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64 lines
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import 'package:bloc_test/bloc_test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:pinball/game/game.dart';
void main() {
group('GameBloc', () {
test('initial state has 3 balls and empty score', () {
final gameBloc = GameBloc();
expect(gameBloc.state.score, equals(0));
expect(gameBloc.state.balls, equals(3));
group('LostBall', () {
blocTest<GameBloc, GameState>(
"doesn't decrease ball "
'when no balls left',
act: (bloc) {
for (var i = 0; i <= bloc.state.balls; i++) {
bloc.add(const BallLost());
expect: () => [
const GameState(score: 0, balls: 2),
const GameState(score: 0, balls: 1),
const GameState(score: 0, balls: 0),
group('Scored', () {
blocTest<GameBloc, GameState>(
'increases score '
'when game is not over',
act: (bloc) => bloc
..add(const Scored(points: 2))
..add(const Scored(points: 3)),
expect: () => [
const GameState(score: 2, balls: 3),
const GameState(score: 5, balls: 3),
blocTest<GameBloc, GameState>(
"doesn't increase score "
'when game is over',
act: (bloc) {
for (var i = 0; i < bloc.state.balls; i++) {
bloc.add(const BallLost());
bloc.add(const Scored(points: 2));
expect: () => [
const GameState(score: 0, balls: 2),
const GameState(score: 0, balls: 1),
const GameState(score: 0, balls: 0),