Japanese WIP

Johnny Shields 8 years ago committed by Nicolas Giard
parent f0722cfddf
commit 989a6de51a

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
"profile": {
"displayname": "表示する名前",
"displaynameexample": "山田 太郎",
"email": "Eメール",
"lastprofileupdate": "最後のプロファイル更新",
"membersince": "アカウント登録日",
"password": "パスポート",
"passwordverify": "パスポートの確認",
"provider": "プロバイダ",
"savechanges": "保存する",
"subtitle": "プロファイルと認証情報",
"tfa": "二段認証",
"tfadisable": "二段認証を無効にする",
"tfadisabled": "無効済み",
"tfaenable": "二段認証を有効にする",
"tfaenabled": "有効済み"
"stats": {
"subtitle": "一般的なサイト統計",
"entries": "記事",
"uploads": "アップロード",
"users": "ユーザー"
"setings": {
"subtitle": "サイト設定を管理する"
"system": {
"subtitle": "Wikiの情報とユーティリティ",
"systemversion": "システムバージョン",
"currentversion": "現在のバージョン",
"latestversion": "最新バージョン",
"upgrade": "アップグレード",
"reinstall": "現在のバージョンを再インストールする",
"versioncheckfailed": "最新バージョンを照会できません。後で再試行してください。",
"administrativetools": "管理ツール",
"flushcache": "キャッシュをフラッシュしてインデックスを再構築する",
"flushcachetext": "コンテンツや検索結果の期限が滞っているか、最新のコンテンツがない場合は、キャッシュをフラッシュするとこれらの問題を解決できます。",
"flushcachebtn": "フラッシュと再構築する",
"resetaccounts": "システムアカウントをデフォルトにリセットする",
"resetaccountstext": "システムアカウント(ゲストアカウントなど)はデフォルト設定にリセットされます。",
"resetaccountsbtn": "システムアカウントをリセットする",
"flushsessions": "全てのユーザーセッションをフラッシュする",
"flushsessionstext": "全てのユーザーがログアウトし、再度ログインする必要があります。現在のセッションにも影響があります!",
"flushsessionsbtn": "セッションをフラッシュする",
"hostinfo": "ホスト情報",
"os": "オペレーティングシステム",
"nodeversion": "Node.jsバージョン",
"hostname": "ホスト名",
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"cwd": "作業ディレクトリ"
"theme": {
"subtitle": "Wikiのテーマを変更する",
"primarycolor": "原色",
"primarycolordesc": "トップナビゲーションバー、ヘッダー、リンクなどに使用されます",
"altcolor": "代替色",
"altcolordesc": "サイドバーに使用されます(暗い色調)",
"footercolor": "フッターの色",
"footercolordesc": "フッターに使用されます(明るい色調)",
"codeblock": {
"title": "コードブロック",
"dark": "暗いテーマを使用する",
"colorize": "コードを色分けする"
"savechanges": "保存する",
"reset": "デフォルトに戻す"
"users": {
"createauthorize": "ユーザーの作成・承認",
"subtitle": "ユーザーとアクセス権限の管理",
"name": "名前",
"email": "Eメール",
"provider": "プロバイダ",
"createdon": "作成日",
"updatedon": "変更日",
"returntousers": "ユーザー画面へ",
"edituser": "ユーザーの編集",
"uniqueid": "一意なID"

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"loginrequired": "ログインが必要です",
"loginusing": "ログイン...",
"loginusingalt": "又は...",
"fields": {
"emailuser": "Eメール又はユーザー名",
"password": "パスワード"
"actions": {
"login": "ログイン"
"errors": {
"invalidlogin": "不正なログイン",
"invalidloginmsg": "Eメール又はパスワードが無効です。",
"invaliduseremail": "無効なユーザーEメール",
"lognerror": "ログインエラー",
"notyetauthorized": "まだこのサイトにログインする権限がありません。",
"toomanyattempts": "試行回数が多すぎます",
"toomanyattemptsmsg": "短期間に失敗した試行回数が多すぎます。{{time}}にもう一度お試しください。",
"usernotfound": "ユーザーが見つかりません"
"providers": {
"local": "ローカル",
"windowslive": "Microsoft Account",
"azure": "Azure Active Directory",
"google": "Google ID",
"facebook": "Facebook",
"github": "GitHub",
"slack": "Slack",
"ldap": "LDAP / Active Directory"

