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Yangshun Tay 6 years ago
parent c19c9626d1
commit e6193eca83

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@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
Carefully curated content to help you ace your next technical interview, with a focus on algorithms. System design questions are in-progress. Besides the usual algorithm questions, other **awesome** stuff includes:
* [How to prepare](preparing) for coding interviews
* [Interview Cheatsheet](preparing/ - Straight-to-the-point Do's and Don'ts 🆕
* [Algorithm tips and the best practice questions](algorithms) categorized by topic
* ["Front-end Job Interview Questions" answers](
* [Interview formats](non-technical/ of the top tech companies
* [Behavioral questions](non-technical/ categorized by companies
* [Good questions to ask your interviewers](non-technical/ at the end of the interviews
* [Helpful resume tips](non-technical/ to get your resume noticed and the Do's and Don'ts
- [How to prepare]( for coding interviews
- [Interview Cheatsheet]( - Straight-to-the-point Do's and Don'ts
- [Algorithm tips and the best practice questions]( categorized by topic
- ["Front-end Job Interview Questions" answers](
- [Interview formats]( of the top tech companies
- [Behavioral questions]( asked by the top tech companies
- [Good questions to ask your interviewers]( at the end of the interviews
- [Helpful resume tips]( to get your resume noticed and the Do's and Don'ts
This handbook is pretty new and help from you in contributing content would be very much appreciated!
Help from you in contributing content would be very much appreciated!
## Why do I want this?
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Anybody who wants to land a job at a tech company but is new to technical interv
## How is this repository different?
There are so many awesome books like [Cracking the Coding Interview]( and interview-related repositories out there on GitHub, what makes this repository different? The difference is that many existing interview repositories contain mainly links to external resources whereas this repository contains top quality curated content directly for your consumption.
There are many awesome books like [Cracking the Coding Interview]( and interview-related repositories out there on GitHub, what makes this repository different? The difference is that many existing interview repositories contain mainly links to external resources whereas this repository contains top quality curated content directly for your consumption.
Also, existing resources focus mainly on algorithm questions and lack coverage for more domain-specific and non-technical questions. This handbook aims to cover content beyond the typical algorithmic coding questions. 😎
@ -46,20 +46,7 @@ Front end-related content have been extracted out into a separate repository - [
## Contents
* **[Preparing for a Coding Interview](preparing)**
* [Interview cheatsheet](preparing/ - Straight-to-the-point Do's and Don'ts
* **[Algorithm Questions](algorithms)** - Questions categorized by topics
* **[Design Questions](design)**
* **[Front-end Job Interview Questions and Answers]( 🔥⭐** - Answers to the famous "Front-end Job Interview Questions"
* **[Non-Technical Tips](non-technical)** - Random non-technical tips that cover behavioral and psychological aspects, interview formats and "Do you have any questions for me?"
* [Resume Tips](non-technical/
* [Behavioral Questions](non-technical/
* [Interview Formats](non-technical/
* [Psychological Tricks](non-technical/
* [Questions to Ask](non-technical/
* [Negotiation Tips](non-technical/
* **[Utilities](utilities)** - Snippets of algorithms/code that will help in coding questions
* **UPDATE** - Check out [Lago](, which is a Data Structures and Algorithms library that contains more high-quality implementations with 100% test coverage.
A [Docusaurus]( website has been created to provide a better reading experience. Check out the website [here](!
## Related
@ -71,8 +58,7 @@ There are no formal contributing guidelines at the moment as things are still in
### Contributors
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This project exists thanks to all the people who contributed. [[Contribute](]. <a href=""><img src="" /></a>
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## Maintainers
* [Yangshun Tay](
* [Louie Tan](
- [Yangshun Tay](
- [Louie Tan](

