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Change Log
- Bugfix: optimize ratelimit actuator
- Optimize: add EncodeTransferMedataRestTemplateInterceptor to RestTemplate
- Feature: add rate limit filter debug log
- Add configurable heartbeat interval support
- feat:enhance Feign and RestTemplate and support Polaris monitor.
- Feature: support spring cloud config data.
- Optimize feign & rest-template circuit-breaker logic
- Feature: Add disposable metadata transfer support
- docs:update mvnw.
- docs:update configuration metadata.
- Feature: delete implement ServiceInstance
- test: add loadbalancer unit test
- Bugfix: update byte-buddy scope test to compile
- Fix the code analysis error.
- Fix typo & Code optimization
- BeanFactoryUtils returns all beans including beans defined in ancestor bean factories
- fix:add spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap dependency for example
- Feature: Add router actuate endpoint
- Optimize router label resolver spi
- Code optimization for rpc-enhancement module
- Feature: Optimized configuration update
- Feature: support pushGateway push metrics
- Feature: remove location metadata
- Feature: remove location metadata
- add feature-env plugin & add spring cloud gateway staining plugin
- feature:add @ConditionalOnConfigReflectEnabled annotation
- fix:set error handler named EnhancedRestTemplateReporter for RestTemplate
- Optimize: add switch for report call result and default false
- Optimize: shutdown server when connect to config server failed
- Report the labels in request when report the result of invocation by Feign
- fix:fix heartbeat interval different configuration from polaris-java SDK.
- Optimize: optimize report call result for restTemplate.
- feat:add spring-cloud-starter-tencent-all and quickstart examples.
- refactor:optimize project and code.
- Optimize:change default dynamic config refresh type to reflect.
- feat:optimize examples.
- fix:fix NullPointerException error when using RestTemplate with no label.