'`createRoot` has been removed. Use `mount` or `hydrate` instead. See the updated docs for more info: https://svelte-5-preview.vercel.app/docs/breaking-changes#components-are-no-longer-classes'
@ -6,23 +6,71 @@ While Svelte 5 is a complete rewrite, we have done our best to ensure that most
## Components are no longer classes
## Components are no longer classes
In Svelte 3 and 4, components are classes. In Svelte 5 they are functions and should be instantiated differently. If you need to manually instantiate components, you should use `mount` or `createRoot` (imported from `svelte`) instead. If you see this error using SvelteKit, try updating to the latest version of SvelteKit first, which adds support for Svelte 5. If you're using Svelte without SvelteKit, you'll likely have a `main.js` file (or similar) which you need to adjust:
In Svelte 3 and 4, components are classes. In Svelte 5 they are functions and should be instantiated differently. If you need to manually instantiate components, you should use `mount` or `hydrate` (imported from `svelte`) instead. If you see this error using SvelteKit, try updating to the latest version of SvelteKit first, which adds support for Svelte 5. If you're using Svelte without SvelteKit, you'll likely have a `main.js` file (or similar) which you need to adjust:
+ import { createRoot } from 'svelte';
+ import { mount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte'
import App from './App.svelte'
- const app = new App({ target: document.getElementById("app") });
- const app = new App({ target: document.getElementById("app") });
`createRoot` returns an object with a `$set` and `$destroy` method on it. It does not come with an `$on` method you may know from the class component API. Instead, pass them via the `events` property on the options argument. If you don't need to interact with the component instance after creating it, you can use `mount` instead, which saves some bytes.
`mount` and `hydrate` have the exact same API. The difference is that `hydrate` will pick up the Svelte's server-rendered HTML inside its target and hydrate it. Both return an object with the exports of the component and potentially property accessors (if compiled with `accesors: true`). They do not come with the `$on`, `$set` and `$destroy` methods you may know from the class component API. These are its replacements:
For `$on`, instead of listening to events, pass them via the `events` property on the options argument.
+ import { mount } from 'svelte';
import App from './App.svelte'
- const app = new App({ target: document.getElementById("app") });
> Note that using `events` is discouraged — instead, [use callbacks](https://svelte-5-preview.vercel.app/docs/event-handlers)
> Note that using `events` is discouraged — instead, [use callbacks](https://svelte-5-preview.vercel.app/docs/event-handlers)
As a stop-gap-solution, you can also use `createClassComponent` or `asClassComponent` (imported from `svelte/legacy`) instead to keep the same API after instantiating. If this component is not under your control, you can use the `legacy.componentApi` compiler option for auto-applied backwards compatibility (note that this adds a bit of overhead to each component).
For `$set`, use `$state` instead to create a reactive property object and manipulate it. If you're doing this inside a `.js` or `.ts` file, adjust the ending to include `.svelte`, i.e. `.svelte.js` or `.svelte.ts`.
As a stop-gap-solution, you can also use `createClassComponent` or `asClassComponent` (imported from `svelte/legacy`) instead to keep the same API known from Svelte 4 after instantiating.
+ import { createClassComponent } from 'svelte/legacy';
import App from './App.svelte'
- const app = new App({ target: document.getElementById("app") });
If this component is not under your control, you can use the `legacy.componentApi` compiler option for auto-applied backwards compatibility (note that this adds a bit of overhead to each component).