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# Algorithm Questions
This section dives deep into practical tips for specific topics of algorithms and data structures which appear frequently in coding questions. Many algorithm questions involve techniques that can be applied to questions of similar nature. The more techniques you have in your arsenal, the higher the chances of passing the interview. They may lead you to discover corner cases you might have missed out or even lead you towards the optimal approach!
For each topic, study links are recommended to help you master the topic. There is a list of recommended common questions to practice which in my opinion is highly valuable for mastering the core concepts for the topic.
If you are interested in how data structures are implemented, check out [Lago](, a Data Structures and Algorithms library for JavaScript. It is pretty much still WIP but I intend to make it into a library that is able to be used in production and also a reference resource for revising Data Structures and Algorithms.
## Contents
- [Array](
- [Dynamic Programming and Memoization](
- [Geometry](
- [Graph](
- [Hash Table](
- [Heap](
- [Interval](
- [Linked List](
- [Math](
- [Matrix](
- [Object-Oriented Programming](
- [Permutation](
- [Queue](
- [Sorting and Searching](
- [Stack](
- [String](
- [Tree](
## General Tips
Clarify any assumptions you made subconsciously. Many questions are under-specified on purpose.
Always validate input first. Check for invalid/empty/negative/different type input. Never assume you are given the valid parameters. Alternatively, clarify with the interviewer whether you can assume valid input (usually yes), which can save you time from writing code that does input validation.
Are there any time/space complexity requirements/constraints?
Check for off-by-one errors.
In languages where there are no automatic type coercion, check that concatenation of values are of the same type: `int`/`str`/`list`.
After finishing your code, use a few example inputs to test your solution.
Is the algorithm meant to be run multiple times, for example in a web server? If yes, the input is likely to be preprocess-able to improve the efficiency in each call.
Use a mix of functional and imperative programming paradigms:
- Write pure functions as much as possible.
- Pure functions are easier to reason about and can help to reduce bugs in your implementation.
- Avoid mutating the parameters passed into your function especially if they are passed by reference unless you are sure of what you are doing.
- However, functional programming is usually expensive in terms of space complexity because of non-mutation and the repeated allocation of new objects. On the other hand, imperative code is faster because you operate on existing objects. Hence you will need to achieve a balance between accuracy vs efficiency, by using the right amount of functional and imperative code where appropriate.
- Avoid relying on and mutating global variables. Global variables introduce state.
- If you have to rely on global variables, make sure that you do not mutate it by accident.
Generally, to improve the speed of a program, we can either: (1) choose a more appropriate data structure/algorithm; or (2) use more memory. The latter demonstrates a classic space vs. time tradeoff, but it is not necessarily the case that you can only achieve better speed at the expense of space. Also, note that there is often a theoretical limit to how fast your program can run (in terms of time complexity). For instance, a question that requires you to find the smallest/largest element in an unsorted array cannot run faster than O(N).
Data structures are your weapons. Choosing the right weapon for the right battle is the key to victory. Be very familiar about the strengths of each data structure and the time complexities for its various operations.
Data structures can be augmented to achieve efficient time complexities across different operations. For example, a hash map can be used together with a doubly-linked list to achieve O(1) time complexity for both the `get` and `put` operation in an [LRU cache](
Hashmaps are probably the most commonly used data structure for algorithm questions. If you are stuck on a question, your last resort can be to enumerate through the possible data structures (thankfully there aren't that many of them) and consider whether each of them can be applied to the problem. This has worked for me sometimes.
If you are cutting corners in your code, state that out loud to your interviewer and say what you would do in a non-interview setting (no time constraints). E.g., I would write a regex to parse this string rather than using `split()` which may not cover all cases.
## Sequence
#### Notes
Arrays and strings are considered sequences (a string is a sequence of characters). There are tips relevant for dealing with both arrays and strings which will be covered here.
Are there duplicate values in the sequence, would it affect the answer?
Check for sequence out of bounds.
Be mindful about slicing or concatenating sequences in your code. Typically, slicing and concatenating sequences require O(n) time. Use start and end indices to demarcate a subarray/substring where possible.
Sometimes you can traverse the sequence from the right rather than from the left.
Master the [sliding window technique]( that applies to many substring/subarray problems.
When you are given two sequences to process, it is common to have one index per sequence to traverse/compare the both of them. For example, we use the same approach to merge two sorted arrays.
#### Corner Cases
- Empty sequence.
- Sequence with 1 or 2 elements.
- Sequence with repeated elements.
## Array
#### Notes
Is the array sorted or partially sorted? If it is, some form of binary search should be possible. This also usually means that the interviewer is looking for a solution that is faster than O(n).
Can you sort the array? Sometimes sorting the array first may significantly simplify the problem. Make sure that the order of array elements do not need to be preserved before attempting a sort.
For questions where summation or multiplication of a subarray is involved, pre-computation using hashing or a prefix/suffix sum/product might be useful.
If you are given a sequence and the interviewer asks for O(1) space, it might be possible to use the array itself as a hash table. For example, if the array only has values from 1 to N, where N is the length of the array, negate the value at that index (minus one) to indicate presence of that number.
#### Practice Questions
- [Two Sum](
- [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
- [Contains Duplicate](
- [Product of Array Except Self](
- [Maximum Subarray](
- [Maximum Product Subarray](
- [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [3Sum](
- [Container With Most Water](
## Binary
#### Study Links
- [Bits, Bytes, Building With Binary](
#### Notes
Questions involving binary representations and bitwise operations are asked sometimes and you must be absolutely familiar with how to convert a number from decimal form into binary form (and vice versa) in your chosen programming language.
Some helpful utility snippets:
- Test k<sup>th</sup> bit is set: `num & (1 << k) != 0`.
- Set k<sup>th</sup> bit: `num |= (1 << k)`.
- Turn off k<sup>th</sup> bit: `num &= ~(1 << k)`.
- Toggle the k<sup>th</sup> bit: `num ^= (1 << k)`.
- To check if a number is a power of 2, `num & num - 1 == 0`.
#### Corner Cases
- Check for overflow/underflow.
- Negative numbers.
#### Practice Questions
- [Sum of Two Integers](
- [Number of 1 Bits](
- [Counting Bits](
- [Missing Number](
- [Reverse Bits](
## Dynamic Programming
#### Study Links
- [Demystifying Dynamic Programming](
- [Dynamic Programming 7 Steps to Solve any DP Interview Problem](
#### Notes
Dynamic Programming (DP) is usually used to solve optimization problems. The only way to get better at DP is to practice. It takes some amount of practice to be able to recognize that a problem can be solved by DP.
Sometimes you do not need to store the whole DP table in memory, the last two values or the last two rows of the matrix will suffice.
#### Practice Questions
- 0/1 Knapsack
- [Climbing Stairs](
- [Coin Change](
- [Longest Increasing Subsequence](
- [Longest Common Subsequence](
- [Word Break Problem](
- [Combination Sum](
- [House Robber]( and [House Robber II](
- [Decode Ways](
- [Unique Paths](
- [Jump Game](
## Geometry
#### Notes
When comparing euclidean distance between two pairs of points, using dx<sup>2</sup> + dy<sup>2</sup> is sufficient. It is unnecessary to square root the value.
To find out if two circles overlap, check that the distance between the two centers of the circles is less than the sum of their radii.
## Graph
#### Study Links
- [From Theory To Practice: Representing Graphs](
- [Deep Dive Through A Graph: DFS Traversal](
- [Going Broad In A Graph: BFS Traversal](
#### Notes
Be familiar with the various graph representations, graph search algorithms and their time and space complexities.
You can be given a list of edges and tasked to build your own graph from the edges to perform a traversal on. The common graph representations are:
- Adjacency matrix.
- Adjacency list.
- Hashmap of hashmaps.
A tree-like diagram could very well be a graph that allows for cycles and a naive recursive solution would not work. In that case you will have to handle cycles and keep a set of visited nodes when traversing.
#### Graph search algorithms:
- **Common** - Breadth-first Search, Depth-first Search
- **Uncommon** - Topological Sort, Dijkstra's algorithm
- **Rare** - Bellman-Ford algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm
In coding interviews, graphs are commonly represented as 2-D matrices where cells are the nodes and each cell can traverse to its adjacent cells (up/down/left/right). Hence it is important that you be familiar with traversing a 2-D matrix. When recursively traversing the matrix, always ensure that your next position is within the boundary of the matrix. More tips for doing depth-first searches on a matrix can be found [here]( A simple template for doing depth-first searches on a matrix goes like this:
def traverse(matrix):
rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
visited = set()
directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0))
def dfs(i, j):
if (i, j) in visited:
visited.add((i, j))
# Traverse neighbors
for direction in directions:
next_i, next_j = i + direction[0], j + direction[1]
if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j < cols: # Check boundary
# Add any other checking here ^
dfs(next_i, next_j)
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
dfs(i, j)
#### Corner Cases
- Empty graph.
- Graph with one or two nodes.
- Disjoint graphs.
- Graph with cycles.
#### Practice Questions
- [Clone Graph](
- [Course Schedule](
- [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow](
- [Number of Islands](
- [Longest Consecutive Sequence](
- [Alien Dictionary (Leetcode Premium)](
- [Graph Valid Tree (Leetcode Premium)](
- [Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph (Leetcode Premium)](
## Interval
#### Notes
Interval questions are questions where you are given an array of two-element arrays (an interval) and the two values represent a start and an end value. Interval questions are considered part of the array family but they involve some common techniques hence they are extracted out to this special section of their own.
An example interval array: `[[1, 2], [4, 7]]`.
Interval questions can be tricky to those who have not tried them before because of the sheer number of cases to consider when they overlap.
Do clarify with the interviewer whether `[1, 2]` and `[2, 3]` are considered overlapping intervals as it affects how you will write your equality checks.
A common routine for interval questions is to sort the array of intervals by each interval's starting value.
Be familiar with writing code to check if two intervals overlap and merging two overlapping intervals:
def is_overlap(a, b):
return a[0] < b[1] and b[0] < a[1]
def merge_overlapping_intervals(a, b):
return [min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])]
#### Corner Cases
- Single interval.
- Non-overlapping intervals.
- An interval totally consumed within another interval.
- Duplicate intervals.
#### Practice Questions
- [Insert Interval](
- [Merge Intervals](
- [Non-overlapping Intervals](
- [Meeting Rooms (Leetcode Premium)]( and [Meeting Rooms II (Leetcode Premium)](
## Linked List
#### Notes
Like arrays, linked lists are used to represent sequential data. The benefit of linked lists is that insertion and deletion from anywhere in the list is O(1) whereas in arrays the following elements will have to be shifted.
Adding a dummy node at the head and/or tail might help to handle many edge cases where operations have to be performed at the head or the tail. The presence of dummy nodes essentially ensures that operations will never have be done on the head or the tail, thereby removing a lot of headache in writing conditional checks to dealing with null pointers. Be sure to remember to remove them at the end of the operation.
Sometimes linked lists problem can be solved without additional storage. Try to borrow ideas from reverse a linked list problem.
For deletion in linked lists, you can either modify the node values or change the node pointers. You might need to keep a reference to the previous element.
For partitioning linked lists, create two separate linked lists and join them back together.
Linked lists problems share similarity with array problems, think about how you would do it for an array and try to apply it to a linked list.
Two pointer approaches are also common for linked lists. For example:
- Getting the k<sup>th</sup> from last node - Have two pointers, where one is k nodes ahead of the other. When the node ahead reaches the end, the other node is k nodes behind.
- Detecting cycles - Have two pointers, where one pointer increments twice as much as the other, if the two pointers meet, means that there is a cycle.
- Getting the middle node - Have two pointers, where one pointer increments twice as much as the other. When the faster node reaches the end of the list, the slower node will be at the middle.
Be familiar with the following routines because many linked list questions make use of one or more of these routines in the solution:
- Counting the number of nodes in the linked list.
- Reversing a linked list in-place.
- Finding the middle node of the linked list using fast/slow pointers.
- Merging two lists together.
#### Corner Cases
- Single node.
- Two nodes.
- Linked list has cycle. Clarify with the interviewer whether there can be a cycle in the list. Usually the answer is no.
#### Practice Questions
- [Reverse a Linked List](
- [Detect Cycle in a Linked List](
- [Merge Two Sorted Lists](
- [Merge K Sorted Lists](
- [Remove Nth Node From End Of List](
- [Reorder List](
## Math
#### Notes
If code involves division or modulo, remember to check for division or modulo by 0 case.
When a question involves "a multiple of a number", perhaps modulo might be useful.
Check for and handle overflow/underflow if you are using a typed language like Java and C++. At the very least, mention that overflow/underflow is possible and ask whether you need to handle it.
Consider negative numbers and floating point numbers. This may sound obvious, but under interview pressure, many obvious cases go unnoticed.
If the question asks to implement an operator such as power, squareroot or division and want it to be faster than O(n), binary search is usually the approach to go.
#### Some common formulas:
- Sum of 1 to N = (n+1) \* n/2
- Sum of GP = 2<sup>0</sup> + 2<sup>1</sup> + 2<sup>2</sup> + 2<sup>3</sup> + ... 2<sup>n</sup> = 2<sup>n+1</sup> - 1
- Permutations of N = N! / (N-K)!
- Combinations of N = N! / (K! \* (N-K)!)
#### Practice Questions
- [Pow(x, n)](
- [Sqrt(x)](
- [Integer to English Words](
## Matrix
#### Notes
A matrix is a 2-dimensional array. Questions involving matrices are usually related to dynamic programming or graph traversal.
For questions involving traversal or dynamic programming, you almost always want to make a copy of the matrix with the same dimensions that is initialized to empty values to store the visited state or dynamic programming table. Be familiar with such a routine:
rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
copy = [[0 for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]
Many grid-based games can be modeled as a matrix, such as Tic-Tac-Toe, Sudoku, Crossword, Connect 4, Battleship, etc. It is not uncommon to be asked to verify the winning condition of the game. For games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect 4 and Crosswords, where verification has to be done vertically and horizontally, one trick is to write code to verify the matrix for the horizontal cells, transpose the matrix and reuse the logic for horizontal verification to verify originally vertical cells (which are now horizontal).
Transposing a matrix in Python is simply:
transposed_matrix = zip(*matrix)
#### Corner Cases
- Empty matrix. Check that none of the arrays are 0 length.
- 1 x 1 matrix.
- Matrix with only one row or column.
#### Practice Questions
- [Set Matrix Zeroes](
- [Spiral Matrix](
- [Rotate Image](
- [Word Search](
## Recursion
#### Notes
Recursion is useful for permutation, because it generates all combinations and tree-based questions. You should know how to generate all permutations of a sequence as well as how to handle duplicates.
Remember to always define a base case so that your recursion will end.
Recursion implicitly uses a stack. Hence all recursive approaches can be rewritten iteratively using a stack. Beware of cases where the recursion level goes too deep and causes a stack overflow (the default limit in Python is 1000). You may get bonus points for pointing this out to the interviewer. Recursion will never be O(1) space complexity because a stack is involved, unless there is [tail-call optimization]( (TCO). Find out if your chosen language supports TCO.
#### Practice Questions
- [Subsets]( and [Subsets II](
- [Strobogrammatic Number II (Leetcode Premium)](
## String
#### Notes
Please read the above tips on sequence. They apply to strings too.
Ask about input character set and case sensitivity. Usually the characters are limited to lowercase Latin characters, for example a to z.
When you need to compare strings where the order isnt important (like anagram), you may consider using a HashMap as a counter. If your language has a built-in Counter class like Python, ask to use that instead.
If you need to keep a counter of characters, a common mistake is to say that the space complexity required for the counter is O(n). The space required for a counter is O(1) not O(n). This is because the upper bound is the range of characters, which is usually a fixed constant of 26. The input set is just lowercase Latin characters.
Common data structures for looking up strings efficiently are
- [Trie / Prefix Tree](
- [Suffix Tree](
Common string algorithms are
- [Rabin Karp]( for efficient searching of substring using a rolling hash.
- [KMP]( for efficient searching of substring.
#### Corner Cases
- Strings with only one distinct character.
#### Non-repeating Characters
- Use a 26-bit bitmask to indicate which lower case latin characters are inside the string.
mask = 0
for c in set(word):
mask |= (1 << (ord(c) - ord('a')))
To determine if two strings have common characters, perform & on the two bitmasks. If the result is non-zero, `mask_a & mask_b > 0`, then the two strings have common characters.
### Anagram
An anagram is word switch or word play. It is the result of re-arranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, while using all the original letters only once. In interviews, usually we are only bothered with words without spaces in them.
To determine if two strings are anagrams, there are a few plausible approaches:
- Sorting both strings should produce the same resulting string. This takes O(nlgn) time and O(lgn) space.
- If we map each character to a prime number and we multiply each mapped number together, anagrams should have the same multiple (prime factor decomposition). This takes O(n) time and O(1) space.
- Frequency counting of characters will help to determine if two strings are anagrams. This also takes O(n) time and O(1) space.
### Palindrome
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as _madam_ or _racecar_.
Here are ways to determine if a string is a palindrome:
- Reverse the string and it should be equal to itself.
- Have two pointers at the start and end of the string. Move the pointers inward till they meet. At any point in time, the characters at both pointers should match.
The order of characters within the string matters, so HashMaps are usually not helpful.
When a question is about counting the number of palindromes, a common trick is to have two pointers that move outward, away from the middle. Note that palindromes can be even or odd length. For each middle pivot position, you need to check it twice: Once that includes the character and once without the character.
- For substrings, you can terminate early once there is no match.
- For subsequences, use dynamic programming as there are overlapping subproblems. Check out [this question](
#### Practice Questions
- [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](
- [Longest Repeating Character Replacement](
- [Minimum Window Substring](
- [Valid Anagram](
- [Group Anagrams](
- [Valid Parentheses](
- [Valid Palindrome](
- [Longest Palindromic Substring](
- [Palindromic Substrings](
- [Encode and Decode Strings (Leetcode Premium)](
## Tree
#### Study Links
- [Leaf It Up To Binary Trees](
#### Notes
A tree is an undirected and connected acyclic graph.
Recursion is a common approach for trees. When you notice that the subtree problem can be used to solve the entire problem, try using recursion.
When using recursion, always remember to check for the base case, usually where the node is `null`.
When you are asked to traverse a tree by level, use breadth-first search.
Sometimes it is possible that your recursive function needs to return two values.
If the question involves summation of nodes along the way, be sure to check whether nodes can be negative.
You should be very familiar with writing pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversal recursively. As an extension, challenge yourself by writing them iteratively. Sometimes interviewers ask candidates for the iterative approach, especially if the candidate finishes writing the recursive approach too quickly.
#### Corner Cases
- Empty tree.
- Single node.
- Two nodes.
- Very skewed tree (like a linked list).
### Binary Tree
In-order traversal of a binary tree is insufficient to uniquely serialize a tree. Pre-order or post-order traversal is also required.
### Binary Search Tree (BST)
In-order traversal of a BST will give you all elements in order.
Be very familiar with the properties of a BST and validating that a binary tree is a BST. This comes up more often than expected.
When a question involves a BST, the interviewer is usually looking for a solution which runs faster than O(n).
#### Practice Questions
- [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](
- [Same Tree](
- [Invert/Flip Binary Tree](
- [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](
- [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](
- [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](
- [Subtree of Another Tree](
- [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](
- [Validate Binary Search Tree](
- [Kth Smallest Element in a BST](
- [Lowest Common Ancestor of BST](
## Trie
#### Study Links
- [Trying to Understand Tries](
- [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
#### Notes
Tries are special trees (prefix trees) that make searching and storing strings more efficient. Tries have many practical applications, such as conducting searches and providing autocomplete. It is helpful to know these common applications so that you can easily identify when a problem can be efficiently solved using a trie.
Sometimes preprocessing a dictionary of words (given in a list) into a trie, will improve the efficiency of searching for a word of length k, among n words. Searching becomes O(k) instead of O(n).
Be familiar with implementing, from scratch, a `Trie` class and its `add`, `remove` and `search` methods.
#### Practice Questions
- [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
- [Add and Search Word](
- [Word Search II](
## Heap
#### Study Links
- [Learning to Love Heaps](
#### Notes
If you see a top or lowest _k_ being mentioned in the question, it is usually a signal that a heap can be used to solve the problem, such as in [Top K Frequent Elements](
If you require the top _k_ elements use a Min Heap of size _k_. Iterate through each element, pushing it into the heap. Whenever the heap size exceeds _k_, remove the minimum element, that will guarantee that you have the _k_ largest elements.
#### Practice Questions
- [Merge K Sorted Lists](
- [Top K Frequent Elements](
- [Find Median from Data Stream](
###### References

