<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Autorizace Google účtů funguje pouze v oficiálních verzích aplikace, neboť Android kontroluje podpis aplikace</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_instructions">V následujícím dialogu nahoře vyberte „Všechny aplikace“, v seznamu vyberte tuto aplikaci a označte a potvrďte volbu „Neoptimalizovat“</string>
<stringname="title_setup_doze_stopped">Synchronizace se zastavila?</string>
@ -379,6 +381,7 @@
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background_hint">Služba na pozadí může být systémem Android kdykoli zastavena, ale nevyžaduje oznámení ve stavové liště</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge">Zobrazit počet nových zpráv u ikony aplikace</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_unseen_ignored">Počet oznámení bude odpovídat počtu nových zpráv</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_background">Zobrazovat oznámení pouze při běhu na pozadí</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_known">Zobrazit oznámení pouze pro kontakty</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_summary">Zobrazit pouze souhrnné oznámení</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_preview">Zobrazit náhled zprávy v oznámení</string>
@ -621,6 +624,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">Trvale odstranit všechny nevyžádané zprávy?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">Trvale odstranit všechny zprávy v koši ze všech účtů?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">Trvale odstranit všechny nevyžádané zprávy ze všech účtů?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Tímto smažete všechny zprávy jak ze zařízení, tak i ze serveru</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">Smazat operace s chybovou hláškou?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">Smazat všechny lokální kontakty?</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Die Autorisierung von Google-Konten funktioniert nur in offiziellen Versionen, weil Android die App-Signatur überprüft</string>
@ -602,6 +603,7 @@ Protokolle, die dem Standard nicht entsprechen, wie „Microsoft Exchange Web Se
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Οι εξουσιοδοτημένοι λογαριασμοί Google θα λειτουργήσουν σε επίσημη έκδοση μόνο γιατί το Android ελέγχει την ηλεκτρονική υπογραφή της εφαρμογής</string>
@ -200,9 +201,9 @@
<stringname="title_advanced_check_reply">Έλεγχος διεθύνσεων email απάντησης κατά το συγχρονισμό μηνυμάτων</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_tune_keep_alive">Αυτόματη ρύθμιση του χρονικού διαστήματος για διατήρηση ενεργής σύνδεσης</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_keyboard">Εμφάνιση του πληκτρολογίου από προεπιλογή</string>
<stringname="title_ask_show_html">Η προβολή του αρχικού μηνύματος μπορεί να προδώσει ευαίσθητα προσωπικά δεδομένα</string>
<stringname="title_ask_show_html_remark">Η προβολή του αρχικού μηνύματος σε σκούρο φόντο δεν είναι εφικτή, καθώς ενδέχεται να κάνει αόρατα κείμενα και εικόνες με σκούρα χρώματα</string>
<stringname="title_ask_show_html_images">Να προβάλλονται πάντοτε οι εικόνες κατά την προβολή των αρχικών μηνυμάτων</string>
<stringname="title_ask_show_image">Η προβολή των εικόνων ίσως προκαλέσει διαρροή ευαίσθητων προσωπικών δεδομένων</string>
<stringname="title_ask_show_image_hint">Όσες εικόνες αναγνωρίζονται ως εικόνες ιχνηλάτησης δεν θα προβληθούν</string>
<stringname="title_ask_delete_local">Διαγραφή τοπικών μηνυμάτων; Τα μηνύματα θα παραμείνουν στο διακομιστή.</string>
<stringname="title_ask_help">Βοηθήστε το FairEmail να βελτιωθεί</string>
<stringname="title_search_hint">Η αναζήτηση αρχικά θα ψάξει μηνύματα που είναι αποθηκευμένα στη συσκευή.
Για να ψάξετε και μηνύματα στο διακομιστή, πατήστε το κουμπί \'επανάληψη αναζήτησης\'.
<stringname="title_search_index_hint">Η αναζήτηση μέσω του ευρετηρίου είναι γρήγορη, αλλά θα βρει μόνον ολόκληρες λέξεις</string>
<stringname="title_search_text_hint">Η αναζήτηση κειμένου μέσα σε μηνύματα μπορεί να μη λειτουργήσει σε κάποιους διακομιστές όταν υπάρχει μεγάλος αριθμός μηνυμάτων</string>
<stringname="title_search_size_hint">Η αναζήτηση μηνυμάτων με βάση το μέγεθος μπορεί να μη λειτουργήσει σε κάποιους διακομιστές όταν υπάρχει μεγάλος αριθμός μηνυμάτων</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">La autorización de cuentas de Google sólo funcionará en versiones oficiales ya que Android comprueba la firma de la aplicación</string>
@ -602,6 +603,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">¿Eliminar todos los mensajes de spam permanentemente?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">¿Eliminar todos los mensajes borrados de todas las cuentas permanentemente?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">¿Eliminar permanentemente todos los mensajes de spam de todas las cuentas?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Esto eliminará todos los mensajes tanto del dispositivo como del servidor</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">¿Eliminar operaciones con un mensaje de error?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">¿Eliminar todos los contactos locales?</string>
<stringname="title_no_operations">No hay operaciones pendientes</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Google-tilien valtuuttaminen toimii vain virallisissa versioissa, koska Android tarkistaa sovelluksen allekirjoituksen</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">L’autorisation des comptes Google fonctionnera uniquement dans les versions officielles parce qu’Android vérifie la signature de l’application</string>
@ -601,6 +602,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">Supprimer définitivement tous les courriers indésirables?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">Supprimer définitivement tous les messages de la corbeille pour tous les comptes?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">Supprimer définitivement tous les courriers indésirables pour tous les comptes?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Ceci supprimera tous les messages à la fois de l\'appareil et du serveur</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">Supprimer les opérations avec un message d’erreur?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">Supprimer tous les contacts locaux?</string>
<stringname="title_no_operations">Aucune opération en attente</string>
<stringname="title_setup_wizard_multiple">L’assistant de configuration rapide peut être utilisé plusieurs fois pour configurer plusieurs comptes</string>
<stringname="title_setup_wizard_new">J\'ai besoin d\'une nouvelle adresse électronique</string>
<stringname="title_setup_wizard_remark">Faire «Retour» pour aller à la boîte de réception</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">L’autorisation des comptes Google fonctionnera seulement sur les versions officielles parce qu’Android vérifie la signature de l’application</string>
@ -601,6 +602,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">Supprimer définitivement tous les messages indésirables?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">Supprimer définitivement tous les messages de la corbeille pour tous les comptes ?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">Supprimer définitivement tous les messages indésirables pour tous les comptes?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Ceci supprimera tous les messages à la fois de l\'appareil et du serveur</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">Supprimer les opérations avec un message d’erreur?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">Supprimer tous les contacts locaux ?</string>
<stringname="title_no_operations">Aucune opération en attente</string>
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ A szabályokkal kapcsolatos funkciók csak pro verzióban érhetők el.
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background_hint">Egy háttérfolyamat leállítható az Android által bármikor, de nem szükséges státusz sor értesítés hozzá</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge">Új üzenetek számának megjelenítése az indító ikonon</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_unseen_ignored">Külön értesítés megjelnítése minden egyes új üzenethez</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_background">Mutasd a figyelmeztetéseket, amikor a háttérben vannak csak</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_known">Az értesítéseket csak névjegyeknél jelenítse meg</string>
<stringname="title_setup_quick_smtp">Server SMTP per inviare messaggi</string>
<stringname="title_setup_wizard_multiple">La procedura guidata di installazione può essere utilizzata più volte per impostare account multipli</string>
<stringname="title_setup_wizard_new">Ho bisogno di un nuovo indirizzo e-mail</string>
<stringname="title_setup_wizard_remark">Vai \'indietro\' per andare alla casella di posta in arrivo</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">L\'autorizzazione degli account Google funzionerà solo nelle versioni ufficiali, perché Android controlla la firma dell\'app</string>
@ -358,6 +359,7 @@
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background_hint">Un servizio in secondo piano può essere interrotto da Android in qualsiasi momento, ma non richiede una notifica nella barra di stato</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge">Mostra icona launcher con numero di nuovi messaggi</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_unseen_ignored">Lascia che il numero di nuovi messaggi corrisponda al numero di notifiche</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_background">Mostra le notifiche solo in sfondo</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_known">Mostra le notifiche solo per i contatti</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_summary">Mostra solo le notifiche di riepilogo</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_preview">Mostra anteprima messaggio nelle notifiche</string>
@ -600,6 +602,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">Eliminare tutti i messaggi di spam definitivamente?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">Eliminare definitivamente tutti i messaggi cestinati di tutti gli account?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">Eliminare definitivamente tutti i messaggi di spam di tutti gli account?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Questo eliminerà tutti i messaggi sia dal dispositivo che dal server</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">Eliminare le operazioni con un messaggio di errore?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">Eliminare tutti i contatti locali?</string>
<stringname="title_no_operations">Nessuna operazione in sospeso</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Het autoriseren van Google accounts werkt alleen in officiële versies omdat Android de app handtekening controleert</string>
@ -357,6 +358,7 @@
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background_hint">Een achtergrondservice kan op elk gewenst moment worden gestopt door Android, maar vereist geen melding in de statusbalk</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge">Toon opstartpictogram met aantal nieuwe berichten</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_unseen_ignored">Laat het aantal nieuwe berichten overeenkomen met het aantal meldingen</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_background">Toon meldingen alleen wanneer op de achtergrond</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_known">Toon alleen meldingen voor contacten</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_summary">Toon alleen melding met een samenvatting</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_preview">Toon berichtvoorbeeld in meldingen</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background_hint">Usługa w tle może być w dowolnym momencie zatrzymana przez Androida, ale nie wymaga powiadomienia na pasku stanu</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge">Pokaż liczbę nowych wiadomości na ikonie launchera</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_unseen_ignored">Liczba powiadomień odpowiada liczbie nowych wiadomości</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_background">Pokaż powiadomienia tylko, gdy pracuje w tle</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_known">Pokaż powiadomienia tylko dla kontaktów</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_summary">Pokaż tylko podsumowanie</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_preview">Pokaż podgląd wiadomości w powiadomieniach</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Autorização de contas da Google funcionará apenas nas versões oficiais porque o Android verifica a assinatura da aplicação</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background">Folosește serviciul de fundal pentru a sincroniza mesajele</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notifications_background_hint">Un serviciu de fundal poate fi oprit de Android în orice moment, dar nu necesită o notificare în bara de stare</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_badge">Afișează iconița lansatorului cu numărul de mesaje noi</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_unseen_ignored">Fie ca numărul de mesaje noi să corespundă cu numărul de notificări</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_background">Arată notificări doar când e în fundal</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_known">Arată notificări numai pentru contacte</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_summary">Arată doar sumarul în notificare</string>
<stringname="title_advanced_notify_preview">Arată previzualizare mesaj în notificare</string>
@ -607,6 +610,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">Se șterg permanent toate mesajele spam?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">Şterge permanent toate mesajele din coșul de gunoi pentru toate conturile?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">Şterge permanent toate mesajele spam pentru toate conturile?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Aceasta va șterge toate mesajele atât de pe dispozitiv cât și de pe server</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">Se șterg operațiunile cu mesaj de eroare?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">Ștergeți toate contactele locale?</string>
<stringname="title_no_operations">Nici o operațiune în așteptare</string>
@ -830,6 +834,7 @@
<stringname="title_no_key">Nici o cheie privată</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Авторизация учётных записей Google будет работать только в официальных версиях, так как Android проверяет подпись приложения</string>
@ -363,7 +364,7 @@
<stringname="title_advanced_collapse_multiple">Сворачивать сообщения в диалоге с несколькими сообщениями кнопкой \"назад\"</string>
<stringname="title_setup_gmail_support">Godkännande av Google-konton fungerar endast i officiella versioner eftersom Android kontrollerar appens signatur</string>
@ -600,6 +601,7 @@
<stringname="title_empty_spam_ask">Ta bort all skräppost permanent?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_trash_all_ask">Ta bort alla borttagna meddelanden från alla konton permanent?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_spam_all_ask">Ta bort all skräppost från alla konton permanent?</string>
<stringname="title_empty_all">Detta kommer att ta bort alla meddelanden både från enheten och servern</string>
<stringname="title_delete_operation">Ta bort åtgärder med ett felmeddelande?</string>
<stringname="title_delete_contacts">Ta bort alla lokala kontakter?</string>
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,9 +366,10 @@ Lavprioritets statusbjælkenotifikationen viser antallet af afventende operation
* *vedhæftning*: Download vedhæftning
* *synk*: Synk lokal- og fjernbeskeder
* *abonnér*: Abonnér på fjernmappe
* *send*: Send besked
* *findes*: Tjek om besked findes
* *regel*: Eksekvér regel på brødtekst
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
Operationer behandles kun, såfremt en forbindelse til e-mailserveren findes, eller under manuel synkronisering. Se også [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq16).
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternativt kan *Tillad redigering af afsenderadresse* aktiveres i de avancerede
FairEmail opdaterer automatisk adgangskoder til relaterede identiteter, når adgangskoden til den tilknyttede konto/relateret identitet opdateres.
Se [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq33) om redigering af brugernavnet til e-mailadresser.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -544,40 +545,40 @@ Se [denne FAQ](#user-content-faq33) om redigering af brugernavnet til e-mailadre
**~~(11) Hvorfor understøttes POP ikke'?~~**
~~Besides that any decent email provider supports [IMAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol) these days,~~ ~~using [POP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_Office_Protocol) will result in unnecessary extra battery usage and delayed new message notifications.~~ ~~Moreover, POP is unsuitable for two way synchronization and more often than not people read and write messages on different devices these days.~~
~~Udover at enhver anstændig e-mail-udbyder understøtter [IMAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol) i dag,~~ ~~vil brug af [POP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_Office_Protocol) resultere i unødvendig ekstra batteriforbrug samt forsinkede notifikationer om nye beskeder.~~ ~~Desuden er POP uegnet til tovejssynkronisering, og oftere end ikke, læser og skriver folk beskeder på forskellige enheder i dag.~~
~~Basically, POP supports only downloading and deleting messages from the inbox.~~ ~~So, common operations like setting message attributes (read, starred, answered, etc), adding (backing up) and moving messages is not possible.~~
~~Grundlæggende understøtter POP kun download og sletning af beskeder fra indbakken.~~ ~~Dvs., at almindelige operationer, såsom indstilling af besekedattributter (læst, stjernemarkeret, besvaret mv.), tilføjelse (sikkerhedskopiering) og flytning af beskeder ikke er mulige.~~
~~See also [what Google writes about it](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7104828).~~
~~Se også, [hvad Google skriver om det](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7104828).~~
~~For example [Gmail can import messages](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/21289) from another POP account,~~ ~~which can be used as a workaround for when your provider doesn't support IMAP.~~
~~F.eks. kan [Gmail importere beskeder](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/21289) fra en anden POP-konto,~~ ~~hvilket kan anvendes som en løsning, når din udbyder ikke understøtter IMAP.~~
~~tl;dr; consider to switch to IMAP.~~
~~tl;dr; overvej at skifte til IMAP.~~
**(12) How does encryption/decryption work?**
**(12) Hvordan fungerer kryptering/dekryptering?**
Please [see here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography) about how public/private key encryption works.
