mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
[chore] move compiler warnings/errors to dedicate files (#6503)
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
// All compiler errors should be listed and accessed from here
* @internal
export default {
invalid_binding_elements: (element: string, binding: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `'${binding}' is not a valid binding on <${element}> elements`
invalid_binding_element_with: (elements: string, binding: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `'${binding}' binding can only be used with ${elements}`
invalid_binding_on: (binding: string, element: string, post?: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `'${binding}' is not a valid binding on ${element}` + (post || '')
invalid_binding_foreign: (binding: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `'${binding}' is not a valid binding. Foreign elements only support bind:this`
invalid_binding_no_checkbox: (binding: string, is_radio: boolean) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `'${binding}' binding can only be used with <input type="checkbox">` + (is_radio ? ' — for <input type="radio">, use \'group\' binding' : '')
invalid_binding: (binding: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `'${binding}' is not a valid binding`
invalid_binding_window: (parts: string[]) => ({
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: `Bindings on <svelte:window> must be to top-level properties, e.g. '${parts[parts.length - 1]}' rather than '${parts.join('.')}'`
invalid_binding_let: {
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: 'Cannot bind to a variable declared with the let: directive'
invalid_binding_await: {
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: 'Cannot bind to a variable declared with {#await ... then} or {:catch} blocks'
invalid_binding_writibale: {
code: 'invalid-binding',
message: 'Cannot bind to a variable which is not writable'
binding_undeclared: (name: string) => ({
code: 'binding-undeclared',
message: `${name} is not declared`
invalid_type: {
code: 'invalid-type',
message: '\'type\' attribute cannot be dynamic if input uses two-way binding'
missing_type: {
code: 'missing-type',
message: '\'type\' attribute must be specified'
dynamic_multiple_attribute: {
code: 'dynamic-multiple-attribute',
message: '\'multiple\' attribute cannot be dynamic if select uses two-way binding'
missing_contenteditable_attribute: {
code: 'missing-contenteditable-attribute',
message: '\'contenteditable\' attribute is required for textContent and innerHTML two-way bindings'
dynamic_contenteditable_attribute: {
code: 'dynamic-contenteditable-attribute',
message: '\'contenteditable\' attribute cannot be dynamic if element uses two-way binding'
invalid_event_modifier_combination: (modifier1: string, modifier2: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-event-modifier',
message: `The '${modifier1}' and '${modifier2}' modifiers cannot be used together`
invalid_event_modifier_legacy: (modifier: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-event-modifier',
message: `The '${modifier}' modifier cannot be used in legacy mode`
invalid_event_modifier: (valid: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-event-modifier',
message: `Valid event modifiers are ${valid}`
invalid_event_modifier_component: {
code: 'invalid-event-modifier',
message: "Event modifiers other than 'once' can only be used on DOM elements"
textarea_duplicate_value: {
code: 'textarea-duplicate-value',
message: 'A <textarea> can have either a value attribute or (equivalently) child content, but not both'
illegal_attribute: (name: string) => ({
code: 'illegal-attribute',
message: `'${name}' is not a valid attribute name`
invalid_slot_attribute: {
code: 'invalid-slot-attribute',
message: 'slot attribute cannot have a dynamic value'
duplicate_slot_attribute: (name: string) => ({
code: 'duplicate-slot-attribute',
message: `Duplicate '${name}' slot`
invalid_slotted_content: {
code: 'invalid-slotted-content',
message: 'Element with a slot=\'...\' attribute must be a child of a component or a descendant of a custom element'
invalid_attribute_head: {
code: 'invalid-attribute',
message: '<svelte:head> should not have any attributes or directives'
invalid_action: {
code: 'invalid-action',
message: 'Actions can only be applied to DOM elements, not components'
invalid_class: {
code: 'invalid-class',
message: 'Classes can only be applied to DOM elements, not components'
invalid_transition: {
code: 'invalid-transition',
message: 'Transitions can only be applied to DOM elements, not components'
invalid_let: {
code: 'invalid-let',
message: 'let directive value must be an identifier or an object/array pattern'
invalid_slot_directive: {
code: 'invalid-slot-directive',
message: '<slot> cannot have directives'
dynamic_slot_name: {
code: 'dynamic-slot-name',
message: '<slot> name cannot be dynamic'
invalid_slot_name: {
code: 'invalid-slot-name',
message: 'default is a reserved word — it cannot be used as a slot name'
invalid_slot_attribute_value_missing: {
code: 'invalid-slot-attribute',
message: 'slot attribute value is missing'
invalid_slotted_content_fragment: {
code: 'invalid-slotted-content',
