update gitignore and pkg.files

Rich Harris 7 years ago
parent b381aa63a4
commit 7af7945d17

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
.DS_Store .DS_Store
.nyc_output .nyc_output
node_modules node_modules
/compiler/ /compiler/
/ssr/ /ssr/
/shared.js /shared.js

@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var svelte = require('../compiler/svelte.js');
var ansi = (strip => ({
reset: strip(["\x1b[0m"]),
newLine: ["\n", ""],
tab: ["\t", ""],
black: strip(["\x1b[30m", "\x1b[39m"]),
red: strip(["\x1b[31m", "\x1b[39m"]),
green: strip(["\x1b[32m", "\x1b[39m"]),
yellow: strip(["\x1b[33m", "\x1b[39m"]),
blue: strip(["\x1b[34m", "\x1b[39m"]),
magenta: strip(["\x1b[35m", "\x1b[39m"]),
cyan: strip(["\x1b[36m", "\x1b[39m"]),
white: strip(["\x1b[37m", "\x1b[39m"]),
gray: strip(["\x1B[90m", "\x1b[39m"]),
bgBlack: strip(["\x1b[40m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgRed: strip(["\x1b[41m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgGreen: strip(["\x1b[42m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgYellow: strip(["\x1b[43m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgBlue: strip(["\x1b[44m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgMagenta: strip(["\x1b[45m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgCyan: strip(["\x1b[46m", "\x1b[49m"]),
bgWhite: strip(["\x1b[47m", "\x1b[49m"]),
dim: strip(["\x1b[2m", "\x1b[22m"]),
bold: strip(["\x1b[1m", "\x1b[22m"]),
hidden: strip(["\x1b[8m", "\x1b[28m"]),
italic: strip(["\x1b[3m", "\x1b[23m"]),
underline: strip(["\x1b[4m", "\x1b[24m"]),
inverse: strip(["\x1b[7m", "\x1b[27m"]),
strikethrough: strip(["\x1b[9m", "\x1b[29m"])
ansi =>
process.env.FORCE_COLOR ||
process.platform === "win32" ||
(process.stdout.isTTY && process.env.TERM && process.env.TERM !== "dumb")
? ansi
: ["", ""]
var ansi$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
default: ansi,
__moduleExports: ansi
var ansi$2 = ( ansi$1 && ansi ) || ansi$1;
var clorox = (function Clorox(old, close) {
const clorox = s => Clorox(clorox.toString(s));
clorox.toString = s => old + (s || "") + (close || ansi$2.reset[0]);
Object.keys(ansi$2).map(name => {
Object.defineProperty(clorox, name, {
get: () => Clorox(old + ansi$2[name][0], (close || "") + ansi$2[name][1])
return clorox
function stderr(msg) {
console.error(msg); // eslint-disable-line no-console
function error(err) {
stderr(`${clorox.red(err.message || err)}`);
if (err.frame) {
stderr(err.frame); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else if (err.stack) {
function mkdirp(dir) {
const parent = path.dirname(dir);
if (dir === parent) return;
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) fs.mkdirSync(dir);
async function compile(input, opts) {
if (opts._.length > 0) {
error(`Can only compile a single file or directory`);
const output = opts.output;
const stats = fs.statSync(input);
const isDir = stats.isDirectory();
if (isDir) {
if (!output) {
error(`You must specify an --output (-o) option when compiling a directory of files`);
if (opts.name || opts.amdId) {
error(`Cannot specify --${opts.name ? 'name' : 'amdId'} when compiling a directory`);
const globals = {};
if (opts.globals) {
opts.globals.split(',').forEach(pair => {
const [key, value] = pair.split(':');
globals[key] = value;
const options = {
name: opts.name,
format: opts.format,
sourceMap: opts.sourcemap,
css: opts.css !== false,
dev: opts.dev,
immutable: opts.immutable,
generate: opts.generate || 'dom',
customElement: opts.customElement,
store: opts.store
if (isDir) {
compileDirectory(input, output, options);
} else {
compileFile(input, output, options);
function compileDirectory(input, output, options) {
fs.readdirSync(input).forEach(file => {
const src = path.resolve(input, file);
const dest = path.resolve(output, file);
if (path.extname(file) === '.html') {
dest.substring(0, dest.lastIndexOf('.html')) + '.js',
} else {
const stats = fs.statSync(src);
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
compileDirectory(src, dest, options);
let SOURCEMAPPING_URL = 'sourceMa';
function compileFile(input, output, options) {
console.error(`compiling ${path.relative(process.cwd(), input)}...`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
options = Object.assign({}, options);
if (!options.name) options.name = getName(input);
options.filename = input;
options.outputFilename = output;
const { sourceMap } = options;
const inline = sourceMap === 'inline';