[Se hér](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography), hvordan kryptering vha. offentlige/private nøgler fungerer.
Encryption in short:
Kryptering kort fortalt:
* **Outgoing** messages are encrypted with the **public key** of the recipient
* **Incoming** messages are decrypted with the **private key** of the recipient
To sign/encrypt a message, just select the appropriate method in the send dialog. You can always open the send dialog using the three-dots overflow menu in case you selected *Don't show again* before.
For at signere/kryptere en besked, vælg den passende metode i Send-dialogen. Har du tidliger valgt *Vis ikke igen*, kan du altid åbne Send-dialogen vha. trepunktsmenuen.
To verify a signature or to decrypt a received message, open the message and just tap the gesture or padlock icon just below the message action bar.
For at bekræfte en signatur eller dekryptere en modtaget besked, så åbn beskeden og tryk blot på gestussen eller på hængelåsikonet umiddelbart under beskedhandlingsbjælken.
The first time you send a signed/encrypted message you might be asked for a sign key. FairEmail will automatically store the selected sign key in the used identity for the next time. If you need to reset the sign key, just save the identity or long press the identity in the list of identities and select *Reset sign key*. The selected sign key is visible in the list of identities. If need to select a key on a case by case basis, you can create multiple identities for the same account with the same email address.
Første gang du sender en signeret/krypteret besked, bliver du muligvis bedt om en signaturnøgle. Mhp. efterfølgende brug gemmer FairEmail automatisk den valgte signeringsnøgle i den anvendte identitet. Har du behov for at nulstille signeringsnøglen, så gem blot identiteten eller brug et langt tryk på identiteten på identitetslisten og vælg *Nulstil signeringsnøgle*. Den valgte signeringsnøgle er synlig på identitetslisten. If need to select a key on a case by case basis, you can create multiple identities for the same account with the same email address.
In the privacy settings you can select the default encryption method (PGP or S/MIME), enable *Sign by default*, *Encrypt by default* and *Automatically decrypt messages*, but be aware that automatic decryption is not possible if user interaction is required, like selecting a key or reading a security token.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -2483,11 +2488,11 @@ Setting a notification sound for an account, folder or sender requires Android 8
**(146) How can I fix incorrect message times?**
Da afsendelsesdato/-tid er valgfrie og kan ændres af afsender, benytter FairEmail som standard postserverens modtagelsesdato/-tid.
Since the sent date/time is optional and can be manipulated by the sender, FairEmail uses the server received date/time by default.
Nogle gange er postserverens modtagelsesdato/-tid dog forkert, primært fordi beskeder blev forkert importeret fra en anden server, men undertiden også grundet en fejl i postserveren.
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
I sådanne sjældne tilfælde er det som en løsning muligt at lade FairEmail benytte enten dato/tid fra *Dato*-overskriften (afsendelsestidspunkt) eller fra *Modtaget*-overskriften. Dette kan ændres i de avancerede kontoindstillinger: Opsætning, trin 1, Håndtering, tryk på konto, tryk på Avanceret.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
@ -2510,7 +2515,7 @@ Note that the GitHub version will automatically check for updates. When desired,
Please [see here](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/README.md#user-content-downloads) for all download options.
Har du et problem med F-Droid-builden, så tjek først, om der er en nyere GitHub-version.
If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer GitHub version first.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -2483,11 +2488,11 @@ Setting a notification sound for an account, folder or sender requires Android 8
**(146) How can I fix incorrect message times?**
Da sowohl Sendedatum als auch Sendezeit optionale Angaben sind und vom Absender manipuliert werden können, verwendet FairEmail Daher standardmäßig das Empfangsdatum/die Empfangszeit des Servers.
Since the sent date/time is optional and can be manipulated by the sender, FairEmail uses the server received date/time by default.
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. Dies kann in den erweiterten Kontoeinstellungen geändert werden: Einstellungen ➔ Schritt 1 ➔ Verwalten ➔ Konto ➔ Erweitert.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
* Changer le nom du compte : Configuration, étape 1, Gerer, appuyer sur le compte
* Change the swipe left/right target: Setup, Behavior, Set swipe actions
* Changer la cible de balayage gauche/droite: Configuration, comportement, Définir les actions de balayage
* Changer le mot de passe : Configurer, étape 1, Gérer, toucher le compte, changer le mot de passe
* Définir une signature: Configuration, étape 2, Gérer, touchez l'identité, Modifier la signature.
* Ajouter des adresses CC et CCI : appuyez sur l'icône des personnes à la fin de l'objet
* Go to the next/previous message on archive/delete: in the behavior settings disable *Automatically close conversations* and select *Go to next/previous conversation* for *On closing a conversation*
* Add a folder to the unified inbox: long press the folder in the folder list and tick *Show in unified inbox*
* Add a folder to the navigation menu: long press the folder in the folder list and tick *Show in navigation menu*
* Load more messages: long press a folder in the folder list, select *Synchronize more messages*
* Delete a message, skipping trash: in the 3-dots menu just above the message text *Delete* or alternatively, unselect the trash folder in the account settings
* Delete an account/identity: Setup step 1/2, Manage, tap account/identity, three-dots menu, Delete
* Allez au message suivant/précédent dans l'archive/suppression : dans les paramètres de comportement, désactivez *Fermez automatiquement les conversations* et sélectionnez *Allez à la suivante/précédente conversation* pour *Lors de la fermeture d'une conversation*
* Ajouter un dossier à la boîte de réception unifiée : appuyez longuement sur le dossier dans la liste des dossiers et cochez *Afficher dans la boîte de réception unifiée*
* Ajouter un dossier au menu de navigation : appuyez longuement sur le dossier dans la liste des dossiers et cochez *Afficher dans le menu de navigation*
* Charger plus de messages : appuyez longuement sur un dossier dans la liste de dossiers, sélectionnez *Synchroniser plus de messages*
* Supprimez un message, sautez la corbeille : dans le menu à 3 points juste au-dessus du texte du message *Supprimer* ou désélectionnez le dossier corbeille dans les paramètres du compte
* Supprimer un compte/identité: Étape 1/2, Gestion, Appuyer sur compte/identité, Menu à trois points, Supprimer
* Supprimer un dossier : appuyez longuement sur le dossier dans la liste de dossiers, Modifier les propriétés, Menu à trois points, Supprimer
* Annuler l'envoi : Boîte d'envoi, appuyez sur le message, appuyez sur l'icône d'annulation
* Store sent messages in the inbox: please [see this FAQ](#user-content-faq142)
* Change system folders: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, at the bottom
* Export/import settings: Setup, navigation/hamburger menu
* Stocker les messages envoyés dans la boîte de réception : veuillez [voir ceci dans FAQ](#user-content-faq142)
* Modifier les dossiers système: Configuration, étape 1, gestion, appuyer sur le compte, en bas
* Exporter/importer les paramètres : Configuration, navigation/menu hamburger
## Problèmes connus
* ~~Un [bogue dans Android 5.1 et 6](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37054851) fait que les applications affichent parfois un mauvais format d'heure. Changer les paramètres de Android sur *Utiliser le format 24 heures* pourrait résoudre temporairement le problème. Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* ~~Un [bogue dans Google Drive](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/126362828) vide le dossier des fichiers exportés vers Google Drive. Google a corrigé ceci.~~
* ~~A [bug in AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/78495471) causes FairEmail to occasionally crash on long pressing or swiping. Google a corrigé ceci.~~
* ~~Un [bogue dans AndroidX ROOM](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/138441698) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... Exception while computing database live data ... Couldn't read row ...*". Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* A [bug in Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/119872129) causes FairEmail to crash with "*... Bad notification posted ...*" sur certains appareils juste après avoir mis à jour FairEmail et appuyé sur une notification.
* Un [bogue dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/62427912) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... ActivityRecord not found for ...*" après avoir mis à jour FairEmail. La réinstallation de ([source](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46309428/android-activitythread-reportsizeconfigurations-causes-app-to-freeze-with-black)) pourrait résoudre le problème.
* Un [bogue dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37018931) provoque parfois un plantage avec *... InputChannel is not initialized ...* sur certains appareils.
* ~~A [bug in LineageOS](https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/+/265273) sometimes causes a crash with*... java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=...; index=... ...*.~~
* A bug in Nova Launcher on Android 5.x causes FairEmail to crash with a *java.lang.StackOverflowError* when Nova Launcher has access to the accessibility service.
* ~~Le sélecteur de dossier ne montre parfois aucun dossier pour des raisons encore inconnues. This seems to be fixed.~~
* ~A [bug dans AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/78495471) provoque un plantage occasionnel de FairEmail en appui long ou en glissant. Google a corrigé ceci.~~
* ~~Un [bug dans AndroidX ROOM](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/138441698) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... Exception lors du calcul de la base de données en direct... Impossible de lire la ligne ...*". Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* Un [bug dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/119872129) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... Mauvaise notification postée ...*" sur certains appareils une fois après la mise à jour de FairEmail et en appuyant sur une notification.
* Un [bug dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/62427912) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... ActivityRecord introuvable pour ...*" après la mise à jour de FairEmail. La réinstallation de ([source](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46309428/android-activitythread-reportsizeconfigurations-causes-app-to-freeze-with-black)) pourrait résoudre le problème.
* Un [bug dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37018931) provoque parfois un plantage avec *... InputChannel n'est pas initialisé ...* sur certains appareils.
* ~A [bug dans LineageOS](https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/+/265273) provoque parfois un plantage avec*... java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=...; index=... ...*.~~
* Un bug dans Nova Launcher sur Android 5.x provoque le plantage de FairEmail avec une *java.lang.StackOverflowError* lorsque Nova Launcher a accès au service d'accessibilité.
* ~~Le sélecteur de dossier ne montre parfois aucun dossier pour des raisons encore inconnues. Cela semble être réparé.~~
* ~~Un [bug dans AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/64729576) rend difficile le défilement rapide. Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* ~~Le chiffrement avec YubiKey se traduit par une boucle infinie. Cela semble être causé par un [bogue dans OpenKeychain](https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/issues/2507).~~
* Scrolling to an internally linked location in original messages does not work. Ceci ne peut pas être corrigé car la vue du message d'origine est contenue dans une vue déroulante.
* A preview of a message text doesn't (always) appear on Samsung watches because [setLocalOnly](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/core/app/NotificationCompat.Builder.html#setLocalOnly(boolean)) seem to be ignored. Message preview texts are known to be displayed correctly on Pebble 2, Fitbit Charge 3, and Mi band 3 wearables. Voir aussi [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq126).
* ~~Le chiffrement avec YubiKey se traduit par une boucle infinie. Cela semble être causé par un [bug dans OpenKeychain](https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/issues/2507).~~
* Le défilement vers un emplacement lié en interne dans les messages originaux ne fonctionne pas. Ceci ne peut pas être corrigé car la vue du message d'origine est contenue dans une vue déroulante.
* Un aperçu d'un message texte n'apparaît pas (toujours) sur les montres Samsung car [setLocalOnly](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/core/app/NotificationCompat.Builder.html#setLocalOnly(boolean)) semble être ignoré. Les textes de prévisualisation du message sont connus pour être affichés correctement sur Pebble 2, Fitbit Charge 3 et Mi band 3. Voir aussi [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq126).
## Fonctionnalités prévues
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Questions connexes :
* ~~Suggestions de recherche~~
* ~~[Autocrypt Setup Message](https://autocrypt.org/autocrypt-spec-1.0.0.pdf) (section 4.4)~~ (A mon avis, ce n'est pas une bonne idée de laisser un client de messagerie manipuler des clés de chiffrement sensibles pour un cas d'usage exceptionnel alors que OpenKeychain peut également exporter des clés)
* ~~Dossiers unifiés génériques~~
* ~~New per account message notification schedules~~ (implemented by adding a time condition to rules so messages can be snoozed during selected periods)
* ~~Nouveaux calendriers de notification par message de compte~~ (implémentés en ajoutant une condition de temps aux règles pour que les messages puissent être reportés pendant les périodes sélectionnées)
* ~Copie de comptes et identités~~
* ~~Zoom par pincement~~ (non possible de manière fiable dans une liste de défilement ; la vue complète du message peut être zoomée à la place)
* ~~Vue de dossier plus compacte~~
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Questions connexes :
* ~Rappel de l'ajout des pièces jointes~~
* ~~Sélection des domaines pour lesquels afficher les images~~ (ceci sera trop compliqué à utiliser)
* ~~Vue unifiée des messages suivis~~ (il y a déjà une recherche spéciale pour ceci)
* ~~Move notification action~~
* ~~S/MIME support~~
* ~~Déplacer l'action de notification~~
* ~~support S/MIME ~~
* ~~Rechercher des paramètres~~
Tout ce qui est dans cette liste est dans l'ordre aléatoire et *pourrait* être ajouté dans un avenir proche.
