## A Multi-Feature Environment Example
English | [简体中文](./README-zh.md)
## I. Deployment Structure
<img src="./imgs/structs.png" alt="multi-feature environment structure"/>
As shown in the figure above, there are three environments.
1. `baseline` environment, including `FrontService`, `MiddleService`, `BackendService`
2. `feature1` environment, including `MiddleService`, `BackendService`
3. `feature2` environment, including `FrontService`, `BackendService`
And at the entrance, deploy the `gateway` service.
Three request links.
1. `baseline` environment link, `Gateway` -> `FrontService`(baseline) -> `MiddleService`(baseline) -> `BackendService`(baseline)
2. `feature1` environment link, `Gateway` -> `FrontService`(baseline) -> `MiddleService`(feature1) -> `BackendService`(feature1)
3. `feature2` environment link, `Gateway` -> `FrontService`(feature2) -> `MiddleService`(baseline) -> `BackendService`(feature2)
## II. Running
Without any code changes, just start all the applications under `base`, `feature1`, `feature2`, `featureenv-gateway` directly.
By default, the applications point to the official Polaris experience environment, and you can directly view the service registration data at the experience site after a successful launch.
- Console address:
- Account:polaris
- Password: polaris
## III. Testing
### Mode 1: Client Request With `featureenv` Label
#### `baseline` environment link
Response results (base indicates baseline environment)
featureenv-front-example[base] -> featureenv-middle-example[base] -> featureenv-backend-example[base]
#### `feature1` environment link
Specify the feature environment via the `X-Polaris-Metadata-Transitive-featureenv` request header.
curl -H'X-Polaris-Metadata-Transitive-featureenv:feature1'
Response results
featureenv-front-example[base] -> featureenv-middle-example[feature1] -> featureenv-backend-example[feature1]
#### `feature2` environment link
Specify the feature environment via the `X-Polaris-Metadata-Transitive-featureenv` request header.
curl -H'X-Polaris-Metadata-Transitive-featureenv:feature2'
Response results
featureenv-front-example[feature2] -> featureenv-middle-example[base] -> featureenv-backend-example[feature2]
### Mode 2: Gateway traffic staining
Simulate a real-world scenario, assuming that the client request has a uid request parameter and expects:
1. `uid=1000` requests hit the `feature1` environment
2. `uid=2000` requests hit the `feature2` environment
3. requests with other uid hit the `baseline` environment
**Configure coloring rules**
Polaris Configuration Address:
Modify the `rule/staining.json` configuration file and fill in the following rule:
Just fill out and publish the configuration.
#### `baseline` Environment Link
Response results (base indicates baseline environment)
featureenv-front-example[base] -> featureenv-middle-example[base] -> featureenv-backend-example[base]
#### `feature1` Environment Link
Specify the feature environment via the `X-Polaris-Metadata-Transitive-featureenv` request header.
Response results
featureenv-front-example[base] -> featureenv-middle-example[feature1] -> featureenv-backend-example[feature1]
#### `feature2` Environment Link
Specify the feature environment via the `X-Polaris-Metadata-Transitive-featureenv` request header.
Response results
featureenv-front-example[feature2] -> featureenv-middle-example[base] -> featureenv-backend-example[feature2]