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
"editor": {
"codeblockinsert": "Insert Code Block",
"codeblocklanguage": "Language",
"codeblockloading": "Loading code syntax for {{name}}",
"codeblockloadingerror": "Error: Unable to load language syntax.",
"codeblocksuccess": "Your code block has been inserted.",
"codeblocktitle": "Insert Code Block",
"discard": "Discard",
"filedeleteaction": "Delete",
"filedeleteloading": "Deleting file...",
"filedeletedefault": "this file",
"filedeletesuccess": "File deleted successfully.",
"fileerror": "Unable to fetch updated listing.",
"filefolderempty": "This folder is empty.",
"fileinsert": "Insert Link to File",
"fileloading": "Fetching files...",
"filemoveaction": "Move to...",
"filemoveerror": "Move error: {{err}}",
"filemoveloading": "Moving file...",
"filemovesuccess": "File moved successfully.",
"fileprocessing": "Processing...",
"filerenameaction": "Rename",
"filesuccess": "File link has been inserted.",
"filetitle": "Insert File",
"fileupload": "Upload File(s)",
"fileuploaderror": "Upload Error: {{err}}",
"fileuploadsuccess": "File(s) uploaded successfully.",
"folders": "Folders",
"foldersloading": "Fetching folders list...",
"imagetitle": "Insert Image",
"imageinsert": "Insert Image",
"imagesuccess": "Image has been inserted.",
"imageupload": "Upload Image(s)",
"imagealignleft": "Left (default)",
"imagealigncenter": "Centered",
"imagealignright": "Right",
"imagealignlogo": "Page Logo",
"newfolder": "New Folder",
"videoanymp4file": "Any standard MP4 file",
"videoinsert": "Insert Video",
"videolinktitle": "Enter the link to the video to be embedded:",
"videonotsupported": "This URL is invalid or not supported!",
"videosuccess": "The video code has been inserted.",
"videosupportedtitle": "The following are supported:",
"videotitle": "Insert Video"
"history": {
"pastversions": "Past Versions",
"timestamp": "Timestamp",
"author": "Author",
"commit": "Commit",
"comparewith": "Compare With...",
"view": "View",
"reverttoversion": "Revert to Version",
"sidebyside": "Side-by-side View"
"modal": {
"abort": "Abort",
"anchorerror": "Clipboard copy failed. Copy the URL manually.",
"anchorsuccess": "The URL has been copied to your clipboard.",
"anchortitle": "Copy link to this section",
"copyclipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"create": "Create",
"createpageinvalid": "This page path is invalid!",
"createpagepath": "Enter the new page path:",
"createpagetitle": "Create New Page",
"createuser": "Create User",
"createuserauthorize": "Authorize User",
"createuseremail": "Email address:",
"createuseremailplaceholder": "e.g. john.doe@company.com",
"createusername": "Full Name:",
"createusernameplaceholder": "e.g. John Doe",
"createuserpassword": "Password:",
"createuserprovider": "Provider:",
"createusertitle": "Create / Authorize User",
"delete": "削除",
"deletefiletitle": "を削除する?",
"deletefilewarn": "本当に削除しますか?",
"deletepagewarning": "Are you sure you want to delete this page? This action cannot be undone!",
"deletepagetitle": "Delete this page?",
"deleteusertitle": "Delete User Account?",
"deleteuserwarning": "Are you sure you want to delete this user account? This action cannot be undone!",
"discard": "Discard",
"discardpagecreate": "Are you sure you want to leave this page and lose anything you wrote so far?",
"discardpageedit": "Are you sure you want to leave this page and lose any modifications?",
"discardpagestay": "Stay on page",
"discardpagetitle": "Discard?",
"move": "Move",
"movepageinvalid": "This page path is invalid or not allowed!",
"movepagepath": "Enter the new page path:",
"movepageplaceholder": "page-name",
"movepagetitle": "Move Page",
"movepagewarning": "Note that moving or renaming pages can lead to broken links. Make sure to edit any page that links to this page afterwards!",
"newfolderinvalid": "This folder name is invalid!",
"newfolderloading": "Creating new folder...",
"newfoldername": "Enter the new folder name:",
"newfoldernameplaceholder": "folder name",
"newfoldersuccess": "New folder {{name}} created.",
"newfoldertitle": "New Folder",
"renamefile": "Rename",
"renamefileerror": "Rename error: {{err}}",
"renamefileinvalid": "This filename is invalid!",
"renamefileloading": "Renaming file...",
"renamefilename": "Enter the new filename (without the extension) of the file:",
"renamefilenameplaceholder": "filename",
"renamefiletitle": "Rename File"
"nav": {
"home": "ホーム"
"search": {
"didyoumean": "Did you mean...?",
"nomatch": "No results matching your query",
"placeholder": "Search...",
"results": "Search Results"