message: '<svelte:fragment> must be a child of a component'
illegal_attribute_title: {
code: 'illegal-attribute',
message: '<title> cannot have attributes'
illegal_structure_title: {
code: 'illegal-structure',
message: '<title> can only contain text and {tags}'
duplicate_transition: (directive: string, parent_directive: string) => {
function describe(_directive: string) {
return _directive === 'transition'
? "a 'transition'"
: `an '${_directive}'`;
const message = directive === parent_directive
? `An element can only have one '${directive}' directive`
: `An element cannot have both ${describe(parent_directive)} directive and ${describe(directive)} directive`;
return {
code: 'duplicate-transition',
contextual_store: {
code: 'contextual-store',
message: 'Stores must be declared at the top level of the component (this may change in a future version of Svelte)'
default_export: {
code: 'default-export',
message: 'A component cannot have a default export'
not_implemented: {
code: 'not-implemented',
message: 'A component currently cannot have an export ... from'
illegal_declaration: {
code: 'illegal-declaration',
message: 'The $ prefix is reserved, and cannot be used for variable and import names'
illegal_subscription: {
code: 'illegal-subscription',
message: 'Cannot reference store value inside <script context="module">'
illegal_global: (name: string) => ({
code: 'illegal-global',
message: `${name} is an illegal variable name`
destructured_prop: {
code: 'destructured-prop',
message: 'Cannot declare props in destructured declaration'
cyclical_reactive_declaration: (cycle: string[]) => ({
code: 'cyclical-reactive-declaration',
message: `Cyclical dependency detected: ${cycle.join(' → ')}`
invalid_tag_property: {
code: 'invalid-tag-property',
message: "tag name must be two or more words joined by the '-' character"
invalid_tag_attribute: {
code: 'invalid-tag-attribute',
message: "'tag' must be a string literal"
invalid_namespace_property: (namespace: string, suggestion?: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-namespace-property',
message: `Invalid namespace '${namespace}'` + (suggestion ? ` (did you mean '${suggestion}'?)` : '')
invalid_namespace_attribute: {
code: 'invalid-namespace-attribute',
message: "The 'namespace' attribute must be a string literal representing a valid namespace"
invalid_attribute_value: (name: string) => ({
code: `invalid-${name}-value`,
message: `${name} attribute must be true or false`
invalid_options_attribute_unknown: {
code: 'invalid-options-attribute',
message: '<svelte:options> unknown attribute'
invalid_options_attribute: {
code: 'invalid-options-attribute',
message: "<svelte:options> can only have static 'tag', 'namespace', 'accessors', 'immutable' and 'preserveWhitespace' attributes"
css_invalid_global: {
code: 'css-invalid-global',
message: ':global(...) can be at the start or end of a selector sequence, but not in the middle'
css_invalid_global_selector: {
code: 'css-invalid-global-selector',
message: ':global(...) must contain a single selector'
duplicate_animation: {
code: 'duplicate-animation',
message: "An element can only have one 'animate' directive"
invalid_animation_immediate: {
code: 'invalid-animation',
message: 'An element that uses the animate directive must be the immediate child of a keyed each block'
invalid_animation_sole: {
code: 'invalid-animation',
message: 'An element that uses the animate directive must be the sole child of a keyed each block'
invalid_directive_value: {
code: 'invalid-directive-value',
message: 'Can only bind to an identifier (e.g. `foo`) or a member expression (e.g. `foo.bar` or `foo[baz]`)'
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
// All compiler warnings should be listed and accessed from here
* @internal
export default {
custom_element_no_tag: {
code: 'custom-element-no-tag',
message: 'No custom element \'tag\' option was specified. To automatically register a custom element, specify a name with a hyphen in it, e.g. <svelte:options tag="my-thing"/>. To hide this warning, use <svelte:options tag={null}/>'
unused_export_let: (component: string, property: string) => ({
code: 'unused-export-let',
message: `${component} has unused export property '${property}'. If it is for external reference only, please consider using \`export const ${property}\``
module_script_reactive_declaration: {
code: 'module-script-reactive-declaration',
message: '$: has no effect in a module script'
non_top_level_reactive_declaration: {
code: 'non-top-level-reactive-declaration',
message: '$: has no effect outside of the top-level'
module_script_variable_reactive_declaration: (name: string) => ({
code: 'module-script-reactive-declaration',
message: `"${name}" is declared in a module script and will not be reactive`
missing_declaration: (name: string, has_script: boolean) => ({
code: 'missing-declaration',
message: `'${name}' is not defined` + (has_script ? '' : `. Consider adding a <script> block with 'export let ${name}' to declare a prop`)
missing_custom_element_compile_options: {
code: 'missing-custom-element-compile-options',
message: "The 'tag' option is used when generating a custom element. Did you forget the 'customElement: true' compile option?"