@ -132,231 +132,231 @@ La conception est basée sur de nombreuses discussions et si vous le souhaitez,
* [(12) Comment fonctionne le chiffrement/déchiffrement ?](#user-content-faq12)
* [(13) Comment fonctionne la recherche sur l'appareil/le serveur ?](#user-content-faq13)
* [(14) Comment puis-je configurer un compte Outlook / Live / Hotmail ?](#user-content-faq14)
* [(15) Why does the message text keep loading?](#user-content-faq15)
* [(16) Why are messages not being synchronized?](#user-content-faq16)
* [~~(17) Why does manual synchronize not work?~~](#user-content-faq17)
* [(18) Why is the message preview not always shown?](#user-content-faq18)
* [(19) Why are the pro features so expensive?](#user-content-faq19)
* [(20) Can I get a refund?](#user-content-faq20)
* [(21) How do I enable the notification light?](#user-content-faq21)
* [(22) What does account/folder error ... mean?](#user-content-faq22)
* [(23) Why do I get alert .. ?](#user-content-faq23)
* [(24) What is browse messages on the server?](#user-content-faq24)
* [(25) Why can't I select/open/save an image, attachment or a file?](#user-content-faq25)
* [(26) Can I help to translate FairEmail in my own language?](#user-content-faq26)
* [(27) How can I distinguish between embedded and external images?](#user-content-faq27)
* [(28) How can I manage status bar notifications?](#user-content-faq28)
* [(29) How can I get new message notifications for other folders?](#user-content-faq29)
* [(30) How can I use the provided quick settings?](#user-content-faq30)
* [(31) How can I use the provided shortcuts?](#user-content-faq31)
* [(32) How can I check if reading email is really safe?](#user-content-faq32)
* [(33) Why are edited sender addresses not working?](#user-content-faq33)
* [(34) How are identities matched?](#user-content-faq34)
* [(35) Why should I be careful with viewing images, attachments, and the original message?](#user-content-faq35)
* [(36) How are settings files encrypted?](#user-content-faq36)
* [(37) How are passwords stored?](#user-content-faq37)
* [(39) How can I reduce the battery usage of FairEmail?](#user-content-faq39)
* [(40) How can I reduce the network usage of FairEmail?](#user-content-faq40)
* [(41) How can I fix the error 'Handshake failed' ?](#user-content-faq41)
* [(42) Can you add a new provider to the list of providers?](#user-content-faq42)
* [(43) Can you show the original ... ?](#user-content-faq43)
* [(44) Can you show contact photos / identicons in the sent folder?](#user-content-faq44)
* [(45) How can I fix 'This key is not available. To use it, you must import it as one of your own!' ?](#user-content-faq45)
* [(46) Why does the message list keep refreshing?](#user-content-faq46)
* [(47) How do I solve the error 'No primary account or no drafts folder' ?](#user-content-faq47)
* [~~(48) How do I solve the error 'No primary account or no archive folder' ?~~](#user-content-faq48)
* [(49) How do I fix 'An outdated app sent a file path instead of a file stream' ?](#user-content-faq49)
* [(50) Can you add an option to synchronize all messages?](#user-content-faq50)
* [(51) How are folders sorted?](#user-content-faq51)
* [(52) Why does it take some time to reconnect to an account?](#user-content-faq52)
* [(53) Can you stick the message action bar to the top/bottom?](#user-content-faq53)
* [~~(54) How do I use a namespace prefix?~~](#user-content-faq54)
* [(55) How can I mark all messages as read / move or delete all messages?](#user-content-faq55)
* [(56) Can you add support for JMAP?](#user-content-faq56)
* [~~(57) Can I use HTML in signatures?~~](#user-content-faq57)
* [(58) What does an open/closed email icon mean?](#user-content-faq58)
* [(59) Can original messages be opened in the browser?](#user-content-faq59)
* [(60) Did you known ...?](#user-content-faq60)
* [(61) Why are some messages shown dimmed?](#user-content-faq61)
* [(62) Which authentication methods are supported?](#user-content-faq62)
* [(63) How are images resized for displaying on screens?](#user-content-faq63)
* [~~(64) Can you add custom actions for swipe left/right?~~](#user-content-faq64)
* [(65) Why are some attachments shown dimmed?](#user-content-faq65)
* [(66) Is FairEmail available in the Google Play Family Library?](#user-content-faq66)
* [(67) How can I snooze conversations?](#user-content-faq67)
* [~~(68) Why can Adobe Acrobat reader not open PDF attachments / Microsoft apps not open attached documents?~~](#user-content-faq68)
* [(69) Can you add auto scroll up on new message?](#user-content-faq69)
* [(70) When will messages be auto expanded?](#user-content-faq70)
* [(71) How do I use filter rules?](#user-content-faq71)
* [(72) What are primary accounts/identities?](#user-content-faq72)
* [(73) Is moving messages across accounts safe/efficient?](#user-content-faq73)
* [(74) Why do I see duplicate messages?](#user-content-faq74)
* [(75) Can you make an iOS, Windows, Linux, etc version?](#user-content-faq75)
* [(76) What does 'Clear local messages' do?](#user-content-faq76)
* [(77) Why are messages sometimes shown with a small delay?](#user-content-faq77)
* [(78) How do I use schedules?](#user-content-faq78)
* [(79) How do I use synchronize on demand (manual)?](#user-content-faq79)
* [~~(80) How do I fix the error 'Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE'?~~](#user-content-faq80)
* [~~(81) Can you make the background of the original message dark in the dark theme?~~](#user-content-faq81)
* [(82) What is a tracking image?](#user-content-faq82)
* [(84) What are local contacts for?](#user-content-faq84)
* [(85) Why is an identity not available?](#user-content-faq85)
* [~~(86) What are 'extra privacy features'?~~](#user-content-faq86)
* [(87) What does 'invalid credentials' mean?](#user-content-faq87)
* [(88) How can I use a Yahoo, AOL or Sky account?](#user-content-faq88)
* [(89) How can I send plain text only messages?](#user-content-faq89)
* [(90) Why are some texts linked while not being a link?](#user-content-faq90)
* [~~(91) Can you add periodical synchronization to save battery power?~~](#user-content-faq91)
* [(92) Can you add spam filtering, verification of the DKIM signature and SPF authorization?](#user-content-faq92)
* [(93) Can you allow installation/data storage on external storage media (sdcard)?](#user-content-faq93)
* [(94) What does the red/orange stripe at the end of the header mean?](#user-content-faq94)
* [(95) Why are not all apps shown when selecting an attachment or image?](#user-content-faq95)
* [(96) Where can I find the IMAP and SMTP settings?](#user-content-faq96)
* [(97) What is 'cleanup' ?](#user-content-faq97)
* [(98) Why can I still pick contacts after revoking contacts permissions?](#user-content-faq98)
* [(99) Can you add a rich text or markdown editor?](#user-content-faq99)
* [(100) How can I synchronize Gmail categories?](#user-content-faq100)
* [(101) What does the blue/orange dot at the bottom of the conversations mean?](#user-content-faq101)
* [(102) How can I enable auto rotation of images?](#user-content-faq102)
* [(103) How can I record audio?](#user-content-faq103)
* [(104) What do I need to know about error reporting?](#user-content-faq104)
* [(105) How does the roam-like-at-home option work?](#user-content-faq105)
* [(106) Which launchers can show a badge count with the number of unread messages?](#user-content-faq106)
* [(107) How do I used colored stars?](#user-content-faq107)
* [(108) Can you add permanently delete messages from any folder?](#user-content-faq108)
* [~~(109) Why is 'select account' available in official versions only?~~](#user-content-faq109)
* [(110) Why are (some) messages empty and/or attachments corrupted?](#user-content-faq110)
* [(111) Is OAuth supported?](#user-content-faq111)
* [(112) Which email provider do you recommend?](#user-content-faq112)
* [(113) How does biometric authentication work?](#user-content-faq113)
* [(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?](#user-content-faq114)
* [(115) Can you add email address chips?](#user-content-faq115)
* [~~(116) How can I show images in messages from trusted senders by default?~~](#user-content-faq116)
* [(117) Can you help me restore my purchase?](#user-content-faq117)
* [(118) What does 'Remove tracking parameters' exactly?](#user-content-faq118)
* [~~(119) Can you add colors to the unified inbox widget?~~](#user-content-faq119)
* [(120) Why are new message notifications not removed on opening the app?](#user-content-faq120)
* [(121) How are messages grouped into a conversation?](#user-content-faq121)
* [~~(122) Why is the recipient name/email address show with a warning color?~~](#user-content-faq122)
* [(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?](#user-content-faq123)
* [(124) Why do I get 'Message too large or too complex to display'?](#user-content-faq124)
* [(125) What are the current experimental features?](#user-content-faq125)
* [(126) Can message previews be sent to my wearable?](#user-content-faq126)
* [(127) How can I fix 'Syntactically invalid HELO argument(s)'?](#user-content-faq127)
* [(128) How can I reset asked questions, for example to show images?](#user-content-faq128)
* [(129) Are ProtonMail, Tutanota supported?](#user-content-faq129)
* [(130) What does message error ... mean?](#user-content-faq130)
* [(131) Can you change the direction for swiping to previous/next message?](#user-content-faq131)
* [(132) Why are new message notifications silent?](#user-content-faq132)
* [(133) Why is ActiveSync not supported?](#user-content-faq133)
* [(134) Can you add deleting local messages?](#user-content-faq134)
* [(135) Why are trashed messages and drafts shown in conversations?](#user-content-faq135)
* [(136) How can I delete an account/identity/folder?](#user-content-faq136)
* [(137) How can I reset 'Don't ask again'?](#user-content-faq137)
* [(138) Can you add calendar/contact management/synchronizing?](#user-content-faq138)
* [(139) How do I fix 'User is authenticated but not connected'?](#user-content-faq139)
* [(140) Why does the message text contain strange characters?](#user-content-faq140)
* [(141) How can I fix 'A drafts folder is required to send messages'?](#user-content-faq141)
* [(142) How can I store sent messages in the inbox?](#user-content-faq142)
* [~~(143) Can you add a trash folder for POP3 accounts?~~](#user-content-faq143)
* [(144) How can I record voice notes?](#user-content-faq144)
* [(145) How can I set a notification sound for an account, folder or sender?](#user-content-faq145)
* [(146) How can I fix incorrect message times?](#user-content-faq146)
* [(147) What should I know about third party versions?](#user-content-faq147)
* [(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?](#user-content-faq148)
* [(149) How does the unread message count widget work?](#user-content-faq149)
* [(150) Can you add cancelling calendar invites?](#user-content-faq150)
* [(151) Can you add backup/restore of messages?](#user-content-faq151)
* [(152) How can I insert a contact group?](#user-content-faq152)
* [(153) Why does permanently deleting Gmail message not work?](#user-content-faq153)
* [~~(154) Can you add favicons as contact photos?~~](#user-content-faq154)
* [(155) What is a winmail.dat file?](#user-content-faq155)
* [(156) How can I set up an Office365 account?](#user-content-faq156)
* [(157) How can I set up an Free.fr account?](#user-content-faq157)
* [(158) Which camera / audio recorder do you recommend?](#user-content-faq158)
* [(159) What are Disconnect's tracker protection lists?](#user-content-faq159)
[I have another question.](#user-content-support)
* [(15) Pourquoi le texte du message continue-t-il de se charger?](#user-content-faq15)
* [(16) Pourquoi les messages ne sont-ils pas synchronisés?](#user-content-faq16)
* [~~(17) Pourquoi la synchronisation manuelle ne fonctionne pas ?~~](#user-content-faq17)
* [(18) Pourquoi l'aperçu du message n'est-il pas toujours affiché?](#user-content-faq18)
* [(19) Pourquoi les fonctionnalités pro sont-elles si chères?](#user-content-faq19)
* [(20) Puis-je obtenir un remboursement ?](#user-content-faq20)
* [(21) Comment activer le voyant de notification ?](#user-content-faq21)
* [(22) Qu'est-ce que l'erreur de compte/dossier ... signifie?](#user-content-faq22)
* [(23) Pourquoi est-ce que je reçois une alerte .. ?](#user-content-faq23)
* [(24) Qu'est-ce que parcourir les messages sur le serveur?](#user-content-faq24)
* [(25) Pourquoi ne puis-je pas sélectionner/ouvrir/enregistrer une image, une pièce jointe ou un fichier ?](#user-content-faq25)
* [(26) Puis-je aider à traduire FairEmail dans ma propre langue ?](#user-content-faq26)
* [(27) Comment faire la distinction entre les images intégrées et les images externes?](#user-content-faq27)
* [(28) Comment puis-je gérer les notifications dans la barre d'état ?](#user-content-faq28)
* [(29) Comment puis-je recevoir des notifications de nouveaux messages pour d'autres dossiers?](#user-content-faq29)
* [(30) Comment puis-je utiliser les paramètres rapides fournis ?](#user-content-faq30)
* [(31) Comment puis-je utiliser les raccourcis fournis ?](#user-content-faq31)
* [(32) Comment puis-je vérifier si la lecture des courriels est vraiment sécurisé?](#user-content-faq32)
* [(33) Pourquoi la modification des adresses de l'expéditeur ne fonctionne-t-elle pas?](#user-content-faq33)
* [(34) Comment les identités correspondent-elles?](#user-content-faq34)
* [(35) Pourquoi devrais-je faire attention à la visualisation des images, des pièces jointes et du message original ?](#user-content-faq35)
* [(36) Comment les fichiers de configuration sont-ils chiffrés ?](#user-content-faq36)
* [(37) Comment les mots de passe sont-ils stockés?](#user-content-faq37)
* [(39) Comment puis-je réduire l'utilisation de la batterie de FairEmail?](#user-content-faq39)
* [(40) Comment puis-je réduire l'utilisation du réseau de FairEmail?](#user-content-faq40)
* [(41) Comment puis-je corriger l'erreur 'Échec de la prise de main' ?](#user-content-faq41)
* [(42) Pouvez-vous ajouter un nouveau fournisseur à la liste des fournisseurs ?](#user-content-faq42)
* [(44) Pouvez-vous montrer les photos / identicons de contact dans le dossier envoyé?](#user-content-faq44)
* [(45) Comment puis-je corriger 'Cette clé n'est pas disponible. Pour l'utiliser, vous devez l'importer comme l'un des votres !" ?](#user-content-faq45)
* [(46) Pourquoi la liste des messages continue-t-elle à se rafraîchir?](#user-content-faq46)
* [(47) Comment puis-je résoudre l'erreur "Aucun compte principal ou aucun dossier brouillon" ?](#user-content-faq47)
* [~~(48) Comment résoudre l'erreur "Aucun compte principal ou aucun dossier d'archives" ?~~](#user-content-faq48)
* [(49) Comment puis-je réparer "Une application obsolète a envoyé un chemin de fichier au lieu d'un flux de fichiers" ?](#user-content-faq49)
* [(50) Pouvez-vous ajouter une option pour synchroniser tous les messages ?](#user-content-faq50)
* [(51) Comment les dossiers sont-ils triés ?](#user-content-faq51)
* [(52) Pourquoi faut-il un peu de temps pour se reconnecter à un compte ?](#user-content-faq52)
* [(53) Pouvez-vous coller la barre d'action de message en haut/bas ?](#user-content-faq53)
* [~~(54) Comment utiliser un préfixe d'espace de noms ?~~](#user-content-faq54)
* [(55) Comment puis-je marquer tous les messages comme lus / déplacer ou supprimer tous les messages ?](#user-content-faq55)
* [(56) Pouvez-vous ajouter un support pour JMAP?](#user-content-faq56)