@ -3,21 +3,52 @@ id: array
title: Array
#### Hard
## Tips
- Given a set of rectangles represented by a height and an interval along the y-axis, determine the size of its union. ([Solution](
- Given an array, find the longest arithmetic progression. ([Solution](
- Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence.
- E.g. `[100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2] => 4`. Explanation: The longest consecutive elements sequence is `[1, 2, 3, 4]`. Therefore its length is 4. Note: Your algorithm should run in O(n) complexity. ([Solution](
Is the array sorted or partially sorted? If it is, some form of binary search should be possible. This also usually means that the interviewer is looking for a solution that is faster than O(n).
#### Medium
Can you sort the array? Sometimes sorting the array first may significantly simplify the problem. Make sure that the order of array elements do not need to be preserved before attempting a sort.
- Given a list of item prices, find all possible combinations of items that sum a particular value `K`. ([Solution](
- Given an array of integers find whether there is a sub-sequence that sums to 0 and return it. ([Solution](
- E.g. `[1, 2, -3, 1]` => `[1, 2, -3]` or `[2, -3, 1]`
- Trapping rain water: You have an array with the heights of an island (at point 1, point 2 etc) and you want to know how much water would remain on this island (without flowing away). ([Solution](
For questions where summation or multiplication of a subarray is involved, pre-computation using hashing or a prefix/suffix sum/product might be useful.
If you are given a sequence and the interviewer asks for O(1) space, it might be possible to use the array itself as a hash table. For example, if the array only has values from 1 to N, where N is the length of the array, negate the value at that index (minus one) to indicate presence of that number.
## Arrays are sequences
Are there duplicate values in the array, would it affect the answer?
When using an index to iterate through array elements, be careful not to go out of bounds.
Be mindful about slicing or concatenating arrays in your code. Typically, slicing and concatenating arrays require O(n) time. Use start and end indices to demarcate a subarray/range where possible.
Sometimes you can traverse the array from the right rather than from the left.
Master the [sliding window technique]( that applies to many subarray problems.
When you are given two arrays to process, it is common to have one index per array (pointer) to traverse/compare the both of them. For example, we use the same approach to merge two sorted arrays.
## Corner cases
#### Easy
- Empty sequence
- Sequence with 1 or 2 elements
- Sequence with repeated elements
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Two Sum](
- [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
- [Contains Duplicate](
- [Product of Array Except Self](
- [Maximum Subarray](
- [Maximum Product Subarray](
- [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [3Sum](
- [Container With Most Water](
## More questions
### Easy
- Implement a circular buffer using an array. ([Solution](
- Given an array of integers, print out a histogram using the said array; include a base layer (all stars) ([Solution](
@ -46,7 +77,21 @@ title: Array
- Given an array of integers where every value appears twice except one, find the single, non-repeating value. Follow up: do so with O(1) space. ([Solution](
- E.g., `[2, 5, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1]` returns 4, because it is the only value that appears in the array only once.
#### Other
### Medium
- Given a list of item prices, find all possible combinations of items that sum a particular value `K`. ([Solution](
- Given an array of integers find whether there is a sub-sequence that sums to 0 and return it. ([Solution](
- E.g. `[1, 2, -3, 1]` => `[1, 2, -3]` or `[2, -3, 1]`
- Trapping rain water: You have an array with the heights of an island (at point 1, point 2 etc) and you want to know how much water would remain on this island (without flowing away). ([Solution](
### Hard
- Given a set of rectangles represented by a height and an interval along the y-axis, determine the size of its union. ([Solution](
- Given an array, find the longest arithmetic progression. ([Solution](
- Given an unsorted array of integers, find the length of the longest consecutive elements sequence.
- E.g. `[100, 4, 200, 1, 3, 2] => 4`. Explanation: The longest consecutive elements sequence is `[1, 2, 3, 4]`. Therefore its length is 4. Note: Your algorithm should run in O(n) complexity. ([Solution](
### Other
- In an array of arrays, e.g. given `[[], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [], [], [6, 7], [8], [9, 10], [], []]`, print: `1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10`.
- Implement an iterator that supports `hasNext()`, `next()` and `remove()` methods.

@ -3,7 +3,38 @@ id: binary
title: Binary
- How do you verify if an interger is a power of 2?
## Study links
- [Bits, Bytes, Building With Binary](
## Notes
Questions involving binary representations and bitwise operations are asked sometimes and you must be absolutely familiar with how to convert a number from decimal form into binary form (and vice versa) in your chosen programming language.
Some helpful utility snippets:
- Test k<sup>th</sup> bit is set: `num & (1 << k) != 0`.
- Set k<sup>th</sup> bit: `num |= (1 << k)`.
- Turn off k<sup>th</sup> bit: `num &= ~(1 << k)`.
- Toggle the k<sup>th</sup> bit: `num ^= (1 << k)`.
- To check if a number is a power of 2, `num & num - 1 == 0`.
## Corner cases
- Be aware and check for overflow/underflow
- Negative numbers
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Sum of Two Integers](
- [Number of 1 Bits](
- [Counting Bits](
- [Missing Number](
- [Reverse Bits](
## More questions
- How do you verify if an integer is a power of 2?
- Write a program to print the binary representation of an integer.
- Write a program to print out the number of 1 bits in a given integer.
- Write a program to determine the largest possible integer using the same number of 1 bits in a given number.

@ -3,6 +3,33 @@ id: dynamic-programming
title: Dynamic Programming
## Study links
- [Demystifying Dynamic Programming](
- [Dynamic Programming 7 Steps to Solve any DP Interview Problem](
## Notes
Dynamic Programming (DP) is usually used to solve optimization problems. The only way to get better at DP is to practice. It takes some amount of practice to be able to recognize that a problem can be solved by DP.
Sometimes you do not need to store the whole DP table in memory, the last two values or the last two rows of the matrix will suffice.
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- 0/1 Knapsack
- [Climbing Stairs](
- [Coin Change](
- [Longest Increasing Subsequence](
- [Longest Common Subsequence](
- [Word Break Problem](
- [Combination Sum](
- [House Robber]( and [House Robber II](
- [Decode Ways](
- [Unique Paths](
- [Jump Game](
## More questions
- Given a flight itinerary consisting of starting city, destination city, and ticket price (2D list) - find the optimal price flight path to get from start to destination. (A variation of Dynamic Programming Shortest Path)
- Given some coin denominations and a target value `M`, return the coins combination with the minimum number of coins.
- Time complexity: `O(MN)`, where N is the number of distinct type of coins.

@ -3,6 +3,14 @@ id: geometry
title: Geometry
## Notes
When comparing euclidean distance between two pairs of points, using dx<sup>2</sup> + dy<sup>2</sup> is sufficient. It is unnecessary to square root the value.
To find out if two circles overlap, check that the distance between the two centers of the circles is less than the sum of their radii.
## More questions
- You have a plane with lots of rectangles on it, find out how many of them intersect.
- Which data structure would you use to query the k-nearest points of a set on a 2D plane?
- Given many points, find k points that are closest to the origin.

@ -3,6 +3,73 @@ id: graph
title: Graph
## Study links
- [From Theory To Practice: Representing Graphs](
- [Deep Dive Through A Graph: DFS Traversal](
- [Going Broad In A Graph: BFS Traversal](
## Notes
Be familiar with the various graph representations, graph search algorithms and their time and space complexities.
You can be given a list of edges and tasked to build your own graph from the edges to perform a traversal on. The common graph representations are:
- Adjacency matrix.
- Adjacency list.
- Hashmap of hashmaps.
A tree-like diagram could very well be a graph that allows for cycles and a naive recursive solution would not work. In that case you will have to handle cycles and keep a set of visited nodes when traversing.
## Graph search algorithms:
- **Common** - Breadth-first Search, Depth-first Search
- **Uncommon** - Topological Sort, Dijkstra's algorithm
- **Rare** - Bellman-Ford algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm
In coding interviews, graphs are commonly represented as 2-D matrices where cells are the nodes and each cell can traverse to its adjacent cells (up/down/left/right). Hence it is important that you be familiar with traversing a 2-D matrix. When recursively traversing the matrix, always ensure that your next position is within the boundary of the matrix. More tips for doing depth-first searches on a matrix can be found [here]( A simple template for doing depth-first searches on a matrix goes like this:
def traverse(matrix):
rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
visited = set()
directions = ((0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0))
def dfs(i, j):
if (i, j) in visited:
visited.add((i, j))
# Traverse neighbors
for direction in directions:
next_i, next_j = i + direction[0], j + direction[1]
if 0 <= next_i < rows and 0 <= next_j < cols: # Check boundary
# Add any other checking here ^
dfs(next_i, next_j)
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
dfs(i, j)
## Corner cases
- Empty graph
- Graph with one or two nodes
- Disjoint graphs
- Graph with cycles
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Clone Graph](
- [Course Schedule](
- [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow](
- [Number of Islands](
- [Longest Consecutive Sequence](
- [Alien Dictionary (Leetcode Premium)](
- [Graph Valid Tree (Leetcode Premium)](
- [Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph (Leetcode Premium)](
## More questions
- Given a list of sorted words from an alien dictionary, find the order of the alphabet.
- Alien Dictionary Topological Sort question.
- Find if a given string matches any path in a labeled graph. A path may contain cycles.

@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ id: hash-table
title: Hash Table
Hash Table
## More questions
- Describe an implementation of a least-used cache, and big-O notation of it.
- A question involving an API's integration with hash map where the buckets of hash map are made up of linked lists.
- Implement data structure `Map` storing pairs of integers (key, value) and define following member functions in O(1) runtime: `void insert(key, value)`, `void delete(key)`, `int get(key)`, `int getRandomKey()`.
- [Source](
- Implement data structure `Map` storing pairs of integers (key, value) and define following member functions in O(1) runtime: `void insert(key, value)`, `void delete(key)`, `int get(key)`, `int getRandomKey()`. [(Solution)](

@ -3,5 +3,23 @@ id: heap
title: Heap
## Study links
- [Learning to Love Heaps](
## Notes
If you see a top or lowest _k_ being mentioned in the question, it is usually a signal that a heap can be used to solve the problem, such as in [Top K Frequent Elements](
If you require the top _k_ elements use a Min Heap of size _k_. Iterate through each element, pushing it into the heap. Whenever the heap size exceeds _k_, remove the minimum element, that will guarantee that you have the _k_ largest elements.
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Merge K Sorted Lists](
- [Top K Frequent Elements](
- [Find Median from Data Stream](
## More questions
- Merge `K` sorted lists together into a single list.
- Given a stream of integers, write an efficient function that returns the median value of the integers.

@ -3,6 +3,44 @@ id: interval
title: Interval
## Notes
Interval questions are questions where you are given an array of two-element arrays (an interval) and the two values represent a start and an end value. Interval questions are considered part of the array family but they involve some common techniques hence they are extracted out to this special section of their own.
An example interval array: `[[1, 2], [4, 7]]`.
Interval questions can be tricky to those who have not tried them before because of the sheer number of cases to consider when they overlap.
Do clarify with the interviewer whether `[1, 2]` and `[2, 3]` are considered overlapping intervals as it affects how you will write your equality checks.
A common routine for interval questions is to sort the array of intervals by each interval's starting value.
Be familiar with writing code to check if two intervals overlap and merging two overlapping intervals:
def is_overlap(a, b):
return a[0] < b[1] and b[0] < a[1]
def merge_overlapping_intervals(a, b):
return [min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])]
## Corner cases
- Single interval
- Non-overlapping intervals
- An interval totally consumed within another interval
- Duplicate intervals
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Insert Interval](
- [Merge Intervals](
- [Non-overlapping Intervals](
- [Meeting Rooms (Leetcode Premium)]( and [Meeting Rooms II (Leetcode Premium)](
## More questions
- Given a list of schedules, provide a list of times that are available for a meeting.
@ -24,8 +62,7 @@ title: Interval
- Given 2 interval ranges that intersect, now create a function to merge the 2 ranges into a single continuous range.
- E.g. `[1, 4]` and `[3, 6]` => `[1, 6]`
- Now create a function that takes a group of unsorted, unorganized intervals, merge any intervals that intersect and sort them. The result should be a group of sorted, non-intersecting intervals.
- Now create a function to merge a new interval into a group of sorted, non-intersecting intervals. After the merge, all intervals should remain
- Now create a function to merge a new interval into a group of sorted, non-intersecting intervals. After the merge, all intervals should remain non-intersecting.
- Given a list of meeting times, check if any of them overlap. The follow-up question is to return the minimum number of rooms required to accommodate all the meetings.
- [Source](
- If you have a list of intervals, how would you merge them?

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
id: algorithms-introduction
title: Introduction
This section dives deep into practical tips for specific topics of algorithms and data structures which appear frequently in coding questions. Many algorithm questions involve techniques that can be applied to questions of similar nature. The more techniques you have in your arsenal, the higher the chances of passing the interview. They may lead you to discover corner cases you might have missed out or even lead you towards the optimal approach!
For each topic, study links are recommended to help you master the topic. There is a list of recommended common questions to practice which in my opinion is highly valuable for mastering the core concepts for the topic.
If you are interested in how data structures are implemented, check out [Lago](, a Data Structures and Algorithms library for JavaScript. It is pretty much still WIP but I intend to make it into a library that is able to be used in production and also a reference resource for revising Data Structures and Algorithms.
## General tips
Clarify any assumptions you made subconsciously. Many questions are under-specified on purpose.
Always validate input first. Check for invalid/empty/negative/different type input. Never assume you are given the valid parameters. Alternatively, clarify with the interviewer whether you can assume valid input (usually yes), which can save you time from writing code that does input validation.
Are there any time/space complexity requirements/constraints?
Check for off-by-one errors.
In languages where there are no automatic type coercion, check that concatenation of values are of the same type: `int`/`str`/`list`.
After finishing your code, use a few example inputs to test your solution.
Is the algorithm meant to be run multiple times, for example in a web server? If yes, the input is likely to be preprocess-able to improve the efficiency in each call.
Use a mix of functional and imperative programming paradigms:
- Write pure functions as much as possible.
- Pure functions are easier to reason about and can help to reduce bugs in your implementation.
- Avoid mutating the parameters passed into your function especially if they are passed by reference unless you are sure of what you are doing.
- However, functional programming is usually expensive in terms of space complexity because of non-mutation and the repeated allocation of new objects. On the other hand, imperative code is faster because you operate on existing objects. Hence you will need to achieve a balance between accuracy vs efficiency, by using the right amount of functional and imperative code where appropriate.
- Avoid relying on and mutating global variables. Global variables introduce state.
- If you have to rely on global variables, make sure that you do not mutate it by accident.
Generally, to improve the speed of a program, we can either: (1) choose a more appropriate data structure/algorithm; or (2) use more memory. The latter demonstrates a classic space vs. time tradeoff, but it is not necessarily the case that you can only achieve better speed at the expense of space. Also, note that there is often a theoretical limit to how fast your program can run (in terms of time complexity). For instance, a question that requires you to find the smallest/largest element in an unsorted array cannot run faster than O(N).
Data structures are your weapons. Choosing the right weapon for the right battle is the key to victory. Be very familiar about the strengths of each data structure and the time complexities for its various operations.
Data structures can be augmented to achieve efficient time complexities across different operations. For example, a hash map can be used together with a doubly-linked list to achieve O(1) time complexity for both the `get` and `put` operation in an [LRU cache](
Hashmaps are probably the most commonly used data structure for algorithm questions. If you are stuck on a question, your last resort can be to enumerate through the common possible data structures (thankfully there aren't that many of them) and consider whether each of them can be applied to the problem. This has worked for me sometimes.
If you are cutting corners in your code, state that out loud to your interviewer and say what you would do in a non-interview setting (no time constraints). E.g., I would write a regex to parse this string rather than using `split()` which may not cover all cases.
###### References

