Merge pull request #289 from rocboss/t/v0.3.0

v0.3.0 prepare release code review request
pull/290/head v0.3.0-rc.1
ROC 1 year ago committed by GitHub
commit 021d840221
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ jobs:
name: Test
go-version: [ 1.18.x, 1.19.x ]
go-version: [ 1.20.x ]
platform: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-latest ]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ jobs:
name: TestOnWindows
go-version: [ 1.18.x, 1.19.x ]
go-version: [ 1.20.x ]
platform: [ windows-latest ]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "paopao-ce [debug]",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "exec",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/__debug_bin",
"preLaunchTask": "go: build (debug)",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let launch = require('./launch.json');
launch.configurations.sort((a, b) =>;
let fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFileSync('launch.json', JSON.stringify(launch, null, 4));

.vscode/tasks.json vendored

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "go: build (debug)",
"type": "shell",
"command": "go",
"args": [
"-gcflags=all=-N -l",
"'embed go_json'",
"options": {
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"

@ -1,8 +1,106 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to paopao-ce are documented in this file.
## 0.4.0+dev ([`dev`](
## 0.3.0+dev ([`dev`](
## 0.3.0
### Added
- add custom comment sort strategy support [#243](
- add `RedisCacheIndex` feature [#250](
- add `Sentry` feature [#258](
- add simple tweet share feature(just copy tweet link to clipboard now) support [#264](
- add default tweet max length configure in web/.env support. [&a1160ca]( 'commit a1160ca')
Set the value of `VITE_DEFAULT_TWEET_MAX_LENGTH` in file web/.env to change the tweet max default length.
- add custom whether provide user register configure in web/.env support. [#267](
Set the value of `VITE_ALLOW_USER_REGISTER` in file web/.env to custom whether provide user register feature.
# file: web/.env or web/.env.local
# 局部参数
and disallow user register in backend(add `Web:DisallowUserRegister` feature in `config.yaml`):
# file config.yaml
Default: ["Base", "Postgres", "Zinc", "LocalOSS", "LoggerZinc", "BigCacheIndex", "Friendship", "Service", "Web:DisallowUserRegister"]
- add topic follow feature support [#273](
mirgration database first(sql ddl file in `scripts/migration/**/*_topic_follow.up.sql`):
CREATE TABLE `p_topic_user` (
`alias_name` VARCHAR ( 255 ) COMMENT '别名',
`remark` VARCHAR ( 512 ) COMMENT '备注',
`quote_num` BIGINT UNSIGNED COMMENT '引用数',
`is_top` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否置顶 0 为未置顶、1 为已置顶',
`is_del` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '是否删除 0 为未删除、1 为已删除',
`reserve_a` VARCHAR ( 255 ) COMMENT '保留字段a',
`reserve_b` VARCHAR ( 255 ) COMMENT '保留字段b',
UNIQUE KEY `idx_topic_user_uid_tid` ( `topic_id`, `user_id` ) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '用户话题';
- add tweet comment thumbs up/down feature support [#275](
mirgration database first(sql ddl file in `scripts/migration/**/*_comment_thumbs.up.sql`):
- add load more comments feature support [&60b217b]( 'commit 60b217b')
### Fixed
- fixed sql ddl p_contact's column `is_delete` define error (change to `is_del`) in scripts/paopao-mysql.sql [&afd8fe1]( 'commit afd8fe1')
- fixed cache index not expire in delete/add tweet error [#266](
- fixed tweet's owner not allow star/collection action when tweet is private error [#274](
- fixed user not list owner's collectioned private tweet error [#274](
- fixed comments thumbs up/down state incorrect error [#283](
### Changed
- use []( as Redis client [#249](
the **Old** redis client configure field
Host: redis:6379
the **New** redis client configure field
- redis:6379
ConnWriteTimeout: 60 # 连接写超时时间 多少秒 默认 60秒
- optimize web frontend dark theme [&b082a8f]( 'commit b082a8f')
- change web frontend main content layout default size to 544px [&b082a8f]( 'commit b082a8f')
- optimize web frontend in mobile environment use Drawer to display menu [#265](
- optimize Dockerfile use pre-build builder/runner image to prevent network latency problem (`bitbus/paopao-ce-backend-builder` `bitbus/paopao-ce-backend-runner`) [#265](
- optimize web ui in mobile environment [#280](
- optimize upload zip attachment compatible with different browsers for uploading zip mimetype [#286](
- adapte meilisearch to version v1.1 [#288](
### Removed
- remove `Deprecated:OldWeb` feature [#256](
## 0.2.5
### Changed
- fixed sql ddl error for contact table [#281](
## 0.2.4
@ -10,6 +108,7 @@ All notable changes to paopao-ce are documented in this file.
- add PWA support for web frontend [#242](
## 0.2.3
### Added

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental
# build frontend
FROM node:19-alpine as frontend
@ -11,15 +13,11 @@ RUN [ $EMBED_UI != yes ] || [ $USE_DIST != no ] || (yarn && yarn build)
RUN [ $EMBED_UI = yes ] || mkdir dist || echo ""
# build backend
FROM golang:1.20-alpine AS backend
FROM bitbus/paopao-ce-backend-builder:latest AS backend
RUN apk --no-cache --no-progress add --virtual \
build-deps \
build-base \
WORKDIR /paopao-ce
COPY . .
@ -28,13 +26,12 @@ ENV GOPROXY=
RUN [ $EMBED_UI != yes ] || make build TAGS='embed go_json'
RUN [ $EMBED_UI = yes ] || make build TAGS='go_json'
FROM alpine:3.17
FROM bitbus/paopao-ce-backend-runner:latest
ENV TZ=Asia/Shanghai
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates
WORKDIR /app/paopao-ce
COPY --from=backend /paopao-ce/release/paopao-ce .

