mirror of https://github.com/requarks/wiki
chore: DB ref refactor + add scheduler db model + remove search modules (#5699)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
key: algolia
title: Algolia
description: Algolia is a powerful search-as-a-service solution, made easy to use with API clients, UI libraries, and pre-built integrations.
author: requarks.io
logo: https://static.requarks.io/logo/algolia.svg
website: https://www.algolia.com/
isAvailable: true
type: String
title: App ID
hint: Your Algolia Application ID, found under API Keys
order: 1
type: String
title: Admin API Key
hint: Your Algolia Admin API Key, found under API Keys.
order: 2
type: String
title: Index Name
hint: The name of the index you created under Indices.
default: wiki
order: 3
@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
const algoliasearch = require('algoliasearch')
const stream = require('stream')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = {
async activate() {
// not used
async deactivate() {
// not used
async init() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Initializing...`)
this.client = algoliasearch(this.config.appId, this.config.apiKey)
this.index = this.client.initIndex(this.config.indexName)
// -> Create Search Index
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Setting index configuration...`)
await this.index.setSettings({
searchableAttributes: [
attributesToRetrieve: [
advancedSyntax: true
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Initialization completed.`)
* @param {String} q Query
* @param {Object} opts Additional options
async query(q, opts) {
try {
const results = await this.index.search(q, {
hitsPerPage: 50
return {
results: _.map(results.hits, r => ({
id: r.objectID,
locale: r.locale,
path: r.path,
title: r.title,
description: r.description
suggestions: [],
totalHits: results.nbHits
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error:')
* @param {Object} page Page to create
async created(page) {
await this.index.saveObject({
objectID: page.hash,
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
* @param {Object} page Page to update
async updated(page) {
await this.index.partialUpdateObject({
objectID: page.hash,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
* @param {Object} page Page to delete
async deleted(page) {
await this.index.deleteObject(page.hash)
* @param {Object} page Page to rename
async renamed(page) {
await this.index.deleteObject(page.hash)
await this.index.saveObject({
objectID: page.destinationHash,
locale: page.destinationLocaleCode,
path: page.destinationPath,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
async rebuild() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Rebuilding Index...`)
await this.index.clearObjects()
const MAX_DOCUMENT_BYTES = 10 * Math.pow(2, 10) // 10 KB
const MAX_INDEXING_BYTES = 10 * Math.pow(2, 20) - Buffer.from('[').byteLength - Buffer.from(']').byteLength // 10 MB
const COMMA_BYTES = Buffer.from(',').byteLength
let chunks = []
let bytes = 0
const processDocument = async (cb, doc) => {
try {
if (doc) {
const docBytes = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(doc)).byteLength
// -> Document too large
if (docBytes >= MAX_DOCUMENT_BYTES) {
throw new Error('Document exceeds maximum size allowed by Algolia.')
// -> Current batch exceeds size hard limit, flush
if (docBytes + COMMA_BYTES + bytes >= MAX_INDEXING_BYTES) {
await flushBuffer()
if (chunks.length > 0) {
bytes += COMMA_BYTES
bytes += docBytes
// -> Current batch exceeds count soft limit, flush
if (chunks.length >= MAX_INDEXING_COUNT) {
await flushBuffer()
} else {
// -> End of stream, flush
await flushBuffer()
} catch (err) {
const flushBuffer = async () => {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Sending batch of ${chunks.length}...`)
try {
await this.index.saveObjects(
_.map(chunks, doc => ({
objectID: doc.id,
locale: doc.locale,
path: doc.path,
title: doc.title,
description: doc.description,
content: WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(doc.render)
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Failed to send batch to Algolia: ', err)
chunks.length = 0
bytes = 0
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render').select().from('pages').where({
isPublished: true,
isPrivate: false
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (chunk, enc, cb) => processDocument(cb, chunk),
flush: async (cb) => processDocument(cb)
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ALGOLIA) Index rebuilt successfully.`)
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
key: aws
title: AWS CloudSearch
description: Amazon CloudSearch is a managed service in the AWS Cloud that makes it simple and cost-effective to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for your website or application.
author: requarks.io
logo: https://static.requarks.io/logo/aws-cloudsearch.svg
website: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudsearch/
isAvailable: true
type: String
title: Search Domain
hint: The name of your CloudSearch service.
order: 1
type: String
title: Document Endpoint
hint: The Document Endpoint specified in the domain AWS console dashboard.