@ -3,6 +3,52 @@ id: linked-list
title: Linked List
## Notes
Like arrays, linked lists are used to represent sequential data. The benefit of linked lists is that insertion and deletion from anywhere in the list is O(1) whereas in arrays the following elements will have to be shifted.
Adding a dummy node at the head and/or tail might help to handle many edge cases where operations have to be performed at the head or the tail. The presence of dummy nodes essentially ensures that operations will never have be done on the head or the tail, thereby removing a lot of headache in writing conditional checks to dealing with null pointers. Be sure to remember to remove them at the end of the operation.
Sometimes linked lists problem can be solved without additional storage. Try to borrow ideas from reverse a linked list problem.
For deletion in linked lists, you can either modify the node values or change the node pointers. You might need to keep a reference to the previous element.
For partitioning linked lists, create two separate linked lists and join them back together.
Linked lists problems share similarity with array problems, think about how you would do it for an array and try to apply it to a linked list.
Two pointer approaches are also common for linked lists. For example:
- Getting the k<sup>th</sup> from last node - Have two pointers, where one is k nodes ahead of the other. When the node ahead reaches the end, the other node is k nodes behind
- Detecting cycles - Have two pointers, where one pointer increments twice as much as the other, if the two pointers meet, means that there is a cycle
- Getting the middle node - Have two pointers, where one pointer increments twice as much as the other. When the faster node reaches the end of the list, the slower node will be at the middle
## Common Routines
Be familiar with the following routines because many linked list questions make use of one or more of these routines in the solution:
- Counting the number of nodes in the linked list
- Reversing a linked list in-place
- Finding the middle node of the linked list using fast/slow pointers
- Merging two lists together
## Corner cases
- Single node
- Two nodes
- Linked list has cycle. **Tip:** Clarify with the interviewer whether there can be a cycle in the list. Usually the answer is no
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Reverse a Linked List](
- [Detect Cycle in a Linked List](
- [Merge Two Sorted Lists](
- [Merge K Sorted Lists](
- [Remove Nth Node From End Of List](
- [Reorder List](
## More questions
- Given a linked list, in addition to the next pointer, each node has a child pointer that can point to a separate list. With the head node, flatten the list to a single-level linked list.
- [Source](
- Reverse a singly linked list. Implement it recursively and iteratively.

@ -3,6 +3,33 @@ id: math
title: Math
## Notes
If code involves division or modulo, remember to check for division or modulo by 0 case.
When a question involves "a multiple of a number", perhaps modulo might be useful.
Check for and handle overflow/underflow if you are using a typed language like Java and C++. At the very least, mention that overflow/underflow is possible and ask whether you need to handle it.
Consider negative numbers and floating point numbers. This may sound obvious, but under interview pressure, many obvious cases go unnoticed.
If the question asks to implement an operator such as power, squareroot or division and want it to be faster than O(n), binary search is usually the approach to go.
#### Some common formulas:
- Sum of 1 to N = (n+1) \* n/2
- Sum of GP = 2<sup>0</sup> + 2<sup>1</sup> + 2<sup>2</sup> + 2<sup>3</sup> + ... 2<sup>n</sup> = 2<sup>n+1</sup> - 1
- Permutations of N = N! / (N-K)!
- Combinations of N = N! / (K! \* (N-K)!)
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Pow(x, n)](
- [Sqrt(x)](
- [Integer to English Words](
## More questions
- Create a square root function.
- Given a string such as "123" or "67", write a function to output the number represented by the string without using casting.
- Make a program that can print out the text form of numbers from 1 - 1000 (ex. 20 is "twenty", 105 is "one hundred and five").

@ -3,6 +3,40 @@ id: matrix
title: Matrix
## Notes
A matrix is a 2-dimensional array. Questions involving matrices are usually related to dynamic programming or graph traversal.
For questions involving traversal or dynamic programming, you almost always want to make a copy of the matrix with the same dimensions that is initialized to empty values to store the visited state or dynamic programming table. Be familiar with such a routine:
rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
copy = [[0 for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]
Many grid-based games can be modeled as a matrix, such as Tic-Tac-Toe, Sudoku, Crossword, Connect 4, Battleship, etc. It is not uncommon to be asked to verify the winning condition of the game. For games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect 4 and Crosswords, where verification has to be done vertically and horizontally, one trick is to write code to verify the matrix for the horizontal cells, transpose the matrix and reuse the logic for horizontal verification to verify originally vertical cells (which are now horizontal).
Transposing a matrix in Python is simply:
transposed_matrix = zip(*matrix)
## Corner cases
- Empty matrix. Check that none of the arrays are 0 length
- 1 x 1 matrix
- Matrix with only one row or column
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Set Matrix Zeroes](
- [Spiral Matrix](
- [Rotate Image](
- [Word Search](
## More questions
- You're given a 3 x 3 board of a tile puzzle, with 8 tiles numbered 1 to 8, and an empty spot. You can move any tile adjacent to the empty spot, to the empty spot, creating an empty spot where the tile originally was. The goal is to find a series of moves that will solve the board, i.e. get `[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, - ]]` where - is the empty tile.
- Boggle implementation. Given a dictionary, and a matrix of letters, find all the words in the matrix that are in the dictionary. You can go across, down or diagonally.
- The values of the matrix will represent numbers of carrots available to the rabbit in each square of the garden. If the garden does not have an exact center, the rabbit should start in the square closest to the center with the highest carrot count. On a given turn, the rabbit will eat the carrots available on the square that it is on, and then move up, down, left, or right, choosing the square that has the most carrots. If there are no carrots left on any of the adjacent squares, the rabbit will go to sleep. You may assume that the rabbit will never have to choose between two squares with the same number of carrots. Write a function which takes a garden matrix and returns the number of carrots the rabbit eats. You may assume the matrix is rectangular with at least 1 row and 1 column, and that it is populated with non-negative integers. For example,

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ id: oop
title: Object-Oriented Programming
## More questions
- How would you design a chess game? What classes and objects would you use? What methods would they have?
- How would you design the data structures for a book keeping system for a library?
- Explain how you would design a HTTP server? Give examples of classes, methods, and interfaces. What are the challenges here?

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ id: permutation
title: Permutation
## More questions
- You are given a 7 digit phone number, and you should find all possible letter combinations based on the digit-to-letter mapping on numeric pad and return only the ones that have valid match against a given dictionary of words.
- Give all possible letter combinations from a phone number.
- Generate all subsets of a string.

@ -3,5 +3,7 @@ id: queue
title: Queue
## More questions
- Implement a Queue class from scratch with an existing bug, the bug is that it cannot take more than 5 elements.
- Implement a Queue using two stacks. You may only use the standard `push()`, `pop()`, and `peek()` operations traditionally available to stacks. You do not need to implement the stack yourself (i.e. an array can be used to simulate a stack).

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
id: recursion
title: Recursion
## Notes
Recursion is useful for permutation, because it generates all combinations and tree-based questions. You should know how to generate all permutations of a sequence as well as how to handle duplicates.
Remember to always define a base case so that your recursion will end.
Recursion implicitly uses a stack. Hence all recursive approaches can be rewritten iteratively using a stack. Beware of cases where the recursion level goes too deep and causes a stack overflow (the default limit in Python is 1000). You may get bonus points for pointing this out to the interviewer. Recursion will never be O(1) space complexity because a stack is involved, unless there is [tail-call optimization]( (TCO). Find out if your chosen language supports TCO.
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Subsets]( and [Subsets II](
- [Strobogrammatic Number II (Leetcode Premium)](

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ id: sorting-searching
title: Sorting and Searching
## More questions
- Sorting search results on a page given a certain set of criteria.
- Sort a list of numbers in which each number is at a distance `K` from its actual position.
- Given an array of integers, sort the array so that all odd indexes are greater than the even indexes.

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ id: stack
title: Stack
## More questions
- Implementation of an interpreter for a small language that does multiplication/addition/etc.
- Design a `MinStack` data structure that supports a `min()` operation that returns the minimum value in the stack in O(1) time.
- Write an algorithm to determine if all of the delimiters in an expression are matched and closed.

@ -3,6 +3,104 @@ id: string
title: String
## Tips
Ask about input character set and case sensitivity. Usually the characters are limited to lowercase Latin characters, for example a to z.
When you need to compare strings where the order isnt important (like anagram), you may consider using a HashMap as a counter. If your language has a built-in Counter class like Python, ask to use that instead.
If you need to keep a counter of characters, a common mistake is to say that the space complexity required for the counter is O(n). The space required for a counter is O(1) not O(n). This is because the upper bound is the range of characters, which is usually a fixed constant of 26. The input set is just lowercase Latin characters.
Common data structures for looking up strings efficiently are
- [Trie/Prefix Tree](
- [Suffix Tree](
Common string algorithms are
- [Rabin Karp]( for efficient searching of substring using a rolling hash
- [KMP]( for efficient searching of substring
## Strings are sequences
A string is a sequence of characters. Many tips that apply to arrays also apply to strings.
Are there duplicate characters in the string, would it affect the answer?
When using an index to iterate through characters, be careful not to go out of bounds.
Be mindful about slicing or concatenating strings in your code. Typically, slicing and concatenating strings require O(n) time. Use start and end indices to demarcate a substring where possible.
Sometimes you can traverse the string from the right rather than from the left.
Master the [sliding window technique]( that applies to many substring problems.
When you are given two strings to process, it is common to have one index per string (pointer) to traverse/compare the both of them. For example, we use the same approach to merge two sorted arrays.
## Common question topics
Many string questions fall into one of these buckets.
### Non-repeating Characters
- Use a 26-bit bitmask to indicate which lower case latin characters are inside the string.
mask = 0
for c in set(word):
mask |= (1 << (ord(c) - ord('a')))
To determine if two strings have common characters, perform & on the two bitmasks. If the result is non-zero, `mask_a & mask_b > 0`, then the two strings have common characters.
### Anagram
An anagram is word switch or word play. It is the result of re-arranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce a new word or phrase, while using all the original letters only once. In interviews, usually we are only bothered with words without spaces in them.
To determine if two strings are anagrams, there are a few plausible approaches:
- Sorting both strings should produce the same resulting string. This takes O(nlgn) time and O(lgn) space.
- If we map each character to a prime number and we multiply each mapped number together, anagrams should have the same multiple (prime factor decomposition). This takes O(n) time and O(1) space.
- Frequency counting of characters will help to determine if two strings are anagrams. This also takes O(n) time and O(1) space.
### Palindrome
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as _madam_ or _racecar_.
Here are ways to determine if a string is a palindrome:
- Reverse the string and it should be equal to itself.
- Have two pointers at the start and end of the string. Move the pointers inward till they meet. At any point in time, the characters at both pointers should match.
The order of characters within the string matters, so HashMaps are usually not helpful.
When a question is about counting the number of palindromes, a common trick is to have two pointers that move outward, away from the middle. Note that palindromes can be even or odd length. For each middle pivot position, you need to check it twice: Once that includes the character and once without the character.
- For substrings, you can terminate early once there is no match.
- For subsequences, use dynamic programming as there are overlapping subproblems. Check out [this question](
## Corner cases
- Empty string
- String with 1 or 2 characters
- String with repeated characters
- Strings with only one distinct character
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](
- [Longest Repeating Character Replacement](
- [Minimum Window Substring](
- [Valid Anagram](
- [Group Anagrams](
- [Valid Parentheses](
- [Valid Palindrome](
- [Longest Palindromic Substring](
- [Palindromic Substrings](
- [Encode and Decode Strings (Leetcode Premium)](
## More questions
- Output list of strings representing a page of hostings given a list of CSV strings.
- Given a list of words, find the word pairs that when concatenated form a palindrome.
- Find the most efficient way to identify what character is out of place in a non-palindrome.

