# MappingRegistry
- Author: [HuiFer](https://github.com/huifer)
- 源码阅读仓库: [SourceHot-spring](https://github.com/SourceHot/spring-framework-read)
- 源码路径: `org.springframework.jms.annotation.EnableJms`
- 类全路径
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.MappingRegistry`
- 基本属性
class MappingRegistry {
* key:mapping
* value: mapping registration
private final Map<T, MappingRegistration<T>> registry = new HashMap<>();
* key: mapping
* value: handlerMethod
private final Map<T, HandlerMethod> mappingLookup = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* key: url
* value: list mapping
private final MultiValueMap<String, T> urlLookup = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
* key: name
* value: handler method
private final Map<String, List<HandlerMethod>> nameLookup = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* key:handler method
* value: 跨域配置
private final Map<HandlerMethod, CorsConfiguration> corsLookup = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* 读写锁
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
- 写一个简单的controller 来进行解析
public class DemoController {
public Object go() {
return "fff";
- 前置链路追踪
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping#registerHandlerMethod`
protected void registerHandlerMethod(Object handler, Method method, RequestMappingInfo mapping) {
super.registerHandlerMethod(handler, method, mapping);
this.updateConsumesCondition(mapping, method);
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping#registerHandlerMethod`
protected void registerHandlerMethod(Object handler, Method method, T mapping) {
this.mappingRegistry.register(mapping, handler, method);
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.MappingRegistry#register`

## createHandlerMethod
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping#createHandlerMethod`
protected HandlerMethod createHandlerMethod(Object handler, Method method) {
// 是否是字符串
if (handler instanceof String) {
// 创建对象
return new HandlerMethod((String) handler,
obtainApplicationContext().getAutowireCapableBeanFactory(), method);
return new HandlerMethod(handler, method);
- HandlerMethod 构造函数
public HandlerMethod(String beanName, BeanFactory beanFactory, Method method){}
public HandlerMethod(Object bean, Method method) {}
## HandlerMethod
- 成员变量
public class HandlerMethod {
/** Logger that is available to subclasses. */
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
* beanName 或者 bean 实例
private final Object bean;
* 上下文
private final BeanFactory beanFactory;
* bean 类型
private final Class<?> beanType;
* 处理方法
private final Method method;
private final Method bridgedMethod;
* 方法参数
private final MethodParameter[] parameters;
## validateMethodMapping
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.MappingRegistry#validateMethodMapping`
HandlerMethod 进行验证
private void validateMethodMapping(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, T mapping) {
// Assert that the supplied mapping is unique.
// 从缓存中获取
HandlerMethod existingHandlerMethod = this.mappingLookup.get(mapping);
// 是否为空 , 是否相同
if (existingHandlerMethod != null && !existingHandlerMethod.equals(handlerMethod)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Ambiguous mapping. Cannot map '" + handlerMethod.getBean() + "' method \n" +
handlerMethod + "\nto " + mapping + ": There is already '" +
existingHandlerMethod.getBean() + "' bean method\n" + existingHandlerMethod + " mapped.");
## getDirectUrls
- 找到 mapping 匹配的 url
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.MappingRegistry#getDirectUrls`
private List<String> getDirectUrls(T mapping) {
List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>(1);
// mapping.getPatternsCondition().getPatterns()
for (String path : getMappingPathPatterns(mapping)) {
// 是否匹配
if (!getPathMatcher().isPattern(path)) {
return urls;
## handlerMethod 和 name 绑定
String name = null;
if (getNamingStrategy() != null) {
// 获取名字
// 类名#方法名
name = getNamingStrategy().getName(handlerMethod, mapping);
// 设置 handlerMethod + name 的关系
addMappingName(name, handlerMethod);
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.RequestMappingInfoHandlerMethodMappingNamingStrategy#getName`
public String getName(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, RequestMappingInfo mapping) {
if (mapping.getName() != null) {
return mapping.getName();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// 短类名
String simpleTypeName = handlerMethod.getBeanType().getSimpleName();
for (int i = 0; i < simpleTypeName.length(); i++) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(simpleTypeName.charAt(i))) {
// 组装名称
// 类名+#+方法名称
return sb.toString();
## initCorsConfiguration
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping#initCorsConfiguration`
protected CorsConfiguration initCorsConfiguration(Object handler, Method method, RequestMappingInfo mappingInfo) {
// 创建 handlerMethod
HandlerMethod handlerMethod = createHandlerMethod(handler, method);
// 获取 beanType
Class<?> beanType = handlerMethod.getBeanType();
// 获取跨域注解 CrossOrigin
CrossOrigin typeAnnotation = AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(beanType, CrossOrigin.class);
CrossOrigin methodAnnotation = AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(method, CrossOrigin.class);
if (typeAnnotation == null && methodAnnotation == null) {
return null;
// 跨域信息配置
CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration();
// 更新跨域配置
updateCorsConfig(config, typeAnnotation);
updateCorsConfig(config, methodAnnotation);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(config.getAllowedMethods())) {
// 跨域配置赋给方法
for (RequestMethod allowedMethod : mappingInfo.getMethodsCondition().getMethods()) {
// 应用跨域
return config.applyPermitDefaultValues();
## unregister
- `org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMethodMapping.MappingRegistry#unregister`
移除 mapping 信息
- 执行 map , list 相关的移除方法.
public void unregister(T mapping) {
try {
MappingRegistration<T> definition = this.registry.remove(mapping);
if (definition == null) {
for (String url : definition.getDirectUrls()) {
List<T> list = this.urlLookup.get(url);
if (list != null) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
finally {
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