<br>your RoyalPay account has been registered successfully.</div>
<p>1、需要完成 合规材料的提交,具体请查看appxx菜单xx功能;</p>
<p>1. As soon as you create a RoyalPay account, you can use all of RoyalPay's features, including accepting payments from customers.</p>
<p>2. Before you activate your account, RoyalPay will not execute settlement.Therefore, it is recommended that you submit your compliance materials as soon as possible.</p>
<p>3. If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service.</p>
<spanng-class="{'text-gray':mail_confirm,'text-primary':!mail_confirm}"> Send to <emclass="text-info">{{currentUser.client.contact_email}}</em></span>
<spanng-class="{'text-gray':mail_confirm,'text-primary':!mail_confirm}"> Verify that the message has been sent to your mailbox. Please complete the validation as soon as possible</span>