order: 2
type: String
title: Region
hint: The AWS datacenter region where the instance was created.
default: us-east-1
- ap-northeast-1
- ap-northeast-2
- ap-southeast-1
- ap-southeast-2
- eu-central-1
- eu-west-1
- sa-east-1
- us-east-1
- us-west-1
- us-west-2
order: 3
type: String
title: Access Key ID
hint: The Access Key ID with CloudSearchFullAccess role access to the CloudSearch instance.
order: 4
secretAccessKey :
type: String
title: Secret Access Key
hint: The Secret Access Key for the Access Key ID provided above.
order: 5
type: String
title: Analysis Scheme Language
hint: The language used to analyse content.
default: en
- 'ar'
- 'bg'
- 'ca'
- 'cs'
- 'da'
- 'de'
- 'el'
- 'en'
- 'es'
- 'eu'
- 'fa'
- 'fi'
- 'fr'
- 'ga'
- 'gl'
- 'he'
- 'hi'
- 'hu'
- 'hy'
- 'id'
- 'it'
- 'ja'
- 'ko'
- 'lv'
- 'mul'
- 'nl'
- 'no'
- 'pt'
- 'ro'
- 'ru'
- 'sv'
- 'th'
- 'tr'
- 'zh-Hans'
- 'zh-Hant'
order: 6
@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const stream = require('stream')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = {
async activate() {
// not used
async deactivate() {
// not used
async init() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Initializing...`)
this.client = new AWS.CloudSearch({
apiVersion: '2013-01-01',
accessKeyId: this.config.accessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: this.config.secretAccessKey,
region: this.config.region
this.clientDomain = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({
apiVersion: '2013-01-01',
endpoint: this.config.endpoint,
accessKeyId: this.config.accessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: this.config.secretAccessKey,
region: this.config.region
let rebuildIndex = false
// -> Define Analysis Schemes
const schemes = await this.client.describeAnalysisSchemes({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
AnalysisSchemeNames: ['default_anlscheme']
if (_.get(schemes, 'AnalysisSchemes', []).length < 1) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Defining Analysis Scheme...`)
await this.client.defineAnalysisScheme({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
AnalysisScheme: {
AnalysisSchemeLanguage: this.config.AnalysisSchemeLang,
AnalysisSchemeName: 'default_anlscheme'
rebuildIndex = true
// -> Define Index Fields
const fields = await this.client.describeIndexFields({
DomainName: this.config.domain
if (_.get(fields, 'IndexFields', []).length < 1) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Defining Index Fields...`)
await this.client.defineIndexField({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
IndexField: {
IndexFieldName: 'id',
IndexFieldType: 'literal'
await this.client.defineIndexField({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
IndexField: {
IndexFieldName: 'path',
IndexFieldType: 'literal'
await this.client.defineIndexField({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
IndexField: {
IndexFieldName: 'locale',
IndexFieldType: 'literal'
await this.client.defineIndexField({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
IndexField: {
IndexFieldName: 'title',
IndexFieldType: 'text',
TextOptions: {
ReturnEnabled: true,
AnalysisScheme: 'default_anlscheme'
await this.client.defineIndexField({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
IndexField: {
IndexFieldName: 'description',
IndexFieldType: 'text',
TextOptions: {
ReturnEnabled: true,
AnalysisScheme: 'default_anlscheme'
await this.client.defineIndexField({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
IndexField: {
IndexFieldName: 'content',
IndexFieldType: 'text',
TextOptions: {
ReturnEnabled: false,
AnalysisScheme: 'default_anlscheme'
rebuildIndex = true
// -> Define suggester
const suggesters = await this.client.describeSuggesters({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
SuggesterNames: ['default_suggester']
if (_.get(suggesters, 'Suggesters', []).length < 1) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Defining Suggester...`)
await this.client.defineSuggester({
DomainName: this.config.domain,
Suggester: {
SuggesterName: 'default_suggester',
DocumentSuggesterOptions: {
SourceField: 'title',
FuzzyMatching: 'high'
rebuildIndex = true
// -> Rebuild Index
if (rebuildIndex) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Requesting Index Rebuild...`)
await this.client.indexDocuments({
DomainName: this.config.domain
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Initialization completed.`)
* @param {String} q Query
