@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from paddlespeech . s2t . utils . utility import log_add
from typing import Optional
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import paddle
from numpy import float32
@ -23,10 +24,14 @@ from paddlespeech.cli.asr.infer import ASRExecutor
from paddlespeech . cli . asr . infer import model_alias
from paddlespeech . cli . asr . infer import pretrained_models
from paddlespeech . cli . log import logger
from paddlespeech . cli . utils import download_and_decompress
from paddlespeech . cli . utils import MODEL_HOME
from paddlespeech . s2t . frontend . featurizer . text_featurizer import TextFeaturizer
from paddlespeech . s2t . frontend . speech import SpeechSegment
from paddlespeech . s2t . modules . ctc import CTCDecoder
from paddlespeech . s2t . modules . mask import mask_finished_preds
from paddlespeech . s2t . modules . mask import mask_finished_scores
from paddlespeech . s2t . modules . mask import subsequent_mask
from paddlespeech . s2t . transform . transformation import Transformation
from paddlespeech . s2t . utils . dynamic_import import dynamic_import
from paddlespeech . s2t . utils . utility import UpdateConfig
@ -57,17 +62,17 @@ pretrained_models = {
} ,
" conformer2online_aishell-zh-16k " : {
' url ' :
' https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/ aishell/asr0/asr1_chunk_conformer_aishell_ckpt_0.1.2 .model.tar.gz' ,
' https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/s2t/ multi_cn/asr1/asr1_chunk_conformer_multi_cn_ckpt_0.2.0 .model.tar.gz' ,
' md5 ' :
' 4814e52e0fc2fd48899373f95c84b0c9 ' ,
' 7989b3248c898070904cf042fd656003 ' ,
' cfg_path ' :
' exp/chunk_conformer//conf/config .yaml' ,
' model .yaml' ,
' ckpt_path ' :
' exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/ avg_30/ ' ,
' exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/ multi_cn ' ,
' model ' :
' exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/ avg_30 .pdparams' ,
' exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/ multi_cn .pdparams' ,
' params ' :
' exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/ avg_30 .pdparams' ,
' exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/ multi_cn .pdparams' ,
' lm_url ' :
' https://deepspeech.bj.bcebos.com/zh_lm/zh_giga.no_cna_cmn.prune01244.klm ' ,
' lm_md5 ' :
@ -81,6 +86,23 @@ class ASRServerExecutor(ASRExecutor):
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
def _get_pretrained_path ( self , tag : str ) - > os . PathLike :
Download and returns pretrained resources path of current task .
support_models = list ( pretrained_models . keys ( ) )
assert tag in pretrained_models , ' The model " {} " you want to use has not been supported, please choose other models. \n The support models includes: \n \t \t {} \n ' . format (
tag , ' \n \t \t ' . join ( support_models ) )
res_path = os . path . join ( MODEL_HOME , tag )
decompressed_path = download_and_decompress ( pretrained_models [ tag ] ,
res_path )
decompressed_path = os . path . abspath ( decompressed_path )
logger . info (
' Use pretrained model stored in: {} ' . format ( decompressed_path ) )
return decompressed_path
def _init_from_path ( self ,
model_type : str = ' wenetspeech ' ,
am_model : Optional [ os . PathLike ] = None ,
@ -101,7 +123,7 @@ class ASRServerExecutor(ASRExecutor):
logger . info ( f " Load the pretrained model, tag = { tag } " )
res_path = self . _get_pretrained_path ( tag ) # wenetspeech_zh
self . res_path = res_path
self . cfg_path = " /home/users/xiongxinlei/task/paddlespeech-develop/PaddleSpeech/ paddlespeech/server/tests/asr/online/conf/config .yaml"
self . cfg_path = " /home/users/xiongxinlei/task/paddlespeech-develop/PaddleSpeech/ examples/aishell/asr1/model .yaml"
# self.cfg_path = os.path.join(res_path,
# pretrained_models[tag]['cfg_path'])
@ -147,8 +169,7 @@ class ASRServerExecutor(ASRExecutor):