css_unused_selector: (selector: string) => ({
code: 'css-unused-selector',
message: `Unused CSS selector "${selector}"`
empty_block: {
code: 'empty-block',
message: 'Empty block'
reactive_component: (name: string) => ({
code: 'reactive-component',
message: `<${name}/> will not be reactive if ${name} changes. Use <svelte:component this={${name}}/> if you want this reactivity.`
component_name_lowercase: (name: string) => ({
code: 'component-name-lowercase',
message: `<${name}> will be treated as an HTML element unless it begins with a capital letter`
avoid_is: {
code: 'avoid-is',
message: 'The \'is\' attribute is not supported cross-browser and should be avoided'
invalid_html_attribute: (name: string, suggestion: string) => ({
code: 'invalid-html-attribute',
message: `'${name}' is not a valid HTML attribute. Did you mean '${suggestion}'?`
a11y_aria_attributes: (name: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-aria-attributes',
message: `A11y: <${name}> should not have aria-* attributes`
a11y_unknown_aria_attribute: (attribute: string, suggestion?: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-unknown-aria-attribute',
message: `A11y: Unknown aria attribute 'aria-${attribute}'` + (suggestion ? ` (did you mean '${suggestion}'?)` : '')
a11y_hidden: (name: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-hidden',
message: `A11y: <${name}> element should not be hidden`
a11y_misplaced_role: (name: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-misplaced-role',
message: `A11y: <${name}> should not have role attribute`
a11y_unknown_role: (role: string | boolean, suggestion?: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-unknown-role',
message: `A11y: Unknown role '${role}'` + (suggestion ? ` (did you mean '${suggestion}'?)` : '')
a11y_accesskey: {
code: 'a11y-accesskey',
message: 'A11y: Avoid using accesskey'
a11y_autofocus: {
code: 'a11y-autofocus',
message: 'A11y: Avoid using autofocus'
a11y_misplaced_scope: {
code: 'a11y-misplaced-scope',
message: 'A11y: The scope attribute should only be used with <th> elements'
a11y_positive_tabindex: {
code: 'a11y-positive-tabindex',
message: 'A11y: avoid tabindex values above zero'
a11y_invalid_attribute: (href_attribute: string, href_value: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-invalid-attribute',
message: `A11y: '${href_value}' is not a valid ${href_attribute} attribute`
a11y_missing_attribute: (name: string, article: string, sequence: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-missing-attribute',
message: `A11y: <${name}> element should have ${article} ${sequence} attribute`
a11y_img_redundant_alt: {
code: 'a11y-img-redundant-alt',
message: 'A11y: Screenreaders already announce <img> elements as an image.'
a11y_label_has_associated_control: {
code: 'a11y-label-has-associated-control',
message: 'A11y: A form label must be associated with a control.'
a11y_media_has_caption: {
code: 'a11y-media-has-caption',
message: 'A11y: <video> elements must have a <track kind="captions">'
a11y_distracting_elements: (name: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-distracting-elements',
message: `A11y: Avoid <${name}> elements`
a11y_structure_immediate: {
code: 'a11y-structure',
message: 'A11y: <figcaption> must be an immediate child of <figure>'
a11y_structure_first_or_last: {
code: 'a11y-structure',
message: 'A11y: <figcaption> must be first or last child of <figure>'
a11y_mouse_events_have_key_events: (event: string, accompanied_by: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-mouse-events-have-key-events',
message: `A11y: on:${event} must be accompanied by on:${accompanied_by}`
a11y_missing_content: (name: string) => ({
code: 'a11y-missing-content',
message: `A11y: <${name}> element should have child content`
redundant_event_modifier_for_touch: {
code: 'redundant-event-modifier',
message: 'Touch event handlers that don\'t use the \'event\' object are passive by default'
redundant_event_modifier_passive: {
code: 'redundant-event-modifier',
message: 'The passive modifier only works with wheel and touch events'
Reference in new issue