* @param {Object} opts Additional options
async query(q, opts) {
try {
let suggestions = []
const results = await this.clientDomain.search({
query: q,
partial: true,
size: 50
if (results.hits.found < 5) {
const suggestResults = await this.clientDomain.suggest({
query: q,
suggester: 'default_suggester',
size: 5
suggestions = suggestResults.suggest.suggestions.map(s => s.suggestion)
return {
results: _.map(results.hits.hit, r => ({
id: r.id,
path: _.head(r.fields.path),
locale: _.head(r.fields.locale),
title: _.head(r.fields.title) || '',
description: _.head(r.fields.description) || ''
suggestions: suggestions,
totalHits: results.hits.found
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error:')
* @param {Object} page Page to create
async created(page) {
await this.clientDomain.uploadDocuments({
contentType: 'application/json',
documents: JSON.stringify([
type: 'add',
id: page.hash,
fields: {
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
* @param {Object} page Page to update
async updated(page) {
await this.clientDomain.uploadDocuments({
contentType: 'application/json',
documents: JSON.stringify([
type: 'add',
id: page.hash,
fields: {
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
* @param {Object} page Page to delete
async deleted(page) {
await this.clientDomain.uploadDocuments({
contentType: 'application/json',
documents: JSON.stringify([
type: 'delete',
id: page.hash
* @param {Object} page Page to rename
async renamed(page) {
await this.clientDomain.uploadDocuments({
contentType: 'application/json',
documents: JSON.stringify([
type: 'delete',
id: page.hash
await this.clientDomain.uploadDocuments({
contentType: 'application/json',
documents: JSON.stringify([
type: 'add',
id: page.destinationHash,
fields: {
locale: page.destinationLocaleCode,
path: page.destinationPath,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
async rebuild() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Rebuilding Index...`)
const MAX_DOCUMENT_BYTES = Math.pow(2, 20)
const MAX_INDEXING_BYTES = 5 * Math.pow(2, 20) - Buffer.from('[').byteLength - Buffer.from(']').byteLength
const COMMA_BYTES = Buffer.from(',').byteLength
let chunks = []
let bytes = 0
const processDocument = async (cb, doc) => {
try {
if (doc) {
const docBytes = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(doc)).byteLength
// -> Document too large
if (docBytes >= MAX_DOCUMENT_BYTES) {
throw new Error('Document exceeds maximum size allowed by AWS CloudSearch.')
// -> Current batch exceeds size hard limit, flush
if (docBytes + COMMA_BYTES + bytes >= MAX_INDEXING_BYTES) {
await flushBuffer()
if (chunks.length > 0) {
bytes += COMMA_BYTES
bytes += docBytes
// -> Current batch exceeds count soft limit, flush
if (chunks.length >= MAX_INDEXING_COUNT) {
await flushBuffer()
} else {
// -> End of stream, flush
await flushBuffer()
} catch (err) {
const flushBuffer = async () => {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Sending batch of ${chunks.length}...`)
try {
await this.clientDomain.uploadDocuments({
contentType: 'application/json',
documents: JSON.stringify(_.map(chunks, doc => ({
type: 'add',
id: doc.id,
fields: {
locale: doc.locale,
path: doc.path,
title: doc.title,
description: doc.description,
content: WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(doc.render)
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('(SEARCH/AWS) Failed to send batch to AWS CloudSearch: ', err)
chunks.length = 0
bytes = 0
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render').select().from('pages').where({
isPublished: true,
isPrivate: false
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (chunk, enc, cb) => processDocument(cb, chunk),
flush: async (cb) => processDocument(cb)
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Requesting Index Rebuild...`)
await this.client.indexDocuments({
DomainName: this.config.domain
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AWS) Index rebuilt successfully.`)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
key: azure
title: Azure Search
description: AI-Powered cloud search service for web and mobile app development.
author: requarks.io
logo: https://static.requarks.io/logo/azure.svg
website: https://azure.microsoft.com/services/search/
isAvailable: true
type: String
title: Service Name
hint: The name of the Azure Search Service. Found under Properties.
order: 1
type: String
title: Admin API Key
hint: Either the primary or secondary admin key. Found under Keys.
