* *run at startup* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED): to start sending and receiving on device start
* *run at startup* (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED): to start sending and receiving on device start
* *run foreground service* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE): to run a foreground service on Android 9 Pie and later, see also the next question
* *run foreground service* (FOREGROUND_SERVICE/DATA_SYNC): to run a foreground service on Android 9 Pie and later, see also the next question
* *schedule exact alarm* (SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM): to use exact alarm scheduling (Android 12 and later), for example to snooze messages
* *schedule exact alarm* (SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM): to use exact alarm scheduling (Android 12 and later), for example to snooze messages
* *prevent device from sleeping* (WAKE_LOCK): to keep the device awake while performing actions, like synchronization of messages
* *prevent device from sleeping* (WAKE_LOCK): to keep the device awake while performing actions, like synchronization of messages
* *use fingerprint hardware* (USE_FINGERPRINT) and *use biometric hardware* (USE_BIOMETRIC): to use biometric authentication (fingerprint, face unlock, etc)
* *use fingerprint hardware* (USE_FINGERPRINT) and *use biometric hardware* (USE_BIOMETRIC): to use biometric authentication (fingerprint, face unlock, etc)