@ -3,6 +3,65 @@ id: tree
title: Tree
## Study links
- [Leaf It Up To Binary Trees](
## Notes
A tree is an undirected and connected acyclic graph.
Recursion is a common approach for trees. When you notice that the subtree problem can be used to solve the entire problem, try using recursion.
When using recursion, always remember to check for the base case, usually where the node is `null`.
When you are asked to traverse a tree by level, use breadth-first search.
Sometimes it is possible that your recursive function needs to return two values.
If the question involves summation of nodes along the way, be sure to check whether nodes can be negative.
You should be very familiar with writing pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversal recursively. As an extension, challenge yourself by writing them iteratively. Sometimes interviewers ask candidates for the iterative approach, especially if the candidate finishes writing the recursive approach too quickly.
Do check out the section on [Trie](, which is an advanced tree.
## Corner cases
- Empty tree
- Single node
- Two nodes
- Very skewed tree (like a linked list)
## Special Trees
### Binary Tree
In-order traversal of a binary tree is insufficient to uniquely serialize a tree. Pre-order or post-order traversal is also required.
### Binary Search Tree (BST)
In-order traversal of a BST will give you all elements in order.
Be very familiar with the properties of a BST and validating that a binary tree is a BST. This comes up more often than expected.
When a question involves a BST, the interviewer is usually looking for a solution which runs faster than O(n).
#### Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](
- [Same Tree](
- [Invert/Flip Binary Tree](
- [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](
- [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](
- [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](
- [Subtree of Another Tree](
- [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](
- [Validate Binary Search Tree](
- [Kth Smallest Element in a BST](
- [Lowest Common Ancestor of BST](
## More questions
- Find the height of a tree.
- Find the longest path from the root to leaf in a tree.
- Find the deepest left leaf of a tree.

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
id: trie
title: Trie
## Study links
- [Trying to Understand Tries](
- [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
## Notes
Tries are special trees (prefix trees) that make searching and storing strings more efficient. Tries have many practical applications, such as conducting searches and providing autocomplete. It is helpful to know these common applications so that you can easily identify when a problem can be efficiently solved using a trie.
Sometimes preprocessing a dictionary of words (given in a list) into a trie, will improve the efficiency of searching for a word of length k, among n words. Searching becomes O(k) instead of O(n).
Be familiar with implementing, from scratch, a `Trie` class and its `add`, `remove` and `search` methods.
## Recommended Leetcode questions
- [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
- [Add and Search Word](
- [Word Search II](

@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
id: behavioral
title: Behavioral
id: behavioral-questions
title: Common Questions
# Behavioral
Learn the [STAR](,_task,_action,_result) format. From Wikipedia:
- **Situation** - The interviewer wants you to present a recent challenge and situation in which you found yourself.
- **Task** - What were you required to achieve? The interviewer will be looking to see what you were trying to achieve from the situation. Some performance development methods[1] use “Target” rather than “Task”. Job interview candidates who describe a “Target” they set themselves instead of an externally imposed “Task” emphasize their own intrinsic motivation to perform and to develop their performance.
- **Action** - What did you do? The interviewer will be looking for information on what you did, why you did it and what the alternatives were.
- **Results** - What was the outcome of your actions? What did you achieve through your actions and did you meet your objectives? What did you learn from this experience and have you used this learning since?
## General
### General
- Why do you want to work for X company?
- Why do you want to leave your current/last company?
@ -34,7 +25,7 @@ Learn the [STAR](,_task,_action,_result)
- What is the most constructive feedback you have received in your career?
- What is something you had to persevere at for multiple months?
## Airbnb
### Airbnb
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -65,7 +56,7 @@ While loving to travel or appreciating Airbnb's growth may be good answers, try
- How does Airbnb impact our guests and hosts?
- What part of our mission resonates the most with you?
## Amazon
### Amazon
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -78,7 +69,7 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- Describe what Human Resources means to you.
- How would you improve Amazon's website?
## Dropbox
### Dropbox
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -86,7 +77,7 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- If you were hired here what would you do?
- State an experience about how you solved a technical problem. Be specific about the diagnosis and process.
## Hired
### Hired
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -101,14 +92,14 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- Where do you want to be in five years?
- Tell me about a time you needed information from someone who wasn't responsive. What did you do?
## Lyft
### Lyft
Source: [Glassdoor](
- Tell me about your most interesting/challenging project to date.
- Why Lyft? What are you looking for in the next role?
## Palantir
### Palantir
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -128,7 +119,7 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- What was the most fun thing you did recently?
- Tell me the story of how you became who you are today and what made you apply to Palantir.
## Slack
### Slack
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -142,7 +133,7 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- Did you find any bugs in Slack?
- What is your favorite feature and why?
## Stack Overflow
### Stack Overflow
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -153,7 +144,7 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- Why do you want to work here?
- How do you handle disagreements with coworkers?
## Stripe
### Stripe
Source: [Glassdoor](
@ -161,7 +152,7 @@ Source: [Glassdoor](
- Explain a project that you worked on recently that was difficult.
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
## Twitter
### Twitter
Source: [Glassdoor](

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
id: interview-cheatsheet
title: Interview Cheatsheet
id: cheatsheet
title: Cheatsheet
This is a straight-to-the-point, distilled list of technical interview Do's and Don'ts, mainly for algorithmic interviews. Some of these may apply to only phone screens or whiteboard interviews, but most will apply to both. I revise this list before each of my interviews to remind myself of them and eventually internalized all of them to the point I do not have to rely on it anymore.
For a detailed walkthrough of interview preparation, refer to the ["Preparing for a Coding Interview"](./) section.
## The Process
**Legend:** ✅ = Do, ❌ = Don't, ⚠️ = Situational
#### Legend
- ✅ = Do
- ❌ = Don't
- ⚠️ = Situational
### 1. Before Interview

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
id: coding-round-overview
title: Overview
Coding interviews are tough. But fortunately, there's a tried and prove method to get better at them. With a combination of studying, practicing questions and doing mock interviews, getting that dream job can become a reality.
1. Decide on a programming language
1. Study CS fundamentals
1. Practice solving algorithm questions
1. Internalize the [Do's and Don'ts of interviews](./
1. Practice doing mock interviews
1. Interview successfully to get the job

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
id: coding-round-phases
title: Phases
Congratulations, you are ready to put your skills into practice! In a real coding interview, you will be given a technical question by the interviewer, write code in a real-time collaborative editor (phone screen) or on a whiteboard (on-site) to solve the problem within 3045 minutes. This is where the real fun begins!
Your interviewer will be looking out for signals that you fit the requirements of the role and it is up to you to display those signals to them. Initially it may feel weird to be talking while you are coding as most programmers do not have the habit of explaining out loud as they are typing code. However, it is hard for the interviewer to know what you are thinking just by looking at the code that you type. If you communicate your approach to the interviewer before you start coding, you can validate your approach with them and the both of you can agree upon an acceptable approach.
## Before the interview (remote)
For phone screens/remote interviews, prepare paper and pen/pencil to jot down and visualize stuff. If you are given a question on trees and graphs, it usually helps if you draw out some examples of the data structure given in the question.
Use earphones and make sure you are in a quiet environment. You definitely do not want to be holding a phone in one hand and only be able to type with the other. Try avoiding using speakers because if the echo is bad, communication is harder and repeating of words will just result in loss of valuable time.
## Self introduction
Prepare a self introduction that follows the following outline (inspired by "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle McDowell):
1. A sentence about your current or most recent role.
1. A few sentences about your (academic) background. What did you focus on?
1. Some sentences about your professional experience after school/university. Where did you work? What projects did you deal with? What where typical challenges and tasks? Which technologies did you use?
1. Mention one to two sentences about what you do outside of work, if it is relevant for the role.
1. Finish with a statement saying why you are seeking a new job opportunity and why you are interested in the role you applied for.
An example of the above could be:
> I'm John Doe and currently a Software Engineer at Google.
> My background is in Computer Science, where I received my bachelor's degree at MIT and my Master's degree at Stanford. I mainly did research on how to decrease complexity of search algorithms.
> After university, I started to work at Microsoft as a Software Engineer. It was a great experience as I was working in the Office team contributing to MS Word and MS Powerpoint. I learned a lot about C# and .NET back then. After about two years, I got an offer from Google where I have been working since then. I'm now leading the Search Optimization team and have gained a lot of knowledge in scalability and domain knowledge. My daily tasks consist of optimizing search queries and mentoring junior engineers.
> Outside of work I develop a on open source projects written in Python. Examples of some open source projects I created are &lt;insert examples&gt;.
> I'm now seeking new job opportunities in the Boston area since I'm relocating for personal reasons. In particular I think Boston Dynamics is a perfect fit for my interests as well as my skill set.
## Upon receiving the question
Many candidates jump into coding the moment they hear the question. That is usually a big mistake. Take a moment to repeat the question back at the interviewer and make sure that you understand exactly what they are asking. Repeating back/rephrasing the question will reduce chances of miscommunication.
Always seek clarification about the question upon hearing it even if it you think it is clear to you. You might discover something that you have missed out and it also sends a signal to the interviewer that you are a careful person who pays attention to details. Some interviewers deliberately omit important details to see if you ask the right questions.
Some common questions you can ask:
- How big is the size of the input?
- How big is the range of values?
- What kind of values are there? Are there negative numbers? Floating points? Will there be empty inputs?
- Are there duplicates within the input?
- What are some extreme cases of the input?
- Can I destroy the original array/graph/data structure?
- How is the input stored? If you are given a dictionary of words, is it a list of strings or a Trie?
After you have sufficiently clarified the scope and intention of the problem, explain your high level approach to the interviewer even if it is a naive solution. If you are stuck, consider various approaches and explain out loud why it will/will not work. Sometimes your interviewer might drop hints and lead you towards the right path.
Start with a brute force approach, communicate it to the interviewer, explain the time and space complexity and why it is bad. It is unlikely that the brute force approach will be one that you will be coding. At this point, the interviewer will usually pop the dreaded "Can we do better?" question, meaning that they are looking for a more optimal approach. In my opinion, this is usually the hardest part of the interview. In general, look for repeated work and try to optimize them by potentially caching the calculated result somewhere and reference it later, rather than having to compute it all over again. There are some tips on tackling topic-specific questions that I dive into details below.
Only start coding after you and your interviewer have agreed on an approach and they have given you the green light.
## Starting to code
Write your code with good coding style. Reading code written by others is usually not an enjoyable task. Reading horribly-formatted code by others makes it worse. Your goal is to make your interviewer understand the code you have written so that they can quickly evaluate if your code does what you say it does and whether it solves the given problem. Use clear variable names, avoid single letter names unless they are for iteration. However, if you are coding on a whiteboard, you might not want to use extremely verbose variable names for the sake of reducing the amount you have to write. Abbreviations are usually fine if you explain what it means beforehand.
Always be explaining what you are currently writing/typing to the interviewer. This is not about literally reading out what you are typing to the interviewer. Talk about the section of the code you are currently implementing at a higher level, explain why it is written as such and what it is trying to achieve.
While coding, if you find yourself copying and pasting code, consider whether it is necessary. If you find yourself copying and pasting one large chunk of code spanning multiple lines, it is usually an indicator that you can refactor by extracting those lines into a function and defining parameters for the differences in them. If it is just a single line you copied, usually it is fine. Do remember to change the respective variables in your copied line of code where relevant. Copy-paste errors are a common source of bugs even in day-to-day coding!
## After coding
After you have finished coding, do not immediately announce to the interviewer that you are done. In most cases, your code is usually not perfect and contains some bugs or syntax errors. What you need to do now is to review your code.
Firstly, look through your code from start to finish as if it is the first time you are seeing it, as if it was written by someone else and you are trying to spot bugs in it. That's exactly what your interviewer will be doing. Look through and fix any minor issues you may find.
Next, come up with small test cases and step through the code (not your algorithm!) with those sample input. What interviewers usually do after you have finished coding would be to get you to write tests. It is a huge plus if you write tests for your code even before they prompt you to do so. You should be emulating a debugger when stepping through and jot down or say out the values of the important variables as you step through the lines of code.
If there are huge duplicated chunks of code in your solution, it would be a good chance to refactor it and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are one who values code quality. Also look out for places where you can do [short-circuit evaluation](
Lastly, give the time/space complexity of your code and explain why it is such. You can even annotate certain chunks of your code with the various time/space complexities to demonstrate your understanding of your code and the APIs of your chosen programming language. Explain any trade-offs in your current approach vs alternative approaches, possibly in terms of time/space.
If your interviewer is happy with the solution, the interview usually ends here. It is also not uncommon that the interviewer asks you extension questions, such as how you would handle the problem if the whole input is too large to fit into memory, or if the input arrives as a stream. This is a common follow-up question at Google where they care a lot about scale. The answer is usually a divide-and-conquer approachperform distributed processing of the data and only read certain chunks of the input from disk into memory, write the output back to disk, and combine them later on.

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ id: cover-letter
title: Cover Letter
# Cover Letter
- A short introduction describing who you are and what you're looking for.
- What projects have you enjoyed working on?
- Which have you disliked? What motivates you?