order: 2
type: String
title: Index Name
hint: 'Name to use when creating the index. (default: wiki)'
default: wiki
order: 3
@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
const { SearchService, QueryType } = require('azure-search-client')
const request = require('request-promise')
const stream = require('stream')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = {
async activate() {
// not used
async deactivate() {
// not used
async init() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AZURE) Initializing...`)
this.client = new SearchService(this.config.serviceName, this.config.adminKey)
// -> Create Search Index
const indexes = await this.client.indexes.list()
if (!_.find(_.get(indexes, 'result.value', []), ['name', this.config.indexName])) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AZURE) Creating index...`)
await this.client.indexes.create({
name: this.config.indexName,
fields: [
name: 'id',
type: 'Edm.String',
key: true,
searchable: false
name: 'locale',
type: 'Edm.String',
searchable: false
name: 'path',
type: 'Edm.String',
searchable: false
name: 'title',
type: 'Edm.String',
searchable: true
name: 'description',
type: 'Edm.String',
searchable: true
name: 'content',
type: 'Edm.String',
searchable: true
scoringProfiles: [
name: 'fieldWeights',
text: {
weights: {
title: 4,
description: 3,
content: 1
suggesters: [
name: 'suggestions',
searchMode: 'analyzingInfixMatching',
sourceFields: ['title', 'description', 'content']
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AZURE) Initialization completed.`)
* @param {String} q Query
* @param {Object} opts Additional options
async query(q, opts) {
try {
let suggestions = []
const results = await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).search({
count: true,
scoringProfile: 'fieldWeights',
search: q,
select: 'id, locale, path, title, description',
queryType: QueryType.simple,
top: 50
if (results.result.value.length < 5) {
// Using plain request, not yet available in library...
try {
const suggestResults = await request({
uri: `https://${this.config.serviceName}.search.windows.net/indexes/${this.config.indexName}/docs/autocomplete`,
method: 'post',
qs: {
'api-version': '2017-11-11-Preview'
headers: {
'api-key': this.config.adminKey,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
json: true,
body: {
autocompleteMode: 'oneTermWithContext',
search: q,
suggesterName: 'suggestions'
suggestions = suggestResults.value.map(s => s.queryPlusText)
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine suggestion failure: ', err)
return {
results: results.result.value,
totalHits: results.result['@odata.count']
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error:')
* @param {Object} page Page to create
async created(page) {
await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([
id: page.hash,
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
* @param {Object} page Page to update
async updated(page) {
await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([
id: page.hash,
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
* @param {Object} page Page to delete
async deleted(page) {
await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([
'@search.action': 'delete',
id: page.hash
* @param {Object} page Page to rename
async renamed(page) {
await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([
'@search.action': 'delete',
id: page.hash
await this.client.indexes.use(this.config.indexName).index([
id: page.destinationHash,
locale: page.destinationLocaleCode,
path: page.destinationPath,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent
async rebuild() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AZURE) Rebuilding Index...`)
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render').select().from('pages').where({
isPublished: true,
isPrivate: false
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: (chunk, enc, cb) => {
cb(null, {
id: chunk.id,
path: chunk.path,
locale: chunk.locale,
title: chunk.title,
description: chunk.description,
content: WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(chunk.render)
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/AZURE) Index rebuilt successfully.`)
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
key: db
title: Database - Basic
description: Default basic database-based search engine.
author: requarks.io
logo: https://static.requarks.io/logo/database.svg
website: https://www.requarks.io/
isAvailable: true
props: {}
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = {
activate() {
// not used
deactivate() {
// not used
init() {
// not used
* @param {String} q Query
* @param {Object} opts Additional options
async query(q, opts) {
const results = await WIKI.models.pages.query()
.column('pages.id', 'title', 'description', 'path', 'localeCode as locale')
.withGraphJoined('tags') // Adding page tags since they can be used to check resource access permissions
.modifyGraph('tags', builder => {
.where(builder => {
builder.where('isPublished', true)
if (opts.locale) {
builder.andWhere('localeCode', opts.locale)
if (opts.path) {
builder.andWhere('path', 'like', `${opts.path}%`)
builder.andWhere(builderSub => {
if (WIKI.config.db.type === 'postgres') {
builderSub.where('title', 'ILIKE', `%${q}%`)
builderSub.orWhere('description', 'ILIKE', `%${q}%`)
builderSub.orWhere('path', 'ILIKE', `%${q.toLowerCase()}%`)
} else {
builderSub.where('title', 'LIKE', `%${q}%`)
builderSub.orWhere('description', 'LIKE', `%${q}%`)
builderSub.orWhere('path', 'LIKE', `%${q.toLowerCase()}%`)
return {
suggestions: [],
totalHits: results.length
* @param {Object} page Page to create
async created(page) {
// not used
* @param {Object} page Page to update
async updated(page) {
// not used
* @param {Object} page Page to delete
async deleted(page) {
// not used
* @param {Object} page Page to rename
async renamed(page) {
// not used
async rebuild() {
// not used
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
key: elasticsearch
title: Elasticsearch
description: Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of solving a growing number of use cases.
