@ -76,14 +76,11 @@ The Svelte compiler optionally takes a second argument, an object of configurati
| | **Values** | **Description** | **Default** |
| | **Values** | **Description** | **Default** |
| `generate` | `'dom'`, `'ssr'` | Whether to generate JavaScript code intended for use on the client (`'dom'`), or for use in server-side rendering (`'ssr'`). | `'dom'` |
| `generate` | `'dom'`, `'ssr'`, `false` | Whether to generate JavaScript code intended for use on the client (`'dom'`), or for use in server-side rendering (`'ssr'`). If `false`, component will be parsed and validated but no code will be emitted | `'dom'` |
| `dev` | `true`, `false` | Whether to enable run-time checks in the compiled component. These are helpful during development, but slow your component down. | `false` |
| `dev` | `true`, `false` | Whether to enable run-time checks in the compiled component. These are helpful during development, but slow your component down. | `false` |
| `css` | `true`, `false` | Whether to include code to inject your component's styles into the DOM. | `true` |
| `css` | `true`, `false` | Whether to include code to inject your component's styles into the DOM. | `true` |
| `store` | `true`, `false` | Whether to support store integration on the compiled component. | `false` |
| `hydratable` | `true`, `false` | Whether to support hydration on the compiled component. | `false` |
| `hydratable` | `true`, `false` | Whether to support hydration on the compiled component. | `false` |
| `customElement` | `true`, `false`, `{ tag, props }` | Whether to compile this component to a custom element. If `tag`/`props` are passed, compiles to a custom element and overrides the values exported by the component. | `false` |
| `customElement` | `true`, `false`, `{ tag, props }` | Whether to compile this component to a custom element. If `tag`/`props` are passed, compiles to a custom element and overrides the values exported by the component. | `false` |
| `cascade` | `true`, `false` | Whether to cascade all of the component's styles to child components. If `false`, only selectors wrapped in `:global(...)` and keyframe IDs beginning with `-global-` are cascaded. | `true` |
| `parser` | `v2` | Opt in to [v2 syntax](https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte-upgrade#svelte-v2-syntax-changes). | `undefined` |
| `shared` | `true`, `false`, `string` | Whether to import various helpers from a shared external library. When you have a project with multiple components, this reduces the overall size of your JavaScript bundle, at the expense of having immediately-usable component. You can pass a string of the module path to use, or `true` will import from `'svelte/shared.js'`. | `false` |
| `shared` | `true`, `false`, `string` | Whether to import various helpers from a shared external library. When you have a project with multiple components, this reduces the overall size of your JavaScript bundle, at the expense of having immediately-usable component. You can pass a string of the module path to use, or `true` will import from `'svelte/shared.js'`. | `false` |
@ -94,7 +91,7 @@ The Svelte compiler optionally takes a second argument, an object of configurati
| `filename` | `string` | The filename to use in sourcemaps and compiler error and warning messages. | `'SvelteComponent.html'` |
| `filename` | `string` | The filename to use in sourcemaps and compiler error and warning messages. | `'SvelteComponent.html'` |
| `amd`.`id` | `string` | The AMD module ID to use for the `'amd'` and `'umd'` output formats. | `undefined` |
| `amd`.`id` | `string` | The AMD module ID to use for the `'amd'` and `'umd'` output formats. | `undefined` |
| `globals` | `object`, `function` | When outputting to the `'umd'`, `'iife'` or `'eval'` formats, an object or function mapping the names of imported dependencies to the names of global variables. | `{}` |
| `globals` | `object`, `function` | When outputting to the `'umd'`, `'iife'` or `'eval'` formats, an object or function mapping the names of imported dependencies to the names of global variables. | `{}` |
| `preserveComments` | `boolean` | Include comments in rendering. Currently, only applies to SSR rendering | `false` |
| `preserveComments` | `boolean` | Include comments in rendering. Currently, only applies to SSR rendering | `false` |
| | | |
| | | |
| `onerror` | `function` | Specify a callback for when Svelte encounters an error while compiling the component. Passed two arguments: the error object, and another function that is Svelte's default onerror handling. | (exception is thrown) |
| `onerror` | `function` | Specify a callback for when Svelte encounters an error while compiling the component. Passed two arguments: the error object, and another function that is Svelte's default onerror handling. | (exception is thrown) |
| `onwarn` | `function` | Specify a callback for when Svelte encounters a non-fatal warning while compiling the component. Passed two arguments: the warning object, and another function that is Svelte's default onwarn handling. | (warning is logged to console) |
| `onwarn` | `function` | Specify a callback for when Svelte encounters a non-fatal warning while compiling the component. Passed two arguments: the warning object, and another function that is Svelte's default onwarn handling. | (warning is logged to console) |
console.warn("this.observe(key, (newValue, oldValue) => {...}) is deprecated. Use\n\n // runs before DOM updates\n this.on('state', ({ changed, current, previous }) => {...});\n\n // runs after DOM updates\n this.on('update', ...);\n\n...or add the observe method from the svelte-extras package");
'The first argument to component.observe(...) must be the name of a top-level property';
message+=", i.e. '"+key.slice(0,c)+"' rather than '"+key+"'";