* [~~(57) Puis-je utiliser du HTML dans les signatures ?~~](#user-content-faq57)
* [(58) Que signifie une icône de courriel ouverte/fermée?](#user-content-faq58)
* [(59) Peut-on ouvrir des messages originaux dans le navigateur?](#user-content-faq59)
* [(60) Saviez-vous ...?](#user-content-faq60)
* [(61) Pourquoi certains messages sont-ils affichés grisés?](#user-content-faq61)
* [(62) Quelles méthodes d'authentification sont supportées ?](#user-content-faq62)
* [(63) Comment les images sont-elles redimensionnées pour l'affichage sur les écrans ?](#user-content-faq63)
* [~~(64) Pouvez-vous ajouter des actions personnalisées pour glisser vers la gauche/vers la droite?~~](#user-content-faq64)
* [(65) Pourquoi certaines pièces jointes sont-elles affichées grisées?](#user-content-faq65)
* [(66) FairEmail est-il disponible dans la bibliothèque familiale Google Play ?](#user-content-faq66)
* [(67) Comment puis-je répéter les conversations?](#user-content-faq67)
* [~~(68) Pourquoi le lecteur Adobe Acrobat n'ouvre-t-il pas les pièces jointes PDF / Les applications Microsoft n'ouvrent pas les documents ?~~](#user-content-faq68)
* [(69) Pouvez-vous ajouter le défilement automatique vers le haut sur un nouveau message ?](#user-content-faq69)
* [(70) Quand les messages seront-ils automatiquement étendus ?](#user-content-faq70)
* [(71) Comment utiliser les règles de filtrage ?](#user-content-faq71)
* [(72) Quelles sont les comptes/identités principales?](#user-content-faq72)
* [(73) Est-ce que le transfert de messages entre les comptes est sécurisé et efficace ?](#user-content-faq73)
* [(74) Pourquoi est-ce que je vois des messages en double?](#user-content-faq74)
* [(75) Pouvez-vous créer une version iOS, Windows, Linux, etc ?](#user-content-faq75)
* [(76) Que fait 'Effacer les messages locaux' ?](#user-content-faq76)
* [(77) Pourquoi les messages sont-ils parfois affichés avec un petit retard?](#user-content-faq77)
* [(78) Comment utiliser les horaires ?](#user-content-faq78)
* [(79) Comment utiliser la synchronisation à la demande (manuel) ?](#user-content-faq79)
* [~~(80) Comment puis-je corriger l'erreur 'Impossible de charger BODYSTRUCTURE'?~~](#user-content-faq80)
* [~~(81) Pouvez-vous mettre le fond du message original sombre dans le thème sombre ?~~](#user-content-faq81)
* [(82) Qu'est-ce qu'une image de suivi?](#user-content-faq82)
* [(84) À quoi servent les contacts locaux ?](#user-content-faq84)
* [(85) Pourquoi une identité n'est-elle pas disponible?](#user-content-faq85)
* [~~(86) Que sont les 'fonctionnalités de confidentialité supplémentaires'?~~](#user-content-faq86)
* [(87) Que signifient les 'identifiants invalides' ?](#user-content-faq87)
* [(88) Comment puis-je utiliser un compte Yahoo, AOL ou Sky ?](#user-content-faq88)
* [(89) Comment puis-je envoyer des messages en texte brut uniquement ?](#user-content-faq89)
* [(90) Pourquoi certains textes sont-ils liés sans être liés?](#user-content-faq90)
* [~~(91) Pouvez-vous ajouter une synchronisation périodique pour économiser la batterie ?~~](#user-content-faq91)
* [(92) Pouvez-vous ajouter le filtrage de spam, la vérification de la signature DKIM et l'autorisation SPF ?](#user-content-faq92)
* [(93) Pouvez-vous autoriser l'installation/stockage de données sur un support de stockage externe (sdcard) ?](#user-content-faq93)
* [(94) Que signifie la bande rouge/orange à la fin de l'en-tête ?](#user-content-faq94)
* [(95) Pourquoi toutes les applications ne sont-elles pas affichées lors de la sélection d'une pièce jointe ou d'une image ?](#user-content-faq95)
* [(96) Où puis-je trouver les paramètres IMAP et SMTP ?](#user-content-faq96)
* [(97) Qu'est-ce que le "nettoyage"?](#user-content-faq97)
* [(98) Pourquoi puis-je toujours choisir des contacts après avoir révoqué les autorisations de contacts?](#user-content-faq98)
* [(99) Pouvez-vous ajouter un texte riche ou un éditeur de markdown ?](#user-content-faq99)
* [(100) Comment puis-je synchroniser les catégories Gmail ?](#user-content-faq100)
* [(101) Que signifie le point bleu/orange au bas des conversations?](#user-content-faq101)
* [(102) Comment puis-je activer la rotation automatique des images ?](#user-content-faq102)
* [(103) Comment puis-je enregistrer de l'audio?](#user-content-faq103)
* [(104) Que dois-je savoir au sujet du signalement d'erreur?](#user-content-faq104)
* [(105) Comment fonctionne l’option itinérance à domicile?](#user-content-faq105)
* [(106) Quels lanceurs peuvent afficher un nombre de badges avec le nombre de messages non lus ?](#user-content-faq106)
* [(107) Comment utiliser des étoiles colorées ?](#user-content-faq107)
* [(108) Pouvez-vous ajouter des messages de façon permanente à partir de n'importe quel dossier ?](#user-content-faq108)
* [~~(109) Pourquoi 'sélectionner le compte' est-il uniquement disponible dans les versions officielles ?~~](#user-content-faq109)
* [(110) Pourquoi (certains) les messages sont-ils vides et/ou les pièces jointes corrompues?](#user-content-faq110)
* [(111) OAuth est-il pris en charge ?](#user-content-faq111)
* [(112) Quel fournisseur de messagerie recommandez-vous ?](#user-content-faq112)
* [(156) Comment puis-je créer un compte Office365 ?](#user-content-faq156)
* [(157) Comment puis-je créer un compte gratuit ?](#user-content-faq157)
* [(158) Quelle caméra / enregistreur audio recommandez-vous?](#user-content-faq158)
* [(159) Qu'est ce que deconnecter les listes de protection du tracker ?](#user-content-faq159)
[J’ai une autre question.](#user-content-support)
**(1) Which permissions are needed and why?**
The following Android permissions are needed:
* *have full network access* (INTERNET): to send and receive email
* *view network connections* (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE): to monitor internet connectivity changes
* *run at startup* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED): to start monitoring on device start
* *foreground service* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE): to run a foreground service on Android 9 Pie and later, see also the next question
* *prevent device from sleeping* (WAKE_LOCK): to keep the device awake while synchronizing messages
* *in-app billing* (BILLING): to allow in-app purchases
* Optional: *read your contacts* (READ_CONTACTS): to autocomplete addresses and to show photos
* Optional: *read the contents of your SD card* (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): to accept files from other, outdated apps, see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq49)
* Optional: *use fingerprint hardware* (USE_FINGERPRINT) and use *biometric hardware* (USE_BIOMETRIC): to use biometric authentication
* Optional: *find accounts on the device* (GET_ACCOUNTS): to select an account when using the Gmail quick setup
* Android 5.1 Lollipop and before: *use accounts on the device* (USE_CREDENTIALS): to select an account when using the Gmail quick setup (not requested on later Android versions)
* Android 5.1 Lollipop and before: *Read profile* (READ_PROFILE): to read your name when using the Gmail quick setup (not requested on later Android versions)
[Optional permissions](https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting) are supported on Android 6 Marshmallow and later only. On earlier Android versions you will be asked to grant the optional permissions on installing FairEmail.
The following permissions are needed to show the count of unread messages as a badge (see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq106)):
**(1) Quelles permissions sont nécessaires et pourquoi?**
Les autorisations Android suivantes sont nécessaires:
* *ont un accès complet au réseau* (INTERNET): pour envoyer et recevoir des emails
* *afficher les connexions réseau* (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE): pour surveiller les changements de connectivité internet
* *exécuter au démarrage* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED) : pour démarrer la surveillance au démarrage de l'appareil
* *service de premier plan* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE) : pour exécuter un service de premier plan sur Android 9 Pie et plus tard, voir aussi la question suivante
* *Empêcher l'appareil de dormir* (WAKE_LOCK): pour garder l'appareil éveillé lors de la synchronisation des messages
* *Facturation dans l'application* (BILLING): pour autoriser les achats in-app
* Facultatif : *lisez vos contacts* (READ_CONTACTS): pour compléter automatiquement les adresses et afficher les photos
* Facultatif : *lire le contenu de votre carte SD* (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): pour accepter des fichiers provenant d'autres applications obsolètes, voir aussi [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq49)
* Facultatif : *utiliser le matériel d'empreinte digitale* (USE_FINGERPRINT) et utiliser *matériel biométrique* (USE_BIOMETRIC): pour utiliser l'authentification biométrique
* Facultatif : *trouver des comptes sur l'appareil* (GET_ACCOUNTS): pour sélectionner un compte lors de la configuration rapide de Gmail
* Android 5.1 Lollipop et avant : *utiliser les comptes sur l'appareil* (USE_CREDENTIALS): pour sélectionner un compte lors de la configuration rapide de Gmail (non demandée sur les versions ultérieures d'Android)
* Android 5.1 Lollipop et avant : *Lire le profil* (READ_PROFILE): pour lire votre nom lorsque vous utilisez la configuration rapide de Gmail (non demandée sur les versions ultérieures d'Android)
[Autorisations optionnelles](https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting) ne sont prises en charge que sur Android 6 Marshmallow et plus tard. Sur les versions antérieures d'Android, il vous sera demandé d'accorder les autorisations facultatives sur l'installation de FairEmail.
Les autorisations suivantes sont nécessaires pour afficher le nombre de messages non lus comme un badge (voir aussi [ceci dans FAQ](#user-content-faq106)) :
FairEmail will keep a list of addresses you receive messages from and send messages to and will use this list for contact suggestions when no contacts permissions is granted to FairEmail. This means you can use FairEmail without the Android contacts provider (address book). Note that you can still pick contacts without granting contacts permissions to FairEmail, only suggesting contacts won't work without contacts permissions.
FairEmail conservera une liste d'adresses depuis lesquelles vous recevez des messages et enverrez des messages à et utilisera cette liste pour des suggestions de contacts quand aucune autorisation de contact n'est accordée à FairEmail. Cela signifie que vous pouvez utiliser FairEmail sans le fournisseur de contacts Android (carnet d'adresses). Notez que vous pouvez toujours choisir des contacts sans accorder les autorisations de contact à FairEmail, seul suggérer que les contacts ne fonctionneront pas sans les autorisations de contacts.
**(2) Why is there a permanent notification shown?**
**(2) Pourquoi y a-t-il une notification permanente ?**
A low priority permanent status bar notification with the number of accounts being monitored and the number of operations pending (see the next question) is shown to prevent Android from killing the service that takes care of continuous receiving email. This was [already necessary](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html#startForeground(int,%20android.app.Notification)), but with the introduction of [doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) in Android 6 Marshmallow this is more than ever necessary. Doze mode will stop all apps when the screen is off for some time, unless the app did start a foreground service, which requires showing a status bar notification.
Une notification de la barre d'état permanente de faible priorité avec le nombre de comptes surveillés et le nombre d'opérations en attente (voir la question suivante) est montrée pour empêcher Android de tuer le service qui prend en charge la réception continue d'e-mail. Ceci était [déjà nécessaire](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html#startForeground(int,%20android.app.Notification)), mais avec l'introduction du [mode doze](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) dans Android 6 Marshmallow c'est plus que jamais nécessaire. Le mode Veille arrêtera toutes les applications lorsque l'écran est éteint pendant un certain temps, sauf si l'application a démarré un service de premier plan, ce qui nécessite l'affichage d'une notification dans la barre d'état.
Most, if not all, other email apps don't show a notification with the "side effect" that new messages are often not or late being reported and that messages are not or late being sent.
La plupart, sinon tous, les autres applications de messagerie n'affichent pas de notification avec l'effet secondaire que les nouveaux messages ne sont souvent pas signalés ou en retard et que les messages ne sont pas envoyés ou en retard.
Android shows icons of high priority status bar notifications first and will hide the icon of FairEmail's notification if there is no space to show icons anymore. In practice this means that the status bar notification doesn't take space in the status bar, unless there is space available.
Android affiche d'abord les icônes des notifications de la barre d'état de haute priorité et masquera l'icône de notification de FairEmail s'il n'y a plus d'espace pour afficher les icônes. En pratique, cela signifie que la notification de la barre d'état ne prend pas de place dans la barre d'état, à moins qu'il n'y ait de place disponible.
The status bar notification can be disabled via the notification settings of FairEmail:
La notification de la barre d'état peut être désactivée via les paramètres de notification de FairEmail:
* Android 8 Oreo and later: tap the *Service channel* button and disable the notification channel via the Android settings
* Android 7 Nougat and before: enabled *Use background service to synchronize messages*, but be sure to read the remark below the setting
* Android 8 Oreo et plus tard : appuyez sur le bouton *Canal de service* et désactivez le canal de notification via les paramètres Android
* Android 7 Nougat et avant : activé *Utiliser le service d'arrière-plan pour synchroniser les messages*, mais n'oubliez pas de lire la remarque en dessous du paramètre
You can switch to periodically synchronization of messages in the receive settings to remove the notification, but be aware that this might use more battery power. See [here](#user-content-faq39) for more details about battery usage.
Vous pouvez basculer vers la synchronisation périodique des messages dans les paramètres de réception pour supprimer la notification, mais sachez que cela peut consommer plus de batterie. Voir [ici](#user-content-faq39) pour plus de détails sur l'utilisation de la batterie.
Android 8 Oreo might also show a status bar notification with the text *Apps are running in the background*. Please see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/7vw7l4/psa_turn_off_background_apps_notification/) about how you can disable this notification.
Android 8 Oreo pourrait également afficher une notification dans la barre d'état avec le texte *Les applications sont en cours d'exécution en arrière-plan*. Veuillez voir [ici](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/7vw7l4/psa_turn_off_background_apps_notification/) comment désactiver cette notification.
