module . exports = {
title : 'Tech Interview Handbook' ,
tagline : 'Free curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers' ,
url : '' ,
baseUrl : '/' ,
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announcementBar : {
id : 'announcement-1' , // Increment on change
content : ` ⭐️ Bring your interview skills to the next level with Educative. <a href="">Join today for a discount!</a> ⭐️ ` ,
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darkTheme : require ( 'prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula' ) ,
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navbar : {
title : 'Tech Interview Handbook' ,
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alt : '' ,
src : 'img/logo.svg' ,
} ,
items : [
label : 'Start reading' ,
href : '/introduction' ,
position : 'left' ,
} ,
label : 'Coding interview guide' ,
href : '/coding-interview' ,
} ,
label : 'Algorithms 101' ,
href : '/algorithms/introduction' ,
} ,
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copyright : ` Copyright © ${ new Date ( ) . getFullYear ( ) } Yangshun Tay. Built with Docusaurus. ` ,
links : [
title : 'General' ,
items : [
label : 'Start reading' ,
href : '/introduction' ,
} ,
label : 'Resume preparation' ,
href : '/resume' ,
} ,
label : 'Algorithms' ,
href : '/algorithms/introduction' ,
} ,
label : 'Blog' ,
href : '/blog' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
title : 'Interviews' ,
items : [
label : 'Interview cheatsheet' ,
href : '/cheatsheet' ,
} ,
label : 'Coding interviews' ,
href : '/coding-interview' ,
} ,
label : 'System design interviews' ,
href : '/system-design' ,
} ,
label : 'Behavioral interviews' ,
href : '/behavioral-interview' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
title : 'About' ,
items : [
label : 'GitHub' ,
href : '' ,
} ,
label : 'Facebook' ,
href : '' ,
} ,
label : 'Twitter' ,
href : '' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
title : 'More' ,
items : [
label : 'Contact us' ,
href : '' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
] ,
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algolia : {
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'' ,
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plugins : [
'@docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects' ,
redirects : [
from : '/coding-round-overview' ,
to : '/coding-interview' ,
} ,
from : '/behavioral-round-overview' ,
to : '/behavioral-interview' ,
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scripts : [
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