author: requarks.io
logo: https://static.requarks.io/logo/elasticsearch.svg
website: https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch
isAvailable: true
type: String
title: Elasticsearch Version
hint: Should match the version of the Elasticsearch nodes you are connecting to
order: 1
- '7.x'
- '6.x'
default: '6.x'
type: String
title: Host(s)
hint: Comma-separated list of Elasticsearch hosts to connect to, including the port, username and password if necessary. (e.g. http://localhost:9200, https://user:pass@es1.example.com:9200)
order: 2
type: String
title: Index Name
hint: The index name to use during creation
default: wiki
order: 3
type: String
title: Analyzer
hint: 'The token analyzer in elasticsearch'
default: simple
order: 4
type: Boolean
title: Sniff on start
hint: 'Should Wiki.js attempt to detect the rest of the cluster on first connect? (Default: off)'
default: false
order: 5
type: Number
title: Sniff Interval
hint: '0 = disabled, Interval in seconds to check for updated list of nodes in cluster. (Default: 0)'
default: 0
order: 6
@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
const _ = require('lodash')
const stream = require('stream')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const pipeline = Promise.promisify(stream.pipeline)
/* global WIKI */
module.exports = {
async activate() {
// not used
async deactivate() {
// not used
async init() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Initializing...`)
switch (this.config.apiVersion) {
case '7.x':
const { Client: Client7 } = require('elasticsearch7')
this.client = new Client7({
nodes: this.config.hosts.split(',').map(_.trim),
sniffOnStart: this.config.sniffOnStart,
sniffInterval: (this.config.sniffInterval > 0) ? this.config.sniffInterval : false,
name: 'wiki-js'
case '6.x':
const { Client: Client6 } = require('elasticsearch6')
this.client = new Client6({
nodes: this.config.hosts.split(',').map(_.trim),
sniffOnStart: this.config.sniffOnStart,
sniffInterval: (this.config.sniffInterval > 0) ? this.config.sniffInterval : false,
name: 'wiki-js'
throw new Error('Unsupported version of elasticsearch! Update your settings in the Administration Area.')
// -> Create Search Index
await this.createIndex()
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Initialization completed.`)
* Create Index
async createIndex() {
try {
const indexExists = await this.client.indices.exists({ index: this.config.indexName })
if (!indexExists.body) {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Creating index...`)
try {
const idxBody = {
properties: {
suggest: { type: 'completion' },
title: { type: 'text', boost: 10.0 },
description: { type: 'text', boost: 3.0 },
content: { type: 'text', boost: 1.0 },
locale: { type: 'keyword' },
path: { type: 'text' },
tags: { type: 'text', boost: 8.0 }
await this.client.indices.create({
index: this.config.indexName,
body: {
mappings: (this.config.apiVersion === '6.x') ? {
_doc: idxBody
} : idxBody,
settings: {
analysis: {
analyzer: {
default: {
type: this.config.analyzer
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.error(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Create Index Error: `, _.get(err, 'meta.body.error', err))
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.error(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Index Check Error: `, _.get(err, 'meta.body.error', err))
* @param {String} q Query
* @param {Object} opts Additional options
async query(q, opts) {
try {
const results = await this.client.search({
index: this.config.indexName,
body: {
query: {
simple_query_string: {
query: `*${q}*`,
fields: ['title^20', 'description^3', 'tags^8', 'content^1'],
default_operator: 'and',
analyze_wildcard: true
from: 0,
size: 50,
_source: ['title', 'description', 'path', 'locale'],
suggest: {
suggestions: {
text: q,
completion: {
field: 'suggest',
size: 5,
skip_duplicates: true,
fuzzy: true
return {
results: _.get(results, 'body.hits.hits', []).map(r => ({
id: r._id,
locale: r._source.locale,
path: r._source.path,
title: r._source.title,
description: r._source.description
suggestions: _.reject(_.get(results, 'suggest.suggestions', []).map(s => _.get(s, 'options[0].text', false)), s => !s),
totalHits: _.get(results, 'body.hits.total.value', _.get(results, 'body.hits.total', 0))
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Search Engine Error: ', _.get(err, 'meta.body.error', err))