@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ TARGET = paopao-ce
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
TARGET_BIN = $(basename $(TARGET))
ifeq (n$(CGO_ENABLED),n)
RELEASE_ROOT = release
@ -16,15 +17,15 @@ RELEASE_DARWIN_AMD64 = $(RELEASE_ROOT)/darwin-amd64/$(TARGET)
BUILD_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags | cut -f 1 -d "-")
BUILD_VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --always | cut -f1 -f2 -d "-")
BUILD_DATE := $(shell date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
SHA_SHORT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
TAGS = ""
LDFLAGS = -X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/debug.version=${BUILD_VERSION}" \
-X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/debug.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" \
-X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/debug.commitID=${SHA_SHORT}" -w -s
LDFLAGS = -X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/version.version=${BUILD_VERSION}" \
-X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/version.buildDate=${BUILD_DATE}" \
-X "${MOD_NAME}/pkg/version.commitID=${SHA_SHORT}" -w -s
all: fmt build
@ -50,23 +51,23 @@ release: linux-amd64 darwin-amd64 darwin-arm64 windows-x64
.PHONY: linux-amd64
@echo Build paopao-ce [linux-amd64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED)
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_LINUX_AMD64)/$(TARGET)
@echo Build paopao-ce [linux-amd64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) TAGS="'$(TAGS)'"
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_LINUX_AMD64)/$(TARGET_BIN)
.PHONY: darwin-amd64
@echo Build paopao-ce [darwin-amd64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED)
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_DARWIN_AMD64)/$(TARGET)
@echo Build paopao-ce [darwin-amd64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) TAGS="'$(TAGS)'"
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_DARWIN_AMD64)/$(TARGET_BIN)
.PHONY: darwin-arm64
@echo Build paopao-ce [darwin-arm64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED)
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_DARWIN_ARM64)/$(TARGET)
@echo Build paopao-ce [darwin-arm64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) TAGS="'$(TAGS)'"
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_DARWIN_ARM64)/$(TARGET_BIN)
.PHONY: windows-x64
@echo Build paopao-ce [windows-x64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED)
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_WINDOWS_AMD64)/$(basename $(TARGET)).exe
@echo Build paopao-ce [windows-x64] CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) TAGS="'$(TAGS)'"
@CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -trimpath -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o $(RELEASE_WINDOWS_AMD64)/$(TARGET_BIN).exe
.PHONY: generate
generate: gen-mir gen-grpc
@ -109,9 +110,9 @@ pre-commit: fmt
.PHONY: install-protobuf-plugins
@go install
@go install
@go install
@go install
@go install
@go install
@go install
@go install

