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id | title | description | keywords | sidebar_label | toc_max_heading_level | ||||||
dynamic-programming | Dynamic programming cheatsheet for coding interviews | Dynamic programming study guide for coding interviews, including practice questions, techniques, time complexity, and recommended resources |
Dynamic programming | 2 |
Dynamic Programming (DP) is usually used to solve optimization problems. The only way to get better at DP is to practice. It takes some amount of practice to be able to recognize that a problem can be solved by DP.
Learning resources
- Demystifying Dynamic Programming
- Dynamic Programming – 7 Steps to Solve any DP Interview Problem
- Less Repetition, More Dynamic Programming, basecs
- Dynamic Programming, James Aspnes, Yale University
Sometimes you do not need to store the whole DP table in memory, the last two values or the last two rows of the matrix will suffice.
Recommended questions
- 0/1 Knapsack or Partition Equal Subset Sum
- Climbing Stairs
- Coin Change
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Word Break Problem
- Combination Sum
- House Robber and House Robber II
- Decode Ways
- Unique Paths
- Jump Game
Recommended courses
import AlgorithmCourses from '../_courses/AlgorithmCourses.md'