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"wiki": "Wiki",
"header": {
"overview": "概要",
"createdoc": "記事を作成する"
"footer": {
"poweredby": "Powered by",
"home": "ホーム",
"top": "トップ"
"sidebar": {
"nav": "ナビ",
"navigation": "ナビゲーション",
"pagecontents": "ページの内容",
"pastversions": "履歴"
"nav": {
"account": "アカウント",
"allpages": "全ての記事",
"create": "作成",
"discard": "キャンセル",
"edit": "編集",
"history": "履歴",
"login": "ログイン",
"logout": "ログアウト",
"move": "移動",
"myprofile": "マイページ",
"normalview": "普通の画面",
"root": "ホーム",
"savechanges": "保存する",
"savedocument": "記事を保存する",
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"stats": "統計",
"sysinfo": "システム内容",
"syssettings": "システム設定",
"theme": "カラーテーマ",
"users": "ユーザー",
"viewlatest": "最新を見る"
"welcome": {
"title": "Wikiへよこそ",
"subtitle": "ます、ホームページを作りましょう。",
"createhome": "ホームページの作成"
"loading": {
"source": "ソースコードをロード中...",
"editor": "編集画面をロード中..."

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"alreadyexists": "この記事は既に存在します",
"debugmsg": "詳細なデバッグトレイル",
"fileexists": "ファイル{{path}}は既に存在します。",
"forbidden": "禁じられました",
"forbiddendetail": "このページにアクセスするために必要な権限がありません。",
"generic": "エラーが発生しました",
"invalidaction": "無効なアクション.",
"invaliddestfolder": "無効なデスティネーションフォルダ",
"invalidfiletype": "無効なファイルタイプ",
"invalidfolder": "無効なフォルダ.",
"invalidoperation": "無効な操作",
"invalidpath": "無効なページパス",
"invaliduserid": "無効なユーザーID",
"newpasswordtooshort": "新しいパスワードが短すぎます",
"notexist": "記事{{path}}は存在しません",
"notexistdetail": "この記事を作成しますか?",
"parentinvalid": "親エントリは有効なファイルではありません。",
"parentisroot": "親エントリはトップです。",
"remotetoolarge": "モートファイルが大きすぎます",
"reservedname": "システムによって予約されているので、この名物名称で記事を作成することはできません。",
"savefailed": "記事の保存は失敗しました",
"starterfailed": "スターターコンテンツを読み込めませんでした",
"unauthorized": "無許可",
"actions": {
"create": "作成",
"gohome": "ホームへ",
"loginas": "ログイン..."

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"added": "{{path}}を追加しました",
"deleted": "{{path}}を削除又は名称を変更する",
"updated": "{{path}}を変更しました",
"uploaded": "{{path}}をアップロード"