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建
### 环境要求
* Go (1.18+)
* Go (1.20+)
* Node.js (14+)
* MySQL (5.7+)
* Redis
@ -220,8 +220,10 @@ PaoPao主要由以下优秀的开源项目/工具构建
### 方式三. 使用 docker-compose 运行
git clone
docker compose up --build
# visit paopao-ce( and phpMyadmin(
cd paopao-ce && docker compose up -d
# visit http://localhost:8008 👀 paopao-ce
# visit http://localhost:8001 👀 RedisInsight
# visit http://localhost:8080 👀 phpMyAdmin
@ -342,7 +344,6 @@ release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,r
|`Docs` | 子服务 | WIP | 开启开发者文档服务|
|`Frontend:Web` | 子服务 | 稳定 | 开启独立前端服务|
|`Frontend:EmbedWeb` | 子服务 | 稳定 | 开启内嵌于后端Web API服务中的前端服务|
|`Deprecated:Web` | 子服务 | 稳定 | 开启旧的Web服务|
|`Gorm` | 数据库 | 稳定(默认) | 使用[gorm](作为数据库的ORM默认使用 `Gorm` + `MySQL`组合|
|`Sqlx`| 数据库 | WIP | 使用[sqlx](作为数据库的ORM|
|`Sqlc`| 数据库 | WIP | 使用[sqlc](自动生成ORM代码|
@ -360,9 +361,11 @@ release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,r
|`Redis` | 缓存 | 稳定 | Redis缓存功能 |
|`SimpleCacheIndex` | 缓存 | Deprecated | 提供简单的 广场推文列表 的缓存功能 |
|`BigCacheIndex` | 缓存 | 稳定(推荐) | 使用[BigCache](缓存 广场推文列表,缓存每个用户每一页,简单做到千人千面 |
|`RedisCacheIndex` | 缓存 | 内测(推荐) | 使用Redis缓存 广场推文列表,缓存每个用户每一页,简单做到千人千面 |
|`Zinc` | 搜索 | 稳定(推荐) | 基于[Zinc](搜索引擎提供推文搜索服务 |
|`Meili` | 搜索 | 稳定(推荐) | 基于[Meilisearch](搜索引擎提供推文搜索服务 |
|`Bleve` | 搜索 | WIP | 基于[Bleve](搜索引擎提供推文搜索服务 |
|[`Sentry`](docs/proposal/23040412-关于使用sentry用于错误追踪与性能检测的设计.md) | 监控 | 内测 | 使用Sentry进行错误跟踪与性能监控 |
|`LoggerFile` | 日志 | 稳定 | 使用文件写日志 |
|`LoggerZinc` | 日志 | 稳定(推荐) | 使用[Zinc](写日志 |
|`LoggerMeili` | 日志 | 内测 | 使用[Meilisearch](写日志 |
@ -374,6 +377,7 @@ release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,r
|`Docs:OpenAPI` | 开发文档 | 稳定 | 开启openapi文档功能提供web api文档说明(visit |
|[`Pyroscope`](docs/proposal/016-关于使用pyroscope用于性能调试的设计.md)| 性能优化 | 内测 | 开启Pyroscope功能用于性能调试 |
|`PhoneBind` | 其他 | 稳定 | 手机绑定功能 |
|`Web:DisallowUserRegister` | 功能特性 | 稳定 | 不允许用户注册 |
> 功能项状态详情参考 [features-status](
@ -431,19 +435,10 @@ docker run -d --name meili -v ${PWD}/data/meili/data:/meili_data -p 7700:7700 -e
# 使用docker compose运行需要删除docker-compose.yaml中关于meili的注释
docker compose up -d meili
# 使用docker运行meilisearch的ui管理前端
docker run -d --name uirecord -p 7701:3000 bitriory/uirecord
# visit http://localhost:7701
# 使用docker compose运行meilisearch的ui管理前端需要删除docker-compose.yaml中关于uirecord的注释
docker compose up -d uirecord
# visit http://loclahost:7701
# 查看meili运行状态
docker compose ps
paopao-ce-meili-1 "tini -- /bin/sh -c …" meili running>7700/tcp
paopao-ce-uirecord-1 "docker-entrypoint.s…" uirecord running>3000/tcp
* 修改Meili配置
@ -542,8 +537,9 @@ x/sqlx
| 名称 | 说明 | 备注|
| ----- | ----- | ----- |
| [`main`]( | 主分支 |分支`main`是主分支也是paopao-ce的稳定版本发布分支只有经过内部测试没有重大bug出现的稳定代码才会推进到这个分支该分支主要由`beta`分支代码演进而来,原则上**只接受bug修复PR**。`rc版本/稳定版本` 发布都应该在`main`主分支中进行。|
| [`beta`]( | 公测分支 |分支`beta`是公测分支,代码推进到`main`主分支的候选分支;该分支主要由`dev`分支代码演进而来,**接受bug修复以及新功能优化的PR**原则上不接受新功能PR。`alpha/beta版本` 发布都应该在`beta`公测分支下进行。|
| [`dev`]( | 开发分支 | 分支`dev`是开发分支,**不定期频繁更新**,接受 *新功能PR、代码优化PR、bug修复PR***新功能PR** 都应该首先提交给`dev`分支进行合并bug修复/代码优化 后 **冻结新功能** 将代码演进合并到`beta`分支。|
| [`beta`]( | 公测分支 |分支`beta`是公测分支,代码推进到`main`主分支的候选分支;该分支主要由`alpha`分支代码演进而来,**接受bug修复以及新功能优化的PR**原则上不接受新功能PR。`beta版本` 发布都应该在`beta`公测分支下进行。|
| [`alpha`]( | 内测分支 |分支`alpha`是内测分支,代码推进到`beta`分支的候选分支;该分支主要由`dev`分支代码演进而来,**接受bug修复以及新功能相关的PR**接受新功能PR。分支代码演进到一个里程碑式的阶段后**冻结所有新功能**,合并代码到`beta`公测分支进行下一阶段的持续演进。`alpha版本` 发布都应该在`alpha`内测分支下进行。|
| [`dev`]( | 开发分支 | 分支`dev`是开发分支,**不定期频繁更新**,接受 *新功能PR、代码优化PR、bug修复PR***新功能PR** 都应该首先提交给`dev`分支进行合并bug修复/新功能开发/代码优化 **阶段性冻结** 后将代码演进合并到`alpha`分支。|
| `feature/*` | 子功能分支 |`feature/*`是新功能子分支,一般新功能子分支都是 *从`dev`开发分支fork出来的*;子功能分支 **只专注于该新功能** 代码的开发/优化,待开发接近内测阶段 *提交新功能PR给`dev`分支进行review/merge*,待新功能代码演进到`beta`分支后,原则上是可以删除该分支,但也可以保留到稳定版本发布。**该分支专注于新功能的开发只接受新功能的bug修复/优化PR**。|
| `jc/*` |维护者的开发分支|`jc/*`是代码库维护者的开发分支一般包含一些局部优化或者bug修复代码有时可以直接将代码merge到`dev/beta`分支原则上不允许直接merge代码到`main`主分支。|
| `x/*` |实验分支|`x/*`是技术实验分支某些技术的引入需要经过具体的代码实现与真实场景的测评考量评估后如果某项技术适合引入到paopao-ce就fork出一个`feature/*`分支作为新功能引入到paopao-ce。一般一些比较激进的技术从`dev`分支fork出一个新的`x/*`分支各种尝试、考量、评估后或丢弃、或引入到paopao-ce。|
@ -554,8 +550,10 @@ x/sqlx
| 名称 | 说明 | 维护者 | 备注 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
|[`paopao-ce`](|paopao-ce 主发行版本|[ROC]( 'ROC')|该分支 [数据逻辑层]( 使用[gorm](作为数据逻辑层的ORM框架适配MySQL/PostgreSQL/Sqlite3数据库。|
|[`r/paopao-ce`](|paopao-ce 主分支预览版本|[ROC]( 'ROC')<br/>[北野]( 'Michael Li')|该分支 [数据逻辑层]( 使用[gorm](作为数据逻辑层的ORM框架适配MySQL/PostgreSQL/Sqlite3数据库。代码较`main`分支新,是主发行版本的前瞻预览版本。|
|[`r/paopao-ce-plus`](|paopao-ce-plus 发行版本|[北野]( 'Michael Li')|该分支 [数据逻辑层]( 使用[sqlx](作为数据逻辑层的ORM框架专注于为MySQL/PostgreSQL/Sqlite3使用更优化的查询语句以提升数据检索效率。建议熟悉[sqlx](的开发人员可以基于此版本来做 二次开发。|
|[`r/paopao-ce-pro`](|paopao-ce-pro 发行版本|[北野]( 'Michael Li')|该分支 [数据逻辑层]( 使用[sqlc](作为sql语句生成器自动生成ORM代码专门针对特定数据库MySQL/PostgreSQL进行查询优化熟悉[sqlc](的开发人员可以基于此版本来做 二次开发。(另:分支目前只使用[pgx-v5](适配了PostgreSQL数据库后续或许会适配MySQL/TiDB数据库。)|
|[`r/paopao-ce-xtra`](|paopao-ce-xtra 发行版本|[北野]( 'Michael Li')|该分支 是r/paopao-ce、r/paopao-ce-plus、r/paopao-ce-pro的合集|

