mirror of https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte
Merge pull request #456 from sveltejs/gh-433-b
Avoid binding event handler callbacks, version 2pull/457/head
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
export default function visitAttribute ( generator, block, state, node, attribute, local ) {
if ( attribute.value === true ) {
// attributes without values, e.g. <textarea readonly>
name: attribute.name,
value: true
else if ( attribute.value.length === 0 ) {
name: attribute.name,
value: `''`
else if ( attribute.value.length === 1 ) {
const value = attribute.value[0];
if ( value.type === 'Text' ) {
// static attributes
const result = isNaN( value.data ) ? JSON.stringify( value.data ) : value.data;
name: attribute.name,
value: result
else {
// simple dynamic attributes
const { dependencies, string } = generator.contextualise( block, value.expression );
// TODO only update attributes that have changed
name: attribute.name,
value: string,
else {
// complex dynamic attributes
const allDependencies = [];
const value = ( attribute.value[0].type === 'Text' ? '' : `"" + ` ) + (
attribute.value.map( chunk => {
if ( chunk.type === 'Text' ) {
return JSON.stringify( chunk.data );
} else {
const { dependencies, string } = generator.contextualise( block, chunk.expression );
dependencies.forEach( dependency => {
if ( !~allDependencies.indexOf( dependency ) ) allDependencies.push( dependency );
return `( ${string} )`;
}).join( ' + ' )
name: attribute.name,
dependencies: allDependencies
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import deindent from '../../../../utils/deindent.js';
export default function visitEventHandler ( generator, block, state, node, attribute, local ) {
// TODO verify that it's a valid callee (i.e. built-in or declared method)
generator.addSourcemapLocations( attribute.expression );
generator.code.prependRight( attribute.expression.start, `${block.component}.` );
const usedContexts = [];
attribute.expression.arguments.forEach( arg => {
const { contexts } = generator.contextualise( block, arg, null, true );
contexts.forEach( context => {
if ( !~usedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) usedContexts.push( context );
if ( !~local.allUsedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) local.allUsedContexts.push( context );
// TODO hoist event handlers? can do `this.__component.method(...)`
const declarations = usedContexts.map( name => {
if ( name === 'root' ) return 'var root = this._context.root;';
const listName = block.listNames.get( name );
const indexName = block.indexNames.get( name );
return `var ${listName} = this._context.${listName}, ${indexName} = this._context.${indexName}, ${name} = ${listName}[${indexName}]`;
const handlerBody = ( declarations.length ? declarations.join( '\n' ) + '\n\n' : '' ) + `[✂${attribute.expression.start}-${attribute.expression.end}✂];`;
local.create.addBlock( deindent`
${local.name}.on( '${attribute.name}', function ( event ) {
` );
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import deindent from '../../../../utils/deindent.js';
export default function visitRef ( generator, block, state, node, attribute, local ) {
generator.usesRefs = true;
`${block.component}.refs.${attribute.name} = ${local.name};`
block.builders.destroy.addLine( deindent`
if ( ${block.component}.refs.${attribute.name} === ${local.name} ) ${block.component}.refs.${attribute.name} = null;
` );
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import deindent from '../../../../utils/deindent.js';
import CodeBuilder from '../../../../utils/CodeBuilder.js';
import flattenReference from '../../../../utils/flattenReference.js';
export default function visitEventHandler ( generator, block, state, node, attribute ) {
const name = attribute.name;
const isCustomEvent = generator.events.has( name );
const shouldHoist = !isCustomEvent && state.inEachBlock;
generator.addSourcemapLocations( attribute.expression );
const flattened = flattenReference( attribute.expression.callee );
if ( flattened.name !== 'event' && flattened.name !== 'this' ) {
// allow event.stopPropagation(), this.select() etc
// TODO verify that it's a valid callee (i.e. built-in or declared method)
generator.code.prependRight( attribute.expression.start, `${block.component}.` );
if ( shouldHoist ) state.usesComponent = true; // this feels a bit hacky but it works!
const context = shouldHoist ? null : state.parentNode;
const usedContexts = [];
attribute.expression.arguments.forEach( arg => {
const { contexts } = block.contextualise( arg, context, true );
contexts.forEach( context => {
if ( !~usedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) usedContexts.push( context );
if ( !~state.allUsedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) state.allUsedContexts.push( context );
const _this = context || 'this';
const declarations = usedContexts.map( name => {
if ( name === 'root' ) {
if ( shouldHoist ) state.usesComponent = true;
return 'var root = component.get();';
const listName = block.listNames.get( name );
const indexName = block.indexNames.get( name );
return `var ${listName} = ${_this}._svelte.${listName}, ${indexName} = ${_this}._svelte.${indexName}, ${name} = ${listName}[${indexName}];`;
// get a name for the event handler that is globally unique
// if hoisted, locally unique otherwise
const handlerName = shouldHoist ?
