android 5.x får FairEmail til at gå ned med en *java.lang.StackOverflowError* fejl, når Nova Launcher har adgang til tilgængelighedstjenesten.
* ~~Mappevælgeren viser undertiden ingen mapper af endnu ukendte årsager. Dette lader til at være rettet.~~
* ~~En [fejl i AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/64729576) gør det svært at gribe fat i hurtig-rulningsobjektet. En løsning blev tilføjet.~~
* ~~Kryptering med YubiKey resulterer i en uendelig løkke. Dette synes forårsaget at en [fejl i OpenKeychain](https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/issues/2507).~~
* Rulning ned til en internt linket position i originalbeskeder fungerer ikke. Dette kan ikke rettes, da originalbeskedvisningen udgør en del af selve rulningsvisningen.
* En forhåndsvisning af en beskedtekst vises ikke (altid) på Samsung-ure, da [setLocalOnly](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/core/app/NotificationCompat.Builder.html#setLocalOnly(boolean))-parameteren synes at blive ignoreret. Beskedforhåndsvisningstekster fremgår korrekt på Pebble 2-, Fitbit Charge 3- og Mi band 3-wearables. Se også [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq126).
* En [fejl i Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37068143) medfører af og til et nedbrud med "*... Ugyldig forskydning... Gyldigt område er ...* når tekst er valgt og der trykkes uden for den valgte tekst. Denne fejl er rettet i Android 6.0.1.
* Interne (anker-) links vil ikke fungere, da de oprindelige beskeder vises i et indlejret WebView i en rullevisning (samtalelisten). Dette er en Android-begrænsning, der ikke kan rettes eller omgås.
* ~~Vælg lokale billeder til underskrifter~~ (ingen af dem tilføjes, da dette kræver billedfilhåndtering, og da billedersom standard alligevel ikke vises i de fleste e-mail klienter)
* ~~Vis beskeder matchet af en regel~~
* ~~[ManageSieve](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5804) ~ ~ (der er ingen vedligeholdte Java-biblioteker med en passende licens og uden afhængigheder, og desuden har FairEmail sine egne filterregler)
* ~~Søg efter beskeder med/uden vedhæftelser~~ (dette kan ikke tilføjes, da IMAP ikke understøtter søgning efter vedhæftninger)
* ~~Søg efter en mappe~~ (filtrering af en hierarkisk mappeliste er problematisk)
* ~~Søgeforslag~~
* ~~[Autokrypteringsopsætningsmeddelelse](https://autocrypt.org/autocrypt-spec-1.0.0.pdf) (afsnit 4.4)~~ (det kan ikke anbefales at lade en e-mail klient håndtere følsomme krypteringsnøgler til en usædvanlig brugsinstans, når OpenKeychain også kan eksportere nøgler)
* ~~Generiske fællesmapper~~
* ~~Nye pr. konto beskednotifikationstidsplaner~~ (implementeret ved tilføjelse af en tidsbetingelse til regler, så beskeder kan slumres i udvalgte perioder)
* ~~Kopiering af konti og identiteter~~
* ~~Knibezoom~~ (ikke muligt på pålidelig vis i en rulleliste, i stedet kan den fulde beskedvisning zoomes)
* ~~Mere kompakt mappevisning~~
* ~~Opret lister og tabeller~~ (dette kræver et tekstredigeringsværktøj til righoldig tekst, se [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq99))
* ~~Tekststørrelsesknibezoom~~
* ~~Vis GIF'er~~
* ~~Temaer~~ (et lysegråt og mørkt tema er tilføjet, da disse serud til at være dem, de fleste ønsker)
* ~~Enhver dag-tidsbetingelse~~ (enhver dag passer ikke rigtig ind i fra/til dato/tid betingelsen)
* ~~Send som vedhæftning~~
* ~~Widget til udvalgt konto~~
* ~~Påmindelse om at vedhæfte filer~~
* ~~Vælg domæner at vise billeder til~~ (dette vil være for kompliceret at bruge)
* ~~Fælles stjernemarkerede beskedervisning~~ (der er allerde en særlig søgestreng herfor)
* ~~Notifikation for flytningshandling~~
* ~~S/MIME-understøttelse~~
* ~~Søg efter indstillinger~~
Alt på denne liste er i tilfældig orden og *bliver muligvis* tilføjet i den nærmeste fremtid.
## Hyppigt anmodede funktioner
Designet er baseret på mange debatter, og er du interesseret, kan du også debatere det [i dette forum](https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/source-email-t3824168). Designmålet er minimalisme (ingen unødvendige menuer, knapper mv.) og ikke-distraherende (ingen smarte farver, animationer mv.). Alle viste ting skal på en eller anden måde være nyttige og skal placeres omhyggeligt for nem brug. Skrifttyper/-størrelser, farver mv. skal være materielt design, når det er muligt.
## Ofte stillede spørgsmål
* [(1) Hvilke tilladelser kræves, og hvorfor?](#user-content-faq1)
* [(2) Hvorfor optræder der en permanent notifikation?](#user-content-faq2)
* [(3) Hvad er operationer, og hvad afventer de?](#user-content-faq3)
* [(4) Hvordan kan jeg anvende et ugyldigt sikkerhedscertifikat/tom adgangskode/simpel tekstforbindelse?](#user-content-faq4)
* [(5) Hvordan kan jeg tilpasse beskedvisningen?](#user-content-faq5)
* [(6) Hvordan kan jeg logge ind på Gmail/G-suite?](#user-content-faq6)
* [(7) Hvorfor fremgår sendte beskeder ikke (direkte) i Sendt-mappen?](#user-content-faq7)
* [(8) Kan jeg bruge en Microsoft Exchange-konto?](#user-content-faq8)
* [(9) Hvad er identiteter/hvordan tilføjer jeg et alias?](#user-content-faq9)
* [~~(11) Hvorfor understøttes POP ikke?~~](#user-content-faq11)
* [~~(10) Hvad betyder 'UIDPLUS ikke understøttet'?~~](#user-content-faq10)
* [(12) Hvordan fungerer kryptering/dekryptering?](#user-content-faq12)
* [(13) Hvordan fungerer søgning på enhed/server?](#user-content-faq13)
* [(14) Hvordan kan jeg opsætte en Outlook-/Live-/Hotmail-konto?](#user-content-faq14)
* [(15) Hvorfor genindlæses beskedteksten et antal gange?](#user-content-faq15)
[Jeg har et andet spørgsmål.](#user-content-support)
**(1) Hvilke tilladelser kræves, og hvorfor?**
Flg. Android-tilladelser kræves:
* *fuld netværksadgang* (INTERNET): For at sende/modtage e-mails
* *se netværksforbindelser* (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE): For at monitere Internetkonnektivitetsændringer
* *kør ved opstart* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED): For at starte monitering ved enhedsstart
* *forgrundstjeneste* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE): For at køre en forgrundstjeneste på Android 9 Pie og senere, se også næste spørgsmål
* *forhindre enhed i at sove* (WAKE_LOCK): For at holde enheden vågen, mens beskeder synkroniseres
* *in-app fakturering* (BILLING): For at tillade køb direkte i appen
* Valgfri: *læse dine kontakter* (READ_CONTACTS): For at autofuldføre adresser samt vise fotos
* Valgfri: *læse indholdet af dit SD-kort* (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): For at acceptere filer fra andre, forældede apps, se også [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq49)
* Valgfri: *benyt fingeraftrykshardware* (USE_FINGERPRINT) og benyt *biometrisk hardware* (USE_BIOMETRIC): For at benytte biometrisk godkendelse
* Valgfri: *find konti på enheden* (GET_ACCOUNTS): For at vælge en konto ifm. Gmails hurtig-opsætning
* Android 5.1 Lollipop og ældre: *Benyt konti på enheden* (USE_CREDENTIALS): For at vælge en konto ifm. Gmails hurtig-opsætning (senere Android-version benytter ikke denne forespørgsel)
* Android 5.1 Lollipop og ældre: *Læse profil* (READ_PROFILE): For at læse dit navn ifm. Gmails hurtig-opsætning (senere Android-version benytter ikke denne forespørgsel)
[Valgfrie tilladelser](https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting) understøttes kun på Android 6 Marshmallow og nyere. Tidligere Android-versioner anmoder om at tildele de valgfri tilladelser ved installation af FairEmail.
Flg. tilladelser kræves for at vise antallet af ulæste beskeder som en badge (se også [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq106)):
FairEmail fører en liste over adresser, hvorfra og -til du modtager og sender beskeder, og denne liste benytter til kontaktforslag, når der ikke er tildelt kontakttilladelse i FairEmail. Dette betyder, at du kan benytte FairEmail uden Android-kontaktleverandøren (Kontakter). Bemærk, at du stadig kan vælge kontakter uden at tildele FairEmail kontakter-tilladelser, kontaktforslag alene fungerer dog ikke uden kontakter-tilladelser.
**(2) Hvorfor vises en permanent notifikation?**
En lavprioritets, permanent statusbjælkenotifikation med antallet af konti, som monitoreres, samt antallet af afventede operationer (se næste spørgsmål) vises for at forhindre Android i at afslutte den tjeneste, der håndterer den løbende modtagelse af e-mail. Dette var [allerede nødvendigt](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html#startForeground(int,%20android.app.Notification)), men med introduktionen af [døsningstilstanden](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) i Android 6 Marshmallow er dette mere end nogensinde nødvendigt. Døsningstilstanden stopper alle apps nogen tid efter, at skærmen slukkes, undtagen for apps, som har startet en forgrundstjeneste, der kræver visning af en statusbjælkenotifikation.
De fleste, hvis ikke alle, øvrige e-mail apps viser ingen notifikation med den "bivirkning", at nye notifikationer ofte ikke (eller for sent) rapporteres, samt at notifikationer ikke sendes (eller sendes for sent).
Android viser ikoner for højprioritets statusnotifikationer først og skjuler FairEmails notifikationsikon, hvis der ikke er plads til at vise yderligere ikoner. I praksis betyder dette, at statusbjælkenotifikationer ikke optager plads på statusbjælken, medmindre der er ledig plads.
Statusnjælkenotifikationen kan deaktiveres via FairEmails notifikationsindstillinger:
* Android 8 Oreo og senere: Tryk på *Modtagekanal*-knappen og deaktivér kanalen via Android-indstillingerne (dette deaktiverer ikke notifikationer for nye besked)
* Android 7 Nougat og tidligere: Aktivér *Benyt baggrundstjenester til synkronisering af beskeder*, men husk at læse bemærkningen under indstillingen
For at fjerne notifikationen kan du kan skifte til periodisk beskedsynkronisering i modtagelsesindstillingerne, dog vil dette muligvis forbruger mere strøm. Se [hér](#user-content-faq39) for flere detailjer vedr. batteriforbrug.
Android 8 Oreo viser muæigvis også en statusbjælkenotifikation med teksten *Apps kører i baggrunden*. Tjek [hér](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/7vw7l4/psa_turn_off_background_apps_notification/) vedr., hvordan du kan deaktivere denne notifikation.
Anvendelse af [Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/) (FCM) er foreslået i stedet for en Android-tjeneste med en statusbjælkenotifikation, men dette vil enten kræve e-mail udbydere, som sender FCM-meddelelser, eller en central server, hvor alle meddelelser samles mhp. afsendlse af FCM-meddelelser. Førstnævnte vil ikke komme til at ske, og sidstnævnte ville have betydelige datafortrolighedskonsekvenser.
Operationer behandles kun, såfremt en forbindelse til e-mailserveren findes, eller under manuel synkronisering. Se også [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq16).
Dette kan skyldes brug af et forkert værtsnavn, så dobbelttjek først værtsnavnet i de avancerede identitets-/kontoindstillinger (tryk Manuel opsætning, flere valg). Se venligst dokumentationen fra e-mail-udbyderen om det rigtige værtsnavn.
Du bør forsøge at løse dette ved at kontakte din udbyder eller ved at få et gyldigt sikkerhedscertifikat, da ugyldige sikkerhedscertifikater er usikre og tillader [mand-i-midten-angreb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack). Er penge en hindring, kan du få gratis sikkerhedscertifikater fra [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org).
