const _ = require('lodash')
const sanitize = require('sanitize-filename')
const graphHelper = require('../../helpers/graph')
const path = require('node:path')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid')
module.exports = {
Query: {
async assetById(obj, args, context) {
return null
Mutation: {
* Rename an Asset
async renameAsset(obj, args, context) {
try {
const filename = sanitize(args.filename).toLowerCase()
const asset = await WIKI.db.assets.query().findById(args.id)
if (asset) {
// Check for extension mismatch
if (!_.endsWith(filename, asset.ext)) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetRenameInvalidExt()
// Check for non-dot files changing to dotfile
if (asset.ext.length > 0 && filename.length - asset.ext.length < 1) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetRenameInvalid()
// Check for collision
const assetCollision = await WIKI.db.assets.query().where({
folderId: asset.folderId
if (assetCollision) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetRenameCollision()
// Get asset folder path
let hierarchy = []
if (asset.folderId) {
hierarchy = await WIKI.db.assetFolders.getHierarchy(asset.folderId)
// Check source asset permissions
const assetSourcePath = (asset.folderId) ? hierarchy.map(h => h.slug).join('/') + `/${asset.filename}` : asset.filename
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['manage:assets'], { path: assetSourcePath })) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetRenameForbidden()
// Check target asset permissions
const assetTargetPath = (asset.folderId) ? hierarchy.map(h => h.slug).join('/') + `/${filename}` : filename
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['write:assets'], { path: assetTargetPath })) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetRenameTargetForbidden()
// Update filename + hash
const fileHash = '' // assetHelper.generateHash(assetTargetPath)
await WIKI.db.assets.query().patch({
filename: filename,
hash: fileHash
// Delete old asset cache
await asset.deleteAssetCache()
// Rename in Storage
await WIKI.db.storage.assetEvent({
event: 'renamed',
asset: {
path: assetSourcePath,
destinationPath: assetTargetPath,
moveAuthorId: context.req.user.id,
moveAuthorName: context.req.user.name,
moveAuthorEmail: context.req.user.email
return {
responseResult: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Asset has been renamed successfully.')
} else {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetInvalid()
} catch (err) {
return graphHelper.generateError(err)
* Delete an Asset
async deleteAsset(obj, args, context) {
try {
const asset = await WIKI.db.assets.query().findById(args.id)
if (asset) {
// Check permissions
const assetPath = await asset.getAssetPath()
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['manage:assets'], { path: assetPath })) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetDeleteForbidden()
await WIKI.db.knex('assetData').where('id', args.id).del()
await WIKI.db.assets.query().deleteById(args.id)
await asset.deleteAssetCache()
// Delete from Storage
await WIKI.db.storage.assetEvent({
event: 'deleted',
asset: {
path: assetPath,
authorId: context.req.user.id,
authorName: context.req.user.name,
authorEmail: context.req.user.email
return {
responseResult: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Asset has been deleted successfully.')
} else {
throw new WIKI.Error.AssetInvalid()
} catch (err) {
return graphHelper.generateError(err)
* Upload Assets
async uploadAssets(obj, args, context) {
try {
// -> Get Folder
const folder = await WIKI.db.tree.query().findById(args.folderId)
if (!folder) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER_ID')
// -> Get Site
const site = await WIKI.db.sites.query().findById(folder.siteId)
if (!site) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_SITE_ID')
const results = await Promise.allSettled(args.files.map(async fl => {
const { filename, mimetype, createReadStream } = await fl
WIKI.logger.debug(`Processing asset upload ${filename} of type ${mimetype}...`)
// Format filename
const formattedFilename = ''
// Save asset to DB
const asset = await WIKI.db.knex('assets').insert({
// Add to tree
await WIKI.db.knex('tree').insert({
id: asset.id,
folderPath: folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${folder.fileName}` : folder.fileName,
fileName: formattedFilename,
type: 'asset',
localeCode: ''
// Create thumbnail
if (!['.png', '.jpg', 'webp', '.gif'].some(s => filename.endsWith(s))) {
if (!WIKI.extensions.ext.sharp.isInstalled) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Cannot generate asset thumbnail because the Sharp extension is not installed.')
} else {
const destFormat = mimetype.startsWith('image/svg') ? 'svg' : 'png'
const destFolder = path.resolve(
const destPath = path.join(destFolder, `asset-${site.id}-${hash}.${destFormat}`)
await fs.ensureDir(destFolder)
// -> Resize
await WIKI.extensions.ext.sharp.resize({
format: destFormat,
inputStream: createReadStream(),
outputPath: destPath,
height: 72
// -> Save image data to DB
const imgBuffer = await fs.readFile(destPath)
await WIKI.db.knex('assetData').insert({
id: site.config.assets.logo,
data: imgBuffer
WIKI.logger.debug('Asset(s) uploaded successfully.')
return {
operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Asset(s) uploaded successfully')
} catch (err) {
return graphHelper.generateError(err)
* Flush Temporary Uploads
async flushTempUploads(obj, args, context) {
try {
await WIKI.db.assets.flushTempUploads()
return {
responseResult: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Temporary Uploads have been flushed successfully.')
} catch (err) {
return graphHelper.generateError(err)