@ -74,39 +74,45 @@ If no slotted content is provided, a component can define fallback content by pu
Slots can be rendered zero or more times and can pass values _back_ to the parent using props. The parent exposes the values to the slot template using the `let:` directive.
Slots can be rendered zero or more times and can pass values _back_ to the parent using props. The parent exposes the values to the slot template using the `let:` directive.
The usual shorthand rules apply — `let:item` is equivalent to `let:item={item}`, and `<slot {item}>` is equivalent to `<slot item={item}>`.
<!-- FancyList.svelte -->
<!--- file: FancyList.svelte --->
{#each items as item}
{#each items as data}
<!-- 'item' here... -->
<!-- App.svelte -->
<!--- file: App.svelte --->
<!-- ...corresponds to 'item' here: -->
The usual shorthand rules apply — `let:item` is equivalent to `let:item={item}`, and `<slot {item}>` is equivalent to `<slot item={item}>`.
Named slots can also expose values. The `let:` directive goes on the element with the `slot` attribute.
Named slots can also expose values. The `let:` directive goes on the element with the `slot` attribute.