Bemærk, at ældre Android-versioner muligvis ikke genkender nyere certificeringsmyndigheder såsom Let’s Encrypt, hvorfor forbindelser kan blive betragtet som usikre, se også [hér](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
*... java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor til certificeringssti ikke fundet...* betyder, at Androids standard betroet-håndtering ikke kunne bekræfte servercertifikatkæden.
Dit brugernavn og adgangskode samt alle beskeder sendes og modtages ukrypteret, hvilket er **meget usikkert**, da et [mand-i-midten angreb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack) nemt udføres på en ikke-krypteret forbindelse.
Vil du fortsat bruge et ugyldigt sikkerhedscertifikat, en tom adgangskode eller en almindelig tekstforbindelse, så skal usikre forbindelser aktiveres i konto- og/eller identitetsindstillingerne. STARTTLS bør vælges til simpel tekst-forbindelser. Aktiverer du usikre forbindelser, bør du kun oprette forbindelse via private, betroede netværk og aldrig via offentlige netværk på f. eks. hoteller, lufthavne mv.
* *Tabelform*: Til at vise en lineær liste i stedet for kort
* *Gruppér efter dato*: Vis datooverskrift over beskeder med den samme dato
* *Konversationstråd*: Til at deaktivere konversationstråd og i stedet vise beskeder individuelt
* *Konversationshandlingsbjælke*: Til at deaktivere navigeringsbjælken nederst
* *Fremhæv farve*: Til valg af afsenderfarve for ulæste beskeder
* *Vis kontaktfotos*: Til at skjule kontaktfotos
* *Vis navne og e-mailadresser*: Til at navne/navne og e-mailadresser
* *Vis emne uden kursiv*: Til at vise beskedemnet som alm. tekst
* *Vis stjerner*: Til at skjule stjerner (favoritter)
* *Vis beskedforhåndsvisning*: Til at vise 1-4 linjers beskedtekst
* *Vis som standard adresseoplysninger*: Vis som standard udvidet adresseafsnit
* *Vis automatisk opridelig besked for kendte kontakter*: Tjek [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq35) ang. at få vist originale beskeder automatisk for kontakter på din enhed
* *Vis automatisk billeder for kendte kontakter*: Tjek [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq35) for at få vist billeder automatisk for kontakter på din enhed
Bemærk, at beskeder kun kan forhåndsvises, når beeskedteksten er blevet downloadet. Større beskedtekster downloades som standard ikke på afregnede (hovedsaligt mobile) netværk. Du kan ændre dette i forbindelsesindstillingerne.
Bruges Play Butik- eller GitHub-versionen af FairEmail, kan hurtigopsætningsguiden bruges for nem opsætning af en Gmail-konto og identitet. Gmail-hurtigopsætningsguiden er utilgængelig for tredjeparts-builds såsom F-Droid ditto, da Google kun har godkendte brugen af OAuth for officielle builds.
Vil du ikke benytte en Gmail-konto på enheden, kan du enten aktivere adgang for "mindre sikre apps" og benytte din kontoadgangskode (ikke anbefalet) eller aktivere tofaktorgodkendelse og benytte en app-specifik adgangskode. For brug af en adgangskode skal der opsættes en konto og identitet via den manuelle opsætning i stedet for hurtigopsætningsguiden.
*[ALERT] Log ind via din webbrowser: https://support.google.com/mail/accounts/answer/78754 (Fejlet)*
Dette sikkerhedstjek fra Google udløses oftere med *mindre sikre apps* aktiveret, mindre med en app-adgangskode og næsten aldrig ved brug af en konto på enheden (OAuth).
Tjek, hvorfor kun konti på enheden kan benyttes i [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq111).
Bemærk, at en app-specifik adgangskode kræves, når tofaktorgodkendelse er aktiveret.
**Vigtigt**: Brugernavn/adgangskode godkendte G Suite-konti vil [i nærmeste fremtid](https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/12/less-secure-apps-oauth-google-username-password-incorrect.html) ophøre med at fungere.
Tjek [hér](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255), hvordan "Mindre sikre apps" aktiveres eller gå [direkte til Indstillinger](https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps).
Benyttes denne metode, bør en [stærk adgangskode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_strength) anvendes til Gmail-kontoen (hvilket altid er en god idé). Bemærk, brug af [standard](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3501) IMAP-protokollen er ikke i sig selv er mindre sikker.
Når "Mindre sikre apps" ikke er aktiveret, ses fejlen *Godkendelse mislykkedes - ugyldige akkreditiver* for konti (IMAP) og *Brugernavn og adgangskode ikke accepteret* for identiteter (SMTP).
Muligvis vises advarslen "*Log ind via din webbrowser*". Dette sker, når Google anser netværket, der forbinder til Internet (hvilket kan være et VPN), som ikke-sikkert. Dette kan forhindres vha. Gmails hurtigopsætningsguide eller en app-specifik adgangskode.
Tjek [hér](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229) for Googles instruktioner, og [hér](https://support.google.com/mail/accounts/answer/78754) for fejlfinding.
Sendte beskeder flyttes normalt fra udbakken til Sendt-mappen, så snart udbyderen føjer sendte beskeder til Sendt-mappen. Dette kræver, at en Sendt-mappe vælges i kontoindstillingerne, og at Sendt-mappen ligeledes opsættes til synk.
Visse udbydere holder ikke styr på sendte beskeder, eller den anvendte SMTP-server er muligvis ikke relateret til udbyderen. I så tilfælde føjer FairEmail automatisk sendte beskeder til Sendt-mappen under synk af denne, hvilket vil ske, efter at en besked er afsendt. Bemærk, at dette vil forøge Internettrafikken.
~~Sker dette ikke, holder udbyderen muligvis ikke styr på sendte beskeder, eller der anvendes muligvis en ikke-udbyderrelateret SMTP-server.~~ ~~I så tilfælde kan man aktivere den avancerede identitetsindstilling *Gem sendte beskeder* for at lade FairEmail føje sendte beskeder til Sendt-mappen umiddelbart efter beskedafsendelsen.~~~~Bemærk, at aktivering af denne indstilling kan resultere i dubletbeskeder, hvis udbyderen også føjer sendte beskeder til Sendt-mappen.~~~~Bemærk også, at aktivering af indstillingen vil betyde forøget datatrafik, især når der sendes beskeder med store vedhæftninger.~~
~~Hvis afsendte beskeder i udbakken ikke findes i Sendt-mappen ved en fuld synk, flytes disse også fra udbakken til Sendt-mappen.~~ ~~En fuld synkning sker, når der genforbindes til serveren, eller ved periodisk eller manuel synkning.~~~~I stedet er ønsket sandsynligvis at aktivere den avancerede indstilling *Gem sendte beskeder* for hurtigere at flytte beskeder til Sendt-mappen.~~
En Microsoft Exchange-konto kan benyttes, såfremt den er tilgængelig via IMAP (er normalt tilfældet). Tjek [hér](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/what-is-a-microsoft-exchange-account-47f000aa-c2bf-48ac-9bc2-83e5c6036793) for yderligere information.
Tjek [hér](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/pop-imap-and-smtp-settings-for-outlook-com-d088b986-291d-42b8-9564-9c414e2aa040) for Microsoft-dokumentation vedr. opsætning af e-mail klient. Der er også et afsnit om almindelige forbindelsesfejl og løsninger.
Visse ældre Exchange-serverversioner har en fejl, der forårsager tomme beskeder og ødelagte vedhæftninger. Tjek [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq110) for en løsning.
Visse udbydere tillader brug af flere aliaser. Disse kan opsættes ved at angive e-mailadressefeltet fra en ekstra identitet som aliasadressen og angive brugernavnefeltet til hoved e-mailadresse.
Såfremt udbyderen tillader dette, kan *Tillad redigering af afsenderadresse* alternativt aktiveres under Avancerede indstillinger for en eksisterende identitet for at redigere brugernavnet ved beskedoprettelsen.
~~Fejlmeddelelsen *UIDPLUS ikke understøttet* betyder, at e-mailudbyderen ikke tilbyder IMAP-udvidelsen [UIDPLUS](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4315). Denne IMAP-udvidelse kræves for at implementere tovejssynk, hvilket ikke er en valgfri funktion. Kan udbyderen ikke aktivere denne udvidelse, er FairEmail ikke kompatibel med udbyderen.~~
~~Udover at enhver anstændig e-mail udbyder i dag understøtter [IMAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol),~~ ~~vil brug af [POP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_Office_Protocol) resultere i unødvendig ekstra strømforbrug samt forsinkede notifikationer om nye beskeder.~~~~Desuden er POP uegnet til tovejssynk, og oftere end ikke, læses og skrives der i dag beskeder på forskellige enheder.~~
~~Grundlæggende understøtter POP kun download og sletning af beskeder fra indbakken.~~ ~~Dvs., at almindelige operationer, såsom indstilling af besekedattributter (læst, stjernemarkeret, besvaret mv.), tilføjelse (sikkerhedskopiering) og flytning af beskeder ikke er mulige.~~
~~F.eks. kan [Gmail importere beskeder](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/21289) fra en anden POP-konto,~~ ~~hvilket kan anvendes som en løsning, når en udbyder ikke understøtter IMAP.~~
E-mailserverkommunikation er altid krypteret, medmindre dette eksplicit er fravalgt. Dette spørgsmål angår valgfri end-to-end kryptering med PGP eller S/MIME. For at kommunikere vha. krypterede meddelelser, bør afsender og modtager først enes om dette og derefter udveksle signerede beskeder for at overføre deres respektive offentlige nøgler.
For at signere/kryptere en besked, vælg den passende metode i Send-dialogen. Er der tidliger valgt *Vis ikke igen*, kan Send-dialogen altid åbnes vha. trepunktsmenuen.
For at bekræfte en signatur eller dekryptere en modtaget besked, åbn beskeden og tryk blot på gestussen eller på hængelåsikonet umiddelbart under beskedhandlingsbjælken.
Første gang en signeret/krypteret besked sendes, anmodes muligvis om en signaturnøgle. Mhp. efterfølgende brug gemmer FairEmail automatisk den valgte signeringsnøgle i den anvendte identitet. Ved behov for at nulstille signeringsnøglen, så gem blot identiteten eller brug et langt tryk på identiteten på identitetslisten og vælg *Nulstil signeringsnøgle*. Den valgte signeringsnøgle er synlig på identitetslisten. Skal en nøgle vælges fra gang til gang, kan flere identiteter oprettes for den samme konto med den samme e-mailadresse.
I fortrolighedsindstillingerne kan man vælge standardkrypteringsmetoden (PGP eller S/MIME), aktivere *Signér som standard*, *Kryptér som standard* samt *Dekryptér automatisk beskeder*, men vær opmærksom på, at automatisk dekryptering ikke er mulig, hvis brugerinteraktion kræves, såsom valg af en nøgle eller læsning af et sikkerhedstoken.
Beskedtekster/vedhæftninger, som skal krypteres/er dekrypterede gemmes kun lokalt og vil aldrig blive tilføjet den eksterne server. Vil man fortryde dekryptering, kan menupunktet *gensynk* benyttes fra trepunktsmenuen på beskedhandlingsbjælken.
[OpenKeychain](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.sufficientlysecure.keychain/) skal først installeres og opsættes. FairEmail er aftestet med OpenKeychain version 5.4. Senere versioner er sansynligvis kompatible, men muligvis ikke tidligere versioner.
**Vigtigt**: OpenKeychain-appen er kendt for at gå ned (upåagtet), når den kaldende app (FairEmail) endnu ikke er godkendt og får en eksisterende offentlig nøgle. Dette kan løses ved at prøve at sende en signeret/krypteret besked til en afsender med en ukendt offentlig nøgle.
**Vigtigt**: Kan OpenKeychain-appen ikke finde en nøgle (længere), skal den tidligere valgt nøgle muligvis nulstilles. Dette kan gøres via at langt tryk på en identitet i identitetslisten (Indstillinger, Manuel opsætning, flere valg, Identiteter).
**Vigtigt**: For at lade en app som FairEmail forbinde pålideligt til OpenKeychain-tjenesten for at kryptere/dekryptere beskeder, kan deaktivering af batterioptimering for OpenKeychain-appen være nødvendig.
**Vigtigt**: På visse Android-versioner/-enheder er det nødvendigt at aktivere *Vis popups i baggrundstilstand * i de udvidede tilladelser i Androids app-indstillinger til OpenKeychain-appen. Uden denne tilladelse, gemmes udkastet, men OpenKeychain-popup'en til bekræftelse/valg vises muligvis ikke.