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
id: how-to-apply
title: How to Apply
## Apply Directly
## Referrals
## Agencies/Portals

@ -1,23 +1,8 @@
id: interview-formats
title: Interview Formats
id: company-interview-formats
title: Company Formats
The following interview formats are based on my experience interviewing with Bay Area companies. Formats would differ slightly depending on the roles you are applying to. Many companies like to use [CoderPad]( for collaborative code editing. CoderPad supports running of the program, so you might be asked to fix your code such that it can be run. For front end interviews, many companies like to use [CodePen](, and it will be worth your time to familiarize yourself with the user interfaces of such web-based coding environments.
For on-site interviews at smaller (non-public) companies, most will allow (and prefer) that you use your own laptop. Hence it is important that you prepare your development environment in advance.
## Companies
- [Airbnb](#airbnb)
- [Asana](#asana)
- [Dropbox](#dropbox)
- [Facebook](#facebook)
- [Google](#google)
- [Lyft](#lyft)
- [Palantir](#palantir)
- [WhatsApp](#whatsapp)
### Airbnb
- Recruiter phone screen.

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
id: interview-stages
title: Stages
The following interview formats are based on my experience interviewing with Bay Area companies. Formats would differ slightly depending on the roles you are applying to. Many companies like to use [CoderPad]( for collaborative code editing. CoderPad supports running of the program, so you might be asked to fix your code such that it can be run. For front end interviews, many companies like to use [CodePen](, and it will be worth your time to familiarize yourself with the user interfaces of such web-based coding environments.
For on-site interviews at smaller (non-public) companies, most will allow (and prefer) that you use your own laptop. Hence it is important that you prepare your development environment in advance.
## Hiring phases
### Recruiter screen
### Phone screen
### Onsite
### Follow Up
### Hiring Decision

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
id: introduction
title: Introduction
## What is this?
The **Tech Interview Handbook** contains carefully curated content to help you ace your next technical interview with a focus on algorithms. While there are a ton of interview resources on the internet, the best ones are either not free, or they do not cover the complete interview process, usually only focusing on algorithms.
## Why do I want this?
This repository has **practical** content that covers all phases of a technical interview, from applying for a job to passing the interviews to offer negotiation. Technically competent candidates might still find the non-technical content helpful as well.
## Who is this for?
Whether you are a beginner to technical interviews or a seasoned engineer who have not been on the other side of the interviewing table in a while and want to get back into the game, the Tech Interview Handbook has got you covered.

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
id: mock-interviews
title: Mock Interviews
Interviewing is a skill that you can get better at. The steps mentioned above can be rehearsed over and over again until you have fully internalized them and following those steps become second nature to you. A good way to practice is to find a friend to partner with and the both of you can take turns to interview each other.
A great resource for practicing mock coding interviews would be []( provides free, anonymous practice technical interviews with Google and Facebook engineers, which can lead to real jobs and internships. By virtue of being anonymous during the interview, the inclusive interview process is de-biased and low risk. At the end of the interview, both interviewer and interviewees can provide feedback to each other for the purpose of improvement. Doing well in your mock interviews will unlock the jobs page and allow candidates to book interviews (also anonymously) with top companies like Uber, Lyft, Quora, Asana and more. For those who are totally new to technical interviews, you can even view a [demo interview]( on the site (requires sign in). Read more about them [here](
I have used both as an interviewer and an interviewee and found the experience to be really great! [Aline Lerner](, the CEO and co-founder of and her team are passionate about revolutionizing the technical interview process and helping candidates to improve their skills at interviewing. She has also published a number of technical interview-related articles on the [ blog]( is still in beta now but I recommend signing up as early as possible to increase the likelihood of getting an invite.
Another platform that allows you to practice coding interviews is [Pramp]( Where matches potential job seekers with seasoned technical interviewers, Pramp takes a different approach. Pramp pairs you up with another peer who is also a job seeker and both of you take turns to assume the role of interviewer and interviewee. Pramp also prepares questions for you, along with suggested solutions and prompts to guide the interviewee.
Personally, I am not that fond of Pramp's approach because if I were to interview someone, I would rather choose a question I am familiar with. Also, many users of the platform do not have the experience of being interviewers and that can result in a horrible interview experience. There was once where my matched peer, as the interviewer, did not have the right understanding of the question and attempted to lead me down the wrong path of solving the question. However, this is more of a problem of the candidate than the platform though.

@ -3,31 +3,31 @@ id: negotiation
title: Negotiation
### Ten Rules of Negotiation
## Ten Rules of Negotiation
Key points extracted from "Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer" [Part 1]( and [Part 2]( by Haseeb Qureshi.
#### Get everything in writing
### Get everything in writing
Note down EVERYTHING on your phone call with the recruiters as they may be helpful later on. Even if there are things that are not directly monetary, if they relate to the job, write them down. If they tell you "we're working on porting the front-end to Angular," write that down. If they say they have 20 employees, write that down. You want as much information as you can. You'll forget a lot of this stuff, and it's going to be important in informing your final decision.
#### Always keep the door open
### Always keep the door open
Never give up your negotiating power until you're absolutely ready to make an informed, deliberate final decision. This means your job is to traverse as many of these decision points as possible without giving up the power to continue negotiating. Very frequently, your interlocutor will try to trick you into making a decision, or tie you to a decision you didn't commit to. You must keep verbally jiu-jitsu-ing out of these antics until you're actually ready to make your final decision.
#### Information is power
### Information is power
To protect your power in the negotiation, you must protect information as much as possible. A corollary of this rule is that you should not reveal to companies what you're currently making. So given this offer, don't ask for more money or equity or anything of the sort. Don't comment on any specific details of the offer except to clarify them. Companies will ask about your current compensation at different stages in the process—some before they ever interview you, some after they decide to make you an offer. But be mindful of this, and protect information.
> "Yeah, [COMPANY_NAME] sounds great! I really thought this was a good fit, and I'm glad that you guys agree. Right now I'm talking with a few other companies so I can't speak to the specific details of the offer until I'm done with the process and get closer to making a decision. But I'm sure we'll be able to find a package that we're both happy with, because I really would love to be a part of the team."
#### Always be positive
### Always be positive
Even if the offer is bad, it's extremely important to remain positive and excited about the company. This is because your excitement is one of your most valuable assets in a negotiation.
Despite whatever is happening in the negotiation, give the company the impression that 1) you still like the company, and that 2) you're still excited to work there, even if the numbers or the money or the timing is not working out. Generally the most convincing thing to signal this is to reiterate you love the mission, the team, or the problem they're working on, and really want to see things work out.
#### Don't be the decision maker
### Don't be the decision maker
Even if you don't particularly care what your friends/family/husband/mother thinks, by mentioning them, you're no longer the only person the recruiter needs to win over. There's no point in them trying to bully and intimidate you; the "true decision-maker" is beyond their reach. This is a classic technique in customer support and remediation. It's never the person on the phone's fault, they're just some poor schmuck doing their job. It's not their decision to make. This helps to defuse tension and give them more control of the situation.
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Even if you don't particularly care what your friends/family/husband/mother thin
It's much harder to pressure someone if they're not the final decision-maker. So take advantage of that.
#### Have alternatives
### Have alternatives
If you're already in the pipeline with other companies (which you should be if you're doing it right), you should proactively reach out and let them know that you've just received an offer. Try to build a sense of urgency. Regardless of whether you know the expiration date, all offers expire at some point, so take advantage of that.
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Have a strong BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) and communicate
> I'm also considering going back to grad school and getting a Master's degree in Postmodern Haberdashery. I'm excited about [YOUR COMPANY] though and would love to join the team, but the package has to make sense if I'm going to forego a life of ironic hatmaking.
#### Proclaim reasons for everything
### Proclaim reasons for everything
It's kind of a brain-hack, both for yourself and for your negotiating partner. Just stating a reason (any reason) makes your request feel human and important. It's not you being greedy, it's you trying to fulfill your goals.
@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ The more unobjectionable and sympathetic your reason, the better. If it's medica
Just go with it, state a reason for everything, and you'll find recruiters more willing to become your advocate.
#### Be motivated by more than just money
### Be motivated by more than just money
You should be motivated by money too of course, but it should be one among many dimensions you're optimizing for. How much training you get, what your first project will be, which team you join, or even who your mentor will be—these are all things you can and should negotiate.
Of course, to negotiate well you need to understand the other side's preferences. You want to make the deal better for both of you.
#### Understand what they value
### Understand what they value
Remember that you can always get salary raises as you continue to work at the company, but there's only one point at which you can get a signing bonus.
The easiest thing for a company to give though is stock (if the company offers stock). Companies like giving stock because it invests you in the company and aligns interests. It also shifts some of the risk from the company over to you and burns less cash.
#### Be winnable
### Be winnable
This is more than just giving the company the impression that you like them (which you continually should). But more so that you must give any company you're talking to a clear path on how to win you. Don't bullshit them or play stupid games. Be clear and unequivocal with your preferences and timeline.

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
id: picking-a-language
title: Picking a Language
Before anything else, you need to pick a programming language to do your interviews in. Most companies will let you code in any language you want, the only exception I know being Google, where they only allow candidates to pick from Java, C++, JavaScript or Python for their algorithmic coding interviews. Most of the time, I would recommend that you use a language that you are extremely familiar with rather than picking up a new language just for doing interviews because the company uses that language heavily.
There are some languages which are more suitable than others for coding interviews and some languages you absolutely want to avoid. From my experience as an interviewer, most candidates pick Python or Java. Other commonly seen languages include JavaScript, Ruby and C++. I would absolutely avoid lower level languages like C or Go, simply because they lack many standard library functions and data structures.
Personally, Python is my de facto choice for algorithm coding interviews because it is succinct and has a pretty huge library of functions and data structures available. One of my top reasons for recommending Python is that it uses consistent APIs that operate on different data structures, such as `len()`, `for ... in ...` and slicing notation on sequences (strings/lists/tuples). Getting the last element in a sequence is `arr[-1]` and reversing it is simply `arr[::-1]`. You can achieve a lot with minimal syntax in Python.
Java is a decent choice too but having to constantly declare types in your code means extra keystrokes which results in slower coding/typing speed. This issue will be more apparent when you have to write on a whiteboard during on-site interviews. The reasons for choosing/not choosing C++ are similar to Java. Ultimately, Python, Java and C++ are decent choices of languages. If you have been using Java at work for a while now and do not have time to be comfortably familiar with another language, I would recommend just sticking to Java instead of picking up Python from scratch just for the sake of interviews. Doing so, you can avoid having to context switch between languages during work vs interviews. Most of the time, the bottleneck is in the thinking and not the writing. It takes some getting used to before one becomes fluent in a language and be able to wield it with ease.
One exception to the convention of allowing you to "pick any programming language you want" is when you are interviewing for a domain-specific position, such as Front End/iOS/Android Engineer roles, in which you would need to be familiar with coding in JavaScript, Objective-C/Swift and Java respectively. If you need to use a data structure that the language does not support, such as a Queue or Heap in JavaScript, perhaps try asking the interviewer whether you can assume that you have a data structure that implements certain methods with specified time complexities. If the implementation of that data structure is not crucial to solving the problem, the interviewer will usually allow this. In reality, being aware of existing data structures and selecting the appropriate ones to tackle the problem at hand is more important than knowing the intricate implementation details.

