The `script` and `style` functions receive the contents of `<script>` and `<style>` elements respectively. In addition to `filename`, they get an object of the element's attributes.
The `script` and `style` functions receive the contents of `<script>` and `<style>` elements respectively (`content`) as well as the entire component source text (`markup`). In addition to `filename`, they get an object of the element's attributes.
If a `dependencies` array is returned, it will be included in the result object. This is used by packages like [rollup-plugin-svelte]( to watch additional files for changes, in the case where your `<style>` tag has an `@import` (for example).
If a `dependencies` array is returned, it will be included in the result object. This is used by packages like [rollup-plugin-svelte]( to watch additional files for changes, in the case where your `<style>` tag has an `@import` (for example).