Some people suggested to use [Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/) (FCM) instead of an Android service with a status bar notification, but this would require email providers to send FCM messages or a central server where all messages are collected sending FCM messages. The first is not going to happen and the last would have significant privacy implications.
Certaines personnes ont suggéré d'utiliser [Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/) (FCM) au lieu d'un service Android avec une notification de la barre d'état, mais cela nécessite que les fournisseurs de messagerie envoient des messages FCM ou un serveur central où tous les messages sont collectés envoyant des messages FCM. La première ne se produira pas et la dernière aurait des implications significatives sur la vie privée.
Si vous êtes arrivé·e ici en cliquant sur la notification, vous devez savoir que le prochain clic ouvrira la boîte de réception unifiée.
**(3) What are operations and why are they pending?**
**(3) Que sont les opérations et pourquoi sont-elles en attente ?**
The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations, which can be:
La notification de la barre d'état de faible priorité montre le nombre d'opérations en attente, ce qui peut être :
* *add*: add message to remote folder
* *move*: move message to another remote folder
* *copy*: copy message to another remote folder
* *fetch*: fetch changed (pushed) message
* *delete*: delete message from remote folder
* *seen*: mark message as read/unread in remote folder
* *answered*: mark message as answered in remote folder
* *ajouter* : ajouter un message au dossier distant
* *déplacer* : déplacer le message vers un autre dossier distant
* *copie* : copier le message dans un autre dossier distant
* *recuperer* : message de récupération modifié (préssé)
* *supprimer* : supprimer le message du dossier distant
* *vu* : marquer le message comme lu/non lu dans le dossier distant
* *répondu* : marquer le message comme répondu dans le dossier distant
* *flag*: add/remove star in remote folder
* *keyword*: add/remove IMAP flag in remote folder
* *label*: set/reset Gmail label in remote folder
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
Voir [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq33) pour modifier le nom d'utilisateur des adresses électroniques.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail est un client de messagerie uniquement, vous devez donc fournir vous-même votre adresse e-mail.
Il y a beaucoup de fournisseurs de messagerie parmi lesquels choisir. Le fournisseur de messagerie qui vous convient le mieux dépend de vos souhaits/exigences. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
Sie vous avez des questions, veuillez d'abord consulter la foire aux questions. En bas, vous pouvez trouver comment poser d'autres questions, demander des fonctionnalités et signaler des bugs.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez d'abord consulter la foire aux questions. En bas, vous pouvez trouver comment poser d'autres questions, demander des fonctionnalités et signaler des bugs.
## Index
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Sie vous avez des questions, veuillez d'abord consulter la foire aux questions.
* Changer le nom du compte : Configuration, étape 1, Gerer, appuyer sur le compte
* Change the swipe left/right target: Setup, Behavior, Set swipe actions
* Changer la cible de balayage gauche/droite: Configuration, comportement, Définir les actions de balayage
* Changer le mot de passe : Configurer, étape 1, Gérer, toucher le compte, changer le mot de passe
* Définir une signature: Configuration, étape 2, Gérer, touchez l'identité, Modifier la signature.
* Ajouter des adresses CC et CCI : appuyez sur l'icône des personnes à la fin de l'objet
* Go to the next/previous message on archive/delete: in the behavior settings disable *Automatically close conversations* and select *Go to next/previous conversation* for *On closing a conversation*
* Add a folder to the unified inbox: long press the folder in the folder list and tick *Show in unified inbox*
* Add a folder to the navigation menu: long press the folder in the folder list and tick *Show in navigation menu*
* Load more messages: long press a folder in the folder list, select *Synchronize more messages*
* Delete a message, skipping trash: in the 3-dots menu just above the message text *Delete* or alternatively, unselect the trash folder in the account settings
* Delete an account/identity: Setup step 1/2, Manage, tap account/identity, three-dots menu, Delete
* Allez au message suivant/précédent dans l'archive/suppression : dans les paramètres de comportement, désactivez *Fermez automatiquement les conversations* et sélectionnez *Allez à la suivante/précédente conversation* pour *Lors de la fermeture d'une conversation*
* Ajouter un dossier à la boîte de réception unifiée : appuyez longuement sur le dossier dans la liste des dossiers et cochez *Afficher dans la boîte de réception unifiée*
* Ajouter un dossier au menu de navigation : appuyez longuement sur le dossier dans la liste des dossiers et cochez *Afficher dans le menu de navigation*
* Charger plus de messages : appuyez longuement sur un dossier dans la liste de dossiers, sélectionnez *Synchroniser plus de messages*
* Supprimez un message, sautez la corbeille : dans le menu à 3 points juste au-dessus du texte du message *Supprimer* ou désélectionnez le dossier corbeille dans les paramètres du compte
* Supprimer un compte/identité: Étape 1/2, Gestion, Appuyer sur compte/identité, Menu à trois points, Supprimer
* Supprimer un dossier : appuyez longuement sur le dossier dans la liste de dossiers, Modifier les propriétés, Menu à trois points, Supprimer
* Annuler l'envoi : Boîte d'envoi, appuyez sur le message, appuyez sur l'icône d'annulation
* Store sent messages in the inbox: please [see this FAQ](#user-content-faq142)
* Change system folders: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, at the bottom
* Export/import settings: Setup, navigation/hamburger menu
* Stocker les messages envoyés dans la boîte de réception : veuillez [voir ceci dans FAQ](#user-content-faq142)
* Modifier les dossiers système: Configuration, étape 1, gestion, appuyer sur le compte, en bas
* Exporter/importer les paramètres : Configuration, navigation/menu hamburger
## Problèmes connus
* ~~Un [bogue dans Android 5.1 et 6](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37054851) fait que les applications affichent parfois un mauvais format d'heure. Changer les paramètres de Android sur *Utiliser le format 24 heures* pourrait résoudre temporairement le problème. Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* ~~Un [bogue dans Google Drive](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/126362828) vide le dossier des fichiers exportés vers Google Drive. Google a corrigé ceci.~~
* ~~A [bug in AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/78495471) causes FairEmail to occasionally crash on long pressing or swiping. Google a corrigé ceci.~~
* ~~Un [bogue dans AndroidX ROOM](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/138441698) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... Exception while computing database live data ... Couldn't read row ...*". Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* A [bug in Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/119872129) causes FairEmail to crash with "*... Bad notification posted ...*" sur certains appareils juste après avoir mis à jour FairEmail et appuyé sur une notification.
* Un [bogue dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/62427912) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... ActivityRecord not found for ...*" après avoir mis à jour FairEmail. La réinstallation de ([source](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46309428/android-activitythread-reportsizeconfigurations-causes-app-to-freeze-with-black)) pourrait résoudre le problème.
* Un [bogue dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37018931) provoque parfois un plantage avec *... InputChannel is not initialized ...* sur certains appareils.
* ~~A [bug in LineageOS](https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/+/265273) sometimes causes a crash with*... java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=...; index=... ...*.~~
* A bug in Nova Launcher on Android 5.x causes FairEmail to crash with a *java.lang.StackOverflowError* when Nova Launcher has access to the accessibility service.
* ~~Le sélecteur de dossier ne montre parfois aucun dossier pour des raisons encore inconnues. This seems to be fixed.~~
* ~A [bug dans AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/78495471) provoque un plantage occasionnel de FairEmail en appui long ou en glissant. Google a corrigé ceci.~~
* ~~Un [bug dans AndroidX ROOM](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/138441698) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... Exception lors du calcul de la base de données en direct... Impossible de lire la ligne ...*". Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* Un [bug dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/119872129) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... Mauvaise notification postée ...*" sur certains appareils une fois après la mise à jour de FairEmail et en appuyant sur une notification.
* Un [bug dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/62427912) provoque parfois un plantage avec "*... ActivityRecord introuvable pour ...*" après la mise à jour de FairEmail. La réinstallation de ([source](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46309428/android-activitythread-reportsizeconfigurations-causes-app-to-freeze-with-black)) pourrait résoudre le problème.
* Un [bug dans Android](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37018931) provoque parfois un plantage avec *... InputChannel n'est pas initialisé ...* sur certains appareils.
* ~A [bug dans LineageOS](https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/+/265273) provoque parfois un plantage avec*... java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=...; index=... ...*.~~
* Un bug dans Nova Launcher sur Android 5.x provoque le plantage de FairEmail avec une *java.lang.StackOverflowError* lorsque Nova Launcher a accès au service d'accessibilité.
* ~~Le sélecteur de dossier ne montre parfois aucun dossier pour des raisons encore inconnues. Cela semble être réparé.~~
* ~~Un [bug dans AndroidX](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/64729576) rend difficile le défilement rapide. Une solution de contournement a été ajoutée.~~
* ~~Le chiffrement avec YubiKey se traduit par une boucle infinie. Cela semble être causé par un [bogue dans OpenKeychain](https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/issues/2507).~~
* Scrolling to an internally linked location in original messages does not work. Ceci ne peut pas être corrigé car la vue du message d'origine est contenue dans une vue déroulante.
* A preview of a message text doesn't (always) appear on Samsung watches because [setLocalOnly](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/core/app/NotificationCompat.Builder.html#setLocalOnly(boolean)) seem to be ignored. Message preview texts are known to be displayed correctly on Pebble 2, Fitbit Charge 3, and Mi band 3 wearables. Voir aussi [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq126).
* ~~Le chiffrement avec YubiKey se traduit par une boucle infinie. Cela semble être causé par un [bug dans OpenKeychain](https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/issues/2507).~~
* Le défilement vers un emplacement lié en interne dans les messages originaux ne fonctionne pas. Ceci ne peut pas être corrigé car la vue du message d'origine est contenue dans une vue déroulante.
* Un aperçu d'un message texte n'apparaît pas (toujours) sur les montres Samsung car [setLocalOnly](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/core/app/NotificationCompat.Builder.html#setLocalOnly(boolean)) semble être ignoré. Les textes de prévisualisation du message sont connus pour être affichés correctement sur Pebble 2, Fitbit Charge 3 et Mi band 3. Voir aussi [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq126).
## Fonctionnalités prévues
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Questions connexes :
* ~~Suggestions de recherche~~
* ~~[Autocrypt Setup Message](https://autocrypt.org/autocrypt-spec-1.0.0.pdf) (section 4.4)~~ (A mon avis, ce n'est pas une bonne idée de laisser un client de messagerie manipuler des clés de chiffrement sensibles pour un cas d'usage exceptionnel alors que OpenKeychain peut également exporter des clés)
* ~~Dossiers unifiés génériques~~
* ~~New per account message notification schedules~~ (implemented by adding a time condition to rules so messages can be snoozed during selected periods)
* ~~Nouveaux calendriers de notification par message de compte~~ (implémentés en ajoutant une condition de temps aux règles pour que les messages puissent être reportés pendant les périodes sélectionnées)
* ~Copie de comptes et identités~~
* ~~Zoom par pincement~~ (non possible de manière fiable dans une liste de défilement ; la vue complète du message peut être zoomée à la place)
* ~~Vue de dossier plus compacte~~
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Questions connexes :
* ~Rappel de l'ajout des pièces jointes~~
* ~~Sélection des domaines pour lesquels afficher les images~~ (ceci sera trop compliqué à utiliser)
* ~~Vue unifiée des messages suivis~~ (il y a déjà une recherche spéciale pour ceci)
* ~~Move notification action~~
* ~~S/MIME support~~
* ~~Déplacer l'action de notification~~
* ~~support S/MIME ~~
* ~~Rechercher des paramètres~~
Tout ce qui est dans cette liste est dans l'ordre aléatoire et *pourrait* être ajouté dans un avenir proche.
