# **7z**
## 选项
Usage: 7z <command> [<switches>...] <archive_name> [<file_names>...]
a : Add files to archive
b : Benchmark
d : Delete files from archive
e : Extract files from archive (without using directory names)
h : Calculate hash values for files
i : Show information about supported formats
l : List contents of archive
rn : Rename files in archive
t : Test integrity of archive
u : Update files to archive
x : eXtract files with full paths
-- : Stop switches parsing
-ai[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard} : Include archives
-ax[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard} : eXclude archives
-ao{a|s|t|u} : set Overwrite mode
-an : disable archive_name field
-bb[0-3] : set output log level
-bd : disable progress indicator
-bs{o|e|p}{0|1|2} : set output stream for output/error/progress line
-bt : show execution time statistics
-i[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard} : Include filenames
-m{Parameters} : set compression Method
-mmt[N] : set number of CPU threads
-o{Directory} : set Output directory
-p{Password} : set Password
-r[-|0] : Recurse subdirectories
-sa{a|e|s} : set Archive name mode
-scc{UTF-8|WIN|DOS} : set charset for for console input/output
-scs{UTF-8|UTF-16LE|UTF-16BE|WIN|DOS|{id}} : set charset for list files
-scrc[CRC32|CRC64|SHA1|SHA256|*] : set hash function for x, e, h commands
-sdel : delete files after compression
-seml[.] : send archive by email
-sfx[{name}] : Create SFX archive
-si[{name}] : read data from stdin
-slp : set Large Pages mode
-slt : show technical information for l (List) command
-snh : store hard links as links
-snl : store symbolic links as links
-sni : store NT security information
-sns[-] : store NTFS alternate streams
-so : write data to stdout
-spd : disable wildcard matching for file names
-spe : eliminate duplication of root folder for extract command
-spf : use fully qualified file paths
-ssc[-] : set sensitive case mode
-ssw : compress shared files
-stl : set archive timestamp from the most recently modified file
-stm{HexMask} : set CPU thread affinity mask (hexadecimal number)
-stx{Type} : exclude archive type
-t{Type} : Set type of archive
-u[-][p#][q#][r#][x#][y#][z#][!newArchiveName] : Update options
-v{Size}[b|k|m|g] : Create volumes
-w[{path}] : assign Work directory. Empty path means a temporary directory
-x[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard} : eXclude filenames
-y : assume Yes on all queries
p7zip p7zip-plugins
## 支持的zip格式压缩方法
* 0 - Store
* 1 - Shrink (decompression only)
* 6 - Implode (decompression only)
* 8 - Deflate
* 9 - Deflate64
* 12 - BZip2
* 14 - LZMA
* 95 - xz (decompression only)
* 98 - PPMd
* 99 - WinZip AES
## 支持的7z格式压缩方法
| 压缩方法 | 描述 |
| :------: | :------: |
| LZMA | Improved and optimized version of LZ77 algorithm |
| LZMA2 | LZMA-based compression method. It provides better multithreading support than LZMA |
| PPMD | Dmitry Shkarin's PPMdH with small changes |
| BCJ | Converter for 32-bit x86 executables |
| BCJ2 | Converter for 32-bit x86 executables |
| BZip2 | Standard BWT algorithm |
| Deflate | Standard LZ77-based algorithm |
## 退出码含义
| Code | Meaning |
| :------: | :------: |
| 0 | No error |
| 1 | Warning (Non fatal error(s)). For example, one or more files were locked by some other application, so they were not compressed. |
| 2 | Fatal error |
| 7 | Command line error |
| 8 | Not enough memory for operation |
| 255 | User stopped the process |
## 实例
7z a -r achive.7z /home # 压缩home目录,-r可以省略
7z e archive.7z -o/home # 解压文件到home目录
7z x archive.7z # 以完整路径解压文件
7z u archive.7z *.doc # 更新所有doc文件并压缩到archive压缩包中
7z d -r archive.7z *.log # 从压缩包删除文件,删除压缩包所有后缀为log文件
7z l archive.7z # 列出压缩包中文件
7z t -r archive.7z *.doc # 测试压缩包中的所有doc文件
# 7z压缩文件,-t7z可以省略,/root/achive.7z表示将压缩文件放到root目录下,-m0=LZMA2 -mx表示以LZMA2算法等级是9,(0-9),-aoa直
# 接覆盖现有文件,-mmt多线程(30个线程)加速压缩,-y默认允许所有,-pSECRET表示密码是SECRET,-bb3设置输出日志文件等级(0-3)
# -bsp1将命令输出写入到out.log文件
7z a -r -t7z /root/achive.7z /home -m0=LZMA2 -mx=9 -aoa -mmt=30 -y -pSECRET -bb3 -bsp1 > out.log
## 恢复损坏的7z压缩包
* 解压或测试时,提示:数据错误或CRC错误
* 打开时,提示:文件'a.7z'作为存档无法打开