@ -19797,6 +19797,558 @@ class CodeSegments {
] ) ;
static TextSpan pickerDemo ( BuildContext context ) {
final CodeStyle codeStyle = CodeStyle . of ( context ) ;
return TextSpan ( children: [
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . commentStyle ,
text: ' // Copyright 2019 The Flutter team. All rights reserved. ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . commentStyle ,
' // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . commentStyle , text: ' // found in the LICENSE file. ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' import ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . stringStyle , text: ' \u0027 dart:async \u0027 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' import ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . stringStyle ,
text: ' \u0027 package:flutter/material.dart \u0027 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' import ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . stringStyle ,
text: ' \u0027 package:gallery/l10n/gallery_localizations.dart \u0027 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' import ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . stringStyle ,
text: ' \u0027 package:intl/intl.dart \u0027 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' enum ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a date ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a time ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' class ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemo ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' extends ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' StatefulWidget ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' const ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemo ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ({ ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Key ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' key ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' this ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' type ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' }) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' super ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' key ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' key ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' final ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' type ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' @override ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' _PickerDemoState ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' createState ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' () ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' => ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' _PickerDemoState ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' class ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' _PickerDemoState ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' extends ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' State ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' < ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemo ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' > ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' DateTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' = ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' DateTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' now ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' TimeOfDay ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' = ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' TimeOfDay ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' fromDateTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' DateTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' now ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ()); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' String ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' get ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _title ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' switch ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' widget ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' type ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' case ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' date ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' GalleryLocalizations ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' of ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ). ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' demoDatePickerTitle ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' case ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' time ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' GalleryLocalizations ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' of ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ). ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' demoTimePickerTitle ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . stringStyle , text: ' \u0027 \u0027 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' String ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' get ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _labelText ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' switch ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' widget ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' type ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' case ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' date ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' DateFormat ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' yMMMd ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (). ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' format ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' case ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' time ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' format ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . stringStyle , text: ' \u0027 \u0027 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Future ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' < ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' void ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' > ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _showDatePicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' () ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' async ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' final ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' = ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' await ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' showDatePicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a initialDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a firstDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' DateTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . numberStyle , text: ' 2015 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . numberStyle , text: ' 1 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a lastDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' DateTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . numberStyle , text: ' 2100 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' if ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' != ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' null ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' && ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' != ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a setState ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (() ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a _fromDate ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' = ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' }); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Future ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' < ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' void ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' > ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _showTimePicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' () ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' async ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' final ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' TimeOfDay ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' = ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' await ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' showTimePicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a initialTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' if ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' != ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' null ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' && ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' != ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _fromTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a setState ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (() ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a _fromTime ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' = ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' picked ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' }); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' @override ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Widget ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' build ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' BuildContext ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' return ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Scaffold ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a appBar ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' AppBar ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . baseStyle ,
text: ' \u000a automaticallyImplyLeading ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' false ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a title ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Text ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _title ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a body ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Center ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a child ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Column ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a mainAxisSize ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' MainAxisSize ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' min ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a children ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' [ ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Text ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' _labelText ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' SizedBox ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' height ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . numberStyle , text: ' 16 ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' RaisedButton ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a child ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' Text ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' GalleryLocalizations ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' of ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' context ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ). ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' demoPickersShowPicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' , ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a onPressed ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' () ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' switch ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ( ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' widget ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' type ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' { ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' case ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' date ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . baseStyle ,
text: ' \u000a _showDatePicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' break ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' case ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . classStyle , text: ' PickerDemoType ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' . ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' time ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' : ' ) ,
TextSpan (
style: codeStyle . baseStyle ,
text: ' \u000a _showTimePicker ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' (); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . keywordStyle , text: ' break ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ; ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' }, ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ) ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ], ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ), ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' ); ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . punctuationStyle , text: ' } ' ) ,
TextSpan ( style: codeStyle . baseStyle , text: ' \u000a \u000a ' ) ,
] ) ;
static TextSpan progressIndicatorsDemo ( BuildContext context ) {
final CodeStyle codeStyle = CodeStyle . of ( context ) ;
return TextSpan ( children: [