@ -132,231 +132,231 @@ La conception est basée sur de nombreuses discussions et si vous le souhaitez,
* [(12) Comment fonctionne le chiffrement/déchiffrement ?](#user-content-faq12)
* [(13) Comment fonctionne la recherche sur l'appareil/le serveur ?](#user-content-faq13)
* [(14) Comment puis-je configurer un compte Outlook / Live / Hotmail ?](#user-content-faq14)
* [(15) Why does the message text keep loading?](#user-content-faq15)
* [(16) Why are messages not being synchronized?](#user-content-faq16)
* [~~(17) Why does manual synchronize not work?~~](#user-content-faq17)
* [(18) Why is the message preview not always shown?](#user-content-faq18)
* [(19) Why are the pro features so expensive?](#user-content-faq19)
* [(20) Can I get a refund?](#user-content-faq20)
* [(21) How do I enable the notification light?](#user-content-faq21)
* [(22) What does account/folder error ... mean?](#user-content-faq22)
* [(23) Why do I get alert .. ?](#user-content-faq23)
* [(24) What is browse messages on the server?](#user-content-faq24)
* [(25) Why can't I select/open/save an image, attachment or a file?](#user-content-faq25)
* [(26) Can I help to translate FairEmail in my own language?](#user-content-faq26)
* [(27) How can I distinguish between embedded and external images?](#user-content-faq27)
* [(28) How can I manage status bar notifications?](#user-content-faq28)
* [(29) How can I get new message notifications for other folders?](#user-content-faq29)
* [(30) How can I use the provided quick settings?](#user-content-faq30)
* [(31) How can I use the provided shortcuts?](#user-content-faq31)
* [(32) How can I check if reading email is really safe?](#user-content-faq32)
* [(33) Why are edited sender addresses not working?](#user-content-faq33)
* [(34) How are identities matched?](#user-content-faq34)
* [(35) Why should I be careful with viewing images, attachments, and the original message?](#user-content-faq35)
* [(36) How are settings files encrypted?](#user-content-faq36)
* [(37) How are passwords stored?](#user-content-faq37)
* [(39) How can I reduce the battery usage of FairEmail?](#user-content-faq39)
* [(40) How can I reduce the network usage of FairEmail?](#user-content-faq40)
* [(41) How can I fix the error 'Handshake failed' ?](#user-content-faq41)
* [(42) Can you add a new provider to the list of providers?](#user-content-faq42)
* [(43) Can you show the original ... ?](#user-content-faq43)
* [(44) Can you show contact photos / identicons in the sent folder?](#user-content-faq44)
* [(45) How can I fix 'This key is not available. To use it, you must import it as one of your own!' ?](#user-content-faq45)
* [(46) Why does the message list keep refreshing?](#user-content-faq46)
* [(47) How do I solve the error 'No primary account or no drafts folder' ?](#user-content-faq47)
* [~~(48) How do I solve the error 'No primary account or no archive folder' ?~~](#user-content-faq48)
* [(49) How do I fix 'An outdated app sent a file path instead of a file stream' ?](#user-content-faq49)
* [(50) Can you add an option to synchronize all messages?](#user-content-faq50)
* [(51) How are folders sorted?](#user-content-faq51)
* [(52) Why does it take some time to reconnect to an account?](#user-content-faq52)
* [(53) Can you stick the message action bar to the top/bottom?](#user-content-faq53)
* [~~(54) How do I use a namespace prefix?~~](#user-content-faq54)
* [(55) How can I mark all messages as read / move or delete all messages?](#user-content-faq55)
* [(56) Can you add support for JMAP?](#user-content-faq56)
* [~~(57) Can I use HTML in signatures?~~](#user-content-faq57)
* [(58) What does an open/closed email icon mean?](#user-content-faq58)
* [(59) Can original messages be opened in the browser?](#user-content-faq59)
* [(60) Did you known ...?](#user-content-faq60)
* [(61) Why are some messages shown dimmed?](#user-content-faq61)
* [(62) Which authentication methods are supported?](#user-content-faq62)
* [(63) How are images resized for displaying on screens?](#user-content-faq63)
* [~~(64) Can you add custom actions for swipe left/right?~~](#user-content-faq64)
* [(65) Why are some attachments shown dimmed?](#user-content-faq65)
* [(66) Is FairEmail available in the Google Play Family Library?](#user-content-faq66)
* [(67) How can I snooze conversations?](#user-content-faq67)
* [~~(68) Why can Adobe Acrobat reader not open PDF attachments / Microsoft apps not open attached documents?~~](#user-content-faq68)
* [(69) Can you add auto scroll up on new message?](#user-content-faq69)
* [(70) When will messages be auto expanded?](#user-content-faq70)
* [(71) How do I use filter rules?](#user-content-faq71)
* [(72) What are primary accounts/identities?](#user-content-faq72)
* [(73) Is moving messages across accounts safe/efficient?](#user-content-faq73)
* [(74) Why do I see duplicate messages?](#user-content-faq74)
* [(75) Can you make an iOS, Windows, Linux, etc version?](#user-content-faq75)
* [(76) What does 'Clear local messages' do?](#user-content-faq76)
* [(77) Why are messages sometimes shown with a small delay?](#user-content-faq77)
* [(78) How do I use schedules?](#user-content-faq78)
* [(79) How do I use synchronize on demand (manual)?](#user-content-faq79)
* [~~(80) How do I fix the error 'Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE'?~~](#user-content-faq80)
* [~~(81) Can you make the background of the original message dark in the dark theme?~~](#user-content-faq81)
* [(82) What is a tracking image?](#user-content-faq82)
* [(84) What are local contacts for?](#user-content-faq84)
* [(85) Why is an identity not available?](#user-content-faq85)
* [~~(86) What are 'extra privacy features'?~~](#user-content-faq86)
* [(87) What does 'invalid credentials' mean?](#user-content-faq87)
* [(88) How can I use a Yahoo, AOL or Sky account?](#user-content-faq88)
* [(89) How can I send plain text only messages?](#user-content-faq89)
* [(90) Why are some texts linked while not being a link?](#user-content-faq90)
* [~~(91) Can you add periodical synchronization to save battery power?~~](#user-content-faq91)
* [(92) Can you add spam filtering, verification of the DKIM signature and SPF authorization?](#user-content-faq92)
* [(93) Can you allow installation/data storage on external storage media (sdcard)?](#user-content-faq93)
* [(94) What does the red/orange stripe at the end of the header mean?](#user-content-faq94)
* [(95) Why are not all apps shown when selecting an attachment or image?](#user-content-faq95)
* [(96) Where can I find the IMAP and SMTP settings?](#user-content-faq96)
* [(97) What is 'cleanup' ?](#user-content-faq97)
* [(98) Why can I still pick contacts after revoking contacts permissions?](#user-content-faq98)
* [(99) Can you add a rich text or markdown editor?](#user-content-faq99)
* [(100) How can I synchronize Gmail categories?](#user-content-faq100)
* [(101) What does the blue/orange dot at the bottom of the conversations mean?](#user-content-faq101)
* [(102) How can I enable auto rotation of images?](#user-content-faq102)
* [(103) How can I record audio?](#user-content-faq103)
* [(104) What do I need to know about error reporting?](#user-content-faq104)
* [(105) How does the roam-like-at-home option work?](#user-content-faq105)
* [(106) Which launchers can show a badge count with the number of unread messages?](#user-content-faq106)
* [(107) How do I used colored stars?](#user-content-faq107)
* [(108) Can you add permanently delete messages from any folder?](#user-content-faq108)
* [~~(109) Why is 'select account' available in official versions only?~~](#user-content-faq109)
* [(110) Why are (some) messages empty and/or attachments corrupted?](#user-content-faq110)
* [(111) Is OAuth supported?](#user-content-faq111)
* [(112) Which email provider do you recommend?](#user-content-faq112)
* [(113) How does biometric authentication work?](#user-content-faq113)
* [(114) Can you add an import for the settings of other email apps?](#user-content-faq114)
* [(115) Can you add email address chips?](#user-content-faq115)
* [~~(116) How can I show images in messages from trusted senders by default?~~](#user-content-faq116)
* [(117) Can you help me restore my purchase?](#user-content-faq117)
* [(118) What does 'Remove tracking parameters' exactly?](#user-content-faq118)
* [~~(119) Can you add colors to the unified inbox widget?~~](#user-content-faq119)
* [(120) Why are new message notifications not removed on opening the app?](#user-content-faq120)
* [(121) How are messages grouped into a conversation?](#user-content-faq121)
* [~~(122) Why is the recipient name/email address show with a warning color?~~](#user-content-faq122)
* [(123) What will happen when FairEmail cannot connect to an email server?](#user-content-faq123)
* [(124) Why do I get 'Message too large or too complex to display'?](#user-content-faq124)
* [(125) What are the current experimental features?](#user-content-faq125)
* [(126) Can message previews be sent to my wearable?](#user-content-faq126)
* [(127) How can I fix 'Syntactically invalid HELO argument(s)'?](#user-content-faq127)
* [(128) How can I reset asked questions, for example to show images?](#user-content-faq128)
* [(129) Are ProtonMail, Tutanota supported?](#user-content-faq129)
* [(130) What does message error ... mean?](#user-content-faq130)
* [(131) Can you change the direction for swiping to previous/next message?](#user-content-faq131)
* [(132) Why are new message notifications silent?](#user-content-faq132)
* [(133) Why is ActiveSync not supported?](#user-content-faq133)
* [(134) Can you add deleting local messages?](#user-content-faq134)
* [(135) Why are trashed messages and drafts shown in conversations?](#user-content-faq135)
* [(136) How can I delete an account/identity/folder?](#user-content-faq136)
* [(137) How can I reset 'Don't ask again'?](#user-content-faq137)
* [(138) Can you add calendar/contact management/synchronizing?](#user-content-faq138)
* [(139) How do I fix 'User is authenticated but not connected'?](#user-content-faq139)
* [(140) Why does the message text contain strange characters?](#user-content-faq140)
* [(141) How can I fix 'A drafts folder is required to send messages'?](#user-content-faq141)
* [(142) How can I store sent messages in the inbox?](#user-content-faq142)
* [~~(143) Can you add a trash folder for POP3 accounts?~~](#user-content-faq143)
* [(144) How can I record voice notes?](#user-content-faq144)
* [(145) How can I set a notification sound for an account, folder or sender?](#user-content-faq145)
* [(146) How can I fix incorrect message times?](#user-content-faq146)
* [(147) What should I know about third party versions?](#user-content-faq147)
* [(148) How can I use an Apple iCloud account?](#user-content-faq148)
* [(149) How does the unread message count widget work?](#user-content-faq149)
* [(150) Can you add cancelling calendar invites?](#user-content-faq150)
* [(151) Can you add backup/restore of messages?](#user-content-faq151)
* [(152) How can I insert a contact group?](#user-content-faq152)
* [(153) Why does permanently deleting Gmail message not work?](#user-content-faq153)
* [~~(154) Can you add favicons as contact photos?~~](#user-content-faq154)
* [(155) What is a winmail.dat file?](#user-content-faq155)
* [(156) How can I set up an Office365 account?](#user-content-faq156)
* [(157) How can I set up an Free.fr account?](#user-content-faq157)
* [(158) Which camera / audio recorder do you recommend?](#user-content-faq158)
* [(159) What are Disconnect's tracker protection lists?](#user-content-faq159)
[I have another question.](#user-content-support)
* [(15) Pourquoi le texte du message continue-t-il de se charger?](#user-content-faq15)
* [(16) Pourquoi les messages ne sont-ils pas synchronisés?](#user-content-faq16)
* [~~(17) Pourquoi la synchronisation manuelle ne fonctionne pas ?~~](#user-content-faq17)
* [(18) Pourquoi l'aperçu du message n'est-il pas toujours affiché?](#user-content-faq18)
* [(19) Pourquoi les fonctionnalités pro sont-elles si chères?](#user-content-faq19)
* [(20) Puis-je obtenir un remboursement ?](#user-content-faq20)
* [(21) Comment activer le voyant de notification ?](#user-content-faq21)
* [(22) Qu'est-ce que l'erreur de compte/dossier ... signifie?](#user-content-faq22)
* [(23) Pourquoi est-ce que je reçois une alerte .. ?](#user-content-faq23)
* [(24) Qu'est-ce que parcourir les messages sur le serveur?](#user-content-faq24)
* [(25) Pourquoi ne puis-je pas sélectionner/ouvrir/enregistrer une image, une pièce jointe ou un fichier ?](#user-content-faq25)
* [(26) Puis-je aider à traduire FairEmail dans ma propre langue ?](#user-content-faq26)
* [(27) Comment faire la distinction entre les images intégrées et les images externes?](#user-content-faq27)
* [(28) Comment puis-je gérer les notifications dans la barre d'état ?](#user-content-faq28)
* [(29) Comment puis-je recevoir des notifications de nouveaux messages pour d'autres dossiers?](#user-content-faq29)
* [(30) Comment puis-je utiliser les paramètres rapides fournis ?](#user-content-faq30)
* [(31) Comment puis-je utiliser les raccourcis fournis ?](#user-content-faq31)
* [(32) Comment puis-je vérifier si la lecture des courriels est vraiment sécurisé?](#user-content-faq32)
* [(33) Pourquoi la modification des adresses de l'expéditeur ne fonctionne-t-elle pas?](#user-content-faq33)
* [(34) Comment les identités correspondent-elles?](#user-content-faq34)
* [(35) Pourquoi devrais-je faire attention à la visualisation des images, des pièces jointes et du message original ?](#user-content-faq35)
* [(36) Comment les fichiers de configuration sont-ils chiffrés ?](#user-content-faq36)
* [(37) Comment les mots de passe sont-ils stockés?](#user-content-faq37)
* [(39) Comment puis-je réduire l'utilisation de la batterie de FairEmail?](#user-content-faq39)
* [(40) Comment puis-je réduire l'utilisation du réseau de FairEmail?](#user-content-faq40)
* [(41) Comment puis-je corriger l'erreur 'Échec de la prise de main' ?](#user-content-faq41)
* [(42) Pouvez-vous ajouter un nouveau fournisseur à la liste des fournisseurs ?](#user-content-faq42)
* [(44) Pouvez-vous montrer les photos / identicons de contact dans le dossier envoyé?](#user-content-faq44)
* [(45) Comment puis-je corriger 'Cette clé n'est pas disponible. Pour l'utiliser, vous devez l'importer comme l'un des votres !" ?](#user-content-faq45)
* [(46) Pourquoi la liste des messages continue-t-elle à se rafraîchir?](#user-content-faq46)
* [(47) Comment puis-je résoudre l'erreur "Aucun compte principal ou aucun dossier brouillon" ?](#user-content-faq47)
* [~~(48) Comment résoudre l'erreur "Aucun compte principal ou aucun dossier d'archives" ?~~](#user-content-faq48)
* [(49) Comment puis-je réparer "Une application obsolète a envoyé un chemin de fichier au lieu d'un flux de fichiers" ?](#user-content-faq49)
* [(50) Pouvez-vous ajouter une option pour synchroniser tous les messages ?](#user-content-faq50)
* [(51) Comment les dossiers sont-ils triés ?](#user-content-faq51)
* [(52) Pourquoi faut-il un peu de temps pour se reconnecter à un compte ?](#user-content-faq52)
* [(53) Pouvez-vous coller la barre d'action de message en haut/bas ?](#user-content-faq53)
* [~~(54) Comment utiliser un préfixe d'espace de noms ?~~](#user-content-faq54)
* [(55) Comment puis-je marquer tous les messages comme lus / déplacer ou supprimer tous les messages ?](#user-content-faq55)
* [(56) Pouvez-vous ajouter un support pour JMAP?](#user-content-faq56)
* [~~(57) Puis-je utiliser du HTML dans les signatures ?~~](#user-content-faq57)
* [(58) Que signifie une icône de courriel ouverte/fermée?](#user-content-faq58)
* [(59) Peut-on ouvrir des messages originaux dans le navigateur?](#user-content-faq59)
* [(60) Saviez-vous ...?](#user-content-faq60)
* [(61) Pourquoi certains messages sont-ils affichés grisés?](#user-content-faq61)
* [(62) Quelles méthodes d'authentification sont supportées ?](#user-content-faq62)
* [(63) Comment les images sont-elles redimensionnées pour l'affichage sur les écrans ?](#user-content-faq63)
* [~~(64) Pouvez-vous ajouter des actions personnalisées pour glisser vers la gauche/vers la droite?~~](#user-content-faq64)
* [(65) Pourquoi certaines pièces jointes sont-elles affichées grisées?](#user-content-faq65)
* [(66) FairEmail est-il disponible dans la bibliothèque familiale Google Play ?](#user-content-faq66)
* [(67) Comment puis-je répéter les conversations?](#user-content-faq67)
* [~~(68) Pourquoi le lecteur Adobe Acrobat n'ouvre-t-il pas les pièces jointes PDF / Les applications Microsoft n'ouvrent pas les documents ?~~](#user-content-faq68)
* [(69) Pouvez-vous ajouter le défilement automatique vers le haut sur un nouveau message ?](#user-content-faq69)