@ -2,19 +2,26 @@
[paopao-ce]([paopao-ce-plus]([paopao-ce-pro]( features develop or optimize and bug fix roadmap.
## paopao-ce roadmap
#### v0.3.0
#### dev+
* [ ] add `Followship` feature
* [ ] add `Auth:Bcrypt` feature
* [ ] add `Auth:MD5` feature (just for compatible)
* [ ] add extend base ORM code for implement data logic base sqlx/sqlc
* [x] add extend base ORM code for implement data logic base sqlx/sqlc
* [ ] optimize media tweet submit logic
* [ ] optimize search logic service
* [ ] remove `Deprecated:OldWeb` feature
#### v0.3.0
* [x] remove `Deprecated:OldWeb` feature
* [x] add user topic follow feature support
* [x] add tweet link share support
* [ ] add comment thumbsUp/thumbsDown support
* [x] add `RedisCacheIndex` feature
* [x] add `Sentry` feature
#### v0.2.0
* [x] add `Friendship` feature
* [x] add `Lightship` feature
* [ ] add extend base ORM code for implement data logic base sqlx/sqlc
* [x] add `Pyroscope` feature
* [x] add new `Web` service
* [x] add `Frontend:Web` feature
@ -38,11 +45,14 @@
* [ ] add reactions support
* [ ] add tweet thread like twitter support
* [ ] add short link support
* [ ] optimize current message push logic service use `ims` module
* [ ] optimize topics service
* [ ] optimize current message push logic service use `ims` module
* [ ] optimize backend data logic service(optimize database CRUD operate)
## paopao-ce-plus roadmap
#### paopao-ce-plus/v0.4.0
* [ ] adapt for paopao-ce v0.4.0
#### paopao-ce-plus/v0.3.0
* [ ] adapt for paopao-ce v0.3.0
@ -50,6 +60,9 @@
* [ ] adapt for paopao-ce v0.2.0
## paopao-ce-pro roadmap
#### paopao-ce-pro/v0.4.0
* [ ] adapt for paopao-ce v0.4.0
#### paopao-ce-pro/v0.3.0
* [ ] adapt for paopao-ce v0.3.0

