@ -13,16 +13,17 @@ export default function visitBinding ( generator, block, state, node, attribute
if ( !~state.allUsedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) state.allUsedContexts.push( context );
const handler = block.getUniqueName( `${state.parentNode}_change_handler` );
const eventName = getBindingEventName( node, attribute );
const handler = block.getUniqueName( `${state.parentNode}_${eventName}_handler` );
const isMultipleSelect = node.name === 'select' && node.attributes.find( attr => attr.name.toLowerCase() === 'multiple' ); // TODO use getStaticAttributeValue
const type = getStaticAttributeValue( node, 'type' );
const bindingGroup = attribute.name === 'group' ? getBindingGroup( generator, keypath ) : null;
const value = getBindingValue( generator, block, state, node, attribute, isMultipleSelect, bindingGroup, type );
const eventName = getBindingEventName( node );
let setter = getSetter({ block, name, keypath, context: '_svelte', attribute, dependencies, value });
let updateElement;
let updateElement = `${state.parentNode}.${attribute.name} = ${snippet};`;
const lock = block.getUniqueName( `${state.parentNode}_${attribute.name}_updating` );
let updateCondition = `!${lock}`;
// <select> special case
if ( node.name === 'select' ) {
@ -77,39 +78,70 @@ export default function visitBinding ( generator, block, state, node, attribute
updateElement = `${state.parentNode}.checked = ${condition};`;
// everything else
else {
updateElement = `${state.parentNode}.${attribute.name} = ${snippet};`;
else if ( node.name === 'audio' || node.name === 'video' ) {
generator.hasComplexBindings = true;
block.builders.create.addBlock( `${block.component}._bindings.push( ${handler} );` );
if ( attribute.name === 'currentTime' ) {
const frame = block.getUniqueName( `${state.parentNode}_animationframe` );
block.builders.create.addLine( `var ${frame};` );
setter = deindent`
cancelAnimationFrame( ${frame} );
if ( !${state.parentNode}.paused ) ${frame} = requestAnimationFrame( ${handler} );
updateCondition += ` && !isNaN( ${snippet} )`;
else if ( attribute.name === 'duration' ) {
updateCondition = null;
const updating = block.getUniqueName( `${state.parentNode}_updating` );
else if ( attribute.name === 'paused' ) {
// this is necessary to prevent the audio restarting by itself
const last = block.getUniqueName( `${state.parentNode}_paused_value` );
block.builders.create.addLine( `var ${last} = true;` );
updateCondition += ` && ${last} !== ( ${last} = ${snippet} )`;
updateElement = `${state.parentNode}[ ${last} ? 'pause' : 'play' ]();`;
block.builders.create.addBlock( deindent`
var ${updating} = false;
var ${lock} = false;
function ${handler} () {
${updating} = true;
${lock} = true;
${updating} = false;
${lock} = false;
${generator.helper( 'addEventListener' )}( ${state.parentNode}, '${eventName}', ${handler} );
` );
node.initialUpdate = updateElement;
if ( node.name !== 'audio' && node.name !== 'video' ) node.initialUpdate = updateElement;
block.builders.update.addLine( deindent`
if ( !${updating} ) {
` );
if ( updateCondition !== null ) {
// audio/video duration is read-only, it never updates
block.builders.update.addBlock( deindent`
if ( ${updateCondition} ) {
` );
block.builders.destroy.addLine( deindent`
${generator.helper( 'removeEventListener' )}( ${state.parentNode}, '${eventName}', ${handler} );
` );
if ( attribute.name === 'paused' ) {
block.builders.create.addLine( `${generator.helper( 'addEventListener' )}( ${state.parentNode}, 'play', ${handler} );` );
block.builders.destroy.addLine( `${generator.helper( 'removeEventListener' )}( ${state.parentNode}, 'play', ${handler} );` );
function getBindingEventName ( node ) {
function getBindingEventName ( node, attribute ) {
if ( node.name === 'input' ) {
const typeAttribute = node.attributes.find( attr => attr.type === 'Attribute' && attr.name === 'type' );
const type = typeAttribute ? typeAttribute.value[0].data : 'text'; // TODO in validation, should throw if type attribute is not static
@ -117,9 +149,10 @@ function getBindingEventName ( node ) {
return type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio' ? 'change' : 'input';
if ( node.name === 'textarea' ) {
return 'input';
if ( node.name === 'textarea' ) return 'input';
if ( attribute.name === 'currentTime' ) return 'timeupdate';
if ( attribute.name === 'duration' ) return 'durationchange';
if ( attribute.name === 'paused' ) return 'pause';
return 'change';