let source = fs.readFileSync(input, 'utf-8');
if (source[0] === 0xfeff) source = source.slice(1);
let compiled;
try {
compiled = svelte.compile(source, options);
} catch (err) {
const { js } = compiled;
if (sourceMap) {
js.code += `\n//# ${SOURCEMAPPING_URL}=${inline || !output
? js.map.toUrl()
: `${path.basename(output)}.map`}\n`;
if (output) {
const outputDir = path.dirname(output);
fs.writeFileSync(output, js.code);
console.error(`wrote ${path.relative(process.cwd(), output)}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
if (sourceMap && !inline) {
fs.writeFileSync(`${output}.map`, js.map);
console.error(`wrote ${path.relative(process.cwd(), `${output}.map`)}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
} else {
function getName(input) {
return path.basename(input)
.replace(path.extname(input), '')
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z_$0-9]+/g, '_')
.replace(/^_/, '')
.replace(/_$/, '')
.replace(/^(\d)/, '_$1');
exports.compile = compile;

@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
const EQQ = /\s|=/;
const FLAG = /^-{1,2}/;
const PREFIX = /^--no-/i;
function isBool(any) {
return typeof any === 'boolean';
function toArr(any) {
return Array.isArray(any) ? any : any == null ? [] : [any];
function toString(any) {
return any == null || any === true ? '' : String(any);
function toBool(any) {
return any === 'false' ? false : Boolean(any);
function toNum(any) {
return (!isBool(any) && Number(any)) || any;
function getAlibi(names, arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) return arr;
let k, i = 0, len = arr.length, vals = [];
for (; i < len; i++) {
k = arr[i];
if (names[k] !== void 0) {
vals = vals.concat(names[k]);
return vals;
function typecast(key, val, strings, booleans) {
if (strings.indexOf(key) !== -1) return toString(val);
if (booleans.indexOf(key) !== -1) return toBool(val);
return toNum(val);
var lib = function(args, opts) {
args = args || [];
opts = opts || {};
opts.string = toArr(opts.string);
opts.boolean = toArr(opts.boolean);
const aliases = {};
let k, i, j, x, y, len, type;
if (opts.alias !== void 0) {
for (k in opts.alias) {
aliases[k] = toArr(opts.alias[k]);
len = aliases[k].length; // save length
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
x = aliases[k][i]; // alias's key name
aliases[x] = [k]; // set initial array
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
if (x !== aliases[k][j]) {
if (opts.default !== void 0) {
for (k in opts.default) {
type = typeof opts.default[k];
opts[type] = (opts[type] || []).concat(k);
// apply to all aliases
opts.string = getAlibi(aliases, opts.string);
opts.boolean = getAlibi(aliases, opts.boolean);
let idx = 0;
const out = { _: [] };
while (args[idx] !== void 0) {
let incr = 1;
const val = args[idx];
if (val === '--') {
out._ = out._.concat(args.slice(idx + 1));
} else if (!FLAG.test(val)) {
} else if (PREFIX.test(val)) {
out[val.replace(PREFIX, '')] = false;
} else {
let tmp;
const segs = val.split(EQQ);
const isGroup = segs[0].charCodeAt(1) !== 45; // '-'
const flag = segs[0].substr(isGroup ? 1 : 2);
len = flag.length;
const key = isGroup ? flag[len - 1] : flag;
if (opts.unknown !== void 0 && aliases[key] === void 0) {
return opts.unknown(segs[0]);
if (segs.length > 1) {
tmp = segs[1];
} else {
tmp = args[idx + 1] || true;
FLAG.test(tmp) ? (tmp = true) : (incr = 2);
if (isGroup && len > 1) {
for (i = len - 1; i--; ) {
k = flag[i]; // all but last key
out[k] = typecast(k, true, opts.string, opts.boolean);
const value = typecast(key, tmp, opts.string, opts.boolean);
out[key] = out[key] !== void 0 ? toArr(out[key]).concat(value) : value;
// handle discarded args when dealing with booleans
if (isBool(value) && !isBool(tmp) && tmp !== 'true' && tmp !== 'false') {
idx += incr;
if (opts.default !== void 0) {
for (k in opts.default) {
if (out[k] === void 0) {
out[k] = opts.default[k];
for (k in out) {
if (aliases[k] === void 0) continue;
y = out[k];
len = aliases[k].length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
out[aliases[k][i]] = y; // assign value
return out;
var lib$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
default: lib,
__moduleExports: lib
* repeat-string <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/repeat-string>
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
* Results cache
var res = '';
var cache;
* Expose `repeat`
var repeatString = repeat;
* Repeat the given `string` the specified `number`
* of times.