generator.alias( `${name}_handler` ) :
block.getUniqueName( `${name}_handler` );
// create the handler body
const handlerBody = new CodeBuilder();
if ( state.usesComponent ) {
// TODO the element needs to know to create `thing._svelte = { component: component }`
handlerBody.addLine( `var component = this._svelte.component;` );
declarations.forEach( declaration => {
handlerBody.addLine( declaration );
handlerBody.addLine( `[✂${attribute.expression.start}-${attribute.expression.end}✂];` );
const handler = isCustomEvent ?
var ${handlerName} = ${generator.alias( 'template' )}.events.${name}.call( ${block.component}, ${state.parentNode}, function ( event ) {
` :
function ${handlerName} ( event ) {
if ( shouldHoist ) {
render: () => handler
} else {
block.builders.create.addBlock( handler );
if ( isCustomEvent ) {
block.builders.destroy.addLine( deindent`
` );
} else {
block.builders.create.addLine( deindent`
${generator.helper( 'addEventListener' )}( ${state.parentNode}, '${name}', ${handlerName} );
` );
block.builders.destroy.addLine( deindent`
${generator.helper( 'removeEventListener' )}( ${state.parentNode}, '${name}', ${handlerName} );
` );
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import deindent from '../../../../utils/deindent.js';
export default function visitRef ( generator, block, state, node, attribute ) {
const name = attribute.name;
`${block.component}.refs.${name} = ${state.parentNode};`
block.builders.destroy.addLine( deindent`
if ( ${block.component}.refs.${name} === ${state.parentNode} ) ${block.component}.refs.${name} = null;
` );
generator.usesRefs = true; // so this component.refs object is created
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import flattenReference from '../../../../utils/flattenReference.js';
import flattenReference from '../../../../../utils/flattenReference.js';
import deindent from '../../../../utils/deindent.js';
import deindent from '../../../../../utils/deindent.js';
const associatedEvents = {
const associatedEvents = {
innerWidth: 'resize',
innerWidth: 'resize',
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
import addComponentBinding from './addComponentBinding.js';
import deindent from '../../../../utils/deindent.js';
export default function addComponentAttributes ( generator, block, node, local ) {
local.staticAttributes = [];
local.dynamicAttributes = [];
local.bindings = [];
node.attributes.forEach( attribute => {
if ( attribute.type === 'Attribute' ) {
if ( attribute.value === true ) {
// attributes without values, e.g. <textarea readonly>
name: attribute.name,
value: true
else if ( attribute.value.length === 0 ) {
name: attribute.name,
value: `''`
else if ( attribute.value.length === 1 ) {
const value = attribute.value[0];
if ( value.type === 'Text' ) {
// static attributes
const result = isNaN( value.data ) ? JSON.stringify( value.data ) : value.data;
name: attribute.name,
value: result
else {
// simple dynamic attributes
const { dependencies, string } = generator.contextualise( block, value.expression );
// TODO only update attributes that have changed
name: attribute.name,
value: string,
else {
// complex dynamic attributes
const allDependencies = [];
const value = ( attribute.value[0].type === 'Text' ? '' : `"" + ` ) + (
attribute.value.map( chunk => {
if ( chunk.type === 'Text' ) {
return JSON.stringify( chunk.data );
} else {
const { dependencies, string } = generator.contextualise( block, chunk.expression );
dependencies.forEach( dependency => {
if ( !~allDependencies.indexOf( dependency ) ) allDependencies.push( dependency );
return `( ${string} )`;
}).join( ' + ' )
name: attribute.name,
dependencies: allDependencies
else if ( attribute.type === 'EventHandler' ) {
// TODO verify that it's a valid callee (i.e. built-in or declared method)
generator.addSourcemapLocations( attribute.expression );
generator.code.prependRight( attribute.expression.start, `${block.component}.` );
const usedContexts = [];
attribute.expression.arguments.forEach( arg => {
const { contexts } = generator.contextualise( block, arg, true );
contexts.forEach( context => {
if ( !~usedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) usedContexts.push( context );
if ( !~local.allUsedContexts.indexOf( context ) ) local.allUsedContexts.push( context );
// TODO hoist event handlers? can do `this.__component.method(...)`
const declarations = usedContexts.map( name => {
if ( name === 'root' ) return 'var root = this._context.root;';
const listName = block.listNames.get( name );
const indexName = block.indexNames.get( name );
return `var ${listName} = this._context.${listName}, ${indexName} = this._context.${indexName}, ${name} = ${listName}[${indexName}]`;
const handlerBody = ( declarations.length ? declarations.join( '\n' ) + '\n\n' : '' ) + `[✂${attribute.expression.start}-${attribute.expression.end}✂];`;
local.create.addBlock( deindent`
${local.name}.on( '${attribute.name}', function ( event ) {
` );
else if ( attribute.type === 'Binding' ) {