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
# Preparing for a Coding Interview
### Picking a Programming Language
Before anything else, you need to pick a programming language to do your interviews in. Most companies will let you code in any language you want, the only exception I know being Google, where they only allow candidates to pick from Java, C++, JavaScript or Python for their algorithmic coding interviews. Most of the time, I would recommend that you use a language that you are extremely familiar with rather than picking up a new language just for doing interviews because the company uses that language heavily.
There are some languages which are more suitable than others for coding interviews and some languages you absolutely want to avoid. From my experience as an interviewer, most candidates pick Python or Java. Other commonly seen languages include JavaScript, Ruby and C++. I would absolutely avoid lower level languages like C or Go, simply because they lack many standard library functions and data structures.
Personally, Python is my de facto choice for algorithm coding interviews because it is succinct and has a pretty huge library of functions and data structures available. One of my top reasons for recommending Python is that it uses consistent APIs that operate on different data structures, such as `len()`, `for ... in ...` and slicing notation on sequences (strings/lists/tuples). Getting the last element in a sequence is `arr[-1]` and reversing it is simply `arr[::-1]`. You can achieve a lot with minimal syntax in Python.
Java is a decent choice too but having to constantly declare types in your code means extra keystrokes which results in slower coding/typing speed. This issue will be more apparent when you have to write on a whiteboard during on-site interviews. The reasons for choosing/not choosing C++ are similar to Java. Ultimately, Python, Java and C++ are decent choices of languages. If you have been using Java at work for a while now and do not have time to be comfortably familiar with another language, I would recommend just sticking to Java instead of picking up Python from scratch just for the sake of interviews. Doing so, you can avoid having to context switch between languages during work vs interviews. Most of the time, the bottleneck is in the thinking and not the writing. It takes some getting used to before one becomes fluent in a language and be able to wield it with ease.
One exception to the convention of allowing you to "pick any programming language you want" is when you are interviewing for a domain-specific position, such as Front End/iOS/Android Engineer roles, in which you would need to be familiar with coding in JavaScript, Objective-C/Swift and Java respectively. If you need to use a data structure that the language does not support, such as a Queue or Heap in JavaScript, perhaps try asking the interviewer whether you can assume that you have a data structure that implements certain methods with specified time complexities. If the implementation of that data structure is not crucial to solving the problem, the interviewer will usually allow this. In reality, being aware of existing data structures and selecting the appropriate ones to tackle the problem at hand is more important than knowing the intricate implementation details.
### Review your CS101
If you have been out of college for a while, it is highly advisable to review CS fundamentalsAlgorithms and Data Structures. Personally, I prefer to review as I practice, so I scan through my college notes and review the various algorithms as I work on algorithm problems from LeetCode and Cracking the Coding Interview.
This [interviews repository]( by Kevin Naughton Jr. served as a quick refresher for me.
The Medium publication [basecs]( by [Vaidehi Joshi]( is also a great and light-hearted resource to recap on the various data structures and algorithms.
If you are interested in how data structures are implemented, check out [Lago](, a Data Structures and Algorithms library for JavaScript. It is pretty much still WIP but I intend to make it into a library that is able to be used in production and also a reference resource for revising Data Structures and Algorithms.
### Mastery through Practice
Next, gain familiarity and mastery of the algorithms and data structures in your chosen programming language:
1. Practice coding algorithms using your chosen language. While [Cracking the Coding Interview]( is a good resource for practice, I prefer being able to type code, run it and get instant feedback. There are various Online Judges such as [LeetCode](, [HackerRank]( and [CodeForces]( for you to practice questions online and get used to the language. From experience, LeetCode questions are the most similar to the kind of questions being asked in interviews whereas HackerRank and CodeForces questions resemble competitive programming questions. If you practice enough LeetCode questions, there is a good chance that you would have seen/done your actual interview question (or some variant) on LeetCode before. If you are more of a visual person, [Coderust]( explains the common algorithm questions through step-by-step visualizations which makes understanding the solutions much easier.
1. Learn and understand the time and space complexities of the common operations in your chosen language. For Python, this [page]( will come in handy. Also find out the underlying sorting algorithm that is being used in the language's `sort()` function and its time and space complexity (in Python its Timsort which is a hybrid sort). After completing a question on LeetCode, I usually add the time and space complexities of the written code as comments above the function body to remind myself to analyze the algorithm after I am done with the implementation.
1. Read up on the recommended coding style for your language and stick to it. If you have chosen Python, refer to the PEP 8 Style Guide. If you have chosen Java, refer to Google's Java Style Guide.
1. Find out and be familiar with the common pitfalls and caveats of the language. If you point them out during the interview and intelligently avoid falling into them, you will usually impress the interviewer and that results in bonus points for your feedback, regardless of whether the interviewer is familiar with the language or not.
1. Gain a broad exposure to questions from various topics. In the second half of the article I mention algorithm topics and practice questions for each topic. Do around 100200 LeetCode questions and you should be good.
Practice, practice and more practice!
### Phases of a Coding Interview
Congratulations, you are ready to put your skills into practice! In a real coding interview, you will be given a technical question by the interviewer, write code in a real-time collaborative editor (phone screen) or on a whiteboard (on-site) to solve the problem within 3045 minutes. This is where the real fun begins!
Your interviewer will be looking out for signals that you fit the requirements of the role and it is up to you to display those signals to them. Initially it may feel weird to be talking while you are coding as most programmers do not have the habit of explaining out loud as they are typing code. However, it is hard for the interviewer to know what you are thinking just by looking at the code that you type. If you communicate your approach to the interviewer before you start coding, you can validate your approach with them and the both of you can agree upon an acceptable approach.
**Before the Interview (Remote)**
For phone screens/remote interviews, prepare paper and pen/pencil to jot down and visualize stuff. If you are given a question on trees and graphs, it usually helps if you draw out some examples of the data structure given in the question.
Use earphones and make sure you are in a quiet environment. You definitely do not want to be holding a phone in one hand and only be able to type with the other. Try avoiding using speakers because if the echo is bad, communication is harder and repeating of words will just result in loss of valuable time.
**Self Introduction**
Prepare a self introduction that follows the following outline (inspired by "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle McDowell):
1. A sentence about your current or most recent role.
1. A few sentences about your (academic) background. What did you focus on?
1. Some sentences about your professional experience after school/university. Where did you work? What projects did you deal with? What where typical challenges and tasks? Which technologies did you use?
1. Mention one to two sentences about what you do outside of work, if it is relevant for the role.
1. Finish with a statement saying why you are seeking a new job opportunity and why you are interested in the role you applied for.
An example of the above could be:
> I'm John Doe and currently a Software Engineer at Google.
> My background is in Computer Science, where I received my bachelor's degree at MIT and my Master's degree at Stanford. I mainly did research on how to decrease complexity of search algorithms.
> After university, I started to work at Microsoft as a Software Engineer. It was a great experience as I was working in the Office team contributing to MS Word and MS Powerpoint. I learned a lot about C# and .NET back then. After about two years, I got an offer from Google where I have been working since then. I'm now leading the Search Optimization team and have gained a lot of knowledge in scalability and domain knowledge. My daily tasks consist of optimizing search queries and mentoring junior engineers.
> Outside of work I develop a on open source projects written in Python. Examples of some open source projects I created are <insert examples>.
> I'm now seeking new job opportunities in the Boston area since I'm relocating for personal reasons. In particular I think Boston Dynamics is a perfect fit for my interests as well as my skill set.
**Upon Getting the Question**
Many candidates jump into coding the moment they hear the question. That is usually a big mistake. Take a moment to repeat the question back at the interviewer and make sure that you understand exactly what they are asking. Repeating back/rephrasing the question will reduce chances of miscommunication.
Always seek clarification about the question upon hearing it even if it you think it is clear to you. You might discover something that you have missed out and it also sends a signal to the interviewer that you are a careful person who pays attention to details. Some interviewers deliberately omit important details to see if you ask the right questions.
Some common questions you can ask:
- How big is the size of the input?
- How big is the range of values?
- What kind of values are there? Are there negative numbers? Floating points? Will there be empty inputs?
- Are there duplicates within the input?
- What are some extreme cases of the input?
- Can I destroy the original array/graph/data structure?
- How is the input stored? If you are given a dictionary of words, is it a list of strings or a Trie?
After you have sufficiently clarified the scope and intention of the problem, explain your high level approach to the interviewer even if it is a naive solution. If you are stuck, consider various approaches and explain out loud why it will/will not work. Sometimes your interviewer might drop hints and lead you towards the right path.
Start with a brute force approach, communicate it to the interviewer, explain the time and space complexity and why it is bad. It is unlikely that the brute force approach will be one that you will be coding. At this point, the interviewer will usually pop the dreaded "Can we do better?" question, meaning that they are looking for a more optimal approach. In my opinion, this is usually the hardest part of the interview. In general, look for repeated work and try to optimize them by potentially caching the calculated result somewhere and reference it later, rather than having to compute it all over again. There are some tips on tackling topic-specific questions that I dive into details below.
Only start coding after you and your interviewer have agreed on an approach and they have given you the green light.
**Starting to Code**
Write your code with good coding style. Reading code written by others is usually not an enjoyable task. Reading horribly-formatted code by others makes it worse. Your goal is to make your interviewer understand the code you have written so that they can quickly evaluate if your code does what you say it does and whether it solves the given problem. Use clear variable names, avoid single letter names unless they are for iteration. However, if you are coding on a whiteboard, you might not want to use extremely verbose variable names for the sake of reducing the amount you have to write. Abbreviations are usually fine if you explain what it means beforehand.
Always be explaining what you are currently writing/typing to the interviewer. This is not about literally reading out what you are typing to the interviewer. Talk about the section of the code you are currently implementing at a higher level, explain why it is written as such and what it is trying to achieve.
While coding, if you find yourself copying and pasting code, consider whether it is necessary. If you find yourself copying and pasting one large chunk of code spanning multiple lines, it is usually an indicator that you can refactor by extracting those lines into a function and defining parameters for the differences in them. If it is just a single line you copied, usually it is fine. Do remember to change the respective variables in your copied line of code where relevant. Copy-paste errors are a common source of bugs even in day-to-day coding!
**After Coding**
After you have finished coding, do not immediately announce to the interviewer that you are done. In most cases, your code is usually not perfect and contains some bugs or syntax errors. What you need to do now is to review your code.
Firstly, look through your code from start to finish as if it is the first time you are seeing it, as if it was written by someone else and you are trying to spot bugs in it. That's exactly what your interviewer will be doing. Look through and fix any minor issues you may find.
Next, come up with small test cases and step through the code (not your algorithm!) with those sample input. What interviewers usually do after you have finished coding would be to get you to write tests. It is a huge plus if you write tests for your code even before they prompt you to do so. You should be emulating a debugger when stepping through and jot down or say out the values of the important variables as you step through the lines of code.
If there are huge duplicated chunks of code in your solution, it would be a good chance to refactor it and demonstrate to the interviewer that you are one who values code quality. Also look out for places where you can do [short-circuit evaluation](
Lastly, give the time/space complexity of your code and explain why it is such. You can even annotate certain chunks of your code with the various time/space complexities to demonstrate your understanding of your code and the APIs of your chosen programming language. Explain any trade-offs in your current approach vs alternative approaches, possibly in terms of time/space.
If your interviewer is happy with the solution, the interview usually ends here. It is also not uncommon that the interviewer asks you extension questions, such as how you would handle the problem if the whole input is too large to fit into memory, or if the input arrives as a stream. This is a common follow-up question at Google where they care a lot about scale. The answer is usually a divide-and-conquer approachperform distributed processing of the data and only read certain chunks of the input from disk into memory, write the output back to disk, and combine them later on.
### Practicing via Mock Interviews
Interviewing is a skill that you can get better at. The steps mentioned above can be rehearsed over and over again until you have fully internalized them and following those steps become second nature to you. A good way to practice is to find a friend to partner with and the both of you can take turns to interview each other.
A great resource for practicing mock coding interviews would be []( provides free, anonymous practice technical interviews with Google and Facebook engineers, which can lead to real jobs and internships. By virtue of being anonymous during the interview, the inclusive interview process is de-biased and low risk. At the end of the interview, both interviewer and interviewees can provide feedback to each other for the purpose of improvement. Doing well in your mock interviews will unlock the jobs page and allow candidates to book interviews (also anonymously) with top companies like Uber, Lyft, Quora, Asana and more. For those who are totally new to technical interviews, you can even view a [demo interview]( on the site (requires sign in). Read more about them [here](
I have used both as an interviewer and an interviewee and found the experience to be really great! [Aline Lerner](, the CEO and co-founder of and her team are passionate about revolutionizing the technical interview process and helping candidates to improve their skills at interviewing. She has also published a number of technical interview-related articles on the [ blog]( is still in beta now but I recommend signing up as early as possible to increase the likelihood of getting an invite.
Another platform that allows you to practice coding interviews is [Pramp]( Where matches potential job seekers with seasoned technical interviewers, Pramp takes a different approach. Pramp pairs you up with another peer who is also a job seeker and both of you take turns to assume the role of interviewer and interviewee. Pramp also prepares questions for you, along with suggested solutions and prompts to guide the interviewee.
Personally, I am not that fond of Pramp's approach because if I were to interview someone, I would rather choose a question I am familiar with. Also, many users of the platform do not have the experience of being interviewers and that can result in a horrible interview experience. There was once where my matched peer, as the interviewer, did not have the right understanding of the question and attempted to lead me down the wrong path of solving the question. However, this is more of a problem of the candidate than the platform though.
### Conclusion
Coding interviews are tough. But fortunately, you can get better at them by studying and practicing for them, and doing mock interviews.
To recap, to do well in coding interviews:
1. Decide on a programming language
1. Study CS fundamentals
1. Practice solving algorithm questions
1. Internalize the [Do's and Don'ts of interviews](./
1. Practice doing mock interviews
1. Interview successfully to get the job
By following these steps, you will improve your coding interview skills, and be one step closer (or probably more) to landing your dream job.
All the best!