* **Example:**
* ```js
* var repeat = require('repeat-string');
* repeat('A', 5);
* //=> AAAAA
* ```
* @param {String} `string` The string to repeat
* @param {Number} `number` The number of times to repeat the string
* @return {String} Repeated string
* @api public
function repeat(str, num) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('expected a string');
// cover common, quick use cases
if (num === 1) return str;
if (num === 2) return str + str;
var max = str.length * num;
if (cache !== str || typeof cache === 'undefined') {
cache = str;
res = '';
} else if (res.length >= max) {
return res.substr(0, max);
while (max > res.length && num > 1) {
if (num & 1) {
res += str;
num >>= 1;
str += str;
res += str;
res = res.substr(0, max);
return res;
var repeatString$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
default: repeatString,
__moduleExports: repeatString
var repeat$1 = ( repeatString$1 && repeatString ) || repeatString$1;
var padRight = function padLeft(val, num, str) {
var padding = '';
var diff = num - val.length;
// Breakpoints based on benchmarks to use the fastest approach
// for the given number of zeros
if (diff <= 5 && !str) {
padding = '00000';
} else if (diff <= 25 && !str) {
padding = '000000000000000000000000000';
} else {
return val + repeat$1(str || '0', diff);
return val + padding.slice(0, diff);
var padRight$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
default: padRight,
__moduleExports: padRight
var rpad = ( padRight$1 && padRight ) || padRight$1;
const GAP = 4;
const __ = ' ';
const ALL = '__all__';
const DEF = '__default__';
const NL = '\n';
function format(arr) {
if (!arr.length) return '';
let len = maxLen( arr.map(x => x[0]) ) + GAP;
let join = a => rpad(a[0], len, ' ') + a[1] + (a[2] == null ? '' : ` (default ${a[2]})`);
return arr.map(join);
function maxLen(arr) {
let c=0, d=0, l=0, i=arr.length;
if (i) while (i--) {
d = arr[i].length;
if (d > c) {
l = i; c = d;
return arr[l].length;
function noop(s) {
return s;
function section(str, arr, fn) {
if (!arr || !arr.length) return '';
let i=0, out='';
out += (NL + __ + str);
for (; i < arr.length; i++) {
out += (NL + __ + __ + fn(arr[i]));
return out + NL;
var help = function (bin, tree, key) {
let out='', cmd=tree[key], pfx=`$ ${bin}`, all=tree[ALL];
let prefix = s => `${pfx} ${s}`;
// update ALL & CMD options
all.options.push(['-h, --help', 'Displays this message']);
cmd.options = (cmd.options || []).concat(all.options);
// write options placeholder
(cmd.options.length > 0) && (cmd.usage += ' [options]');
// description ~> text only; usage ~> prefixed
out += section('Description', cmd.describe, noop);
out += section('Usage', [cmd.usage], prefix);
if (key === DEF) {
// General help :: print all non-internal commands & their 1st line of text
let cmds = Object.keys(tree).filter(k => !/__/.test(k));
let text = cmds.map(k => [k, (tree[k].describe || [''])[0]]);
out += section('Available Commands', format(text), noop);
out += (NL + __ + 'For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag');
cmds.slice(0, 2).forEach(k => {
out += (NL + __ + __ + `${pfx} ${k} --help`);
out += NL;
out += section('Options', format(cmd.options), noop);
out += section('Examples', cmd.examples.map(prefix), noop);
return out;
var error = function (bin, str, num=1) {
let out = section('ERROR', [str], noop);
out += (NL + __ + `Run \`$ ${bin} --help\` for more info.` + NL);
// Strips leading `-|--` & extra space(s)
var parse = function (str) {
return (str || '').split(/^-{1,2}|,|\s+-{1,2}|\s+/).filter(Boolean);
// @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/18914855/3577474
var sentences = function (str) {
return (str || '').replace(/([.?!])\s*(?=[A-Z])/g, '$1|').split('|');
var utils = {
help: help,
error: error,
parse: parse,
sentences: sentences
var utils$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
default: utils,
__moduleExports: utils,
help: help,
error: error,
parse: parse,
sentences: sentences
var mri = ( lib$1 && lib ) || lib$1;
var $ = ( utils$1 && utils ) || utils$1;
const ALL$1 = '__all__';
const DEF$1 = '__default__';
class Sade {
constructor(name) {
this.tree = {};
this.name = name;
this.ver = '0.0.0';
this.default = '';
// set internal shapes;
this.command(`${DEF$1} <command>`)
.option('-v, --version', 'Displays current version');
this.curr = ''; // reset
command(str, desc, opts) {
let cmd=[], usage=[], rgx=/(\[|<)/;
// All non-([|<) are commands
str.split(/\s+/).forEach(x => {
(rgx.test(x.charAt(0)) ? usage : cmd).push(x);
// Back to string~!
