* Fix svelte.dev running locally instructions
After a clean clone, the `svelte` package needs to have its `/types`
directory generated for `pnpm dev` to work
* Update note about REPL
Firefox supports `import` in workers since version 114; confirmed that
the REPL works with `pnpm dev` in Firefox
A local database is only required in dev mode if you want to test reading and writing saved REPLs on it. Without a local database in dev mode, the REPL will be able to load saved REPLs from the production database, but not save them.
A local database is only required in dev mode if you want to test reading and writing saved REPLs on it. Without a local database in dev mode, the REPL will be able to load saved REPLs from the production database, but not save them.
Note also that in dev mode, the REPL will currently only work in Chrome, [as noted in the Vite documentation](https://vitejs.dev/guide/features.html#web-workers), pending support in Firefox for `import` statements in web workers.
Note also that in dev mode, the REPL requires support for [`import` statements in web workers](https://caniuse.com/mdn-javascript_operators_import_worker_support), [as noted in the Vite documentation](https://vitejs.dev/guide/features.html#web-workers). You may need to update your browser to the latest version.
If you do want to use a database, set it up on [Supabase](https://supabase.com) with the instructions [here](https://github.com/sveltejs/sites/tree/master/db) and set the corresponding environment variables.
If you do want to use a database, set it up on [Supabase](https://supabase.com) with the instructions [here](https://github.com/sveltejs/sites/tree/master/db) and set the corresponding environment variables.
Run the site sub-project:
Build the `svelte` package, then run the site sub-project: