@ -1479,9 +1479,10 @@ or something between the email server and the app, like a firewall, actively ref
The error *... Network unreachable ...* means that the email server was not reachable via the current internet connection,
for example because internet traffic is restricted to local traffic only.
The error *... Host is unresolved ...*, *... Unable to resolve host ...* or *... No address associated with hostname ...*
The error *... Host is unresolved ...*, *... Unable to resolve host ...* or *... No address associated with hostname ... android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA*
means that the address of the email server could not be resolved into an IP address.
This might be caused by a VPN, ad blocking or an unreachable or not properly working (local) [DNS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System) server.
An incorrect Android private DNS network setting can cause this too.
The error *... Software caused connection abort ...*
means that the email server or something between FairEmail and the email server actively terminated an existing connection.
@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ Visit https://aka.ms/smtp_auth_disabled for more information.</code></pre>
<p>Android <em>Settings, Data usage, Three-dots overflow menu, Data usage control</em></p>
<p>The error <em>… Connection refused …</em> (ECONNREFUSED) means that the email server or something between the email server and the app, like a firewall, actively refused the connection.</p>
<p>The error <em>… Network unreachable …</em> means that the email server was not reachable via the current internet connection, for example because internet traffic is restricted to local traffic only.</p>
<p>The error <em>… Host is unresolved …</em>, <em>… Unable to resolve host …</em> or <em>… No address associated with hostname …</em> means that the address of the email server could not be resolved into an IP address. This might be caused by a VPN, ad blocking or an unreachable or not properly working (local) <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System">DNS</a> server.</p>
<p>The error <em>… Host is unresolved …</em>, <em>… Unable to resolve host …</em> or <em>… No address associated with hostname … android_getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NODATA</em> means that the address of the email server could not be resolved into an IP address. This might be caused by a VPN, ad blocking or an unreachable or not properly working (local) <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System">DNS</a> server. An incorrect Android private DNS network setting can cause this too.</p>
<p>The error <em>… Software caused connection abort …</em> means that the email server or something between FairEmail and the email server actively terminated an existing connection. This can for example happen when connectivity was abruptly lost. A typical example is turning on flight mode.</p>
<p>The errors <em>… BYE Logging out …</em>, <em>… Connection reset …</em> mean that the email server or something between the email server and the app, for example a router or a firewall (app), actively terminated an existing connection.</p>
<p>The error <em>… Connection closed by peer …</em> means that the email server actively closed the connection. This might be caused by a not updated Exchange server, see <ahref="https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/pki/2010/09/30/sha2-and-windows/">here</a> for more information.</p>