@ -73,8 +73,24 @@ export function usePrefetch() {
rIC(() => {
document.querySelectorAll('.vitepress-content a').forEach((link) => {
if ((link as HTMLAnchorElement).hostname === location.hostname) {
const { target, hostname, pathname } = link as HTMLAnchorElement
if (
// only prefetch same page navigation, since a new page will load
// the lean js chunk instead.
target !== `_blank` &&
// only prefetch inbound links
hostname === location.hostname
) {
if (pathname !== location.pathname) {
} else {
// No need to prefetch chunk for the current page, but also mark
// it as already fetched. This is because the initial page uses its
// lean chunk, and if we don't mark it, navigation to another page
// with a link back to the first page will fetch its full chunk
// which isn't needed.