if self . config . spm_model_prefix :
self . config . spm_model_prefix = os . path . join (
self . res_path , self . config . spm_model_prefix )
self . config . vocab_filepath = os . path . join (
self . res_path , self . config . vocab_filepath )
self . vocab = self . config . vocab_filepath
self . text_feature = TextFeaturizer (
unit_type = self . config . unit_type ,
vocab = self . config . vocab_filepath ,
@ -203,19 +224,31 @@ class ASRServerExecutor(ASRExecutor):
model_conf = self . config
model = model_class . from_config ( model_conf )
self . model = model
self . model . eval ( )
# load model
model_dict = paddle . load ( self . am_model )
self . model . set_state_dict ( model_dict )
logger . info ( " create the transformer like model success " )
# update the ctc decoding
self . searcher = None
self . transformer_decode_reset ( )
def reset_decoder_and_chunk ( self ) :
""" reset decoder and chunk state for an new audio
self . decoder . reset_decoder ( batch_size = 1 )
# init state box, for new audio request
self . chunk_state_h_box = np . zeros (
( self . config . num_rnn_layers , 1 , self . config . rnn_layer_size ) ,
dtype = float32 )
self . chunk_state_c_box = np . zeros (
( self . config . num_rnn_layers , 1 , self . config . rnn_layer_size ) ,
dtype = float32 )
if " deepspeech2online " in self . model_type or " deepspeech2offline " in self . model_type :
self . decoder . reset_decoder ( batch_size = 1 )
# init state box, for new audio request
self . chunk_state_h_box = np . zeros (
( self . config . num_rnn_layers , 1 , self . config . rnn_layer_size ) ,
dtype = float32 )
self . chunk_state_c_box = np . zeros (
( self . config . num_rnn_layers , 1 , self . config . rnn_layer_size ) ,
dtype = float32 )
elif " conformer " in self . model_type or " transformer " in self . model_type or " wenetspeech " in self . model_type :
self . transformer_decode_reset ( )
def decode_one_chunk ( self , x_chunk , x_chunk_lens , model_type : str ) :
""" decode one chunk
@ -275,24 +308,137 @@ class ASRServerExecutor(ASRExecutor):
logger . info (
f " we will use the transformer like model : { self . model_type } "
cfg = self . config . decode
result_transcripts = self . model . decode (
x_chunk ,
x_chunk_lens ,
text_feature = self . text_feature ,
decoding_method = cfg . decoding_method ,
beam_size = cfg . beam_size ,
ctc_weight = cfg . ctc_weight ,
decoding_chunk_size = cfg . decoding_chunk_size ,
num_decoding_left_chunks = cfg . num_decoding_left_chunks ,
simulate_streaming = cfg . simulate_streaming )
return result_transcripts [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
self . advanced_decoding ( x_chunk , x_chunk_lens )
self . update_result ( )
return self . result_transcripts [ 0 ]
except Exception as e :
logger . exception ( e )
else :
raise Exception ( " invalid model name " )
def advanced_decoding ( self , xs : paddle . Tensor , x_chunk_lens ) :
logger . info ( " start to decode with advanced_decoding method " )
encoder_out , encoder_mask = self . decode_forward ( xs )
self . ctc_prefix_beam_search ( xs , encoder_out , encoder_mask )
def decode_forward ( self , xs ) :
logger . info ( " get the model out from the feat " )
cfg = self . config . decode
decoding_chunk_size = cfg . decoding_chunk_size
num_decoding_left_chunks = cfg . num_decoding_left_chunks
assert decoding_chunk_size > 0
subsampling = self . model . encoder . embed . subsampling_rate
context = self . model . encoder . embed . right_context + 1
stride = subsampling * decoding_chunk_size
# decoding window for model
decoding_window = ( decoding_chunk_size - 1 ) * subsampling + context
num_frames = xs . shape [ 1 ]
required_cache_size = decoding_chunk_size * num_decoding_left_chunks
logger . info ( " start to do model forward " )
outputs = [ ]
