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usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...]
       lshw -version

format can be
	-html           output hardware tree as HTML
	-xml            output hardware tree as XML
	-json           output hardware tree as a JSON object
	-short          output hardware paths
	-businfo        output bus information

options can be
	-dump OUTFILE   save hardware tree to a file
	-class CLASS    only show a certain class of hardware
	-C CLASS        same as '-class CLASS'
	-c CLASS        same as '-class CLASS'
	-disable TEST   disable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )
	-enable TEST    enable a test (like pci, isapnp, cpuid, etc. )
	-quiet          don't display status
	-sanitize       sanitize output (remove sensitive information like serial numbers, etc.)
	-numeric        output numeric IDs (for PCI, USB, etc.)
	-notime         exclude volatile attributes (timestamps) from output


lshw -C network # 只显示硬件的网络信息