FairEmail vil sende [Autocrypt](https://autocrypt.org/)-headeren til brug for andre e-mailklienter, men kun for signerede og krypterede beskeder, da for mange e-mailservere har problemer med den ofte lange Autocrypt-header. Bemærk, at den mest sikre måde at starte en krypteret e-mailudveksling er ved først at sende signerede beskeder. Modtagne Autocrypt-headers sendes til og lagres af OpenKeychain-appen til brug for fremtidige signaturbekræftelser eller beskeddekrypteringer.
Inline-krypteret PGP i modtagne beskeder understøttes, men inline PGP-signaturer og inline PGP i udgående beskeder understøttes ikke. Tjek [hér](https://josefsson.org/inline-openpgp-considered-harmful.html) ang. årsagen.
* *Manglende krypteringsnøgle*: Der er sandsynligvis valgt en nøgle i FairEmail, der ikke længere forefindes i OpenKeychain-appen. Nulstilling af nøglen (se ovenfor) løser sandsynligvis dette problem.
Private nøgler gemmes af Android og kan importeres via Androids avancerede sikkerhedsindstillinger. Der er en genvejsknap til dette under fortrolighedsindstillingerne. Android anmoder om opsætning af PIN-kode, mønster eller adgangskode, hvis dette ikke allerede er gjort. Benyttes en Nokia-enhed med Android 9, så [læs først dette](https://nokiamob.net/2019/08/10/a-bug-prevents-nokia-1-owners-from-unlocking-their-screen-even-with-right-pin-pattern/).
Bemærk, at certifikater kan indeholde flere nøgler til flere formål, f.eks. til godkendelse, kryptering og signering. Android importerer kun den første nøgle. For at importere alle nøgler, skal certifikatet først opdeles. Dette er ikke en almindeligt forekommende handling, så assistance fra certifikatleverandøren tilrådes.
Bemærk, at S/MIME-signering med andre algoritmer end RSA understøttes, hvilket muligvis ikke gælder andre e-mailklienter. S/MIME-kryptering er kun mulig med symmetriske algoritmer, hvilket i praksis betyder brug af RSA.
Standardkrypteringsmetoden er PGP, men den sidst anvendte krypteringsmetode huskes til næste gang for den valgte identitet. Det kan være nødvendigt igen at aktivere Send-mulighederne i trepriksmenuen for at kunne vælge krypteringsmetode.
For at tillade forskellige private nøgler til samme e-mailadresse, giver FairEmail altid mulighed for valg af nøgle i tilfælde af flere identiteter til samme e-mailadresse for samme konto.
Offentlige nøgler gemmes af FairEmail og kan importeres ifm. førstegangsbekræftelse af en signatur eller via fortrolighedsindstillingerne (PEM- eller DER-format).
* *Intet certifikat fundet, der matcher targetContraints*: Dette betyder sandsynligvis, at en gammel version af FairEmail benyttes
* *kunne ikke finde en gyldig certificeringssti til det anmodede mål*: Dette betyder grundlæggende, at der ikke blev fundet en eller flere mellem- eller rodcertifikater
* *Privat nøgle matcher ikke nogle krypteringsnøgler*: Den valgte nøgle kan ikke anvendes til beskeddekrypteringen, da den sandsynligvis ikke er den korrekte nøgle
* *Ingen privat nøgle*: Intet certifikat er valgt eller intet certifikat var tilgængeligt i Android-nøglelageret
Er certifikatkæden forkert, kan alle certifikater vises med et tryk på den lille infoknap. Efter certifikatoplysninger fremgår udstederen eller "selfSign". Er certifikat er selvsigneret, når både emne og udsteder er identiske. Certifikater fra en certifikatmyndighed (CA) er mærket "[keyCertSign](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-". Certifikater i Android-nøglelageret er markeret "Android".
Bemærk, at en certifikatkæde altid er ugyldig, hvis intet ankercertifikat findes i Android-nøglelageret, hvilket er fundamentalt for S/MIME-certifikatbekræftelse.
Søges et gratis (test) S MIME-certifikat, tjek [hér](http://kb.mozillazine.org/Getting_an_SMIME_certificate) for muligheder. Husk [først at læse dette](https://davidroessli.com/logs/2019/09/free-smime-certificates-in-2019/#update20191219) ved anmodning om et S/MIME Actalis-certifikat. Søges et billigt S/MIME-certifikat, havde udvikleren en god oplevelse med [Certum](https://www.certum.eu/en/smime-certificates/).
Beskedsøgninger efter Afsender (fra), Modtager (til, kopi, bcc), Emne, nøgleord eller beskedtekst sker vha. forstørrelsesglasset i handlingslbjælken i en mappe. Der kan også søges fra enhver app ved at vælge *Søg e-mail * i popup-menuen kopiér/indsæt.
Søgning i den fælles indbakke udføres i alle mapper på alle konti, søgning i mappelisten udføres kun for den tilknyttede konto og søgning i en mappe udføres kun i dén mappe.
Beskedsøgning sker først på enheden. En handlingsknap med et Søg igen-ikon vises i nederst for at fortsætte søgningen på serveren. Der kan vælges, i hvilken mappe søgningen skal fortsætte.
Søgning i lokale beskeder er versal/minuskel ufølsom og på deltekst. Lokale beskedtekster gennemsøges kun, hvis selve beskedteksterne er blevet downloadet. Søgning på serveren kan være både versal/minuskel følsom eller ufølsom og kan, afhængigt af udbyderen, være på deltekst eller hele ord.
Det er muligt at bruge Gmail-søgeoperatører vha. søgekommandopræfikset *raw:*. Er kun én Gmail-konto opsat, kan en raw søgning ske direkte på serveren ved at søge fra den fælles indbakke. Er flere Gmail-konti opsat, skal man først gå til mappelisten eller arkivmappen (alle beskeder) for den Gmail-konto, der skal gennemsøges. [Tjek hér](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7190) ang. tilgængelige søgeoperatører. F.eks.:
Det betyder, at søgning efter en beskedtekst kræver, at filer indeholdende beskedteksterne skal åbnes én efter én for at tjekke, om den søgte tekst optræder i filen, hvilket er en relativt ressourcekrævende proces.
Under *Diverse indstillinger* kan *Byg søgeindeks* aktiveres for markant at øge søgehastigheden på enheden. Det vil dog samtidig øge både strøm- og lagerpladsforbrug. Søgeindekset er baseret på ord, så deltekstssøgning er ikke muligt. Søgning vha. søgeindekset er som standard OG (AND), så søgning efter f.eks. *æble appelsin* vil søge efter både æble OG appelsin. Ord adskilt med komma resulterer i en ELLER (OR) søgning, så f.eks. *æble, appelsin* vil søge efter enten æble ELLER appelsin. Begge kan kombineres, så søgning efter f.eks. *æble, appelsin banan* vil søge efter æble ELLER (appelsin OG banan). Brug af søgeindekset er en Pro-funktion.
Søgeudtryk kan benyttes ved søgning på enheden via søgeindekset samt ved søgning på e-mailserveren, men af ydelsesårsager ikke til søgning på enheden uden søgeindeks.
Anvendelse af en Outlook-, Live- eller Hotmail-konto med tofaktorgodkendelse aktiveret kræver oprettelse af en app-adgangskode. Tjek informationen [hér](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/12409/microsoft-account-app-passwords-two-step-verification).
Beskedhovede og -brødtekst hentes separat fra serveren. Brødteksten i større beskeder forudindlæses ikke på takserede forbindelser, men hentes efter behov, når en besked udfoldes. Beskedteksten vil fortsætte med at blive genindlæst ved manglende forbindelse til en konto. Tjek også næste spørgsmål, eller hvorvidt andre operationer, såsom beskedsynk, afvikles.
Man kan tjekke kontoen, dens mappeliste og mappetilstand (tjek forklaringen til betydningen af ikonerne) og operationslisten, tilgængelig via hovednavigeringsmenuen, for afventende operationer (tjek [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq3) for betydningen af operationerne).
Har FairEmail stoppet synk grundet forudgående konnektivitetsproblemer, så tjek [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq123). Synk kan også gennemtvinges via trepriksmenuen.
Visse Android-versioner stopper apps og tjenester for aggressivt. Tjek [dette dedikerede websted](https://dontkillmyapp.com/) samt [dette Android-problem](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/122098785) for yderligere information.
Ved gentagne forbindelsesfejl pauser FairEmail synk i stadigt længere intervaller for ikke at dræne enhedens batteri. Dette beskrives i [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq123).
Bemærk, at det kun er nødvendigt at købe visse bekvemmeligheds og avancerede funktioner, hvilket betyder, at FairEmail grundlæggende kan bruges gratis.
Bemærk også, at de fleste gratis apps ikke ser ud til at være bæredygtige i længden, hvorimod FairEmail vedligeholdes og understøttes korrekt, samt at gratis apps kan have faldgruber, såsom læk af fortrolige oplysninger.
Fungerer en købt Pro-funktion ikke som tilsigtet, og dette ikke skyldes et problem i de gratis funktioner, og kan jeg ikke løse problemet rettidigt, så gives der refusion. I alle øvrigee tilfælde er refusion ikke mulig. Under ingen omstændigheder er der mulighed for refusion for noget problem relateret til de gratis funktioner, da der ikke blev betalt noget for dem, og da de kan evalueres helt uden begrænsninger. Jeg tager som sælger ansvar for at levere dét, der er blevet lovet, og jeg forventer, at du tager ansvar for at informere dig om, hvad du reelt køber.
Android 8 Oreo og senere: Tjek [hér](https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/channels), hvordan notifikationskanaler opsættes. Man kan via knappen *Standard kanal* i appens notifikationsindstillinger gå direkte til de relaterede Android-notifikationskanalindstillinger.
Det er undertiden nødvendigt at deaktivere indstillingen *Vis beskedforhåndsvisning i notifikationer* eller at aktivere indstillingerne *Vis kun notifikationer med en forhåndsvisningstekst* for at omgå fejl i Android. Dette gælder muligvis også notifikationslyde og -vibrationer.
FairEmail forsøger automatisk at genforbinde efter en forsinkelse. Denne forsinkelse fordobles efter hvert fejlet forsøg for at hindre batteridræning samt permanent udlåsning.
Fejlen *... Godkendelse mislykkedes ...* eller *... GODKENDELSE mislykkedes ...* skyldes sandsynligvis forkert brugernavn/adgangskode. Nogle udbydere forventer som brugernavn blot *brugernavn* og andre den fulde e-mail *brugernavn@eksempel.dk*. Brug af kopiér/indsæt ved angivelse af brugernavn/adgangskode medtager muligvis usynlige tegn, hvilket også kan forårsage fejlen. Visse adgangskodehåndteringer er kendt for også at gøre dette forkert. Brugernavnet kan være minuskel/versal sensitivt, så prøv med kun minuskler. Adgangskoden er typisk minuskel/versal sensitiv. Nogle udbydere kræver brug af en app-adgangskode i stedet for kontoadgangskoden, tjek derfor leverandørdokumentationen. Det er nogle gange nødvendigt først at muliggøre ekstern adgang (IMAP/SMTP) på udbyderens websted. Andre mulige årsager er, at kontoen er blokeret, eller at indlogning er administrativt begrænset på en eller anden måde (log ind kun tilladt fra bestemte netværk/IP-adresser mv.).
Fejlen *... For mange fejlede auth-forsøg ... *betyder sandsynligvis brug af en Yahoo-kontoadgangskode i stedet for en app ditto. Tjek [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq88) vedr. opsætning af en Yahoo-konto.
Fejlene *... ugyldig hilsen ...*, *... kræver gyldig adresse ...* og *... Parameter til HELO overholder ikke RFC-syntaks ...* kan sandsynligvis løses ved at ændre den avancerede identitetsindstilling *Anvend lokal IP-adresse i stedet for værtsnavn*.
Fejlen *... Kunne ikke forbinde til vært...* betyder, at e-mailserveren ikke svarede inden for et rimeligt tidsrum (20 sek. som standard). Typisk indikerer dette Internetforbindelsesproblemer, muligvis forårsaget af et VPN eller en firewall-app. Ved er virkelig langsom e-mailserver kan der, via FairEmails forbindelsesindstillinger, forsøges med en øget forbindelsestimeout.
