@ -454,14 +454,23 @@ To get all properties, use rest syntax:
let { a, b, c, ...everythingElse } = $props();
let { a, b, c, ...everythingElse } = $props();
If you're using TypeScript, you can use type arguments:
If you're using TypeScript, you can declare the prop types:
type MyProps = any;
type MyProps = any;
// ---cut---
// ---cut---
let { a, b, c, ...everythingElse } = $props<MyProps>();
let { a, b, c, ...everythingElse }: MyProps = $props();
> In an earlier preview, `$props()` took a type argument. This caused bugs, since in a case like this...
> ```ts
> // @errors: 2558
> let { x = 42 } = $props<{ x: string }>();
> ```
> ...TypeScript [widens the type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?#code/CYUwxgNghgTiAEAzArgOzAFwJYHtXwBIAHGHIgZwB4AVeAXnilQE8A+ACgEoAueagbgBQgiCAzwA3vAAe9eABYATPAC+c4qQqUp03uQwwsqAOaqOnIfCsB6a-AB6AfiA) of `x` to be `string | number`, instead of erroring.
Props cannot be mutated, unless the parent component uses `bind:`. During development, attempts to mutate props will result in an error.
Props cannot be mutated, unless the parent component uses `bind:`. During development, attempts to mutate props will result in an error.