* [(70) Quand les messages seront-ils automatiquement étendus ?](#user-content-faq70)
* [(71) Comment utiliser les règles de filtrage ?](#user-content-faq71)
* [(72) Quelles sont les comptes/identités principales?](#user-content-faq72)
* [(73) Est-ce que le transfert de messages entre les comptes est sécurisé et efficace ?](#user-content-faq73)
* [(74) Pourquoi est-ce que je vois des messages en double?](#user-content-faq74)
* [(75) Pouvez-vous créer une version iOS, Windows, Linux, etc ?](#user-content-faq75)
* [(76) Que fait 'Effacer les messages locaux' ?](#user-content-faq76)
* [(77) Pourquoi les messages sont-ils parfois affichés avec un petit retard?](#user-content-faq77)
* [(78) Comment utiliser les horaires ?](#user-content-faq78)
* [(79) Comment utiliser la synchronisation à la demande (manuel) ?](#user-content-faq79)
* [~~(80) Comment puis-je corriger l'erreur 'Impossible de charger BODYSTRUCTURE'?~~](#user-content-faq80)
* [~~(81) Pouvez-vous mettre le fond du message original sombre dans le thème sombre ?~~](#user-content-faq81)
* [(82) Qu'est-ce qu'une image de suivi?](#user-content-faq82)
* [(84) À quoi servent les contacts locaux ?](#user-content-faq84)
* [(85) Pourquoi une identité n'est-elle pas disponible?](#user-content-faq85)
* [~~(86) Que sont les 'fonctionnalités de confidentialité supplémentaires'?~~](#user-content-faq86)
* [(87) Que signifient les 'identifiants invalides' ?](#user-content-faq87)
* [(88) Comment puis-je utiliser un compte Yahoo, AOL ou Sky ?](#user-content-faq88)
* [(89) Comment puis-je envoyer des messages en texte brut uniquement ?](#user-content-faq89)
* [(90) Pourquoi certains textes sont-ils liés sans être liés?](#user-content-faq90)
* [~~(91) Pouvez-vous ajouter une synchronisation périodique pour économiser la batterie ?~~](#user-content-faq91)
* [(92) Pouvez-vous ajouter le filtrage de spam, la vérification de la signature DKIM et l'autorisation SPF ?](#user-content-faq92)
* [(93) Pouvez-vous autoriser l'installation/stockage de données sur un support de stockage externe (sdcard) ?](#user-content-faq93)
* [(94) Que signifie la bande rouge/orange à la fin de l'en-tête ?](#user-content-faq94)
* [(95) Pourquoi toutes les applications ne sont-elles pas affichées lors de la sélection d'une pièce jointe ou d'une image ?](#user-content-faq95)
* [(96) Où puis-je trouver les paramètres IMAP et SMTP ?](#user-content-faq96)
* [(97) Qu'est-ce que le "nettoyage"?](#user-content-faq97)
* [(98) Pourquoi puis-je toujours choisir des contacts après avoir révoqué les autorisations de contacts?](#user-content-faq98)
* [(99) Pouvez-vous ajouter un texte riche ou un éditeur de markdown ?](#user-content-faq99)
* [(100) Comment puis-je synchroniser les catégories Gmail ?](#user-content-faq100)
* [(101) Que signifie le point bleu/orange au bas des conversations?](#user-content-faq101)
* [(102) Comment puis-je activer la rotation automatique des images ?](#user-content-faq102)
* [(103) Comment puis-je enregistrer de l'audio?](#user-content-faq103)
* [(104) Que dois-je savoir au sujet du signalement d'erreur?](#user-content-faq104)
* [(105) Comment fonctionne l’option itinérance à domicile?](#user-content-faq105)
* [(106) Quels lanceurs peuvent afficher un nombre de badges avec le nombre de messages non lus ?](#user-content-faq106)
* [(107) Comment utiliser des étoiles colorées ?](#user-content-faq107)
* [(108) Pouvez-vous ajouter des messages de façon permanente à partir de n'importe quel dossier ?](#user-content-faq108)
* [~~(109) Pourquoi 'sélectionner le compte' est-il uniquement disponible dans les versions officielles ?~~](#user-content-faq109)
* [(110) Pourquoi (certains) les messages sont-ils vides et/ou les pièces jointes corrompues?](#user-content-faq110)
* [(111) OAuth est-il pris en charge ?](#user-content-faq111)
* [(112) Quel fournisseur de messagerie recommandez-vous ?](#user-content-faq112)
* [(156) Comment puis-je créer un compte Office365 ?](#user-content-faq156)
* [(157) Comment puis-je créer un compte gratuit ?](#user-content-faq157)
* [(158) Quelle caméra / enregistreur audio recommandez-vous?](#user-content-faq158)
* [(159) Qu'est ce que deconnecter les listes de protection du tracker ?](#user-content-faq159)
[J’ai une autre question.](#user-content-support)
**(1) Which permissions are needed and why?**
The following Android permissions are needed:
* *have full network access* (INTERNET): to send and receive email
* *view network connections* (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE): to monitor internet connectivity changes
* *run at startup* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED): to start monitoring on device start
* *foreground service* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE): to run a foreground service on Android 9 Pie and later, see also the next question
* *prevent device from sleeping* (WAKE_LOCK): to keep the device awake while synchronizing messages
* *in-app billing* (BILLING): to allow in-app purchases
* Optional: *read your contacts* (READ_CONTACTS): to autocomplete addresses and to show photos
* Optional: *read the contents of your SD card* (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): to accept files from other, outdated apps, see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq49)
* Optional: *use fingerprint hardware* (USE_FINGERPRINT) and use *biometric hardware* (USE_BIOMETRIC): to use biometric authentication
* Optional: *find accounts on the device* (GET_ACCOUNTS): to select an account when using the Gmail quick setup
* Android 5.1 Lollipop and before: *use accounts on the device* (USE_CREDENTIALS): to select an account when using the Gmail quick setup (not requested on later Android versions)
* Android 5.1 Lollipop and before: *Read profile* (READ_PROFILE): to read your name when using the Gmail quick setup (not requested on later Android versions)
[Optional permissions](https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting) are supported on Android 6 Marshmallow and later only. On earlier Android versions you will be asked to grant the optional permissions on installing FairEmail.
The following permissions are needed to show the count of unread messages as a badge (see also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq106)):
**(1) Quelles permissions sont nécessaires et pourquoi?**
Les autorisations Android suivantes sont nécessaires:
* *ont un accès complet au réseau* (INTERNET): pour envoyer et recevoir des emails
* *afficher les connexions réseau* (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE): pour surveiller les changements de connectivité internet
* *exécuter au démarrage* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED) : pour démarrer la surveillance au démarrage de l'appareil
* *service de premier plan* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE) : pour exécuter un service de premier plan sur Android 9 Pie et plus tard, voir aussi la question suivante
* *Empêcher l'appareil de dormir* (WAKE_LOCK): pour garder l'appareil éveillé lors de la synchronisation des messages
* *Facturation dans l'application* (BILLING): pour autoriser les achats in-app
* Facultatif : *lisez vos contacts* (READ_CONTACTS): pour compléter automatiquement les adresses et afficher les photos
* Facultatif : *lire le contenu de votre carte SD* (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): pour accepter des fichiers provenant d'autres applications obsolètes, voir aussi [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq49)
* Facultatif : *utiliser le matériel d'empreinte digitale* (USE_FINGERPRINT) et utiliser *matériel biométrique* (USE_BIOMETRIC): pour utiliser l'authentification biométrique
* Facultatif : *trouver des comptes sur l'appareil* (GET_ACCOUNTS): pour sélectionner un compte lors de la configuration rapide de Gmail
* Android 5.1 Lollipop et avant : *utiliser les comptes sur l'appareil* (USE_CREDENTIALS): pour sélectionner un compte lors de la configuration rapide de Gmail (non demandée sur les versions ultérieures d'Android)
* Android 5.1 Lollipop et avant : *Lire le profil* (READ_PROFILE): pour lire votre nom lorsque vous utilisez la configuration rapide de Gmail (non demandée sur les versions ultérieures d'Android)
[Autorisations optionnelles](https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting) ne sont prises en charge que sur Android 6 Marshmallow et plus tard. Sur les versions antérieures d'Android, il vous sera demandé d'accorder les autorisations facultatives sur l'installation de FairEmail.
Les autorisations suivantes sont nécessaires pour afficher le nombre de messages non lus comme un badge (voir aussi [ceci dans FAQ](#user-content-faq106)) :
FairEmail will keep a list of addresses you receive messages from and send messages to and will use this list for contact suggestions when no contacts permissions is granted to FairEmail. This means you can use FairEmail without the Android contacts provider (address book). Note that you can still pick contacts without granting contacts permissions to FairEmail, only suggesting contacts won't work without contacts permissions.
FairEmail conservera une liste d'adresses depuis lesquelles vous recevez des messages et enverrez des messages à et utilisera cette liste pour des suggestions de contacts quand aucune autorisation de contact n'est accordée à FairEmail. Cela signifie que vous pouvez utiliser FairEmail sans le fournisseur de contacts Android (carnet d'adresses). Notez que vous pouvez toujours choisir des contacts sans accorder les autorisations de contact à FairEmail, seul suggérer que les contacts ne fonctionneront pas sans les autorisations de contacts.
**(2) Why is there a permanent notification shown?**
**(2) Pourquoi y a-t-il une notification permanente ?**
A low priority permanent status bar notification with the number of accounts being monitored and the number of operations pending (see the next question) is shown to prevent Android from killing the service that takes care of continuous receiving email. This was [already necessary](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html#startForeground(int,%20android.app.Notification)), but with the introduction of [doze mode](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) in Android 6 Marshmallow this is more than ever necessary. Doze mode will stop all apps when the screen is off for some time, unless the app did start a foreground service, which requires showing a status bar notification.
Une notification de la barre d'état permanente de faible priorité avec le nombre de comptes surveillés et le nombre d'opérations en attente (voir la question suivante) est montrée pour empêcher Android de tuer le service qui prend en charge la réception continue d'e-mail. Ceci était [déjà nécessaire](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service.html#startForeground(int,%20android.app.Notification)), mais avec l'introduction du [mode doze](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby) dans Android 6 Marshmallow c'est plus que jamais nécessaire. Le mode Veille arrêtera toutes les applications lorsque l'écran est éteint pendant un certain temps, sauf si l'application a démarré un service de premier plan, ce qui nécessite l'affichage d'une notification dans la barre d'état.
Most, if not all, other email apps don't show a notification with the "side effect" that new messages are often not or late being reported and that messages are not or late being sent.
La plupart, sinon tous, les autres applications de messagerie n'affichent pas de notification avec l'effet secondaire que les nouveaux messages ne sont souvent pas signalés ou en retard et que les messages ne sont pas envoyés ou en retard.
Android shows icons of high priority status bar notifications first and will hide the icon of FairEmail's notification if there is no space to show icons anymore. In practice this means that the status bar notification doesn't take space in the status bar, unless there is space available.
Android affiche d'abord les icônes des notifications de la barre d'état de haute priorité et masquera l'icône de notification de FairEmail s'il n'y a plus d'espace pour afficher les icônes. En pratique, cela signifie que la notification de la barre d'état ne prend pas de place dans la barre d'état, à moins qu'il n'y ait de place disponible.
The status bar notification can be disabled via the notification settings of FairEmail:
La notification de la barre d'état peut être désactivée via les paramètres de notification de FairEmail:
* Android 8 Oreo and later: tap the *Service channel* button and disable the notification channel via the Android settings
* Android 7 Nougat and before: enabled *Use background service to synchronize messages*, but be sure to read the remark below the setting
* Android 8 Oreo et plus tard : appuyez sur le bouton *Canal de service* et désactivez le canal de notification via les paramètres Android
* Android 7 Nougat et avant : activé *Utiliser le service d'arrière-plan pour synchroniser les messages*, mais n'oubliez pas de lire la remarque en dessous du paramètre
You can switch to periodically synchronization of messages in the receive settings to remove the notification, but be aware that this might use more battery power. See [here](#user-content-faq39) for more details about battery usage.
Vous pouvez basculer vers la synchronisation périodique des messages dans les paramètres de réception pour supprimer la notification, mais sachez que cela peut consommer plus de batterie. Voir [ici](#user-content-faq39) pour plus de détails sur l'utilisation de la batterie.
Android 8 Oreo might also show a status bar notification with the text *Apps are running in the background*. Please see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/7vw7l4/psa_turn_off_background_apps_notification/) about how you can disable this notification.
Android 8 Oreo pourrait également afficher une notification dans la barre d'état avec le texte *Les applications sont en cours d'exécution en arrière-plan*. Veuillez voir [ici](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/7vw7l4/psa_turn_off_background_apps_notification/) comment désactiver cette notification.
Some people suggested to use [Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/) (FCM) instead of an Android service with a status bar notification, but this would require email providers to send FCM messages or a central server where all messages are collected sending FCM messages. The first is not going to happen and the last would have significant privacy implications.
Certaines personnes ont suggéré d'utiliser [Firebase Cloud Messaging](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/) (FCM) au lieu d'un service Android avec une notification de la barre d'état, mais cela nécessite que les fournisseurs de messagerie envoient des messages FCM ou un serveur central où tous les messages sont collectés envoyant des messages FCM. La première ne se produira pas et la dernière aurait des implications significatives sur la vie privée.
Si vous êtes arrivé·e ici en cliquant sur la notification, vous devez savoir que le prochain clic ouvrira la boîte de réception unifiée.
**(3) What are operations and why are they pending?**
**(3) Que sont les opérations et pourquoi sont-elles en attente ?**
The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations, which can be:
La notification de la barre d'état de faible priorité montre le nombre d'opérations en attente, ce qui peut être :
* *add*: add message to remote folder
* *move*: move message to another remote folder
* *copy*: copy message to another remote folder
* *fetch*: fetch changed (pushed) message
* *delete*: delete message from remote folder
* *seen*: mark message as read/unread in remote folder
* *answered*: mark message as answered in remote folder
* *ajouter* : ajouter un message au dossier distant
* *déplacer* : déplacer le message vers un autre dossier distant
* *copie* : copier le message dans un autre dossier distant
* *recuperer* : message de récupération modifié (préssé)
* *supprimer* : supprimer le message du dossier distant
* *vu* : marquer le message comme lu/non lu dans le dossier distant
* *répondu* : marquer le message comme répondu dans le dossier distant
* *flag*: add/remove star in remote folder
* *keyword*: add/remove IMAP flag in remote folder
* *label*: set/reset Gmail label in remote folder
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
Voir [cette FAQ](#user-content-faq33) pour modifier le nom d'utilisateur des adresses électroniques.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail est un client de messagerie uniquement, vous devez donc fournir vous-même votre adresse e-mail.
