title: Svelte on The Changelog
description: Listen to the interview here
author: Rich Harris
authorURL: https://twitter.com/Rich_Harris
Earlier this month, I had the privilege of appearing on [The Changelog](https://changelog.com/podcast), a podcast about software development. We had a fun (for me) and wide-ranging conversation:
- life as a coder inside a newsroom
- the big compilers-as-frameworks trend
- scalability
- the [Great Divide](https://css-tricks.com/the-great-divide/)
...and, most importantly, Svelte 3.
Unless you hang out in our [Discord server](https://svelte.dev/chat) or follow [@sveltejs](https://twitter.com/sveltejs) on Twitter, you might not know that Svelte 3 is just around the corner, and it's going to be a huge release. We've rethought the developer experience from the ground up, and while it _will_ be a nuisance if you need to upgrade a Svelte 2 app (more on that soon) we think you're going to love it.
On the podcast [Adam](https://twitter.com/adamstac), [Jerod](https://twitter.com/jerodsanto) and I talk about some of the changes and why we're making them. You can listen here or on the [podcast page](https://changelog.com/podcast/332).
<audio data-theme="night" style="width: 100%" data-src="https://changelog.com/podcast/332/embed" src="https://cdn.changelog.com/uploads/podcast/332/the-changelog-332.mp3" preload="none" class="changelog-episode" controls></audio><p><a href="https://changelog.com/podcast/332">The Changelog 332: A UI framework without the framework</a> – Listen on <a href="https://changelog.com/">Changelog.com</a></p><script async src="//cdn.changelog.com/embed.js"></script>