@ -816,29 +816,4 @@ export default class ElementWrapper extends Wrapper {
// todo: looks to be dead code copypasted from Element.add_css_class in src/compile/nodes/Element.ts
// add_css_class(class_name = this.component.stylesheet.id) {
// const class_attribute = this.attributes.find(a => a.name === 'class');
// if (class_attribute && !class_attribute.is_true) {
// if (class_attribute.chunks.length === 1 && class_attribute.chunks[0].type === 'Text') {
// (class_attribute.chunks[0] as Text).data += ` ${class_name}`;
// } else {
// (class_attribute.chunks as Node[]).push(
// new Text(this.component, this, this.scope, {
// type: 'Text',
// data: ` ${class_name}`
// })
// );
// }
// } else {
// this.attributes.push(
// new Attribute(this.component, this, this.scope, {
// type: 'Attribute',
// name: 'class',
// value: [{ type: 'Text', data: class_name }]
// })
// );
// }
// }