Fejlen *... Netværk utilgængeligt ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren ikke kunne nås via den aktuelle Internetforbindelse, f.eks. fordi Internettrafik er begrænset til alene lokal trafik.
Fejlen *... Vært er uopløst ...*, "*... Kan ikke opløse vært...* eller *... Ingen adresse tilknyttet værtsnavn ...* betyder, at adressen på e-mailserveren ikke kunne opløses til en IP-adresse. Dette kan skyldes et VPN, adblocking eller en utilgængelig/ikke korrekt fungerende (lokal) [DNS-server](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System).
Fejlen *... Softwareforårsaget forbindelsesafbrydelse ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren, eller noget mellem denne og FairEmail, aktivt afsluttede en eksisterende forbindelse. Dette kan f.eks. ske, hvis konnektiviteten mistes pludseligt. Et typisk eksempel er aktivering af Flytilstand.
Fejlene *... BYE, logger ud ...*, *... Forbindelse nulstillet ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren, eller noget mellem denne og appen, såsom en router eller firewall(-app), aktivt afsluttede en eksisterende forbindelsen.
Fejlen *... Forbindelse lukket af peer ...* kan forårsages af en ikke-opdateret Exchange-server, tjek [hér](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/pki/2010/09/30/sha2-and-windows/) for yderligere info.
Fejlene *... Læsefejl ...*, *... Skrivefejl ...*, *... Læsning fik timeout ...*, *... Ødelagt pipe ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren ikke længere svarer, eller at Internetforbindelsen er ringe.
Fejlen *... Forbindelse droppet af server? ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren uventet afsluttede forbindelsen. Dette sker af og til ved for mange forbindelser på for kort tid, eller ved brug af en forkert adgangskode for mange gange. Tjek i så fald at adgangskoden er korrekt, deaktivér modtagelse i modtagelsesindstillingerne i ca. 30 min. og forsøg igen. Om nødvendigt, tjek i [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq23), hvordan forbindelsesantallet kan reduceres.
Advarslen *... Uunderstøttet kodning ...* betyder, at et beskedtegnsæt er ukendt/uunderstøttet. FairEmail benytter generelt ISO-8859-1 (Latin1), hvilket i de fleste tilfælde vil resultere i korrekte beskedvisninger.
[Tjek hér](#user-content-faq4) for fejlene *... Ikke-betroet ... ikke i certifikat ...*, * ... Ugyldigt sikkerhedscertifikat (kan ikke bekræfte serveridentitet) ...* eller *... Betroet anker til certificeringssti ikke fundet ...*
Mange offentlige Wi-Fi netværk blokerer udgående e-mail for at forhindre spam. Dette kan somme tider omgås ved brug af en anden SMTP-port. Tjek leverandørdokumentationen ang. anvendelige portnumre.
Benyttes et [VPN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network), blokerer VPN-udbyderen muligvis forbindelsen ved for aggressivt forsøg på at forhindre spam. Bemærk, at [Google Fi](https://fi.google.com/) også benytter et VPN.
SMTP-servere kan [af forskellige årsager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SMTP_server_return_codes) afvise beskeder. For store beskeder samt udløsning af en e-mailservers spamfilter er de mest almindelige årsager.
* *554 5.7.1 ... ikke tilladt at videresende* betyder, at e-mailserveren ikke genkender brugernavnet/e-mailadressen. Dobbelttjek værtsnavn og brugernavn/e-mailadresse i identitetsindstillingerne.
* *550 Spam besked afvist, da IP er listet af ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren har afvist at afsende en besked fra den aktuelle (offentlige) netværksadresse, fordi den tidligere har være misbrugt til spamafsendelse. Prøv at aktivere flytilstand i 10 minutter for at få tildelt en ny netværksadresse.
* *550 Beklager, din e-mail kan ikke afsendes. Enten emnet, et link, eller en vedhæftet fil indeholder potentielt spam, eller phishing eller malware.* betyder, at e-mailudbyderen anser en udgående besked for skadelig.
* *571 5.7.1 Besked indeholder spam eller virus eller afsender er blokeret ...* betyder, at e-mailserveren betragtede en udgående besked som spam. Dette betyder sandsynligvis, at e-mailserverens spamfiltre er for strikse. Kontakt e-mailudbyderen for support vedr. dette.
Godkendelsen af Gmail-kontiopsætninger vha. hurtigguiden skal periodisk opfriskes via [Android-kontohåndteringen](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/accounts/AccountManager). Dette kræver kontakt-/kontotilladelser samt Internetforbindelse.
Fejlen *... Authentication failed ... network error ...* means that the Android account manager was not able to refresh the authorization of a Gmail account due to problems with the internet connection
The error *... Authentication failed ... Invalid credentials ...* could be caused by changing the account password or by having revoked the required account/contacts permissions. In case the account password was changed, you'll need to authenticate the Google account in the Android account settings again. In case the permissions were revoked, you can start the Gmail quick setup wizard to grant the required permissions again (you don't need to setup the account again).
The eror *... ServiceDisabled ...* might be caused by enrolling in the [Advanced Protection Program](https://landing.google.com/advancedprotection/): "*To read your email, you can (must) use Gmail - You won’t be able to use your Google Account with some (all) apps & services that require access to sensitive data like your emails*", see [here](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/7519408?hl=en&ref_topic=9264881).
When in doubt, you can ask for [support](#user-content-support).
An easy way to configure periodically checking for messages for all folders except the inbox is to use *Apply to all ...* in the three-dots menu of the folder list and to tick the bottom two advanced checkboxes.
The maximum number of simultaneous folder connections for Gmail is 15, so you can synchronize at most 15 folders simultaneously on *all* your devices at the same time. For this reason Gmail *user* folders are set to poll by default instead of synchronize always. When needed or desired, you can change this by long pressing a folder in the folder list and selecting *Edit properties*. See [here](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229) for details.
When using a Dovecot server, you might want to change the setting [mail_max_userip_connections](https://doc.dovecot.org/settings/dovecot_core_settings/#mail-max-userip-connections).
Note that it will take the email server a while to discover broken connections, for example due to going out of range of a network, which means that effectively only half of the folder connections are available. For Gmail this would be just 7 connections.
Browse messages on the server will fetch messages from the email server in real time when you reach the end of the list of synchronized messages, even when the folder is set to not synchronize. You can disable this feature in the advanced account settings.
When a menu item to select/open/save a file is disabled (dimmed) or when you get the message *Storage access framework not available*, the [storage access framework](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider), a standard Android component, is probably not present. This might be because your custom ROM does not include it or because it was actively removed (debloated).
FairEmail does not request storage permissions, so this framework is required to select files and folders. No app, except maybe file managers, targeting Android 4.4 KitKat or later should ask for storage permissions because it would allow access to *all* files.
The storage access framework is provided by the package *com.android.documentsui*, which is visible as *Files* app on some Android versions (notable OxygenOS).
If you would like your name or alias to be included in the list of contributors in *About* the app, please [contact me](https://contact.faircode.eu/?product=fairemailsupport).
Note that downloading external images from a remote server can be used to record you did see a message, which you likely don't want if the message is spam or malicious.
On Android 8.0 Oreo and later you can manage the properties of the individual notification channels, for example to set a specific notification sound or to show notifications on the lock screen.
See [here](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications#ManageChannels) for details on notification channels. In short: tap on the notification channel name to access the channel settings.
Just long press a folder, select *Edit properties*, and enable either *Show in unified inbox* or *Notify new messages* (available on Android 7 Nougat and later only) and tap *Save*.
Quick settings require Android 7.0 Nougat or later. The usage of settings tiles is explained [here](https://support.google.com/android/answer/9083864).
Identities are as expected matched by account. For incoming messages the *to*, *cc*, *bcc*, *from* and *(X-)delivered/envelope/original-to* addresses will be checked (in this order) and for outgoing messages (drafts, outbox and sent) only the *from* addresses will be checked. Equal addresses have precedence over partially matching addresses, except for *delivered-to* addresses.
Matching will be done only once on receiving a message, so changing the configuration will not change existing messages. You could clear local messages by long pressing a folder in the folder list and synchronize the messages again though.
It is possible to configure a [regex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) in the identity settings to match **the username** of an email address (the part before the @ sign).
If you like to match the special purpose email addresses abc@example.com and xyx@example.com and like to have a fallback email address main@example.com as well, you could do something like this:
Matched identities can be used to color code messages. The identity color takes precedence over the folder and account color. Setting identity colors is a pro feature.
Viewing remotely stored images (see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq27)) and opening links might not only tell the sender that you have seen the message, but will also leak your IP address. See also this question: [Why email's link is more dangerous than web search's link?](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/241139/why-emails-link-is-more-dangerous-than-web-searchs-link).
Opening attachments or viewing an original message might load remote content and execute scripts, that might not only cause privacy sensitive information to leak, but can also be a security risk.
Note that reformatted messages are often better readable than original messages because the margins are removed, and font colors and sizes are standardized.
The Gmail app shows images by default by downloading the images through a Google proxy server. Since the images are downloaded from the source server [in real-time](https://blog.filippo.io/how-the-new-gmail-image-proxy-works-and-what-this-means-for-you/), this is even less secure because Google is involved too without providing much benefit.
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
Recent Android versions by default report *app usage* as a percentage in the Android battery settings screen. **Confusingly, *app usage* is not the same as *battery usage* and is not even directly related to battery usage!** The app usage (while in use) will be very high because FairEmail is using a foreground service which is considered as constant app usage by Android. However, this doesn't mean that FairEmail is constantly using battery power. The real battery usage can be seen by navigating to this screen:
As a rule of thumb the battery usage should be below or in any case not be much higher than *Mobile network standby*. If this isn't the case, please turn on *Auto optimize* in the receive settings. If this doesn't help, please [ask for support](https://contact.faircode.eu/?product=fairemailsupport).
If you are comparing the battery usage of FairEmail with another email client, please make sure the other email client is setup similarly. For example comparing always sync (push messages) and (infrequent) periodic checking for new messages is not a fair comparison.
Reconnecting to an email server will use extra battery power, so an unstable internet connection will result in extra battery usage. Also, some email servers prematurely terminate idle connections, while [the standard](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2177) says that an idle connection should be kept open for 29 minutes. In these cases you might want to synchronize periodically, for example each hour, instead of continuously. Note that polling frequently (more than every 30-60 minutes) will likely use more battery power than synchronizing always because connecting to the server and comparing the local and remote messages are expensive operations.
[On some devices](https://dontkillmyapp.com/) it is necessary to *disable* battery optimizations (setup step 3) to keep connections to email servers open. In fact, leaving battery optimizations enabled can result in extra battery usage for all devices, even though this sounds contradictory!
Most of the battery usage, not considering viewing messages, is due to synchronization (receiving and sending) of messages. So, to reduce the battery usage, set the number of days to synchronize message for to a lower value, especially if there are a lot of recent messages in a folder. Long press a folder name in the folders list and select *Edit properties* to access this setting.
Note that you can set the number of days to *keep* messages for to a higher number than to *synchronize* messages for. You could for example initially synchronize messages for a large number of days and after this has been completed reduce the number of days to synchronize messages for, but leave the number of days to keep messages for. After decreasing the number of days to keep messages for, you might want to run the cleanup in the miscellaneous settings to remove old files.
In the receive settings you can enable to always synchronize starred messages, which will allow you to keep older messages around while synchronizing messages for a limited number of days.
Disabling the folder option *Automatically download message texts and attachments* will result in less network traffic and thus less battery usage. You could disable this option for example for the sent folder and the archive.
Synchronizing messages at night is mostly not useful, so you can save on battery usage by not synchronizing at night. In the settings you can select a schedule for message synchronization (this is a pro feature).
FairEmail will by default synchronize the folder list on each connection. Since folders are mostly not created, renamed and deleted very often, you can save some network and battery usage by disabling this in the receive settings.
FairEmail will by default check if old messages were deleted from the server on each connection. If you don't mind that old messages that were delete from the server are still visible in FairEmail, you can save some network and battery usage by disabling this in the receive settings.
