> `%name%(...)` can only be used during component initialisation
> `%name%(...)` can only be used during component initialisation
## render_tag_invalid_argument
> The argument to `{@render ...}` must be a snippet function, not a component or a slot with a `let:` directive or some other kind of function. If you want to dynamically render one snippet or another, use `$derived` and pass its result to `{@render ...}`
## snippet_used_as_component
> A snippet must be rendered with `{@render ...}`
## store_invalid_shape
## store_invalid_shape
> `%name%` is not a store with a `subscribe` method
> `%name%` is not a store with a `subscribe` method
consterror=newError(`render_tag_invalid_argument\nThe argument to \`{@render ...}\` must be a snippet function, not a component or a slot with a \`let:\` directive or some other kind of function. If you want to dynamically render one snippet or another, use \`$derived\` and pass its result to \`{@render ...}\``);
error.name='Svelte error';
// TODO print a link to the documentation
*Asnippetmustberenderedwith`{@render ...}`
consterror=newError(`snippet_used_as_component\nA snippet must be rendered with \`{@render ...}\``);