Il y a beaucoup de fournisseurs de messagerie parmi lesquels choisir. Le fournisseur de messagerie qui vous convient le mieux dépend de vos souhaits/exigences. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ Unfortunately, it is impossible to make everybody happy and adding lots of setti
You can use the quick setup wizard to easily setup a Gmail account and identity.
If you don't want to use an on-device Gmail account, you can either enable access for "less secure apps" and use your account password or enable two factor authentication and use an app specific password. Please see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq111) on why only on-device accounts can be used.
If you don't want to use an on-device Gmail account, you can either enable access for "less secure apps" and use your account password or enable two factor authentication and use an app specific password. Nézd [ezt a GYIK-ben ](#user-content-faq111), hogy miért csak az on-device fiókok használhatók.
Note that an app specific password is required when two factor authentication is enabled.
@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ See [here](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229) for Google's instruct
Sent messages are normally moved from the outbox to the sent folder as soon as your provider adds sent messages to the sent folder. This requires a sent folder to be selected in the account settings and the sent folder to be set to synchronizing.
Some providers do not keep track of sent messages or the used SMTP server might not be related to the provider. In these cases FairEmail, will automatically add sent messages to the sent folder on synchronizing the sent folder, which will happen after a message have been sent. Note that this will result in extra internet traffic.
Some providers do not keep track of sent messages or the used SMTP server might not be related to the provider. Ezekben az esetekben a FairEmail automatikusan az Elküldött elemek mappához adja hozzá és szinkronizálja az elküldött üzeneteket, amely azután történik, hogy egy üzenet el lett küldve. Note that this will result in extra internet traffic.
~~If this doesn't happen, your provider might not keep track of sent messages or you might be using an SMTP server not related to the provider.~~ ~~In these cases you can enable the advanced identity setting *Store sent messages* to let FairEmail add sent messages to the sent folder right after sending a message.~~~~Note that enabling this setting might result in duplicate messages if your provider adds sent messages to the sent folder too.~~ ~~Also beware that enabling this setting will result in extra data usage, especially when when sending messages with large attachments.~~
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
Vedi [queste Domande frequenti](#user-content-faq33) sulla modifica del nome utente degli indirizzi e-mail.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,9 +366,10 @@ Powiadomienie na pasku stanu o niskim priorytecie pokazuje liczbę oczekujących
* *attachment*: pobierz załącznik
* *sync*: synchronizuj lokalne i zdalne wiadomości
* *subscribe*: subskrybuj zdalny folder
* *send*: wyślij wiadomość
* *exists*: sprawdź, czy wiadomość istnieje
* *rule*: wykonaj regułę na treści
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
Operacje są przetwarzane tylko wtedy, gdy istnieje połączenie z serwerem e-mail lub podczas ręcznej synchronizacji. Zobacz również to [FAQ](#user-content-faq16).
@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ Niestety, nie można uszczęśliwić wszystkich, a dodanie wielu ustawień było
Możesz użyć kreatora szybkiej konfiguracji, aby łatwo skonfigurować konto Gmail i tożsamość.
Jeśli nie chcesz korzystać z konta Gmail znajdującego się na urządzeniu, możesz włączyć dostęp dla „mniej bezpiecznych aplikacji” i użyć hasła do konta lub włączyć uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe i użyć hasła aplikacji. Please see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq111) on why only on-device accounts can be used.
Jeśli nie chcesz korzystać z konta Gmail znajdującego się na urządzeniu, możesz włączyć dostęp dla „mniej bezpiecznych aplikacji” i użyć hasła do konta lub włączyć uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe i użyć hasła aplikacji. Zobacz [ten FAQ](#user-content-faq111), aby dowiedzieć się dlaczego można używać tylko kont na urządzeniu.
Pamiętaj, że hasło jest wymagane w przypadku włączenia uwierzytelniania dwuskładnikowego.
@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ Instrukcje Google znajdują się [ tutaj ](https://support.google.com/mail/answe
Wysłane wiadomości są zwykle przenoszone ze skrzynki nadawczej do folderu Wysłane, gdy tylko dostawca doda wysłane wiadomości do folderu. Wymaga to wybrania folderu Wysłane w ustawieniach konta i ustawienia synchronizacji folderu Wysłane.
Niektórzy dostawcy nie śledzą wysłanych wiadomości lub używany serwer SMTP może nie być powiązany z dostawcą. In these cases FairEmail, will automatically add sent messages to the sent folder on synchronizing the sent folder, which will happen after a message have been sent. Spowoduje to dodatkowy ruch internetowy.
Niektórzy dostawcy nie śledzą wysłanych wiadomości lub używany serwer SMTP może nie być powiązany z dostawcą. W takich przypadkach FairEmail automatycznie doda wysłane wiadomości do folderu Wysłane podczas synchronizacji folderu, co nastąpi po wysłaniu wiadomości. Spowoduje to dodatkowy ruch internetowy.
~~ Jeśli tak się nie stanie, twój dostawca może nie śledzić wysłanych wiadomości lub możesz używać serwera SMTP niezwiązanego z dostawcą. ~~ ~~ W takich przypadkach możesz włączyć zaawansowane ustawienie tożsamości * Przechowuj wysłane wiadomości *, aby umożliwić FairEmail dodawanie wysłanych wiadomości do folderu Wysłane zaraz po wysłaniu wiadomości. ~~ ~~ Pamiętaj, że włączenie tego ustawienia może spowodować zduplikowanie wiadomości, jeśli Twój dostawca doda również wysłane wiadomości do folderu Wysłane. ~~ ~~ Uważaj również, ponieważ włączenie tego ustawienia spowoduje dodatkowe wykorzystanie danych, szczególnie podczas wysyłania wiadomości z dużymi załącznikami. ~~
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatywnie możesz włączyć opcję * Zezwól na edycję adresu nadawcy * w
FairEmail automatycznie zaktualizuje hasła powiązanych tożsamości podczas aktualizacji hasła powiązanego konta lub powiązanej tożsamości.
Zobacz tutaj[FAQ ](#user-content-faq33), aby edytować nazwę użytkownika adresów e-mail.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -1168,7 +1171,7 @@ See also [this FAQ](#user-content-faq4).
Błąd '*Handshake failed ... SSLV3_ALERT_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER ...*' is either caused by a bug in the SSL protocol implementation or by a too short DH key on the email server and can unfortunately not be fixed by FairEmail.
Błąd '*Handshake failed ... HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ON_CLIENT_HELLO ...*' might be caused by the provider still using RC4, which isn't supported since [Android 7](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html#tls-ssl) anymore.
The error '*Handshake failed ... HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ON_CLIENT_HELLO ...*' might be caused by the provider still using RC4, which isn't supported since [Android 7](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html#tls-ssl) anymore.
The error '*Handshake failed ... UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL ...*' might be caused by enabling hardening connections in the connection settings or by Android not supporting older protocols anymore, like SSLv3.
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
* Удалить папку: долгое нажатие на папке в списке, Изменить свойства, меню трех точек, Удалить
* Отменить отправку: Исходящие, нажмите на сообщение, нажмите иконку отменить
* Сохранять отправленные сообщения в папке "Входящие": пожалуйста [смотрите этот FAQ](#user-content-faq142)
* Change system folders: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, at the bottom
* Export/import settings: Setup, navigation/hamburger menu
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ Unfortunately, it is impossible to make everybody happy and adding lots of setti
You can use the quick setup wizard to easily setup a Gmail account and identity.
If you don't want to use an on-device Gmail account, you can either enable access for "less secure apps" and use your account password or enable two factor authentication and use an app specific password. Пожалуйста, посмотрите [этот FAQ](#user-content-faq111) о том, почему могут использоваться только учетные записи на устройстве.
If you don't want to use an on-device Gmail account, you can either enable access for "less secure apps" and use your account password or enable two factor authentication and use an app specific password. Пожалуйста, посмотрите [этот FAQ](#user-content-faq111) о том, почему могут использоваться только учётные записи на устройстве.
Note that an app specific password is required when two factor authentication is enabled.
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
Смотрите [этот FAQ](#user-content-faq33), описывающий редактирование имени пользователя электронной почты.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -2483,11 +2488,11 @@ Setting a notification sound for an account, folder or sender requires Android 8
**(146) How can I fix incorrect message times?**
Так как дата/время отправки являются необязательными и могут быть искажены отправителем, FairEmail по умолчанию использует дату/время получения сервером.
Since the sent date/time is optional and can be manipulated by the sender, FairEmail uses the server received date/time by default.
Иногда сервер получает неверную дату/время, главным образом потому, что сообщения были неправильно импортированы с другого сервера, а иногда и из-за ошибки на сервере электронной почты.
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
В этих редких случаях можно позволить FairEmail использовать дату/время либо из заголовка *Date* (время отправки), либо из заголовка *Received* в качестве обходного варианта. Это может быть изменено в расширенных настройках учетной записи: Настройка, Шаг 1, Редактировать, нажмите Учетную запись, нажмите Дополнительно.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
@ -2510,7 +2515,7 @@ Note that the GitHub version will automatically check for updates. When desired,
Please [see here](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/README.md#user-content-downloads) for all download options.
Если у вас есть проблемы с сборкой F-Droid, пожалуйста, проверьте наличие новой версии GitHub.
If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer GitHub version first.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Designen bygger på många diskussioner och om du vill kan du diskutera det [i d
* [(51) Hur är mappar sorterade?](#user-content-faq51)
* [(52) Varför tar det tid att återansluta till ett konto?](#user-content-faq52)
* [(53) Kan du fästa meddelandets åtgärdsfält högst upp/nedre?](#user-content-faq53)
* [~~(54) How do I use a namespace prefix?~~](#user-content-faq54)
* [~~(54) Hur använder jag ett namnrymdsprefix?~~](#user-content-faq54)
* [(55) Hur kan jag markera alla meddelanden som lästa/flytta eller ta bort alla meddelanden?](#user-content-faq55)
* [(56) Kan du lägga till stöd för JMAP?](#user-content-faq56)
* [~~(57) Kan jag använda HTML i signaturer?~~](#user-content-faq57)
@ -366,9 +366,10 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *regel*: kör regel på text
* *rensa*: ta bort alla meddelanden från fjärrmappen
* *skicka*: skicka meddelande
* *existerar*: kontrollera om meddelandet finns
* *regel*: exekvera regel på text
Operations are processed only when there is a connection to the email server or when manually synchronizing. Se även [denna FAQ](#user-content-faq16).
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
Se [denna FAQ](#user-content-faq33) om hur du redigerar användarnamnet för e-postadresser.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail är bara en e-postklient, så du måste ta med din egen e-postadress.
Det finns gott om e-postleverantörer att välja mellan. Vilken e-postleverantör som är bäst för dig beror på dina önskemål/krav. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -2483,11 +2488,11 @@ Setting a notification sound for an account, folder or sender requires Android 8
**(146) How can I fix incorrect message times?**
Eftersom det skickade datumet/tiden är valfri och kan manipuleras av avsändaren, FairEmail använder mottagen datum/tid från servern som standard.
Since the sent date/time is optional and can be manipulated by the sender, FairEmail uses the server received date/time by default.
Ibland är mottagen datum/tid från servern felaktig, främst på grund av att meddelanden importerades felaktigt från en annan server och ibland på grund av ett fel i e-postservern.
Sometimes the server received date/time is incorrect, mostly because messages were incorrectly imported from another server and sometimes due to a bug in the email server.
I sällsynta fall, är det möjligt att låta FairEmail använda antingen datum/tid från *Datum* headern (skickad tid) eller från headern *Mottaget* som en lösning. Detta kan ändras i avancerade kontoinställningar: Inställningar, steg 1, Hantera, knacka på konto, välj Avancerat.
In these rare cases, it is possible to let FairEmail use either the date/time from the *Date* header (sent time) or from the *Received* header as a workaround. This can be changed in the advanced account settings: Setup, step 1, Manage, tap account, tap Advanced.
This will not change the time of already synchronized messages. To solve this, long press the folder(s) in the folder list and select *Delete local messages* and *Synchronize now*.
@ -2510,7 +2515,7 @@ Note that the GitHub version will automatically check for updates. When desired,
Please [see here](https://github.com/M66B/FairEmail/blob/master/README.md#user-content-downloads) for all download options.
Om du har problem med F-Droid build, kontrollera om det finns en nyare GitHub-version först.
If you have a problem with the F-Droid build, please check if there is a newer GitHub version first.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
In some cases, you'll need to enable external access to your account and/or to use a special (app) password, for instance when two-factor authentication is enabled.
在某些情况下,你需要启用外部访问你的账户和/或使用一个特殊的(应用) 密码,例如启用双重认证。
For authorizing:
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.
@ -366,6 +366,7 @@ The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations,
* *attachment*: download attachment
* *sync*: synchronize local and remote messages
* *subscribe*: subscribe to remote folder
* *purge*: delete all messages from remote folder
* *send*: send message
* *exists*: check if message exists
* *rule*: execute rule on body text
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ Alternatively, you can enable *Allow editing sender address* in the advanced set
FairEmail will automatically update the passwords of related identities when you update the password of the associated account or a related identity.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) for editing the username of email addresses.
See [this FAQ](#user-content-faq33) on editing the username of email addresses.
@ -1093,6 +1094,8 @@ Long version:
All supported Android versions [encrypt all user data](https://source.android.com/security/encryption), so all data, including usernames, passwords, messages, etc, is stored encrypted.
If the device is secured with a PIN, pattern or password, you can make the account and identity passwords visible. If this is a problem because you are sharing the device with other people, consider to use [user profiles](https://www.howtogeek.com/333484/how-to-set-up-multiple-user-profiles-on-android/).
@ -2070,7 +2073,9 @@ OAuth access for Yahoo was requested, but Yahoo never responded to the request.
**(112) Which email provider do you recommend?**
Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
FairEmail is an email client only, so you need to bring your own email address.
There are plenty of email providers to choose from. Which email provider is best for you depends on your wishes/requirements. Please see the websites of [Restore privacy](https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-email/) or [Privacy Tools](https://www.privacytools.io/providers/email/) for a list of privacy oriented email providers with advantages and disadvantages.
Be aware that not all providers support standard email protocols, see [this FAQ](#user-content-faq129) for more information.