@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ This is the Svelte compiler, which is primarily intended for authors of tooling
* [sveltify](https://github.com/tehshrike/sveltify) - Browserify transform
* [sveltify](https://github.com/tehshrike/sveltify) - Browserify transform
* [gulp-svelte](https://github.com/shinnn/gulp-svelte) - gulp plugin
* [gulp-svelte](https://github.com/shinnn/gulp-svelte) - gulp plugin
* [metalsmith-svelte](https://github.com/shinnn/metalsmith-svelte) - Metalsmith plugin
* [metalsmith-svelte](https://github.com/shinnn/metalsmith-svelte) - Metalsmith plugin
* [charpeni/svelte-example](https://github.com/charpeni/svelte-example) - Some Svelte examples with configured Rollup, Babel, ESLint, directives, Two-Way binding, and nested components
* More to come!
* More to come!
@ -51,6 +50,12 @@ const { code, map } = svelte.compile( source, {
## Example/starter repos
* [charpeni/svelte-example](https://github.com/charpeni/svelte-example) - Some Svelte examples with configured Rollup, Babel, ESLint, directives, Two-Way binding, and nested components
* [EmilTholin/svelte-test](https://github.com/EmilTholin/svelte-test)
## License
## License