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Change Log
- Upgrade: fix third-party lib CVEs & upgrade core spring libs version
- feat:support reading configuration from application.yml or application.properties.
- fix:fix ClassNotFoundException while not importing openfeign when using circuit-breaker module.
- fix:solve ratelimit-callee-service UnknownHostException.
- Feature: Add config change listener feature support
- Feature: Add config module unit test
- Feature:add restTemplate Report Polaris
- Update GitHub Actions workflow
- fix: use non-blocking call instead of blocking call
- solve the chaos code problem on rejectTips in 2021.0
- Fix config file format misspell
- Feature: Add instance metadata spi for registration
- Improve: Improve code style & Upgrade spring boot version with 2.6.9
- Feature: add spring cloud tencent logo
- UT: add metadata-transfer unit test
- feat:Add GitHub action of codecov.yml and update junit of metadata.
- Feature: optimize static metadata manager
- fix: shutdown thread pool before the container closes
- rm code: Condition 'null != interceptors' is always 'true'
- docs:update logo in README.
- Use jdk constants instead of magic variables
- Refator JacksonUtils and JacksonUtilsTest
- Feature: support actuator for sct core components
- docs: Fix javadoc <br /> error
- docs:optimize example
- Feature: support spring cloud gateway routers
- Optimize starter's auto-configuration
- test: add PostInitPolarisSDKContextTest
- refactor:optimize project and code