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id: questions-to-task
id: questions-to-ask
title: Questions To Ask

@ -5,18 +5,13 @@ title: Resume
The following content is by Christina Ng and rephrased for the purpose of this handbook. You can follow her on [Medium]( or [Quora](
## Table of Contents
1. [How Your Resume is Screened](#how-your-resume-is-screened)
1. [10 Ways To Improve Your Resume](#10-ways-to-improve-your-resume)
## How Your Resume is Screened
## How your resume is screened
While many engineers can be rather qualified for the role they are applying for, they miss out on getting a shot at the interview as they might never get past resume screening. The main issue was that they do not understand how recruiters worked.
Before writing your resume, it is important to understand the recruiting structure and how recruiting is done.
### The Skill Set Checklist
### The skill set checklist
Before opening up a position/starting the search for candidates, I usually consult very closely with the team manager/decision maker to find out the specific skill sets that are relevant for the position. These skill sets are typically grouped into "Must have", "Good to have", and "Special bonus".
@ -28,7 +23,7 @@ Now that I am armed with this list, the search for candidates begin.
Typically, I do not seek that "one perfect candidate". What I seek for is the "best fit candidate". The search is essentially a numbers game. I know that for a specific job posting, there would perhaps be X applicants. At each stage of the interview process, some percentage of the candidates will be eliminated, leaving only a final Y% of the initial pool to choose from. Since Y tends to be a rather small number, recruiters will try to maximize X.
### The 10 Seconds Glance
### The 10 seconds glance
When I am looking at your resume, I am doing a keyword match against the skill set checklist. If I see a good amount of the right keywords in your resume, it is a pass. If I need to spend more than 10 seconds trying to figure out what you are writing about, it is a fail. If I see an excessive amount of keywords (much looking like spam), it signals a red flag and goes into the "maybe". Depending on whether I think I have enough candidates for the day, you could eventually go into the pass or fail stack.
@ -40,11 +35,11 @@ There is a delicate balance between finding the right job vs. finding a job. Get
When hiring fresh grads, I know that many of them will not have as much experience as someone who has years of industry experience. Hence, I would look out more for soft skills, such as attention to detail, initiative, passion, ability to get things done, etc. Note: this applies only if you have met the minimum threshold of proficiency/competency in the skill set checklist.
## 10 Ways To Improve Your Resume
## 10 ways To improve your resume
Now that you are aware of how recruiters screen your resume, here are 10 actionable ways you can do to improve your resume.
#### 1. Cover letter
### 1. Cover letter
I've often received resumes with no cover letters, and I am perfectly fine with it. If you ask me, it is better to have no cover letter than to have a bad cover letter, especially if your cover letter is a "templated" content. An effective cover letter needs to highlight the fit between the job requirements and your skills/experiences. Do not just tell me what you have done in your cover letter; Tell me how it is a fit for what I am looking for.
@ -53,7 +48,7 @@ Some small nitpicks:
- Make sure that the cover letter is addressed to the right person (either the name of the recruiter if it is known, or to a generic hiring manager) and company.
- Run a spell check.
#### 2. Length of resume
### 2. Length of resume
Your resume should be kept to 1 page or a MAXIMUM of 2 pages. Include only your most recent and relevant experiences.
@ -80,7 +75,7 @@ Information nobody needs to know:
Ideally, keep it short, concise, but as detailed as possible.
#### 3. GPA does matter
### 3. GPA does matter
Everyone wants the cream of the crop. In the absence of a standardized test, GPA serves as that indicator. **While GPA may not necessarily be a good indication of how well you can code, a high GPA would definitely put you in a more favorable position to the recruiter.**
@ -90,7 +85,7 @@ In a different scenario, some students have low GPA, but it might be due to some
Also, when you list your GPA/results, try to benchmark it. Instead of simply listing 4.6, write 4.6/5.0 (First Class Honors or Summa Cum Laude). To the recruiter, 4.6 does not mean anything if he/she is not familiar with your grading system.
#### 4. Be clear about your objectives
### 4. Be clear about your objectives
Are you looking for a summer internship/full-time employment? What position are you applying for? Read the job description and know the job you are applying for!!
@ -99,18 +94,18 @@ Are you looking for a summer internship/full-time employment? What position are
- Make sure the description is comprehensive. Avoid writing "Software engineering intern - write code". You are better off not writing anything.
- Based on my experience, most fresh grads do not have extremely relevant job experience (unless you are lucky to have scored a really rewarding internship). For developer positions, I think it is ok to not have any job experience and just list projects.
#### 5. Reverse chronological order
### 5. Reverse chronological order
Always list your resume in reverse chronological order - the most recent at the top. Recruiters are more interested in what you have worked on recently than what you worked on 3 years ago. Chances are, you probably forgot the details too anyway.
#### 6. Make sure you are contactable
### 6. Make sure you are contactable
- Get a proper email account with ideally your first name and last name, eg. "" instead of "".
- If you are using your school's .edu email, try to have an alias like "" instead of "".
- Avoid emails like "" or "admin@[mycooldomain].com" -- because it is very prone to typo errors.
- Make sure the number you have listed is the best way to reach you. The last thing you want is to miss the call from the recruiter because you typed the wrong number, or you are not available on that number during office hours (most probably the times the recruiter will call).
#### 7. Layout/Formatting/Design
### 7. Layout/Formatting/Design
- Be consistent about the way you format your resume. Italics, underline, bold, and how they are used.
- Keep to a single standard font (avoid fancy fonts like Comic Sans or whatever) and do not have too many varying styles/font sizes/color
@ -124,20 +119,19 @@ Always list your resume in reverse chronological order - the most recent at the
- It's important to note the layout of your resume. If you choose to quickly upload your resume via an auto-fill program, understand that the program will read your resume from top to bottom, left to right. This is good to keep in mind when developing the layout of your resume.
- Try to keep white space down to a minimum. This will also help reduce the length of your resume to one page. Reduce margins and paddings reasonably.
#### 8. Listing Your skills
### 8. Listing Your skills
It is useful to list your relevant skills in a quick summary section for easy reading/matching. However, many people make the mistake of listing as many skills/programming languages in the resume as possible. This may get you through the ATS scoring, but it definitely would not leave a good impression on the recruiter - the actual human reading your resume and deciding whether to call you up for an interview!
Ideally, if your resume is good enough, the recruiter should already know what you are proficient in. The skills section is just a quick summary/reiteration. **Listing a bunch of technologies you claim you know without actually showing how you have worked with them is pointless.**
#### 9. Projects
### 9. Projects
- Ideally, 1-2 lines about the project, 2-3 lines about your role, what technologies you used, what you did, your learning, etc etc. These can be Final Year Projects, Research projects, projects for a particular class, freelance projects, or just personal projects (ie. GitHub stuff).
- Ideally, 2 to 3 projects that align with your interests/position you are applying for.
- Avoid using titles such as "Project for [module code]". Sorry, the recruiter has no idea what class is represented by the module code.
Ideally, you want the project section to demonstrate your personality and skills, and be the talking point during the interview.
- Avoid using titles such as "Project for [module code]". Sorry, the recruiter has no idea what class is represented by the module code. Ideally, you want the project section to demonstrate your personality and skills, and be the talking point during the interview.
#### 10. Online profile/other interests
### 10. Online profile/other interests
Here's the news - Recruiters do search for your name! Definitely pre-empt that by Googling/Facebook-ing/searching yourself on all forms of social media to see what turns up. Make sure your privacy settings are restricted so your online profile shows only the image you are trying to project.

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
id: star-framework
title: STAR Framework
Learn the [STAR](,_task,_action,_result) format. From Wikipedia:
- **Situation** - The interviewer wants you to present a recent challenge and situation in which you found yourself.
- **Task** - What were you required to achieve? The interviewer will be looking to see what you were trying to achieve from the situation. Some performance development methods[1] use “Target” rather than “Task”. Job interview candidates who describe a “Target” they set themselves instead of an externally imposed “Task” emphasize their own intrinsic motivation to perform and to develop their performance.
- **Action** - What did you do? The interviewer will be looking for information on what you did, why you did it and what the alternatives were.
- **Results** - What was the outcome of your actions? What did you achieve through your actions and did you meet your objectives? What did you learn from this experience and have you used this learning since?

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
id: study-and-practice
title: Study and Practice
## Recap CS Fundamentals
If you have been out of college for a while, it is highly advisable to review CS fundamentalsAlgorithms and Data Structures. Personally, I prefer to review as I practice, so I scan through my college notes and review the various algorithms as I work on algorithm problems from LeetCode and Cracking the Coding Interview.
This [interviews repository]( by Kevin Naughton Jr. served as a quick refresher for me.
The Medium publication [basecs]( by [Vaidehi Joshi]( is also a great and light-hearted resource to recap on the various data structures and algorithms.
If you are interested in how data structures are implemented, check out [Lago](, a Data Structures and Algorithms library for JavaScript. It is pretty much still WIP but I intend to make it into a library that is able to be used in production and also a reference resource for revising Data Structures and Algorithms.
## Mastery through practice
Next, gain familiarity and mastery of the algorithms and data structures in your chosen programming language.
### Practice coding questions
Practice coding algorithms using your chosen language. While [Cracking the Coding Interview]( is a good resource for practice, I prefer being able to type code, run it and get instant feedback. There are various Online Judges such as [LeetCode](, [HackerRank]( and [CodeForces]( for you to practice questions online and get used to the language. From experience, LeetCode questions are the most similar to the kind of questions being asked in interviews whereas HackerRank and CodeForces questions resemble competitive programming questions. If you practice enough LeetCode questions, there is a good chance that you would have seen/done your actual interview question (or some variant) on LeetCode before. If you are more of a visual person, [Coderust]( explains the common algorithm questions through step-by-step visualizations which makes understanding the solutions much easier.
### Space/time complexities
Learn and understand the time and space complexities of the common operations in your chosen language. For Python, this [page]( will come in handy. Also find out the underlying sorting algorithm that is being used in the language's `sort()` function and its time and space complexity (in Python its Timsort which is a hybrid sort). After completing a question on LeetCode, I usually add the time and space complexities of the written code as comments above the function body to remind myself to analyze the algorithm after I am done with the implementation.
### Practice good coding style
Read up on the recommended coding style for your language and stick to it. If you have chosen Python, refer to the PEP 8 Style Guide. If you have chosen Java, refer to Google's Java Style Guide.
### Internalize the pitfalls
Find out and be familiar with the common pitfalls and caveats of the language. If you point them out during the interview and intelligently avoid falling into them, you will usually impress the interviewer and that results in bonus points for your feedback, regardless of whether the interviewer is familiar with the language or not.
### Broaden exposure
Gain a broad exposure to questions from various topics. In the second half of the article I mention algorithm topics and practice questions for each topic. Do around 100200 LeetCode questions and you should be good.
Practice, practice and more practice!

website/.gitignore vendored

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# dependencies
# production
# generated files
# misc

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# Website
This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.
### Installation
$ yarn
### Local Development
$ yarn start
This command starts a local development server and open up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
### Build
$ yarn build
This command generates static content into the `build` directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.
### Deployment
$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> USE_SSH=1 yarn deploy
If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the `gh-pages` branch.

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module.exports = {
title: 'Tech Interview Handbook',
'Carefully curated content to help you ace your next technical interview',
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themeConfig: {
navbar: {
title: 'Tech Interview Handbook',
logo: {
alt: 'Tech Interview Handbook Logo',
src: 'img/logo.svg',
links: [
{to: 'introduction', label: 'Getting Started', position: 'right'},
href: '',
label: 'GitHub',
position: 'right',
footer: {
style: 'dark',
copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Yangshun Tay. Built with Docusaurus.`,
presets: [
docs: {
path: '../contents',
routeBasePath: '',
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
theme: {
customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module.exports = {
docs: {
Preface: ['introduction'],
'Job Application': [
// 'how-to-apply',
'Interview Process': [
// 'interview-stages',
type: 'category',
label: 'Coding Round',
items: [
type: 'category',
label: 'Behavioral Round',
items: [
Algorithms: [

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
:root {
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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
import React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames';
import Layout from '@theme/Layout';
import Link from '@docusaurus/Link';
import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext';
import withBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/withBaseUrl';
import styles from './styles.module.css';
function Home() {
const context = useDocusaurusContext();
const {siteConfig = {}} = context;
return (
<Layout title={siteConfig.title} description={siteConfig.tagline}>
<header className={classnames('hero', styles.heroBanner)}>
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className={classnames(styles.heroBannerLogo, 'margin-vert--md')}
<h1 className="hero__title">{siteConfig.title}</h1>
<p className="hero__subtitle">{siteConfig.tagline}</p>
<div className={styles.buttons}>
'button button--primary button--lg',
Get Started&nbsp;&nbsp;
<div className="container margin-vert--xl">
<div className="row">
<div className="col col--10 col--offset-1">
<h2 className="text--center margin-bottom--xl">
Why Tech Interview Handbook?
<div className="row margin-vert--lg">
<div className="col">
<h3>From Zero to Hero</h3>
Go from zero to tech interview hero with this handbook. No
prior interview experience needed.
<div className="col">
<h3>Curated Practice Questions</h3>
No one has time to practice a few hundred Leetcode
questions. We tell you which are the best questions to
<div className="col">
<h3>Interview Cheatsheet</h3>
Straight-to-the-point Do's and Don'ts during an interview
<div className="row margin-vert--lg">
<div className="col">
<h3>Practical Algorithm Tips</h3>
Practical tips for every algorithm topic - common techniques
and corner cases to look out for.
<div className="col">
<h3>Behavioral Questions</h3>
Check out what behavioral questions companies commonly ask
and you can prepare your answers ahead of time.
<div className="col">
<h3>Tested and Proven</h3>
Countless engineers have gotten their dream jobs with its
<div className="container margin-vert--xl">
<div className="row">
<div className="col col--6 col--offset-3">
<div className="margin-vert--lg text--center">
<h2>Many Success Stories</h2>
<div class="card margin-vert--lg">
<div class="card__header">
<div class="avatar">
<div class="avatar__intro">
<h4 class="avatar__name">Yangshun Tay</h4>
<small class="avatar__subtitle">
Front End Engineer, Facebook
<div class="card__body">
"My job hunt was successful beyond my expectations thanks to
this wonderful resource. Huge thanks to the author for
sharing their knowledge!"
export default Home;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.heroBanner {
padding: 4rem 0;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.heroBannerLogo {
max-width: 240px;
@media screen and (max-width: 966px) {
.heroBanner {
padding: 2rem;
.buttons {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;

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