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##### A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS
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## Introduction
This chart bootstraps a Wiki.js deployment on a [Kubernetes]( cluster using the [Helm]( package manager.
It also optionally packages the [PostgreSQL]( as the database but you are free to bring your own.
## Prerequisites
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure (with persistence storage enabled) if you want data persistance
## Installing the Chart
To install the chart with the release name `my-release` run the following from this (`helm`) directory:
### Using Helm 3:
$ helm install my-release .
### Using Helm 2:
$ helm install --name my-release .
The command deploys Wiki.js on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The [configuration](#configuration) section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
> **Tip**: List all releases using `helm list`
## Uninstalling the Chart
To uninstall/delete the `my-release` deployment:
$ helm delete my-release
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
> **Warning**: Persistant Volume Claims for the database are not deleted automatically. They need to be manually deleted
$ kubectl delete pvc/data-wiki-postgresql-0
## Configuration
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Wiki.js chart and their default values.
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `image.repository` | Wiki.js image | `requarks/wiki` |
| `image.tag` | Wiki.js image tag | `latest` |
| `imagePullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` |
| `replicacount` | Amount of wiki.js service pods to run | `1` |
| `resources.limits` | wiki.js service resource limits | `nil` |
| `resources.requests` | wiki.js service resource requests | `nil` |
| `nodeSelector` | Node labels for wiki.js pod assignment | `{}` |
| `affinity` | Affinity settings for wiki.js pod assignment | `{}` |
| `schedulerName` | Name of an alternate scheduler for wiki.js pod | `nil` |
| `tolerations` | Toleration labels for wiki.jsk pod assignment | `[]` |
| `ingress.enabled` | Enable ingress controller resource | `false` |
| `ingress.annotations` | Ingress annotations | `{}` |
| `ingress.hosts` | List of ingress rules | `[{"host": "wiki.local", "paths": ["/"]}]` |
| `ingress.tls` | Ingress TLS configuration | `[]` |
| `postgresql.enabled` | Deploy postgres server (see below) | `true` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlDatabase` | Postgres database name | `wiki` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlUser` | Postgres username | `postgres` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlHost` | External postgres host | `nil` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlPassword` | External postgres password | `nil` |
| `postgresql.postgresqlPort` | External postgres port | `5432` |
| `postgresql.persistence.enabled` | Enable postgres persistence using PVC | `true` |
| `postgresql.persistence.existingClaim` | Provide an existing `PersistentVolumeClaim` for postgres | `nil` |
| `postgresql.persistence.storageClass` | Postgres PVC Storage Class (example: `nfs`) | `nil` |
| `postgresql.persistence.size` | Postgers PVC Storage Request | `8Gi` |
Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example,
$ helm install --name my-release \
--set postgresql.persistence.enabled=false \
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,
$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml .
> **Tip**: You can use the default [values.yaml](values.yaml)
## PostgresSQL
By default, PostgreSQL is installed as part of the chart.
### Using an external PostgreSQL server
To use an external PostgreSQL server, set `postgresql.enabled` to `false` and then set `postgresql.postgresqlHost` and `postgresql.postgresqlPassword`. The other options (`postgresql.postgresqlDatabase`, `postgresql.postgresqlUser` and `postgresql.postgresqlPort`) may also want changing from their default values.
You also need to add the follow Helm template to your deployment:
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: {{ template "wiki.postgresql.secret" . }}
{{ template "wiki.postgresql.secretKey" . }}: "{{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword | b64enc }}"
## Persistence
Persistent Volume Claims are used to keep the data across deployments. This is known to work in GCE, AWS, and minikube.
See the [Configuration](#configuration) section to configure the PVC or to disable persistence.
## Ingress
This chart provides support for Ingress resource. If you have an available Ingress Controller such as Nginx or Traefik you maybe want to set `ingress.enabled` to true and choose an `ingress.hostname` for the URL. Then, you should be able to access the installation using that address.