# num_frames - context + 1 ensure that current frame can get context window
for cur in range ( 0 , num_frames - context + 1 , stride ) :
end = min ( cur + decoding_window , num_frames )
chunk_xs = xs [ : , cur : end , : ]
( y , self . subsampling_cache , self . elayers_output_cache ,
self . conformer_cnn_cache ) = self . model . encoder . forward_chunk (
chunk_xs , self . offset , required_cache_size ,
self . subsampling_cache , self . elayers_output_cache ,
self . conformer_cnn_cache )
outputs . append ( y )
self . offset + = y . shape [ 1 ]
ys = paddle . cat ( outputs , 1 )
masks = paddle . ones ( [ 1 , ys . shape [ 1 ] ] , dtype = paddle . bool )
masks = masks . unsqueeze ( 1 )
return ys , masks
def transformer_decode_reset ( self ) :
self . subsampling_cache = None
self . elayers_output_cache = None
self . conformer_cnn_cache = None
self . hyps = None
self . offset = 0
self . cur_hyps = None
self . hyps = None
def ctc_prefix_beam_search ( self , xs , encoder_out , encoder_mask , blank_id = 0 ) :
# decode
logger . info ( " start to ctc prefix search " )
device = xs . place
cfg = self . config . decode
batch_size = xs . shape [ 0 ]
beam_size = cfg . beam_size
maxlen = encoder_out . shape [ 1 ]
ctc_probs = self . model . ctc . log_softmax ( encoder_out ) # (1, maxlen, vocab_size)
ctc_probs = ctc_probs . squeeze ( 0 )
# cur_hyps: (prefix, (blank_ending_score, none_blank_ending_score))
# blank_ending_score and none_blank_ending_score in ln domain
if self . cur_hyps is None :
self . cur_hyps = [ ( tuple ( ) , ( 0.0 , - float ( ' inf ' ) ) ) ]
# 2. CTC beam search step by step
for t in range ( 0 , maxlen ) :
logp = ctc_probs [ t ] # (vocab_size,)
# key: prefix, value (pb, pnb), default value(-inf, -inf)
next_hyps = defaultdict ( lambda : ( - float ( ' inf ' ) , - float ( ' inf ' ) ) )
# 2.1 First beam prune: select topk best
# do token passing process
top_k_logp , top_k_index = logp . topk ( beam_size ) # (beam_size,)
for s in top_k_index :
s = s . item ( )
ps = logp [ s ] . item ( )
for prefix , ( pb , pnb ) in self . cur_hyps :
last = prefix [ - 1 ] if len ( prefix ) > 0 else None
if s == blank_id : # blank
n_pb , n_pnb = next_hyps [ prefix ]
n_pb = log_add ( [ n_pb , pb + ps , pnb + ps ] )
next_hyps [ prefix ] = ( n_pb , n_pnb )
elif s == last :
# Update *ss -> *s;
n_pb , n_pnb = next_hyps [ prefix ]
n_pnb = log_add ( [ n_pnb , pnb + ps ] )
next_hyps [ prefix ] = ( n_pb , n_pnb )
# Update *s-s -> *ss, - is for blank
n_prefix = prefix + ( s , )
n_pb , n_pnb = next_hyps [ n_prefix ]
n_pnb = log_add ( [ n_pnb , pb + ps ] )
next_hyps [ n_prefix ] = ( n_pb , n_pnb )
else :
n_prefix = prefix + ( s , )
n_pb , n_pnb = next_hyps [ n_prefix ]
n_pnb = log_add ( [ n_pnb , pb + ps , pnb + ps ] )
next_hyps [ n_prefix ] = ( n_pb , n_pnb )
# 2.2 Second beam prune
next_hyps = sorted (
next_hyps . items ( ) ,
key = lambda x : log_add ( list ( x [ 1 ] ) ) ,
reverse = True )
self . cur_hyps = next_hyps [ : beam_size ]
hyps = [ ( y [ 0 ] , log_add ( [ y [ 1 ] [ 0 ] , y [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ] ) ) for y in self . cur_hyps ]
self . hyps = [ hyps [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ]
logger . info ( " ctc prefix search success " )
return hyps , encoder_out
def update_result ( self ) :
logger . info ( " update the final result " )
self . result_transcripts = [
self . text_feature . defeaturize ( hyp ) for hyp in self . hyps
self . result_tokenids = [ hyp for hyp in self . hyps ]
def extract_feat ( self , samples , sample_rate ) :
""" extract feat
@ -304,9 +450,10 @@ class ASRServerExecutor(ASRExecutor):
x_chunk ( numpy . array ) : shape [ B , T , D ]
x_chunk_lens ( numpy . array ) : shape [ B ]
# pcm16 -> pcm 32
samples = pcm2float ( samples )
if " deepspeech2online " in self . model_type :
# pcm16 -> pcm 32
samples = pcm2float ( samples )
# read audio
speech_segment = SpeechSegment . from_pcm (
samples , sample_rate , transcript = " " )