addComponentBinding( generator, node, attribute, block, local );
else if ( attribute.type === 'Ref' ) {
generator.usesRefs = true;
`${block.component}.refs.${attribute.name} = ${local.name};`
block.builders.destroy.addLine( deindent`
if ( ${block.component}.refs.${attribute.name} === ${local.name} ) ${block.component}.refs.${attribute.name} = null;
` );
else {
throw new Error( `Not implemented: ${attribute.type}` );
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import { appendNode, assign, createElement, createText, detachNode, dispatchObservers, insertNode, noop, proto } from "svelte/shared.js";
var template = (function () {
return {
methods: {
foo ( bar ) {
console.log( bar );
events: {
foo ( node, callback ) {
// code goes here
function create_main_fragment ( root, component ) {
var button = createElement( 'button' );
var foo_handler = template.events.foo.call( component, button, function ( event ) {
var root = component.get();
component.foo( root.bar );
appendNode( createText( "foo" ), button );
return {
mount: function ( target, anchor ) {
insertNode( button, target, anchor );
update: noop,
destroy: function ( detach ) {
if ( detach ) {
detachNode( button );
function SvelteComponent ( options ) {
options = options || {};
this._state = options.data || {};
this._observers = {
pre: Object.create( null ),
post: Object.create( null )
this._handlers = Object.create( null );
this._root = options._root;
this._yield = options._yield;
this._torndown = false;
this._fragment = create_main_fragment( this._state, this );
if ( options.target ) this._fragment.mount( options.target, null );
assign( SvelteComponent.prototype, template.methods, proto );
SvelteComponent.prototype._set = function _set ( newState ) {
var oldState = this._state;
this._state = assign( {}, oldState, newState );
dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.pre, newState, oldState );
if ( this._fragment ) this._fragment.update( newState, this._state );
dispatchObservers( this, this._observers.post, newState, oldState );
SvelteComponent.prototype.teardown = SvelteComponent.prototype.destroy = function destroy ( detach ) {
this.fire( 'destroy' );
this._fragment.destroy( detach !== false );
this._fragment = null;
this._state = {};
this._torndown = true;
export default SvelteComponent;
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<button on:foo='foo( bar )'>foo</button>
export default {
methods: {
foo ( bar ) {
console.log( bar );
events: {
foo ( node, callback ) {
// code goes here
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
export default {
html: `
<p>fromDom: </p>
<p>fromState: </p>
test ( assert, component, target, window ) {
const event = new window.MouseEvent( 'click' );
const buttons = target.querySelectorAll( 'button' );
buttons[1].dispatchEvent( event );
assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, `
<p>fromDom: bar</p>
<p>fromState: bar</p>
` );
assert.equal( component.get( 'fromDom' ), 'bar' );
assert.equal( component.get( 'fromState' ), 'bar' );
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
{{#each items as item}}
<button on:tap='set({ fromDom: this.textContent, fromState: item })'>{{item}}</button>
<p>fromDom: {{fromDom}}</p>
<p>fromState: {{fromState}}</p>
export default {
data: () => ({
x: 0,
y: 0,
fromDom: '',
fromState: '',
items: [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]
events: {
tap ( node, callback ) {
function clickHandler ( event ) {
node.addEventListener( 'click', clickHandler, false );
return {
teardown () {
node.addEventListener( 'click', clickHandler, false );
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
export default {
data: {
items: [
selected: 'foo'
html: `
<p>selected: foo</p>
test ( assert, component, target, window ) {
const buttons = target.querySelectorAll( 'button' );
const event = new window.MouseEvent( 'click' );
buttons[1].dispatchEvent( event );
assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, `
<p>selected: bar</p>
` );
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{{#each items as item}}
<button on:click='set({ selected: item })'>{{item}}</button>
<p>selected: {{selected}}</p>
@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
export default {
export default {
html: '<button>toggle</button>\n\n<!---->',
html: `
test ( assert, component, target, window ) {
test ( assert, component, target, window ) {
const button = target.querySelector( 'button' );
const button = target.querySelector( 'button' );
const event = new window.MouseEvent( 'click' );
const event = new window.MouseEvent( 'click' );
button.dispatchEvent( event );
button.dispatchEvent( event );
assert.equal( target.innerHTML, '<button>toggle</button>\n\n<p>hello!</p><!---->' );
assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, `
` );
button.dispatchEvent( event );
button.dispatchEvent( event );
assert.equal( target.innerHTML, '<button>toggle</button>\n\n<!---->' );
assert.htmlEqual( target.innerHTML, `
` );
Reference in new issue