Some providers don't follow the IMAP standard and don't keep connections open long enough, forcing FairEmail to reconnect often, causing extra battery usage. You can inspect the *Log* via the main navigation menu to check if there are frequent reconnects (connection closed/reset, read/write error/timeout, etc). You can workaround this by lowering the keep-alive interval in the advanced account settings to for example 9 or 15 minutes. Note that battery optimizations need to be disabled in setup step 3 to reliably keep connections alive.
Some providers send every two minutes something like '*Still here*' resulting in network traffic and your device to wake up and causing unnecessary extra battery usage. You can inspect the *Log* via the main navigation menu to check if your provider is doing this. If your provider is using [Dovecot](https://www.dovecot.org/) as IMAP server, you could ask your provider to change the [imap_idle_notify_interval](https://wiki.dovecot.org/Timeouts) setting to a higher value or better yet, to disable this. If your provider is not able or willing to change/disable this, you should consider to switch to periodically instead of continuous synchronization. You can change this in the receive settings.
If you got the message *This provider does not support push messages* while configuring an account, consider switching to a modern provider which supports push messages (IMAP IDLE) to reduce battery usage.
If your device has an [AMOLED](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMOLED) screen, you can save battery usage while viewing messages by switching to the black theme.
If auto optimize in the receive settings is enabled, an account will automatically be switched to periodically checking for new messages when the email server:
In addition, the trash and spam folders will be automatically set to checking for new messages after three successive [too many simultaneous connections](#user-content-faq23) errors.
If the connection to the email server is lost, FairEmail will always synchronize the messages again to make sure no messages were missed. If the connection is unstable, this can result in extra data usage. In this case, it is a good idea to decrease the number of days to synchronize messages for to a minimum (see the previous question) or to switch to periodically synchronizing of messages (receive settings).
By default FairEmail does not download message texts and attachments larger than 256 KiB when there is a metered (mobile or paid Wi-Fi) internet connection. You can change this in the connection settings.
The error '*Handshake failed ... WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER ...*' might mean that you are trying to connect to an IMAP or SMTP server without an encrypted connection, typically using port 143 (IMAP) and port 25 (SMTP), or that a wrong protocol (SSL/TLS or STARTTLS) is being used.
If your provider doesn't support encrypted connections, you should ask to make this possible. If this isn't an option, you could enable *Allow insecure connections* both in the advanced settings AND the account/identity settings.
The error '*Handshake failed ... SSLV3_ALERT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER ...*' is either caused by a bug in the SSL protocol implementation or by a too short DH key on the email server and can unfortunately not be fixed by FairEmail.
The error '*Handshake failed ... HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ON_CLIENT_HELLO ...*' might be caused by the provider still using RC4, which isn't supported since [Android 7](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html#tls-ssl) anymore.
The error '*Handshake failed ... UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL or TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION ...*' might be caused by enabling hardening connections in the connection settings or by Android not supporting older protocols anymore, like SSLv3.
Android 8 Oreo and later [do not support](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/oreo/android-8.0-changes#security-all) SSLv3 anymore. There is no way to workaround lacking RC4 and SSLv3 support because it has completely been removed from Android (which should say something).
You can use [this website](https://ssl-tools.net/mailservers) or [this website](https://www.immuniweb.com/ssl/) to check for SSL/TLS problems of email servers.
The EFF [writes](https://www.eff.org/nl/deeplinks/2018/06/announcing-starttls-everywhere-securing-hop-hop-email-delivery): "*Additionally, even if you configure STARTTLS perfectly and use a valid certificate, there’s still no guarantee your communication will be encrypted.*"
Show original, shows the original message as the sender has sent it, including original fonts, colors, margins, etc. FairEmail does and will not alter this in any way, except for requesting [TEXT_AUTOSIZING](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebSettings.LayoutAlgorithm), which will *attempt* to make small text more readable.
~~Contact photos and identicons are always shown for the sender because this is necessary for conversation threads.~~ ~~Getting contact photos for both the sender and receiver is not really an option because getting contact photo is an expensive operation.~~
You'll get the message *This key is not available. To use it, you must import it as one of your own!* when trying to decrypt a message with a public key. To fix this you'll need to import the private key.
If you see a 'spinner' at the top of the message list, the folder is still being synchronized with the remote server. You can see the progress of the synchronization in the folder list. See the legend about what the icons and numbers mean.
The speed of your device and internet connection and the number of days to synchronize messages for determine how long synchronization will take. Note that you shouldn't set the number of days to synchronize messages for to more than one day in most cases, see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq39).
You'll get the error message *No primary account or no drafts folder* when trying to compose a message while there is no account set to be the primary account or when there is no drafts folder selected for the primary account. This can happen for example when you start FairEmail to compose a message from another app. FairEmail needs to know where to store the draft, so you'll need to select one account to be the primary account and/or you'll need to select a drafts folder for the primary account.
This can also happen when you try to reply to a message or to forward a message from an account with no drafts folder while there is no primary account or when the primary account does not have a drafts folder.
~~You'll get the error message *No primary account or no archive folder* when searching for messages from another app. FairEmail needs to know where to search, so you'll need to select one account to be the primary account and/or you'll need to select a archive folder for the primary account.~~
You likely selected or sent an attachment or image with an outdated file manager or an outdated app which assumes all apps still have storage permissions. For security and privacy reasons modern apps like FairEmail have no full access to all files anymore. This can result into the error message *An outdated app sent a file path instead of a file stream* if a file name instead of a file stream is being shared with FairEmail because FairEmail cannot randomly open files.
You can fix this by switching to an up-to-date file manager or an app designed for recent Android versions. Alternatively, you can grant FairEmail read access to the storage space on your device in the Android app settings. Note that this workaround [won't work on Android Q](https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/scoped-storage) anymore.
See also [question 25](#user-content-faq25) and [what Google writes about it](https://developer.android.com/training/secure-file-sharing/share-file#RespondToRequest).
You can synchronize more or even all messages by long pressing a folder (inbox) in the folder list of an account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu) and selecting *Synchronize more* in the popup menu.
Folders are first sorted on account order (by default on account name) and within an account with special, system folders on top, followed by folders set to synchronize. Within each category the folders are sorted on (display) name. You can set the display name by long pressing a folder in the folder list and selecting *Edit properties*.
There is no reliable way to know if an account connection was terminated gracefully or forcefully. Trying to reconnect to an account while the account connection was terminated forcefully too often can result in problems like [too many simultaneous connections](#user-content-faq23) or even the account being blocked. To prevent such problems, FairEmail waits 90 seconds until trying to reconnect again.
The message action bar works on a single message and the bottom action bar works on all the messages in the conversation. Since there is often more than one message in a conversation, this is not possible. Moreover, there are quite some message specific actions, like forwarding.
Moving the message action bar to the bottom of the message is visually not appealing because there is already a conversation action bar at the bottom of the screen.
Note that there are not many, if any, email apps that display a conversation as a list of expandable messages. This has a lot of advantages, but the also causes the need for message specific actions.
You can use multiple select for this. Long press the first message, don't lift your finger and slide down to the last message. Then use the three dot action button to execute the desired action.
Note that if you switch back to the text editor that not all HTML might be rendered as-is because the Android text editor is not able to render all HTML. Similarly, if you use the text editor, the HTML might be altered in unexpected ways.
If you want to use preformatted text, like [ASCII art](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art), you should wrap the text in a *pre* element, like this:
For security reasons the files with the original message texts are not accessible to other apps, so this is not possible. In theory the [Storage Access Framework](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider) could be used to share these files, but even Google's Chrome cannot handle this.
* Did you know that starred messages can be synchronized/kept always? (this can be enabled in the receive settings)
* Did you know that you can long press the 'write message' icon to go to the drafts folder?
* Did you know there is an advanced option to mark messages read when they are moved? (archiving and trashing is also moving)
* Did you know that you can select text (or an email address) in any app on recent Android versions and let FairEmail search for it?
* Did you know that FairEmail has a tablet mode? Rotate your device in landscape mode and conversation threads will be opened in a second column if there is enough screen space.
* Did you know that you can long press a reply template to create a draft message from the template?
* Did you know that you can long press, hold and swipe to select a range of messages?
* Did you know that you can retry sending messages by using pull-down-to-refresh in the outbox?
* Did you know that you can swipe a conversation left or right to go to the next or previous conversation?
* Did you know that you can tap on an image to see where it will be downloaded from?
* Did you know that you can long press the folder icon in the action bar to select an account?
* Did you know that you can long press the star icon in a conversation thread to set a colored star?
* Did you know that you can open the navigation drawer by swiping from the left, even when viewing a conversation?
* Did you know that you can long press the people's icon to show/hide the CC/BCC fields and remember the visibility state for the next time?
* Did you know that you can insert the email addresses of an Android contact group via the three dots overflow menu?
* Did you know that if you select text and hit reply, only the selected text will be quoted?
* Did you know that you can long press the trash icons (both in the message and the bottom action bar) to permanently delete a message or conversation? (version 1.1368+)
* Did you know that you can long press the send action to show the send dialog, even if it was disabled?
* Did you know that you can long press the full screen icon to show the original message text only?
Messages shown dimmed (grayed) are locally moved messages for which the move is not confirmed by the server yet. This can happen when there is no connection to the server or the account (yet). These messages will be synchronized after a connection to the server and the account has been made or, if this never happens, will be deleted if they are too old to be synchronized.
SASL authentication methods, besides CRAM-MD5, are not supported because [JavaMail for Android](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/Android) does not support SASL authentication.
[Server Name Indication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication) is supported by [all supported Android versions](https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl).
Large inline or attached [PNG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics) and [JPEG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG) images will automatically be resized for displaying on screens. This is because email messages are limited in size, depending on the provider mostly between 10 and 50 MB. Images will by default be resized to a maximum width and height of about 1440 pixels and saved with a compression ratio of 90 %. Images are scaled down using whole number factors to reduce memory usage and to retain image quality. Automatically resizing of inline and/or attached images and the maximum target image size can be configured in the send settings.
If you want to resize images on a case-by-case basis, you can use [Send Reduced](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/mobi.omegacentauri.SendReduced/) or a similar app.
~~The most natural thing to do when swiping a list entry left or right is to remove the entry from the list.~~ ~~The most natural action in the context of an email app is moving the message out of the folder to another folder.~~~~You can select the folder to move to in the account settings.~~
~~Other actions, like marking messages read and snoozing messages are available via multiple selection.~~ ~~You can long press a message to start multiple selection. See also [this question](#user-content-faq55).~~
~~Swiping left or right to mark a message read or unread is unnatural because the message first goes away and later comes back in a different shape.~~ ~~Note that there is an advanced option to mark messages automatically read on moving,~~~~which is in most cases a perfect replacement for the sequence mark read and move to some folder.~~~~You can also mark messages read from new message notifications.~~
Inline (image) attachments are shown dimmed. [Inline attachments](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2183) are supposed to be downloaded and shown automatically, but since FairEmail doesn't always download attachments automatically, see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq40), FairEmail shows all attachment types. To distinguish inline and regular attachments, inline attachments are shown dimmed.
The price of the few pro features is too low, lower than the price of most similar apps, and there are [too many fees and taxes](#user-content-faq19), to justify making FairEmail available in the [Google Play Family Library](https://support.google.com/googleone/answer/7007852). Note that Google promotes the Family libray, but lets developers pay for it.
Multiple select one of more conversations (long press to start multiple selecting), tap the three dot button and select *Snooze ...*. Alternatively, in the expanded message view use *Snooze ...* in the message three-dots 'more' menu or the timelapse action in the bottom action bar. Select the time the conversation(s) should snooze and confirm by tapping OK. The conversations will be hidden for the selected time and shown again afterwards. You will receive a new message notification as reminder.
~~Adobe Acrobat reader and Microsoft apps still expects full access to all stored files,~~ ~~while apps should use the [Storage Access Framework](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider) since Android KitKat (2013)~~~~to have access to actively shared files only. This is for privacy and security reasons.~~
~~You can workaround this by saving the attachment and opening it from the Adobe Acrobat reader / Microsoft app,~~ ~~but you are advised to install an up-to-date and preferably open source PDF reader / document viewer,~~~~for example one listed [here](https://github.com/offa/android-foss#-document--pdf-viewer).~~
The message list is automatically scrolled up when navigating from a new message notification or after a manual refresh. Always automatically scrolling up on arrival of new messages would interfere with your own scrolling, but if you like you can enable this in the settings.
