@ -7,6 +7,48 @@ function cubic_out(t) {
return f * f * f + 1.0 ;
/ * *
* https : //svelte.dev/docs/svelte-easing
* @ param { number } t
* @ returns { number }
* /
export function cubic _in _out ( t ) {
return t < 0.5 ? 4.0 * t * t * t : 0.5 * Math . pow ( 2.0 * t - 2.0 , 3.0 ) + 1.0 ;
/ * * @ p a r a m { n u m b e r | s t r i n g } v a l u e
* @ returns { [ number , string ] }
* /
export function split _css _unit ( value ) {
const split = typeof value === 'string' && value . match ( /^\s*(-?[\d.]+)([^\s]*)\s*$/ ) ;
return split ? [ parseFloat ( split [ 1 ] ) , split [ 2 ] || 'px' ] : [ /** @type {number} */ ( value ) , 'px' ] ;
/ * *
* Animates a ` blur ` filter alongside an element ' s opacity .
* https : //svelte.dev/docs/svelte-transition#blur
* @ param { Element } node
* @ param { import ( './public' ) . BlurParams } [ params ]
* @ returns { import ( './public' ) . TransitionConfig }
* /
export function blur (
node ,
{ delay = 0 , duration = 400 , easing = cubic _in _out , amount = 5 , opacity = 0 } = { }
) {
const style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
const target _opacity = + style . opacity ;
const f = style . filter === 'none' ? '' : style . filter ;
const od = target _opacity * ( 1 - opacity ) ;
const [ value , unit ] = split _css _unit ( amount ) ;
return {
delay ,
duration ,
easing ,
css : ( _t , u ) => ` opacity: ${ target _opacity - od * u } ; filter: ${ f } blur( ${ u * value } ${ unit } ); `
} ;
/ * *
* Animates the opacity of an element from 0 to the current opacity for ` in ` transitions and from the current opacity to 0 for ` out ` transitions .
@ -25,6 +67,34 @@ export function fade(node, { delay = 0, duration = 400, easing = linear } = {})
} ;
/ * *
* Animates the x and y positions and the opacity of an element . ` in ` transitions animate from the provided values , passed as parameters to the element 's default values. `out` transitions animate from the element' s default values to the provided values .
* https : //svelte.dev/docs/svelte-transition#fly
* @ param { Element } node
* @ param { import ( './public' ) . FlyParams } [ params ]
* @ returns { import ( './public' ) . TransitionConfig }
* /
export function fly (
node ,
{ delay = 0 , duration = 400 , easing = cubic _out , x = 0 , y = 0 , opacity = 0 } = { }
) {
const style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
const target _opacity = + style . opacity ;
const transform = style . transform === 'none' ? '' : style . transform ;
const od = target _opacity * ( 1 - opacity ) ;
const [ xValue , xUnit ] = split _css _unit ( x ) ;
const [ yValue , yUnit ] = split _css _unit ( y ) ;
return {
delay ,
duration ,
easing ,
css : ( t , u ) => `
transform : $ { transform } translate ( $ { ( 1 - t ) * xValue } $ { xUnit } , $ { ( 1 - t ) * yValue } $ { yUnit } ) ;
opacity : $ { target _opacity - od * u } `
} ;
/ * *
* Slides an element in and out .
@ -69,6 +139,68 @@ export function slide(node, { delay = 0, duration = 400, easing = cubic_out, axi
} ;
/ * *
* Animates the opacity and scale of an element . ` in ` transitions animate from an element 's current (default) values to the provided values, passed as parameters. `out` transitions animate from the provided values to an element' s default values .
* https : //svelte.dev/docs/svelte-transition#scale
* @ param { Element } node
* @ param { import ( './public' ) . ScaleParams } [ params ]
* @ returns { import ( './public' ) . TransitionConfig }
* /
export function scale (
node ,
{ delay = 0 , duration = 400 , easing = cubic _out , start = 0 , opacity = 0 } = { }
) {
const style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
const target _opacity = + style . opacity ;
const transform = style . transform === 'none' ? '' : style . transform ;
const sd = 1 - start ;
const od = target _opacity * ( 1 - opacity ) ;
return {
delay ,
duration ,
easing ,
css : ( _t , u ) => `
transform : $ { transform } scale ( $ { 1 - sd * u } ) ;
opacity : $ { target _opacity - od * u }
} ;
/ * *
* Animates the stroke of an SVG element , like a snake in a tube . ` in ` transitions begin with the path invisible and draw the path to the screen over time . ` out ` transitions start in a visible state and gradually erase the path . ` draw ` only works with elements that have a ` getTotalLength ` method , like ` <path> ` and ` <polyline> ` .
* https : //svelte.dev/docs/svelte-transition#draw
* @ param { SVGElement & { getTotalLength ( ) : number } } node
* @ param { import ( './public' ) . DrawParams } [ params ]
* @ returns { import ( './public' ) . TransitionConfig }
* /
export function draw ( node , { delay = 0 , speed , duration , easing = cubic _in _out } = { } ) {
let len = node . getTotalLength ( ) ;
const style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
if ( style . strokeLinecap !== 'butt' ) {
len += parseInt ( style . strokeWidth ) ;
if ( duration === undefined ) {
if ( speed === undefined ) {
duration = 800 ;
} else {
duration = len / speed ;
} else if ( typeof duration === 'function' ) {
duration = duration ( len ) ;
return {
delay ,
duration ,
easing ,
css : ( _ , u ) => `
stroke - dasharray : $ { len } ;
stroke - dashoffset : $ { u * len } ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ template T
* @ template S