import _ from 'lodash-es'
import { generateError, generateSuccess } from '../../helpers/graph.mjs'
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
export default {
Query: {
async storageTargets (obj, args, context, info) {
const dbTargets = await WIKI.db.storage.getTargets({ siteId: args.siteId })
// targets = _.sortBy(targets.map(tgt => {
// const targetInfo = _.find(WIKI.data.storage, ['module', tgt.key]) || {}
// return {
// ...targetInfo,
// ...tgt,
// hasSchedule: (targetInfo.schedule !== false),
// syncInterval: targetInfo.syncInterval || targetInfo.schedule || 'P0D',
// syncIntervalDefault: targetInfo.schedule,
// config: _.sortBy(_.transform(tgt.config, (res, value, key) => {
// const configData = _.get(targetInfo.props, key, false)
// if (configData) {
// res.push({
// key,
// value: JSON.stringify({
// ...configData,
// value: (configData.sensitive && value.length > 0) ? '********' : value
// })
// })
// }
// }, []), 'key')
// }
// }), ['title', 'key'])
return _.sortBy(WIKI.storage.defs.map(md => {
const dbTarget = dbTargets.find(tg => tg.module === md.key)
return {
id: dbTarget?.id ?? uuid(),
isEnabled: dbTarget?.isEnabled ?? false,
module: md.key,
title: md.title,
description: md.description,
icon: md.icon,
banner: md.banner,
vendor: md.vendor,
website: md.website,
contentTypes: {
activeTypes: dbTarget?.contentTypes?.activeTypes ?? md.contentTypes.defaultTypesEnabled,
largeThreshold: dbTarget?.contentTypes?.largeThreshold ?? md.contentTypes.defaultLargeThreshold
assetDelivery: {
isStreamingSupported: md?.assetDelivery?.isStreamingSupported ?? false,
isDirectAccessSupported: md?.assetDelivery?.isDirectAccessSupported ?? false,
streaming: dbTarget?.assetDelivery?.streaming ?? md?.assetDelivery?.defaultStreamingEnabled ?? false,
directAccess: dbTarget?.assetDelivery?.directAccess ?? md?.assetDelivery?.defaultDirectAccessEnabled ?? false
versioning: {
isSupported: md?.versioning?.isSupported ?? false,
isForceEnabled: md?.versioning?.isForceEnabled ?? false,
enabled: dbTarget?.versioning?.enabled ?? md?.versioning?.defaultEnabled ?? false
sync: {},
status: {},
setup: {
handler: md?.setup?.handler,
state: dbTarget?.state?.setup ?? 'notconfigured',
values: md.setup?.handler ?
(r, v, k) => {
r[k] = dbTarget?.config?.[k] ?? v
}, {}) :
config: _.transform(md.props, (r, v, k) => {
const cfValue = dbTarget?.config?.[k] ?? v.default
r[k] = {
value: v.sensitive && cfValue ? '********' : cfValue,
...v.enum && {
enum: v.enum.map(o => {
if (o.indexOf('|') > 0) {
const oParsed = o.split('|')
return {
value: oParsed[0],
label: oParsed[1]
} else {
return {
value: o,
label: o
}, {}),
actions: md.actions
}), ['title'])
Mutation: {
async updateStorageTargets (obj, args, context) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Updating storage targets for site ${args.siteId}...`)
try {
const dbTargets = await WIKI.db.storage.getTargets({ siteId: args.siteId })
for (const tgt of args.targets) {
const md = _.find(WIKI.storage.defs, ['key', tgt.module])
if (!md) {
throw new Error('Invalid module key for non-existent storage target.')
const dbTarget = _.find(dbTargets, ['id', tgt.id])
// -> Build update config object
const updatedConfig = dbTarget?.config ?? {}
if (tgt.config) {
for (const [key, prop] of Object.entries(md.props)) {
if (prop.readOnly) { continue }
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tgt.config, key)) { continue }
if (prop.sensitive && tgt.config[key] === '********') { continue }
updatedConfig[key] = tgt.config[key]
// -> Target doesn't exist yet in the DB, let's create it
if (!dbTarget) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`No existing DB configuration for module ${tgt.module}. Creating a new one...`)
await WIKI.db.storage.query().insert({
id: tgt.id,
module: tgt.module,
siteId: args.siteId,
isEnabled: tgt.isEnabled ?? false,
contentTypes: {
activeTypes: tgt.contentTypes ?? md.contentTypes.defaultTypesEnabled ?? [],
largeThreshold: tgt.largeThreshold ?? md.contentTypes.defaultLargeThreshold ?? '5MB'
assetDelivery: {
streaming: tgt.assetDeliveryFileStreaming ?? md?.assetDelivery?.defaultStreamingEnabled ?? false,
directAccess: tgt.assetDeliveryDirectAccess ?? md?.assetDelivery?.defaultDirectAccessEnabled ?? false
versioning: {
enabled: tgt.useVersioning ?? md?.versioning?.defaultEnabled ?? false
state: {
current: 'ok'
config: updatedConfig
} else {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Updating DB configuration for module ${tgt.module}...`)
await WIKI.db.storage.query().patch({
isEnabled: tgt.isEnabled ?? dbTarget.isEnabled ?? false,
contentTypes: {
activeTypes: tgt.contentTypes ?? dbTarget?.contentTypes?.activeTypes ?? [],
largeThreshold: tgt.largeThreshold ?? dbTarget?.contentTypes?.largeThreshold ?? '5MB'
assetDelivery: {
streaming: tgt.assetDeliveryFileStreaming ?? dbTarget?.assetDelivery?.streaming ?? false,
directAccess: tgt.assetDeliveryDirectAccess ?? dbTarget?.assetDelivery?.directAccess ?? false
versioning: {
enabled: tgt.useVersioning ?? dbTarget?.versioning?.enabled ?? false
config: updatedConfig
}).where('id', tgt.id)
// await WIKI.db.storage.initTargets()
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Storage targets updated successfully')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)
async setupStorageTarget (obj, args, context) {
try {
const tgt = await WIKI.db.storage.query().findById(args.targetId)
if (!tgt) {
throw new Error('Not storage target matching this ID')
const md = _.find(WIKI.storage.defs, ['key', tgt.module])
if (!md) {
throw new Error('No matching storage module installed.')
if (!await WIKI.db.storage.ensureModule(md.key)) {
throw new Error('Failed to load storage module. Check logs for details.')
const result = await WIKI.storage.modules[md.key].setup(args.targetId, args.state)
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Storage target setup step succeeded'),
state: result
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)
async destroyStorageTargetSetup (obj, args, context) {
try {
const tgt = await WIKI.db.storage.query().findById(args.targetId)
if (!tgt) {
throw new Error('Not storage target matching this ID')
const md = _.find(WIKI.storage.defs, ['key', tgt.module])
if (!md) {
throw new Error('No matching storage module installed.')
if (!await WIKI.db.storage.ensureModule(md.key)) {
throw new Error('Failed to load storage module. Check logs for details.')
await WIKI.storage.modules[md.key].setupDestroy(args.targetId)
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Storage target setup configuration destroyed succesfully.')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)
async executeStorageAction (obj, args, context) {
try {
await WIKI.db.storage.executeAction(args.targetKey, args.handler)
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Action completed.')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)