There is one exception: the message was not downloaded yet and the message is too large to download automatically on a metered (mobile) connection. You can set or disable the maximum message size on the 'connection' settings tab.
New rules will be applied to new messages received in the folder, not to existing messages. You can check the rule and apply the rule to existing messages or, alternatively, long press the rule in the rule list and select *Execute now*.
All the conditions of a rule need to be true for the rule action to be executed. All conditions are optional, but there needs to be at least one condition, to prevent matching all messages. If you want to match all senders or all recipients, you can just use the @ character as condition because all email addresses will contain this character.
Matching is not case sensitive, unless you use [regular expressions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression). Please see [here](https://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/regex/Pattern) for the documentation of Java regular expressions. You can test a regex [here](https://regexr.com/).
Note that [dot all mode](https://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/regex/Pattern#DOTALL) is enabled to be able to match [unfolded headers](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.2.3).
Rules are applied directly after the message header has been fetched, but before the message text has been downloaded, so it is not possible to apply conditions to the message text. Note that large message texts are downloaded on demand on a metered connection to save on data usage.
If you want to forward a message, consider to use the move action instead. This will be more reliable than forwarding as well because forwarded messages might be considered as spam.
Since message headers are not downloaded and stored by default to save on battery and data usage and to save storage space it is not possible to preview which messages would match a header rule condition.
Moving messages across accounts is safe because the raw, original messages will be downloaded and moved and because the source messages will be deleted only after the target messages have been added
Batch moving messages across accounts is efficient if both the source folder and target folder are set to synchronize, else FairEmail needs to connect to the folder(s) for each message.
Some providers, notably Gmail, list all messages in all folders, except trashed messages, in the archive (all messages) folder too. FairEmail shows all these messages in a non obtrusive way to indicate that these messages are in fact the same message.
Gmail allows one message to have multiple labels, which are presented to FairEmail as folders. This means that messages with multiple labels will be shown multiple times as well.
The folder menu *Clear local messages* removes messages from the device which are present on the server too. It does not delete messages from the server. This can be useful after changing the folder settings to not download the message content (text and attachments), for example to save space.
Depending on the speed of your device (processor speed and maybe even more memory speed) messages might be displayed with a small delay. FairEmail is designed to dynamically handle a large number of messages without running out of memory. This means that messages needs to be read from a database and that this database needs to be watched for changes, both of which might cause small delays.
Some convenience features, like grouping messages to display conversation threads and determining the previous/next message, take a little extra time. Note that there is no *the* next message because in the meantime a new message might have been arrived.
When comparing the speed of FairEmail with similar apps this should be part of the comparison. It is easy to write a similar, faster app which just displays a lineair list of messages while possible using too much memory, but it is not so easy to properly manage resource usage and to offer more advanced features like conversation threading.
FairEmail is based on the state-of-the-art [Android architecture components](https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/), so there is little room for performance improvements.
In the receive settings you can enable scheduling and set a time period and the days of the week *when* messages should be *received*. Note that an end time equal to or earlier than the start time is considered to be 24 hours later.
Automation, see below, can be used for more advanced schedules, like for example multiple synchronization periods per day or different synchronization periods for different days.
It is possible to install FairEmail in multiple user profiles, for example a personal and a work profile, and to configure FairEmail differently in each profile, which is another possibility to have different synchronization schedules and to synchronize a different set of accounts.
It is also possible to create [filter rules](#user-content-faq71) with a time condition and to snooze messages until the end time of the time condition. This way it is possible to *snooze* business related messages until the start of the business hours. This also means that the messages will be on your device for when there is (temporarily) no internet connection.
Note that recent Android versions allow overriding DND (Do Not Disturb) per notification channel and per app, which could be used to (not) silence specific (business) notifications. Please [see here](https://support.google.com/android/answer/9069335) for more information.
Normally, FairEmail maintains a connection to the configured email servers whenever possible to receive messages in real-time. If you don't want this, for example to be not disturbed or to save on battery usage, just disable receiving in the receive settings. This will stop the background service which takes care of automatic synchronization and will remove the associated status bar notification.
~~The error message *Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE* is caused by bugs in the email server,~~ ~~see [here](https://javaee.github.io/javamail/FAQ#imapserverbug) for more details.~~
~~The original message is shown as the sender has sent it, including all colors.~~ ~~Changing the background color would not only make the original view not original anymore, it can also result in unreadable messages.~~
Please see [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_beacon) about what a tracking image exactly is. In short tracking images keep track if you opened a message.
Another use is to generate [shortcuts](#user-content-faq31) on recent Android versions to quickly send a message to frequently contacted people. This is also why the number of times contacted and the last time contacted is being recorded and why you can make a contact a favorite or exclude it from favorites by long pressing it.
The error message *invalid credentials* means either that the user name and/or password is incorrect, for example because the password was changed or expired, or that the account authorization has expired.
If the account authorization has expired, you will have to select the account again. You will likely need to save the associated identity again as well.
The preferred way to set up a Yahoo account is by using the quick setup wizard, which will use OAuth instead of a password and is therefore safer (and easier as well).
By default FairEmail sends each message both as plain text and as HTML formatted text because almost every receiver expects formatted messages these days. If you want/need to send plain text messages only, you can enable this in the advanced identity options. You might want to create a new identity for this if you want/need to select sending plain text messages on a case-by-case basis.
FairEmail will automatically link not linked web links (http and https) and not linked email addresses (mailto) for your convenience. However, texts and links are not easily distinguished, especially not with lots of [top level domains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains) being words. This is why texts with dots are sometimes incorrectly recognized as links, which is better than not recognizing some links.
Links for the tel, geo, rtsp and xmpp protocols will be recognized too, but links for less usual or less safe protocols like telnet and ftp will not be recognized. The regex to recognize links is already *very* complex and adding more protocols will make it only slower and possibly cause errors.
~~Synchronizing messages is an expensive proces because the local and remote messages need to be compared,~~ ~~so periodically synchronizing messages will not result in saving battery power, more likely the contrary.~~
Spam filtering, verification of the [DKIM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DomainKeys_Identified_Mail) signature and [SPF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework) authorization is a task of email servers, not of an email client. Servers generally have more memory and computing power, so they are much better suited to this task than battery-powered devices. Also, you'll want spam filtered for all your email clients, possibly including web email, not just one email client. Moreover, email servers have access to information, like the IP address, etc of the connecting server, which an email client has no access to.
Spam filtering based on message headers might have been feasible, but unfortunately this technique is [patented by Microsoft](https://patents.google.com/patent/US7543076).
Recent versions of FairEmail can filter spam to a certain extend using a message classifier. Please see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq163) for more information about this.
Of course you can report messages as spam with FairEmail, which will move the reported messages to the spam folder and train the spam filter of the provider, which is how it is supposed to work. This can be done automatically with [filter rules](#user-content-faq71) too. Blocking the sender will create a filter rule to automatically move future messages of the same sender into the spam folder.
Note that you should not delete spam messages, also not from the spam folder, because the email server uses the messages in the spam folder to "learn" what spam messages are.
Also, FairEmail can show a small red warning flag when DKIM, SPF or [DMARC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMARC) authentication failed on the receiving server. You can enable/disable [authentication verification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_authentication) in the display settings.
FairEmail can show a warning flag too if the domain name of the (reply) email address of the sender does not define an MX record pointing to an email server. This can be enabled in the receive settings. Be aware that this will slow down synchronization of messages significantly.
If legitimate messages are failing authentication, you should notify the sender because this will result in a high risk of messages ending up in the spam folder. Moreover, without proper authentication there is a risk the sender will be impersonated. The sender might use [this tool](https://www.mail-tester.com/) to check authentication and other things.
FairEmail uses services and alarms, provides widgets and listens for the boot completed event to be started on device start, so it is not possible to store the app on external storage media, like an sdcard. See also [here](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/install-location).
Messages, attachments, etc stored on external storage media, like an sdcard, can be accessed by other apps and is therefore not safe. See [here](https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage) for the details.
If you need to save on storage space, you can limit the number of days messages are being synchronized and kept for. You can change these settings by long pressing a folder in the folder list and selecting *Edit properties*.
**(94) What does the red/orange stripe at the end of the header mean?**
The red/orange stripe at the left side of the header means that the DKIM, SPF or DMARC authentication failed. See also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq92).
**(95) Why are not all apps shown when selecting an attachment or image?**
For privacy and security reasons FairEmail does not have permissions to directly access files, instead the Storage Access Framework, available and recommended since Android 4.4 KitKat (released in 2013), is used to select files.
If an app is listed depends on if the app implements a [document provider](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/document-provider). If the app is not listed, you might need to ask the developer of the app to add support for the Storage Access Framework.
Android Q will make it harder and maybe even impossible to directly access files, see [here](https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/scoped-storage) and [here](https://www.xda-developers.com/android-q-storage-access-framework-scoped-storage/) for more details.
**(96) Where can I find the IMAP and SMTP settings?**
The IMAP settings are part of the (custom) account settings and the SMTP settings are part of the identity settings.
After revoking contacts permissions Android does not allow FairEmail access to your contacts anymore. However, picking contacts is delegated to and done by Android and not by FairEmail, so this will still be possible without contacts permissions.
**(99) Can you add a rich text or markdown editor?**
FairEmail provides common text formatting (bold, italic, underline, text size and color) via a toolbar that appears after selecting some text.
A [Rich text](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formatted_text) or [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) editor would not be used by many people on a small mobile device and, more important, Android doesn't support a rich text editor and most rich text editor open source projects are abandoned. See [here](https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=79061829&postcount=4919) for some more details about this.
**(100) How can I synchronize Gmail categories?**
You can synchronize Gmail categories by creating filters to label categorized messages:
* Create a new filter via Gmail > Settings (wheel) > Filters and Blocked Addresses > Create a new filter
* Enter a category search (see below) in the *Has the words* field and click *Create filter*
* Check *Apply the label* and select a label and click *Create filter*
You can use *Force sync* in the three-dots menu of the unified inbox to let FairEmail synchronize the folder list again and you can long press the folders to enable synchronization.
The dot shows the relative position of the conversation in the message list. The dot will be show orange when the conversation is the first or last in the message list, else it will be blue. The dot is meant as an aid when swiping left/right to go to the previous/next conversation.
Images will automatically be rotated when automatic resizing of images is enabled in the settings (enabled by default). However, automatic rotating depends on the [Exif](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exif) information to be present and to be correct, which is not always the case. Particularly not when taking a photo with a camara app from FairEmail.
Note that only [JPEG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG) and [PNG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics) images can contain Exif information.
**(104) What do I need to know about error reporting?**
* Error reports will help improve FairEmail
* Error reporting is optional and opt-in
* Error reporting can be enabled/disabled in the settings, section miscellaneous
* Error reports will automatically be sent anonymously to [Bugsnag](https://www.bugsnag.com/)
* Bugsnag for Android is [open source](https://github.com/bugsnag/bugsnag-android)
* See [here](https://docs.bugsnag.com/platforms/android/automatically-captured-data/) about what data will be sent in case of errors
* See [here](https://docs.bugsnag.com/legal/privacy-policy/) for the privacy policy of Bugsnag
* Error reports will be sent to *sessions.bugsnag.com:443* and *notify.bugsnag.com:443*
**(105) How does the roam-like-at-home option work?**
FairEmail will check if the country code of the SIM card and the country code of the network are in the [EU roam-like-at-home countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_roaming_regulations#Territorial_extent) and assumes no roaming if the country codes are equal and the advanced roam-like-at-home option is enabled.
So, you don't have to disable this option if you don't have an EU SIM or are not connected to an EU network.
**(106) Which launchers can show a badge count with the number of unread messages?**
Please [see here](https://github.com/leolin310148/ShortcutBadger#supported-launchers) for a list of launchers which can show the number of unread messages.
Note that the notification setting *Show launcher icon with number of new messages* needs to be enabled (default enabled).
Only *new* unread messages in folders set to show new message notifications will be counted, so messages marked unread again and messages in folders set to not show new message notification will not be counted.
Depending on what you want, the notification settings *Let the number of new messages match the number of notifications* needs to be enabled or disabled.
This feature depends on support of your launcher. FairEmail merely 'broadcasts' the number of unread messages using the ShortcutBadger library. If it doesn't work, this cannot be fixed by changes in FairEmail.