* Build tags field
* @param id
* @returns {Promise<*|*[]>}
async buildTags(id) {
const tags = await WIKI.models.pages.query().findById(id).select('*').withGraphJoined('tags')
return (tags.tags && tags.tags.length > 0) ? tags.tags.map(function (tag) {
return tag.title
}) : []
* Build suggest field
buildSuggest(page) {
return _.reject(_.uniq(_.concat(
page.title.split(' ').map(s => ({
input: s,
weight: 10
page.description.split(' ').map(s => ({
input: s,
weight: 3
page.safeContent.split(' ').map(s => ({
input: s,
weight: 1
)), ['input', ''])
* @param {Object} page Page to create
async created(page) {
await this.client.index({
index: this.config.indexName,
type: '_doc',
id: page.hash,
body: {
suggest: this.buildSuggest(page),
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent,
tags: await this.buildTags(page.id)
refresh: true
* @param {Object} page Page to update
async updated(page) {
await this.client.index({
index: this.config.indexName,
type: '_doc',
id: page.hash,
body: {
suggest: this.buildSuggest(page),
locale: page.localeCode,
path: page.path,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent,
tags: await this.buildTags(page.id)
refresh: true
* @param {Object} page Page to delete
async deleted(page) {
await this.client.delete({
index: this.config.indexName,
type: '_doc',
id: page.hash,
refresh: true
* @param {Object} page Page to rename
async renamed(page) {
await this.client.delete({
index: this.config.indexName,
type: '_doc',
id: page.hash,
refresh: true
await this.client.index({
index: this.config.indexName,
type: '_doc',
id: page.destinationHash,
body: {
suggest: this.buildSuggest(page),
locale: page.destinationLocaleCode,
path: page.destinationPath,
title: page.title,
description: page.description,
content: page.safeContent,
tags: await this.buildTags(page.id)
refresh: true
async rebuild() {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Rebuilding Index...`)
await this.client.indices.delete({ index: this.config.indexName })
await this.createIndex()
const MAX_INDEXING_BYTES = 10 * Math.pow(2, 20) - Buffer.from('[').byteLength - Buffer.from(']').byteLength // 10 MB
const COMMA_BYTES = Buffer.from(',').byteLength
let chunks = []
let bytes = 0
const processDocument = async (cb, doc) => {
try {
if (doc) {
const docBytes = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(doc)).byteLength
doc['tags'] = await this.buildTags(doc.realId)
// -> Current batch exceeds size limit, flush
if (docBytes + COMMA_BYTES + bytes >= MAX_INDEXING_BYTES) {
await flushBuffer()
if (chunks.length > 0) {
bytes += COMMA_BYTES
bytes += docBytes
// -> Current batch exceeds count limit, flush
if (chunks.length >= MAX_INDEXING_COUNT) {
await flushBuffer()
} else {
// -> End of stream, flush
await flushBuffer()
} catch (err) {
const flushBuffer = async () => {
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Sending batch of ${chunks.length}...`)
try {
await this.client.bulk({
index: this.config.indexName,
body: _.reduce(chunks, (result, doc) => {
index: {
_index: this.config.indexName,
_type: '_doc',
_id: doc.id
doc.safeContent = WIKI.models.pages.cleanHTML(doc.render)
suggest: this.buildSuggest(doc),
tags: doc.tags,
locale: doc.locale,
path: doc.path,
title: doc.title,
description: doc.description,
content: doc.safeContent
return result
}, []),
refresh: true
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Failed to send batch to elasticsearch: ', err)
chunks.length = 0
bytes = 0
// Added real id in order to fetch page tags from the query
await pipeline(
WIKI.models.knex.column({ id: 'hash' }, 'path', { locale: 'localeCode' }, 'title', 'description', 'render', { realId: 'id' }).select().from('pages').where({
isPublished: true,
isPrivate: false
new stream.Transform({
objectMode: true,
transform: async (chunk, enc, cb) => processDocument(cb, chunk),
flush: async (cb) => processDocument(cb)
WIKI.logger.info(`(SEARCH/ELASTICSEARCH) Index rebuilt successfully.`)
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
key: manticore
title: Manticore Search
description: High performance full-text search engine with SQL and JSON support.
author: requarks.io
logo: https://static.requarks.io/logo/manticore.svg
website: https://manticoresearch.com/
isAvailable: false
props: {}
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