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function noop() {}
function assign(target) {
var k,
i = 1,
len = arguments.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
source = arguments[i];
for (k in source) target[k] = source[k];
return target;
function destroy(detach) {
this.destroy = noop;'destroy');
this.set = this.get = noop;
if (detach !== false) this._fragment.unmount();
7 years ago
this._fragment = this._state = null;
function differs(a, b) {
return a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function');
7 years ago
function dispatchObservers(component, group, changed, newState, oldState) {
for (var key in group) {
if (!changed[key]) continue;
var newValue = newState[key];
var oldValue = oldState[key];
7 years ago
var callbacks = group[key];
if (!callbacks) continue;
7 years ago
for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i += 1) {
var callback = callbacks[i];
if (callback.__calling) continue;
7 years ago
callback.__calling = true;, newValue, oldValue);
callback.__calling = false;
function get(key) {
return key ? this._state[key] : this._state;
function fire(eventName, data) {
var handlers =
eventName in this._handlers && this._handlers[eventName].slice();
if (!handlers) return;
for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i += 1) {
handlers[i].call(this, data);
function observe(key, callback, options) {
var group = options && options.defer
: this._observers.pre;
(group[key] || (group[key] = [])).push(callback);
if (!options || options.init !== false) {
callback.__calling = true;, this._state[key]);
callback.__calling = false;
return {
cancel: function() {
var index = group[key].indexOf(callback);
if (~index) group[key].splice(index, 1);
function on(eventName, handler) {
if (eventName === 'teardown') return this.on('destroy', handler);
var handlers = this._handlers[eventName] || (this._handlers[eventName] = []);
return {
cancel: function() {
var index = handlers.indexOf(handler);
if (~index) handlers.splice(index, 1);
function set(newState) {
this._set(assign({}, newState));
7 years ago
if (this._root._lock) return;
this._root._lock = true;
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
this._root._lock = false;
7 years ago
function _set(newState) {
var oldState = this._state,
changed = {},
dirty = false;
for (var key in newState) {
if (differs(newState[key], oldState[key])) changed[key] = dirty = true;
if (!dirty) return;
this._state = assign({}, oldState, newState);
this._recompute(changed, this._state, oldState, false);
7 years ago
if (this._bind) this._bind(changed, this._state);
7 years ago
dispatchObservers(this, this._observers.pre, changed, this._state, oldState);
this._fragment.update(changed, this._state);
dispatchObservers(this,, changed, this._state, oldState);
function callAll(fns) {
while (fns && fns.length) fns.pop()();
7 years ago
function _mount(target, anchor) {
this._fragment.mount(target, anchor);
function _unmount() {
var proto = {
destroy: destroy,
get: get,
fire: fire,
observe: observe,
on: on,
set: set,
7 years ago
teardown: destroy,
_recompute: noop,
7 years ago
_set: _set,
_mount: _mount,
_unmount: _unmount
var template = (function () {
return {
computed: {
a: x => x * 2,
b: x => x * 3
function create_main_fragment ( state, component ) {
return {
7 years ago
create: noop,
mount: noop,
7 years ago
update: noop,
7 years ago
unmount: noop,
destroy: noop
function SvelteComponent ( options ) {
this.options = options;
this._state = || {};
7 years ago
this._recompute( {}, this._state, {}, true );
this._observers = {
pre: Object.create( null ),
post: Object.create( null )
this._handlers = Object.create( null );
this._root = options._root || this;
this._yield = options._yield;
7 years ago
this._bind = options._bind;
this._fragment = create_main_fragment( this._state, this );
7 years ago
if ( ) {
7 years ago
this._fragment.mount(, options.anchor || null );
7 years ago
assign( SvelteComponent.prototype, proto );
7 years ago
SvelteComponent.prototype._recompute = function _recompute ( changed, state, oldState, isInitial ) {
if ( isInitial || changed.x ) {
7 years ago
if ( differs( ( state.a = template.computed.a( state.x ) ), oldState.a ) ) changed.a = true;
if ( differs( ( state.b = template.computed.b( state.x ) ), oldState.b ) ) changed.b = true;
export default SvelteComponent;