Some launchers display '1' for [the monitoring notification](#user-content-faq2), despite FairEmail explicitly requesting not to show a badge for this notification. This could be caused by a bug in the launcher app or in your Android version. Please double check if the notification dot is disabled for the receive (service) notification channel. You can go to the right notification channel settings via the notification settings of FairEmail. This might not be obvious, but you can tap on the channel name for more settings.
You can set a colored star via the *more* message menu, via multiple selection (started by long pressing a message), by long pressing a star in a conversation or automatically by using [rules](#user-content-faq71).
You need to know that colored stars are not supported by the IMAP protocol and can therefore not be synchronized to an email server. This means that colored stars will not be visible in other email clients and will be lost on downloading messages again. However, the stars (without color) will be synchronized and will be visible in other email clients, when supported.
Some email clients use IMAP keywords for colors. However, not all servers support IMAP keywords and besides that there are no standard keywords for colors.
~~When you delete messages from a folder the messages will be moved to the trash folder, so you have a chance to restore the messages.~~ ~~You can permanently delete messages from the trash folder.~~~~Permanently delete messages from other folders would defeat the purpose of the trash folder, so this will not be added.~~
**~~(109) Why is 'select account' available in official versions only?~~**
~~Using *select account* to select and authorize Google accounts require special permission from Google for security and privacy reasons.~~ ~~This special permission can only be acquired for apps a developer manages and is responsible for.~~~~Third party builds, like the F-Droid builds, are managed by third parties and are the responsibility of these third parties.~~~~So, only these third parties can acquire the required permission from Google.~~~~Since these third parties do not actually support FairEmail, they are most likely not going to request the required permission.~~
~~You can solve this in two ways:~~
* ~~Switch to the official version of FairEmail, see [here](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/README.md#downloads) for the options~~
* ~~Use app specific passwords, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq6)~~
~~Using *select account* in third party builds is not possible in recent versions anymore.~~ ~~In older versions this was possible, but it will now result in the error *UNREGISTERED_ON_API_CONSOLE*.~~
**(110) Why are (some) messages empty and/or attachments corrupt?**
Empty messages and/or corrupt attachments are probably being caused by a bug in the server software. Older Microsoft Exchange software is known to cause this problem. Mostly you can workaround this by disabling *Partial fetch* in the advanced account settings:
After disabling this setting, you can use the message 'more' (three dots) menu to 'resync' empty messages. Alternatively, you can *Delete local messages* by long pressing the folder(s) in the folder list and synchronize all messages again.
OAuth for Gmail is supported via the quick setup wizard. The Android account manager will be used to fetch and refresh OAuth tokens for selected on-device accounts. OAuth for non on-device accounts is not supported because Google requires a [yearly security audit](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/9110914) ($15,000 to $75,000) for this. You can read more about this [here](https://www.theregister.com/2019/02/11/google_gmail_developer/).
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Some providers, like ProtonMail, Tutanota, use proprietary email protocols, which make it impossible to use third party email apps. Please see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
If your device has a biometric sensor, for example a fingerprint sensor, you can enable/disable biometric authentication in the navigation (hamburger) menu of the settings screen. When enabled FairEmail will require biometric authentication after a period of inactivity or after the screen has been turned off while FairEmail was running. Activity is navigation within FairEmail, for example opening a conversation thread. The inactivity period duration can be configured in the miscellaneous settings. When biometric authentication is enabled new message notifications will not show any content and FairEmail won't be visible on the Android recents screen.
Biometric authentication is meant to prevent others from seeing your messages only. FairEmail relies on device encryption for data encryption, see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq37).
The format of the settings files of most other email apps is not documented, so this is difficult. Sometimes it is possible to reverse engineer the format, but as soon as the settings format changes things will break. Also, settings are often incompatible. For example, FairEmail has unlike most other email apps settings for the number of days to synchronize messages for and for the number of days to keep messages for, mainly to save on battery usage. Moreover, setting up an account/identity with the quick setup wizard is simple, so it is not really worth the effort.
Email address [chips](https://material.io/design/components/chips.html) look nice, but cannot be edited, which is quite inconvenient when you made a typo in an email address.
Note that FairEmail will select the address only when long pressing an address, which makes it easy to delete an address.
Chips are not suitable for showing in a list and since the message header in a list should look similar to the message header of the message view it is not an option to use chips for viewing messages.
**~~(116) How can I show images in messages from trusted senders by default?~~**
~~You can show images in messages from trusted senders by default by enabled the display setting *Automatically show images for known contacts*.~~
~~Contacts in the Android contacts list are considered to be known and trusted,~~ ~~unless the contact is in the group / has the label '*Untrusted*' (case insensitive).~~
You can also try to clear the cache of the Play store app via the Android apps settings. Restarting the device might be necessary to let the Play store recognize the purchase correctly.
* If you get *ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED*, the Play store app probably needs to be updated, please [see here](https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1050566?hl=en)
* Purchases are stored in the Google cloud and cannot get lost
* There is no time limit on purchases, so they cannot expire
* Google does not expose details (name, e-mail, etc) about buyers to developers
* An app like FairEmail cannot select which Google account to use
* It may take a while until the Play store app has synchronized a purchase to another device
* Play Store purchases cannot be used without the Play Store, which is also not allowed by Play Store rules
If you cannot solve the problem with the purchase, you will have to contact Google about it.
**(118) What does 'Remove tracking parameters' exactly?**
Checking *Remove tracking parameters* will remove all [UTM parameters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTM_parameters) from a link.
**~~(119) Can you add colors to the unified inbox widget?~~**
~~The widget is designed to look good on most home/launcher screens by making it monochrome and by using a half transparent background.~~ ~~This way the widget will nicely blend in, while still being properly readable.~~
~~Adding colors will cause problems with some backgrounds and will cause readability problems, which is why this won't be added.~~
New message notifications will be removed on swiping notifications away or on marking the associated messages read. Opening the app will not remove new message notifications. This gives you a choice to leave new message notifications as a reminder that there are still unread messages.
On Android 7 Nougat and later new message notifications will be [grouped](https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/group). Tapping on the summary notification will open the unified inbox. The summary notification can be expanded to view individual new message notifications. Tapping on an individual new message notification will open the conversation the message it is part of. See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq70) about when messages in a conversation will be auto expanded and marked read.
FairEmail groups messages based on the standard *Message-ID*, *In-Reply-To* and *References* headers. FairEmail does not group on other criteria, like the subject, because this could result in grouping unrelated messages and would be at the expense of increased battery usage.
**~~(122) Why is the recipient name/email address show with a warning color?~~**
~~The recipient name and/or email address in the addresses section will be shown in a warning color~~ ~~when the sender domain name and the domain name of the *to* address do not match.~~~~Mostly this indicates that the message was received *via* an account with another email address.~~
**(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?**
If FairEmail cannot connect to an email server to synchronize messages, for example if the internet connection is bad or a firewall or a VPN is blocking the connection, FairEmail will retry two times after waiting 4 and 8 seconds while keeping the device awake (=use battery power). If this fails, FairEmail will schedule an alarm to retry after 15, 30 and eventually every 60 minutes and let the device sleep (=no battery usage).
Note that [Android doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) does not allow to wake the device earlier than after 15 minutes.
Sending messages will be retried on connectivity changes only (reconnecting to the same network or connecting to another network) to prevent the email server from blocking the connection permanently. You can pull down the outbox to retry manually.
Note that sending will not be retried in case of authentication problems and when the server rejected the message. In this case you can pull down the outbox to try again.
**(124) Why do I get 'Message too large or too complex to display'?**
The message *Message too large or too complex to display* will be shown if there are more than 100,000 characters or more than 500 links in a message. Reformatting and displaying such messages will take too long. You can try to use the original message view, powered by the browser, instead.
**(125) What are the current experimental features?**
Send a [Delivery Status Notification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3464) (=hard bounce) via the reply/answer menu.
Hard bounces will mostly be processed automatically because they affect the reputation of the email provider. The bounce address (=*Return-Path* header) is mostly very specific, so the email server can determine the sending account.
**(126) Can message previews be sent to my wearable?**
FairEmail fetches a message in two steps:
1. Fetch message headers
1. Fetch message text and attachments
Directly after the first step new messages will be notified. However, only until after the second step the message text will be available. FairEmail updates exiting notifications with a preview of the message text, but unfortunately wearable notifications cannot be updated.
Since there is no guarantee that a message text will always be fetched directly after a message header, it is not possible to guarantee that a new message notification with a preview text will always be sent to a wearable.
If you think this is good enough, you can enable the notification option *Only send notifications with a message preview to wearables* and if this does not work, you can try to enable the notification option *Show notifications with a preview text only*. Note that this applies to wearables not showing a preview text too, even when the Android Wear app says the notification has been sent (bridged).
If you want to have the full message text sent to your wearable, you can enable the notification option *Preview all text*. Note that some wearables are known to crash with this option enabled.
If you use a Samsung wearable with the Galaxy Wearable (Samsung Gear) app, you might need to enable notifications for FairEmail when the setting *Notifications*, *Apps installed in the future* is turned off in this app.
**(127) How can I fix 'Syntactically invalid HELO argument(s)'?**
The error *... Syntactically invalid HELO argument(s) ...* means that the SMTP server rejected the local IP address or host name. You can likely fix this error by enabling or disabling the advanced indentity option *Use local IP address instead of host name*.
**(128) How can I reset asked questions, for example to show images?**
ProtonMail uses a proprietary email protocol and [does not directly support IMAP](https://protonmail.com/support/knowledge-base/imap-smtp-and-pop3-setup/), so you cannot use FairEmail to access ProtonMail.
Tutanota uses a proprietary email protocol and [does not support IMAP](https://tutanota.com/faq/#imap), so you cannot use FairEmail to access Tutanota.
**(130) What does message error ... mean?**
A series of lines with orangish or red texts with technical information means that debug mode was enabled in the miscellaneous settings.
The warning *No server found at ...* means that there was no email server registered at the indicated domain name. Replying to the message might not be possible and might result in an error. This could indicate a falsified email address and/or spam.
The error *... ParseException ...* means that there is a problem with a received message, likely caused by a bug in the sending software. FairEmail will workaround this is in most cases, so this message can mostly be considered as a warning instead of an error.
The error *...SendFailedException...* means that there was a problem while sending a message. The error will almost always include a reason. Common reasons are that the message was too big or that one or more recipient addresses were invalid.
The warning *Message too large to fit into the available memory* means that the message was larger than 10 MiB. Even if your device has plenty of storage space Android provides limited working memory to apps, which limits the size of messages that can be handled.
Please see [here](#user-content-faq22) for other error messages in the outbox.
**(131) Can you change the direction for swiping to previous/next message?**
If you read from left to right, swiping to the left will show the next message. Similarly, if you read from right to left, swiping to the right will show the next message.
This behavior seems quite natural to me, also because it is similar to turning pages.
Anyway, there is a behavior setting to reverse the swipe direction.
**(132) Why are new message notifications silent?**
Notifications are silent by default on some MIUI versions. Please see [here](http://en.miui.com/thread-3930694-1-1.html) how you can fix this.
There is a bug in some Android versions causing [setOnlyAlertOnce](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Notification.Builder#setOnlyAlertOnce(boolean)) to mute notifications. Since FairEmail shows new message notifications right after fetching the message headers and FairEmail needs to update new message notifications after fetching the message text later, this cannot be fixed or worked around by FairEmail.
Android might rate limit the notification sound, which can cause some new message notifications to be silent.
**(133) Why is ActiveSync not supported?**
The Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync protocol [is patented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_ActiveSync#Licensing) and can therefore not be supported. For this reason you won't find many, if any, other email clients supporting ActiveSync.
The Microsoft Exchange Web Services protocol [is being phased out](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Exchange-Team-Blog/Upcoming-changes-to-Exchange-Web-Services-EWS-API-for-Office-365/ba-p/608055).
Note that the desciption of FairEmail starts with the remark that non-standard protocols, like Microsoft Exchange Web Services and Microsoft ActiveSync are not supported.
Since the IMAP protocol is meant to synchronize two ways, deleting a message from the device would result in fetching the message again when synchronizing again.
However, FairEmail supports hiding messages, either via the three-dots menu in the action bar just above the message text or by multiple selecting messages in the message list. Basically this is the same as "leave on server" of the POP3 protocol with the advantage that you can show the messages again when needed.