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ type Loose interface {
// Chain provide handlers chain for gin
Chain() gin.HandlersChain
TweetComments(*web.TweetCommentsReq) (*web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error)
TopicList(*web.TopicListReq) (*web.TopicListResp, mir.Error)
GetUserProfile(*web.GetUserProfileReq) (*web.GetUserProfileResp, mir.Error)
GetUserTweets(*web.GetUserTweetsReq) (*web.GetUserTweetsResp, mir.Error)
Timeline(*web.TimelineReq) (*web.TimelineResp, mir.Error)
@ -24,6 +26,8 @@ type Loose interface {
type LooseBinding interface {
BindTweetComments(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentsReq, mir.Error)
BindTopicList(*gin.Context) (*web.TopicListReq, mir.Error)
BindGetUserProfile(*gin.Context) (*web.GetUserProfileReq, mir.Error)
BindGetUserTweets(*gin.Context) (*web.GetUserTweetsReq, mir.Error)
BindTimeline(*gin.Context) (*web.TimelineReq, mir.Error)
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@ type LooseBinding interface {
type LooseRender interface {
RenderTweetComments(*gin.Context, *web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error)
RenderTopicList(*gin.Context, *web.TopicListResp, mir.Error)
RenderGetUserProfile(*gin.Context, *web.GetUserProfileResp, mir.Error)
RenderGetUserTweets(*gin.Context, *web.GetUserTweetsResp, mir.Error)
RenderTimeline(*gin.Context, *web.TimelineResp, mir.Error)
@ -47,6 +53,38 @@ func RegisterLooseServant(e *gin.Engine, s Loose, b LooseBinding, r LooseRender)
// register routes info to router
router.Handle("GET", "/post/comments", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindTweetComments(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderTweetComments(c, nil, err)
resp, err := s.TweetComments(req)
r.RenderTweetComments(c, resp, err)
router.Handle("GET", "/tags", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindTopicList(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderTopicList(c, nil, err)
resp, err := s.TopicList(req)
r.RenderTopicList(c, resp, err)
router.Handle("GET", "/user/profile", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
@ -105,6 +143,14 @@ func (UnimplementedLooseServant) Chain() gin.HandlersChain {
return nil
func (UnimplementedLooseServant) TweetComments(req *web.TweetCommentsReq) (*web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedLooseServant) TopicList(req *web.TopicListReq) (*web.TopicListResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedLooseServant) GetUserProfile(req *web.GetUserProfileReq) (*web.GetUserProfileResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
@ -124,6 +170,14 @@ type UnimplementedLooseRender struct {
RenderAny func(*gin.Context, any, mir.Error)
func (r *UnimplementedLooseRender) RenderTweetComments(c *gin.Context, data *web.TweetCommentsResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
func (r *UnimplementedLooseRender) RenderTopicList(c *gin.Context, data *web.TopicListResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
func (r *UnimplementedLooseRender) RenderGetUserProfile(c *gin.Context, data *web.GetUserProfileResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
@ -143,6 +197,18 @@ type UnimplementedLooseBinding struct {
BindAny func(*gin.Context, any) mir.Error
func (b *UnimplementedLooseBinding) BindTweetComments(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentsReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetCommentsReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedLooseBinding) BindTopicList(c *gin.Context) (*web.TopicListReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TopicListReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedLooseBinding) BindGetUserProfile(c *gin.Context) (*web.GetUserProfileReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.GetUserProfileReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)

