@ -49,21 +49,20 @@ export default function visitElement ( generator, block, state, node ) {
block . builders . create . addLine ( ` ${ generator . helper ( 'setAttribute' ) } ( ${ name } , ' ${ generator . cssId } ', '' ); ` ) ;
let selectValueAttribute ;
function visitAttributes ( ) {
node . attributes
. sort ( ( a , b ) => order [ a . type ] - order [ b . type ] )
. forEach ( attribute => {
visitors [ attribute . type ] ( generator , block , childState , node , attribute ) ;
} ) ;
if ( node . name !== 'select' ) {
// <select> value attributes are an annoying special case — it must be handled
// *after* its children have been updated
if ( ( attribute . type === 'Attribute' || attribute . type === 'Binding' ) && attribute . name === 'value' && node . name === 'select' ) {
selectValueAttribute = attribute ;
return ;
visitAttributes ( ) ;
visitors [ attribute . type ] ( generator , block , childState , node , attribute ) ;
} ) ;
// special case – bound <option> without a value attribute
if ( node . name === 'option' && ! node . attributes . find ( attribute => attribute . type === 'Attribute' && attribute . name === 'value' ) ) { // TODO check it's bound
const statement = ` ${ name } .__value = ${ name } .textContent; ` ;
@ -109,9 +108,8 @@ export default function visitElement ( generator, block, state, node ) {
block . builders . update . addLine ( node . lateUpdate ) ;
if ( selectValueAttribute ) {
const visitor = selectValueAttribute . type === 'Attribute' ? visitAttribute : visitBinding ;
visitor ( generator , block , childState , node , selectValueAttribute ) ;
if ( node . name === 'select' ) {
visitAttributes ( ) ;
if ( node . initialUpdate ) {