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6 years ago
id: graph
3 years ago
title: Graph cheatsheet for coding interviews
description: Graph study guide for coding interviews, including practice questions, techniques, time complexity, and recommended resources
graph coding interview study guide,
graph tips for coding interviews,
graph practice questions,
graph useful techniques,
graph time complexity,
graph recommended study resources,
sidebar_label: Graph
3 years ago
toc_max_heading_level: 2
6 years ago
8 years ago
3 years ago
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3 years ago
## Introduction
6 years ago
3 years ago
A graph is a structure containing a set of objects (nodes or vertices) where there can be edges between these nodes/vertices. Edges can be directed or undirected and can optionally have values (a weighted graph). Trees are undirected graphs in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one edge and there can be no cycles in the graph.
6 years ago
3 years ago
Graphs are commonly used to model relationship between unordered entities, such as
- Friendship between people - Each node is a person and edges between nodes represent that these two people are friends.
- Distances between locations - Each node is a location and the edge between nodes represent that these locations are connected. The value of the edge represent the distance.
6 years ago
Be familiar with the various graph representations, graph search algorithms and their time and space complexities.
3 years ago
## Learning resources
3 years ago
3 years ago
- Readings
- [From Theory To Practice: Representing Graphs](, basecs
- [Deep Dive Through A Graph: DFS Traversal](, basecs
- [Going Broad In A Graph: BFS Traversal](, basecs
- Additional (only if you have time)
- [Finding The Shortest Path, With A Little Help From Dijkstra](, basecs
- [Spinning Around In Cycles With Directed Acyclic Graphs](, basecs
## Graph representations
3 years ago
You can be given a list of edges and you have to build your own graph from the edges so that you can perform a traversal on them. The common graph representations are:
6 years ago
3 years ago
- Adjacency matrix
- Adjacency list
- Hash table of hash tables
Using a hash table of hash table would be the simplest approach during algorithm interviews. It will be rare that you have to use adjacency matrix or list for graph questions during interviews.
In algorithm interviews, graphs are commonly given in the input as 2D matrices where cells are the nodes and each cell can traverse to its adjacent cells (up/down/left/right). Hence it is important that you be familiar with traversing a 2D matrix. When traversing the matrix, always ensure that your current position is within the boundary of the matrix and has not been visited before.
## Time complexity
`|V|` is the number of vertices while `|E|` is the number of edges.
3 years ago
| Algorithm | Big-O |
| -------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| Depth-first search | O(|V| + |E|) |
| Breadth-first search | O(|V| + |E|) |
| Topological sort | O(|V| + |E|) |
3 years ago
3 years ago
## Things to look out for during interviews
3 years ago
3 years ago
- A tree-like diagram could very well be a graph that allows for cycles and a naive recursive solution would not work. In that case you will have to handle cycles and keep a set of visited nodes when traversing.
- Ensure you are correctly keeping track of visited nodes and not visiting each node more than once. Otherwise your code could end up in an infinite loop.
3 years ago
## Corner cases
- Empty graph
- Graph with one or two nodes
- Disjoint graphs
- Graph with cycles
4 years ago
## Graph search algorithms
6 years ago
- **Common** - Breadth-first Search, Depth-first Search
- **Uncommon** - Topological Sort, Dijkstra's algorithm
3 years ago
- **Almost never** - Bellman-Ford algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm. Your interviewer likely don't know them either.
6 years ago
3 years ago
### Depth-first search
Depth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm which explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. A stack is usually used to keep track of the nodes that are on the current search path. This can be done either by an implicit [recursion](./ stack, or an actual [stack](./ data structure.