@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ type Priv interface {
// Chain provide handlers chain for gin
Chain() gin.HandlersChain
UnfollowTopic(*web.UnfollowTopicReq) mir.Error
FollowTopic(*web.FollowTopicReq) mir.Error
StickTopic(*web.StickTopicReq) (*web.StickTopicResp, mir.Error)
ThumbsDownTweetReply(*web.TweetReplyThumbsReq) mir.Error
ThumbsUpTweetReply(*web.TweetReplyThumbsReq) mir.Error
ThumbsDownTweetComment(*web.TweetCommentThumbsReq) mir.Error
ThumbsUpTweetComment(*web.TweetCommentThumbsReq) mir.Error
DeleteCommentReply(*web.DeleteCommentReplyReq) mir.Error
CreateCommentReply(*web.CreateCommentReplyReq) (*web.CreateCommentReplyResp, mir.Error)
DeleteComment(*web.DeleteCommentReq) mir.Error
@ -35,6 +42,13 @@ type Priv interface {
type PrivBinding interface {
BindUnfollowTopic(*gin.Context) (*web.UnfollowTopicReq, mir.Error)
BindFollowTopic(*gin.Context) (*web.FollowTopicReq, mir.Error)
BindStickTopic(*gin.Context) (*web.StickTopicReq, mir.Error)
BindThumbsDownTweetReply(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetReplyThumbsReq, mir.Error)
BindThumbsUpTweetReply(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetReplyThumbsReq, mir.Error)
BindThumbsDownTweetComment(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentThumbsReq, mir.Error)
BindThumbsUpTweetComment(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentThumbsReq, mir.Error)
BindDeleteCommentReply(*gin.Context) (*web.DeleteCommentReplyReq, mir.Error)
BindCreateCommentReply(*gin.Context) (*web.CreateCommentReplyReq, mir.Error)
BindDeleteComment(*gin.Context) (*web.DeleteCommentReq, mir.Error)
@ -54,6 +68,13 @@ type PrivBinding interface {
type PrivRender interface {
RenderUnfollowTopic(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderFollowTopic(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderStickTopic(*gin.Context, *web.StickTopicResp, mir.Error)
RenderThumbsDownTweetReply(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderThumbsUpTweetReply(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderThumbsDownTweetComment(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderThumbsUpTweetComment(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderDeleteCommentReply(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderCreateCommentReply(*gin.Context, *web.CreateCommentReplyResp, mir.Error)
RenderDeleteComment(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
@ -80,6 +101,112 @@ func RegisterPrivServant(e *gin.Engine, s Priv, b PrivBinding, r PrivRender) {
// register routes info to router
router.Handle("POST", "/topic/unfollow", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindUnfollowTopic(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderUnfollowTopic(c, err)
r.RenderUnfollowTopic(c, s.UnfollowTopic(req))
router.Handle("POST", "/topic/follow", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindFollowTopic(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderFollowTopic(c, err)
r.RenderFollowTopic(c, s.FollowTopic(req))
router.Handle("POST", "/topic/stick", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindStickTopic(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderStickTopic(c, nil, err)
resp, err := s.StickTopic(req)
r.RenderStickTopic(c, resp, err)
router.Handle("POST", "/tweet/reply/thumbsdown", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindThumbsDownTweetReply(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderThumbsDownTweetReply(c, err)
r.RenderThumbsDownTweetReply(c, s.ThumbsDownTweetReply(req))
router.Handle("POST", "/tweet/reply/thumbsup", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindThumbsUpTweetReply(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderThumbsUpTweetReply(c, err)
r.RenderThumbsUpTweetReply(c, s.ThumbsUpTweetReply(req))
router.Handle("POST", "/tweet/comment/thumbsdown", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindThumbsDownTweetComment(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderThumbsDownTweetComment(c, err)
r.RenderThumbsDownTweetComment(c, s.ThumbsDownTweetComment(req))
router.Handle("POST", "/tweet/comment/thumbsup", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindThumbsUpTweetComment(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderThumbsUpTweetComment(c, err)
r.RenderThumbsUpTweetComment(c, s.ThumbsUpTweetComment(req))
router.Handle("DELETE", "/post/comment/reply", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
@ -311,6 +438,34 @@ func (UnimplementedPrivServant) Chain() gin.HandlersChain {
return nil
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) UnfollowTopic(req *web.UnfollowTopicReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) FollowTopic(req *web.FollowTopicReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) StickTopic(req *web.StickTopicReq) (*web.StickTopicResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) ThumbsDownTweetReply(req *web.TweetReplyThumbsReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) ThumbsUpTweetReply(req *web.TweetReplyThumbsReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) ThumbsDownTweetComment(req *web.TweetCommentThumbsReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) ThumbsUpTweetComment(req *web.TweetCommentThumbsReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPrivServant) DeleteCommentReply(req *web.DeleteCommentReplyReq) mir.Error {
return mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
@ -374,6 +529,34 @@ type UnimplementedPrivRender struct {
RenderAny func(*gin.Context, any, mir.Error)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderUnfollowTopic(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderFollowTopic(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderStickTopic(c *gin.Context, data *web.StickTopicResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderThumbsDownTweetReply(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderThumbsUpTweetReply(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderThumbsDownTweetComment(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderThumbsUpTweetComment(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPrivRender) RenderDeleteCommentReply(c *gin.Context, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, nil, err)
@ -437,6 +620,48 @@ type UnimplementedPrivBinding struct {
BindAny func(*gin.Context, any) mir.Error
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindUnfollowTopic(c *gin.Context) (*web.UnfollowTopicReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.UnfollowTopicReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindFollowTopic(c *gin.Context) (*web.FollowTopicReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.FollowTopicReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindStickTopic(c *gin.Context) (*web.StickTopicReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.StickTopicReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindThumbsDownTweetReply(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetReplyThumbsReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetReplyThumbsReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindThumbsUpTweetReply(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetReplyThumbsReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetReplyThumbsReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindThumbsDownTweetComment(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentThumbsReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetCommentThumbsReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindThumbsUpTweetComment(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentThumbsReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetCommentThumbsReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPrivBinding) BindDeleteCommentReply(c *gin.Context) (*web.DeleteCommentReplyReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.DeleteCommentReplyReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import (
type Pub interface {
TopicList(*web.TopicListReq) (*web.TopicListResp, mir.Error)
TweetComments(*web.TweetCommentsReq) (*web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error)
TweetDetail(*web.TweetDetailReq) (*web.TweetDetailResp, mir.Error)
SendCaptcha(*web.SendCaptchaReq) mir.Error
GetCaptcha() (*web.GetCaptchaResp, mir.Error)
@ -26,8 +24,6 @@ type Pub interface {
type PubBinding interface {
BindTopicList(*gin.Context) (*web.TopicListReq, mir.Error)
BindTweetComments(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentsReq, mir.Error)
BindTweetDetail(*gin.Context) (*web.TweetDetailReq, mir.Error)
BindSendCaptcha(*gin.Context) (*web.SendCaptchaReq, mir.Error)
BindRegister(*gin.Context) (*web.RegisterReq, mir.Error)
@ -37,8 +33,6 @@ type PubBinding interface {
type PubRender interface {
RenderTopicList(*gin.Context, *web.TopicListResp, mir.Error)
RenderTweetComments(*gin.Context, *web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error)
RenderTweetDetail(*gin.Context, *web.TweetDetailResp, mir.Error)
RenderSendCaptcha(*gin.Context, mir.Error)
RenderGetCaptcha(*gin.Context, *web.GetCaptchaResp, mir.Error)
@ -54,38 +48,6 @@ func RegisterPubServant(e *gin.Engine, s Pub, b PubBinding, r PubRender) {
router := e.Group("v1")
// register routes info to router
router.Handle("GET", "/tags", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindTopicList(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderTopicList(c, nil, err)
resp, err := s.TopicList(req)
r.RenderTopicList(c, resp, err)
router.Handle("GET", "/post/comments", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
req, err := b.BindTweetComments(c)
if err != nil {
r.RenderTweetComments(c, nil, err)
resp, err := s.TweetComments(req)
r.RenderTweetComments(c, resp, err)
router.Handle("GET", "/post", func(c *gin.Context) {
select {
case <-c.Request.Context().Done():
@ -177,14 +139,6 @@ func RegisterPubServant(e *gin.Engine, s Pub, b PubBinding, r PubRender) {
type UnimplementedPubServant struct {
func (UnimplementedPubServant) TopicList(req *web.TopicListReq) (*web.TopicListResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPubServant) TweetComments(req *web.TweetCommentsReq) (*web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
func (UnimplementedPubServant) TweetDetail(req *web.TweetDetailReq) (*web.TweetDetailResp, mir.Error) {
return nil, mir.Errorln(http.StatusNotImplemented, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotImplemented))
@ -216,14 +170,6 @@ type UnimplementedPubRender struct {
RenderAny func(*gin.Context, any, mir.Error)
func (r *UnimplementedPubRender) RenderTopicList(c *gin.Context, data *web.TopicListResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPubRender) RenderTweetComments(c *gin.Context, data *web.TweetCommentsResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
func (r *UnimplementedPubRender) RenderTweetDetail(c *gin.Context, data *web.TweetDetailResp, err mir.Error) {
r.RenderAny(c, data, err)
@ -255,18 +201,6 @@ type UnimplementedPubBinding struct {
BindAny func(*gin.Context, any) mir.Error
func (b *UnimplementedPubBinding) BindTopicList(c *gin.Context) (*web.TopicListReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TopicListReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPubBinding) BindTweetComments(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetCommentsReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetCommentsReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)
return obj, err
func (b *UnimplementedPubBinding) BindTweetDetail(c *gin.Context) (*web.TweetDetailReq, mir.Error) {
obj := new(web.TweetDetailReq)
err := b.BindAny(c, obj)

