@ -449,6 +449,49 @@ export function analyze_component(root, source, options) {
merge(set_scope(scopes), validation_runes, runes_scope_tweaker, common_visitors)
merge(set_scope(scopes), validation_runes, runes_scope_tweaker, common_visitors)
// warn on any nonstate declarations that are a) reassigned and b) referenced in the template
for (const scope of [module.scope, instance.scope]) {
outer: for (const [name, binding] of scope.declarations) {
if (binding.kind === 'normal' && binding.reassigned) {
inner: for (const { path } of binding.references) {
if (path[0].type !== 'Fragment') continue;
for (let i = 1; i < path.length; i += 1) {
const type = path[i].type;
if (
type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
) {
continue inner;
// bind:this doesn't need to be a state reference if it will never change
if (
type === 'BindDirective' &&
/** @type {import('#compiler').BindDirective} */ (path[i]).name === 'this'
) {
for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
const type = path[j].type;
if (
type === 'IfBlock' ||
type === 'EachBlock' ||
type === 'AwaitBlock' ||
type === 'KeyBlock'
) {
w.non_reactive_update(binding.node, name);
continue outer;
continue inner;
w.non_reactive_update(binding.node, name);
continue outer;
} else {
} else {
instance.scope.declare(b.id('$$props'), 'rest_prop', 'synthetic');
instance.scope.declare(b.id('$$props'), 'rest_prop', 'synthetic');
instance.scope.declare(b.id('$$restProps'), 'rest_prop', 'synthetic');
instance.scope.declare(b.id('$$restProps'), 'rest_prop', 'synthetic');
@ -508,49 +551,6 @@ export function analyze_component(root, source, options) {
// warn on any nonstate declarations that are a) reassigned and b) referenced in the template
for (const scope of [module.scope, instance.scope]) {
outer: for (const [name, binding] of scope.declarations) {
if (binding.kind === 'normal' && binding.reassigned) {
inner: for (const { path } of binding.references) {
if (path[0].type !== 'Fragment') continue;
for (let i = 1; i < path.length; i += 1) {
const type = path[i].type;
if (
type === 'FunctionDeclaration' ||
type === 'FunctionExpression' ||
type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression'
) {
continue inner;
// bind:this doesn't need to be a state reference if it will never change
if (
type === 'BindDirective' &&
/** @type {import('#compiler').BindDirective} */ (path[i]).name === 'this'
) {
for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
const type = path[j].type;
if (
type === 'IfBlock' ||
type === 'EachBlock' ||
type === 'AwaitBlock' ||
type === 'KeyBlock'
) {
w.non_reactive_update(binding.node, name);
continue outer;
continue inner;
w.non_reactive_update(binding.node, name);
continue outer;
if (analysis.css.ast) {
if (analysis.css.ast) {
analyze_css(analysis.css.ast, analysis);
analyze_css(analysis.css.ast, analysis);