**(135) Why are trashed messages and drafts shown in conversations?**
Individual messages will rarely be trashed and mostly this happens by accident. Showing trashed messages in conversations makes it easier to find them back.
You can permanently delete a message using the message three-dots *delete* menu, which will remove the message from the conversation. Note that this irreversible.
Similarly, drafts are shown in conversations to find them back in the context where they belong. It is easy to read through the received messages before continuing to write the draft later.
**(136) How can I delete an account/identity/folder?**
Deleting an account/identity/folder is a little bit hidden to prevent accidents.
Calendar and contact management can better be done by a separate, specialized app. Note that FairEmail is a specialized email app, not an office suite.
Also, I prefer to do a few things very well, instead of many things only half. Moreover, from a security perspective, it is not a good idea to grant many permissions to a single app.
You are advised to use the excellent, open source [DAVx⁵](https://f-droid.org/packages/at.bitfire.davdroid/) app to synchronize/manage your calendars/contacts.
Most providers support exporting your contacts. Please [see here](https://support.google.com/contacts/answer/1069522) about how you can import contacts if synchronizing is not possible.
Note that FairEmail does support replying to calendar invites (a pro feature) and adding calendar invites to your personal calendar.
**(139) How do I fix 'User is authenticated but not connected'?**
In fact this Microsoft Exchange specific error is an incorrect error message caused by a bug in older Exchange server software.
The error *User is authenticated but not connected* might occur if:
**(140) Why does the message text contain strange characters?**
Displaying strange characters is almost always caused by specifying no or an invalid character encoding by the sending software. FairEmail will assume [ISO 8859-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1) when no character set or when [US-ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII) was specified. Other than that there is no way to reliably determine the correct character encoding automatically, so this cannot be fixed by FairEmail. The right action is to complain to the sender.
**(141) How can I fix 'A drafts folder is required to send messages'?**
To store draft messages a drafts folder is required. In most cases FairEmail will automatically select the drafts folders on adding an account based on [the attributes](https://www.iana.org/assignments/imap-mailbox-name-attributes/imap-mailbox-name-attributes.xhtml) the email server sends. However, some email servers are not configured properly and do not send these attributes. In this case FairEmail tries to identify the drafts folder by name, but this might fail if the drafts folder has an unusual name or is not present at all.
You can fix this problem by manually selecting the drafts folder in the account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup and more options, tap Accounts, tap account, at the bottom). If there is no drafts folder at all, you can create a drafts folder by tapping on the '+' button in the folder list of the account (tap on the account name in the navigation menu).
Some providers, like Gmail, allow enabling/disabling IMAP for individual folders. So, if a folder is not visible, you might need to enable IMAP for the folder.
Quick link for Gmail: [https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/labels](https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/labels)
**(142) How can I store sent messages in the inbox?**
Generally, it is not a good idea to store sent messages in the inbox because this is hard to undo and could be incompatible with other email clients.
That said, FairEmail is able to properly handle sent messages in the inbox. FairEmail will mark outgoing messages with a sent messages icon for example.
The best solution would be to enable showing the sent folder in the unified inbox by long pressing the sent folder in the folder list and enabling *Show in unified inbox*. This way all messages can stay where they belong, while allowing to see both incoming and outgoing messages at one place.
If this is not an option, you can [create a rule](#user-content-faq71) to automatically move sent messages to the inbox or set a default CC/BCC address in the advanced identity settings to send yourself a copy.
**~~(143) Can you add a trash folder for POP3 accounts?~~**
[POP3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_Office_Protocol) is a very limited protocol. Basically only messages can be downloaded and deleted from the inbox. It is not even possible to mark a message read.
Since POP3 does not allow access to the trash folder at all, there is no way to restore trashed messages.
Note that you can hide messages and search for hidden messages, which is similar to a local trash folder, without suggesting that trashed messages can be restored, while this is actually not possible.
Version 1.1082 added a local trash folder. Note that trashing a message will permanently remove it from the server and that trashed messages cannot be restored to the server anymore.
**(144) How can I record voice notes?**
To record voice notes you can press this icon in the bottom action bar of the message composer:
This requires a compatible audio recorder app to be installed. In particular [this common intent](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.Audio.Media.html#RECORD_SOUND_ACTION) needs to be supported.
For example [this audio recorder](https://f-droid.org/app/com.github.axet.audiorecorder) is compatible.
Voice notes will automatically be attached.
**(145) How can I set a notification sound for an account, folder or sender?**
* Enable *Separate notifications* in the advanced account settings (Settings, tap Manual setup and more options, tap Accounts, tap account, tap Advanced)
* Long press the account in the account list (Settings, tap Manual setup and more options, tap Accounts) and select *Edit notification channel* to change the notification sound
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Settings, tap Manual setup and more options, tap Accounts, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
**(147) What should I know about third party versions?**
You likely came here because you are using a third party build of FairEmail.
There is **only support** on the latest Play store version, the latest GitHub release and the F-Droid build, but **only if** the version number of the F-Droid build is the same as the version number of the latest GitHub release.
The F-Droid version is built from the same source code, but signed differently. This means that all features are available in the F-Droid version too, except for using the Gmail quick setup wizard because Google approved (and allows) one app signature only. For all other email providers, OAuth access is only available in Play Store versions and Github releases, as the email providers only permit the use of OAuth for official builds.
Note that you'll need to uninstall the F-Droid build first before you can install a GitHub release because Android refuses to install the same app with a different signature for security reasons.
Note that the GitHub version will automatically check for updates. When desired, this can be turned off in the miscellaneous settings.
Please [see here](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/README.md#user-content-downloads) for all download options.
There is a built-in profile for Apple iCloud, but if needed you can find the right settings [here](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202304).
When using two-factor authentication you might need to use an [app-specific password](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).
**(149) How does the unread message count widget work?**
The unread message count widget shows the number of unread messages either for all accounts or for a selected account, but only for the folders for which new message notifications are enabled.
Tapping on the notification will synchronize all folders for which synchronization is enabled and will open:
* the start screen when all accounts were selected
* a folder list when a specific account was selected and when new message notifications are enabled for multiple folders
* a list of messages when a specific account was selected and when new message notifications are enabled for one folder
**(150) Can you add cancelling calendar invites?**
Cancelling calendar invites (removing calendar events) requires write calendar permission, which will result in effectively granting permission to read and write *all* calendar events of *all* calendars.
Given the goal of FairEmail, privacy and security, and given that it is easy to remove a calendar event manually, it is not a good idea to request this permission for just this reason.
Inserting new calendar events can be done without permissions with special [intents](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/calendar-provider.html#intents). Unfortunately, there exists no intent to delete existing calendar events.
**(151) Can you add backup/restore of messages?**
An email client is meant to read and write messages, not to backup and restore messages. Note that breaking or losing your device, means losing your messages!
Instead, the email provider/server is responsible for backups.
If you want to make a backup yourself, you could use a tool like [imapsync](https://imapsync.lamiral.info/).
If you want to import an mbox file to an existing email account, you can use Thunderbird on a desktop computer and the [ImportExportTools](https://addons.thunderbird.net/nl/thunderbird/addon/importexporttools/) add-on.
**~~(154) Can you add favicons as contact photos?~~**
~~Besides that a [favicon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon) might be shared by many email addresses with the same domain name~~ ~~and therefore is not directly related to an email address, favicons can be used to track you.~~
**(155) What is a winmail.dat file?**
A *winmail.dat* file is sent by an incorrectly configured Outlook client. It is a Microsoft specific file format ([TNEF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Neutral_Encapsulation_Format)) containing a message and possibly attachments.
You can find some more information about this file [here](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-winmaildat-attachment).
You can view it with for example the Android app [Letter Opener](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.letteropener).
If the wizard ends with *AUTHENTICATE failed*, IMAP and/or SMTP might be disabled for the account. In this case you should ask the administrator to enable IMAP and SMTP. The procedure is documented [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-in/exchange/troubleshoot/configure-mailboxes/pop3-imap-owa-activesync-office-365).
If you've enabled *security defaults* in your organization, you might need to enable the SMTP AUTH protocol. Please [see here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/authenticated-client-smtp-submission) about how to.
To record voice notes, etc, the audio recorder needs to support [MediaStore.Audio.Media.RECORD_SOUND_ACTION](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.Audio.Media#RECORD_SOUND_ACTION). Oddly, most audio recorders seem not to support this standard Android action.
Tracking images will not be recognized when the domain is classified as '*Content*', see [here](https://disconnect.me/trackerprotection#trackers-we-dont-block) for more information.
Updating once a week will probably be sufficient, please see [here](https://github.com/disconnectme/disconnect-tracking-protection/commits/master) for recent lists changes.
Permanent deletion means that messages will *irreversibly* be lost, and to prevent this from happening accidentally, this always needs to be confirmed. Even with a confirmation, some very angry people who lost some of their messages through their own fault contacted me, which was a rather unpleasant experience :-(
Advanced: the IMAP delete flag in combination with the EXPUNGE command is not supportable because both email servers and not all people can handle this, risking unexpected loss of messages. A complicating factor is that not all email servers support [UID EXPUNGE](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4315).
From version 1.1485 it is possible to temporarily enable debug mode in the miscellaneous settings to disable expunging messages. Note that messages with a *\Deleted* flag will not be shown in FairEmail.
If I could, I would add a setting to select the primary and accent color right away, but unfortunately Android themes are fixed, see for example [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/26511725/1794097), so this is not possible.
Yes, [IMAP NOTIFY](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5465) has been supported since version 1.1413.
IMAP NOTIFY support means that notifications for added, changed or deleted messages of all *subscribed* folders will be requested and if a notification is received for a subscribed folder, that the folder will be synchronized. Synchronization for subscribed folders can therefore be disable, saving folder connections to the email server.
**Important**: push messages (=always sync) for the inbox and subscription management (receive settings) need to be enabled.
**Important**: most email servers do not support this! You can check the log via the navigation menu if an email server supports the NOTIFY capability.
Message classification will attempt to automatically group emails into classes, based on their contents, using [Bayesian statistics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_statistics). In the context of FairEmail, a folder is a class. So, for example, the inbox, the spam folder, a 'marketing' folder, etc, etc.
You can enable message classification in the miscellaneous settings. This will enable 'learning' mode only. The classifier will 'learn' from new messages in the inbox and spam folder by default. The folder property *Classify new messages in this folder* will enable or disable 'learning' mode for a folder. You can clear local messages (long press a folder in the folder list of an account) and synchronize the messages again to classify existing messages.
Each folder has an option *Automatically move classified messages to this folder* ('auto classification' for short). When this is turned on, new messages in other folders which the classifier thinks belong to that folder will be automatically moved.
The option *Use local spam filter* in the report spam dialog will turn on message classification in the miscellaneous settings and auto classification for the spam folder. Please understand that this is not a replacement for the spam filter of the email server and can result in [false positives and false negatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_positives_and_false_negatives). See also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq92).
A practical example: suppose there is a folder 'marketing' and auto message classification is enabled for this folder. Each time you move a message into this folder you'll train FairEmail that similar messages belong in this folder. Each time you move a message out of this folder you'll train FairEmail that similar messages do not belong in this folder. After moving some messages into the 'marketing' folder, FairEmail will start moving similar messages automatically into this folder. Or, the other way around, after moving some messages out of the 'marketing' folder, FairEmail will stop moving similar messages automatically into this folder. This will work best with messages with similar content (email addresses, subject and message text).
Classification should be considered as a best guess - it might be a wrong guess, or the classifier might not be confident enough to make any guess. If the classifier is unsure, it will simply leave an email where it is.
The message classifier calculates the probability a message belongs in a folder (class). There are two options in the miscellaneous settings which control if a message will be automatically moved into a folder, provided that auto classification is enabled for the folder:
* *Minimum class difference*: a message will only be moved when the difference in confidence between one class and the next most likely class is greater than this value (default 50 %)
Unfortunately, Android [does not support](https://stackoverflow.com/a/26511725/1794097) dynamic themes, which means all themes need [to be predefined](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml).
Since for each theme there needs to be a light, dark and black variant, it is not feasible to add for each color combination (literally millions) a predefined theme.
Only the latest Play store version and latest GitHub release are supported. The F-Droid build is supported only if the version number is the same as the version number of the latest GitHub release. This also means that downgrading is not supported.