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.28.1
// protoc-gen-go v1.30.0
// protoc (unknown)
// source: v1/auth.proto

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.3.0
// - protoc (unknown)
// source: v1/auth.proto
@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ import (
// Requires gRPC-Go v1.32.0 or later.
const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion7
const (
Authenticate_PreLogin_FullMethodName = "/auth.Authenticate/preLogin"
Authenticate_Login_FullMethodName = "/auth.Authenticate/login"
Authenticate_Logout_FullMethodName = "/auth.Authenticate/logout"
// AuthenticateClient is the client API for Authenticate service.
// For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ func NewAuthenticateClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AuthenticateClient {
func (c *authenticateClient) PreLogin(ctx context.Context, in *User, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ActionReply, error) {
out := new(ActionReply)
err :=, "/auth.Authenticate/preLogin", in, out, opts...)
err :=, Authenticate_PreLogin_FullMethodName, in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -46,7 +52,7 @@ func (c *authenticateClient) PreLogin(ctx context.Context, in *User, opts ...grp
func (c *authenticateClient) Login(ctx context.Context, in *User, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*LoginReply, error) {
out := new(LoginReply)
err :=, "/auth.Authenticate/login", in, out, opts...)
err :=, Authenticate_Login_FullMethodName, in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ func (c *authenticateClient) Login(ctx context.Context, in *User, opts ...grpc.C
func (c *authenticateClient) Logout(ctx context.Context, in *User, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ActionReply, error) {
out := new(ActionReply)
err :=, "/auth.Authenticate/logout", in, out, opts...)
err :=, Authenticate_Logout_FullMethodName, in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ func _Authenticate_PreLogin_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec fu
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/auth.Authenticate/preLogin",
FullMethod: Authenticate_PreLogin_FullMethodName,
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(AuthenticateServer).PreLogin(ctx, req.(*User))
@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ func _Authenticate_Login_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/auth.Authenticate/login",
FullMethod: Authenticate_Login_FullMethodName,
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(AuthenticateServer).Login(ctx, req.(*User))
@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ func _Authenticate_Logout_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/auth.Authenticate/logout",
FullMethod: Authenticate_Logout_FullMethodName,
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(AuthenticateServer).Logout(ctx, req.(*User))

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# eg.1 : sh
# eg.2, set image: sh bitbus/paopao-ce
VERSION=`git describe --tags --always | cut -f1 -f2 -d "-"` # eg.: 0.2.5
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
# build image
docker buildx build \
--build-arg USE_DIST="yes" \
--tag "$IMAGE:${VERSION}" \
--tag "$IMAGE:latest" \
. -f Dockerfile
# push to image rep
# if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# docker push "$IMAGE:${VERSION}"
# docker push "$IMAGE:latest"
# fi

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# eg.1 : sh
# eg.2, set tags: sh 'embed go_json'
TAGS='embed go_json'
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
make release CGO_ENABLED=0 TAGS="$TAGS"

@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ Postgres: # PostgreSQL数据库
Sqlite3: # Sqlite3数据库
Path: custom/data/sqlite3/paopao-ce.db
Host: redis:6379
- redis:6379

@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ PaoPao部署站点信息。
| 名称 | 网址 | 站长 | 备注 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
|泡泡|[](|[ROC]( 'roc(')|PaoPao官方站点|
|布里塔|[](|[chendong]( 'chendong(')|布里塔 - 招聘求职转发|
|布里塔|[](|[chendong]( 'chendong(')|招聘求职等信息|
|提示词社区|[](|[henryspace]( 'henryspace(')|提示词社区|
|iiBiuBiu|[](|[北野]( 'alimy(')|开发、测试备用机可以体验最新版本paopao-ce|