6 years ago
A simple template for doing depth-first searches on a matrix goes like this:
6 years ago
6 years ago
def dfs(matrix):
3 years ago
# Check for an empty matrix/graph.
6 years ago
if not matrix:
return []
6 years ago
rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
visited = set()
directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0))
6 years ago
def traverse(i, j):
6 years ago
if (i, j) in visited:
6 years ago
6 years ago
visited.add((i, j))
6 years ago
# Traverse neighbors.
6 years ago
for direction in directions:
next_i, next_j = i + direction[0], j + direction[1]
6 years ago
if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j < cols:
3 years ago
# Add in question-specific checks, where relevant.
6 years ago
traverse(next_i, next_j)
6 years ago
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
6 years ago
traverse(i, j)
6 years ago
3 years ago
### Breadth-first search
Breadth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm which starts at a node and explores all nodes at the present depth, before moving on to the nodes at the next depth level. A [queue](./ is usually used to keep track of the nodes that were encountered but not yet explored.
A similar template for doing breadth-first searches on the matrix goes like this. It is important to use double-ended queues and not arrays/Python lists as enqueuing for double-ended queues is O(1) but it's O(n) for arrays.
6 years ago
from collections import deque
def bfs(matrix):
3 years ago
# Check for an empty matrix/graph.
6 years ago
if not matrix:
return []
rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
visited = set()
directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0))
def traverse(i, j):
queue = deque([(i, j)])
while queue:
6 years ago
curr_i, curr_j = queue.popleft()
6 years ago
if (curr_i, curr_j) not in visited:
visited.add((curr_i, curr_j))
# Traverse neighbors.
for direction in directions:
next_i, next_j = curr_i + direction[0], curr_j + direction[1]
if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j < cols:
3 years ago
# Add in question-specific checks, where relevant.
6 years ago
queue.append((next_i, next_j))
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
traverse(i, j)
3 years ago
4 years ago
3 years ago
While DFS is implemented using recursion in this sample, it could also be implemented iteratively similar to BFS. The key difference between the algorithms lies in the underlying data structure (BFS uses a queue while DFS uses a stack). The `deque` class in Python can function as both a stack and a queue.
4 years ago
6 years ago
For additional tips on BFS and DFS, you can refer to this [LeetCode post](
3 years ago
### Topological sorting
6 years ago
3 years ago
A topological sort or topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering. Precisely, a topological sort is a graph traversal in which each node v is visited only after all its dependencies are visited.
Topological sorting is most commonly used for job scheduling a sequence of jobs or tasks which has dependencies on other jobs/tasks. The jobs are represented by vertices, and there is an edge from x to y if job x must be completed before job y can be started.
Another example is taking courses in university where courses have pre-requisites.
6 years ago
3 years ago
Here's an example where the edges is an array of two-value tuples and the first value depends on the second value.
def graph_topo_sort(num_nodes, edges):
from collections import deque
nodes, order, queue = {}, [], deque()
for node_id in range(num_nodes):
nodes[node_id] = { 'in': 0, 'out': set() }
for node_id, pre_id in edges:
nodes[node_id]['in'] += 1
for node_id in nodes.keys():
if nodes[node_id]['in'] == 0:
while len(queue):
node_id = queue.pop()
for outgoing_id in nodes[node_id]['out']:
nodes[outgoing_id]['in'] -= 1
if nodes[outgoing_id]['in'] == 0:
return order if len(order) == num_nodes else None
print(graph_topo_sort(4, [[0, 1], [0, 2], [2, 1], [3, 0]]))
# [1, 2, 0, 3]
6 years ago
3 years ago
## Essential questions
_These are essential questions to practice if you're studying for this topic._
- [Number of Islands](
- [Flood Fill](
- [01 Matrix](
## Recommended practice questions
_These are recommended questions to practice after you have studied for the topic and have practiced the essential questions._
3 years ago
- Breadth-first search
- [Rotting Oranges](
- [Minimum Knight Moves (LeetCode Premium)](
- Either search
- [Clone Graph](
- [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow](
- [Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph (LeetCode Premium)](
- [Graph Valid Tree (LeetCode Premium)](
- Topological sorting
- [Course Schedule](
- [Alien Dictionary (LeetCode Premium)](
3 years ago
## Recommended courses
import AlgorithmCourses from '../\_courses/'
<AlgorithmCourses />