cmd = cmd.join(' ');
if (cmd in this.tree) {
throw new Error(`Command already exists: ${cmd}`);
this.curr = cmd;
(opts && opts.default) && (this.default=cmd);
!~cmd.indexOf('__') && usage.unshift(cmd); // re-include `cmd`
usage = usage.join(' '); // to string
this.tree[cmd] = { usage, options:[], alias:{}, default:{}, examples:[] };
desc && this.describe(desc);
return this;
describe(str) {
this.tree[this.curr || DEF$1].describe = Array.isArray(str) ? str : $.sentences(str);
return this;
option(str, desc, val) {
let cmd = this.tree[ this.curr || ALL$1 ];
let [flag, alias] = $.parse(str);
(alias && alias.length > 1) && ([flag, alias]=[alias, flag]);
str = `--${flag}`;
if (alias && alias.length > 0) {
str = `-${alias}, ${str}`;
let old = cmd.alias[alias];
cmd.alias[alias] = (old || []).concat(flag);
let arr = [str, desc || ''];
if (val !== void 0) {
cmd.default[flag] = val;
return this;
action(handler) {
this.tree[ this.curr || DEF$1 ].handler = handler;
return this;
example(str) {
this.tree[ this.curr || DEF$1 ].examples.push(str);
return this;
version(str) {
this.ver = str;
return this;
parse(arr, opts={}) {
let offset = 2; // argv slicer
let alias = { h:'help', v:'version' };
let argv = mri(arr.slice(offset), { alias });
let bin = this.name;
// Loop thru possible command(s)
let tmp, name='';
let i=1, len=argv._.length + 1;
for (; i < len; i++) {
tmp = argv._.slice(0, i).join(' ');
if (this.tree[tmp] !== void 0) {
name=tmp; offset=(i + 2); // argv slicer
let cmd = this.tree[name];
let isVoid = (cmd === void 0);
if (isVoid) {
if (this.default) {
name = this.default;
cmd = this.tree[name];
} else if (name) {
return $.error(bin, `Invalid command: ${name}`);
} //=> else: cmd not specified, wait for now...
if (argv.version) {
return console.log(`${bin}, ${this.ver}`);
if (argv.help) {
return this.help(!isVoid && name);
if (cmd === void 0) {
return $.error(bin, 'No command specified.');
let all = this.tree[ALL$1];
// merge all objects :: params > command > all
opts.alias = Object.assign(all.alias, cmd.alias, opts.alias);
opts.default = Object.assign(all.default, cmd.default, opts.default);
let vals = mri(arr.slice(offset), opts);
let segs = cmd.usage.split(/\s+/);
let reqs = segs.filter(x => x.charAt(0)==='<');
let args = vals._.splice(0, reqs.length);
if (args.length < reqs.length) {
name && (bin += ` ${name}`); // for help text
return $.error(bin, 'Insufficient arguments!');
segs.filter(x => x.charAt(0)==='[').forEach(_ => {
args.push(vals._.pop()); // adds `undefined` per [slot] if no more
args.push(vals); // flags & co are last
let handler = cmd.handler;
return opts.lazy ? { args, name, handler } : handler.apply(null, args);
help(str) {
$.help(this.name, this.tree, str || DEF$1)
var lib$2 = str => new Sade(str);
var version = "2.3.0";
const prog = lib$2('svelte-cli').version(version);
.command('compile <input>')
.option('-o, --output', 'Output (if absent, prints to stdout)')
.option('-f, --format', 'Type of output (amd, cjs, es, iife, umd)')
.option('-g, --globals', 'Comma-separate list of `module ID:Global` pairs')
.option('-n, --name', 'Name for IIFE/UMD export (inferred from filename by default)')
.option('-m, --sourcemap', 'Generate sourcemap (`-m inline` for inline map)')
.option('-d, --dev', 'Add dev mode warnings and errors')
.option('--amdId', 'ID for AMD module (default is anonymous)')
.option('--generate', 'Change generate format between `dom` and `ssr`')
.option('--no-css', `Don't include CSS (useful with SSR)`)
.option('--immutable', 'Support immutable data structures')
.example('compile App.html > App.js')
.example('compile src -o dest')
.example('compile -f umd MyComponent.html > MyComponent.js')
.action(async (input, opts) => {
const { compile } = await Promise.resolve(require("./compile.js"));
compile(input, opts);

@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
"description": "The magical disappearing UI framework", "description": "The magical disappearing UI framework",
"main": "compiler/svelte.js", "main": "compiler/svelte.js",
"files": [ "files": [
"compiler", "compiler",
"ssr", "ssr",
"shared.js", "shared.js",
"store.js", "store.js",
"store.umd.js", "store.umd.js",
], ],
"scripts": { "scripts": {