@ -28,15 +28,26 @@ services:
# - 9000:9000
# - 9001:9001
# volumes:
# - ./data/minio/data:/data
# - ./custom/data/minio/data:/data
# networks:
# - paopao-network
# redis:
# image: redis:7.0-alpine
# restart: always
# ports:
# - 6379:6379
# networks:
# - paopao-network
image: redis:7.0-alpine
image: redis/redis-stack:7.0.6-RC8
restart: always
- 6379:6379
- 8001:8001
- paopao-network
@ -47,7 +58,7 @@ services:
- 4080:4080
- ./data/zinc/data:/data
- ./custom/data/zinc/data:/data
@ -56,25 +67,16 @@ services:
- paopao-network
# meili:
# image: getmeili/meilisearch:v0.29.0
# image: getmeili/meilisearch:v1.1
# restart: always
# ports:
# - 7700:7700
# volumes:
# - ./data/meili/data:/meili_data
# - ./custom/data/meili/data:/meili_data
# environment:
# - MEILI_MASTER_KEY=paopao-meilisearch
# networks:
# - paopao-network
# # a ui for managing your meilisearch instances
# uirecord:
# image: bitriory/uirecord:latest
# restart: always
# ports:
# - 7701:3000
# networks:
# - paopao-network
# pyroscope:
# image: pyroscope/pyroscope:latest
@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ services:
- paopao-network
image: bitbus/paopao-ce:0.2
image: bitbus/paopao-ce:0.3.0-rc.1
restart: always
- db

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ release/paopao-ce --no-default-features --features sqlite3,localoss,loggerfile,r
|`Sms` | 短信验证 | 稳定 | 开启短信验证码功能,用于手机绑定验证手机是否注册者的;功能如果没有开启,手机绑定时任意短信验证码都可以绑定手机 |
|`Docs:OpenAPI` | 开发文档 | 稳定 | 开启openapi文档功能提供web api文档说明(visit |
|`PhoneBind` | 其他 | 稳定 | 手机绑定功能 |
|`Web:DisallowUserRegister` | 功能特性 | 稳定 | 不允许用户注册 |
> 功能项状态详情参考 [features-status](../../../

@ -26,6 +26,5 @@ LocalOSS: # 本地文件OSS存储配置
Sqlite3: # Sqlite3数据库
Path: custom/data/sqlite3/paopao-ce.db

@ -3,3 +3,6 @@
* [0000-讨论样式模版](./0000-讨论样式模版.md "讨论样式模版")
* [0001-FAQs](./ "FAQs")

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 000 | 北野 | 2022-11-04 |2022-11-04 | v1.0| 提议 |
| YYMMDDHH | 北野 | 2022-11-04 |2022-11-04 | v1.0| 提议 |
## <我是标题>
---- 这里写简要介绍 ----

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 003| 北野 | 2022-11-04 | 2022-11-21 | v0.1 | 提议 |
| 22110409| 北野 | 2022-11-04 | 2022-11-21 | v0.1 | 提议 |
### 关于Followship功能项的设计
Followship是实现类似Twitter Timeline模式**关注者模型**的时间线信息流广场推文列表的生成将主要与推文时间、用户的关注者相关。Twitter的推文消息流是非常智能的用户体验也非常好这得益于其背后的智能推荐算法以及完善的关注者模型体系当然还有很多其他机制共同作用下的结果。本提按作为一个总纲为paopao-ce引入类似的机制这将是一个持续完善的缓慢过程一切都是为了用户体验用户就是上帝用户需要什么paopao-ce就努力提供什么

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 002| 北野 | 2022-11-04 | 2023-01-04 | v1.0 | 提议 |
| 22110410 | 北野 | 2022-11-04 | 2023-01-04 | v1.0 | 提议 |
### Friendship功能项的设计概要
Friendship功能提供好友间分享推文信息的机制更好的帮助用户建立自己的推文分享小圈子。Friendship本质上想优化的是泡泡广场页面推文列表的生成机制开启功能后推文列表只能获取 `公开/私密/好友` 的推文,每个用户都有属于自己的个性化推文列表。在提供个性化推文列表生成机制的同时,好友体系的建立也顺便帮助用户建立自己的个性化有限范围内的灵魂社交小圈子,只有相互间拥有个性化认同感的用户才能互为好友。

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 001| 北野 | 2022-11-04 | 2023-01-13 | v1.1 | 提议 |
| 22110411 | 北野 | 2022-11-04 | 2023-01-13 | v1.1 | 提议 |
## 概述
paopao-ce是一个清新文艺的微社区提供类似Twiter/微博的推文分享服务。paopao-ce的运营形态有点类似WordPress只不过WordPress是使用PHP语言开发的博客平台提供的是博客服务而paopao-ce提供的是类似Twitter的推文分享服务。paopao-ce 让 **个人或小组织** 可以快速、方便的部署一个提供**推文分享服务**的小站点,在有限范围内形成一个友善的社交小圈子微社区。

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 005| 北野 | 2022-11-21 | 2023-01-04 | v1.1 | 提议 |
| 22112109 | 北野 | 2022-11-21 | 2023-01-04 | v1.1 | 提议 |
### 引入go-mir优化后端架构设计

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 006| 北野 | 2022-11-23 | 2022-01-01 | v1.0 | 提议 |
| 22112309 | 北野 | 2022-11-23 | 2022-01-01 | v1.0 | 提议 |
### 关于paopao-ce的结构设计
本文档主要讨论paopao-ce目前的代码结构简要清晰的描述一个**API请求**从 **接受解析->逻辑处理->结果响应**的大概路径帮助开发人员快速了解paopao-ce代码基的基本面更好的融入paopao-ce的开发中做出PR贡献。

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 011| 北野 | 2022-12-14 | 2022-01-09 | v1.1 | 提议 |
| 22121409 | 北野 | 2022-12-14 | 2022-01-09 | v1.1 | 提议 |
### 关于Lightship功能项的设计
Lightship(开放模式)功能提供完全公开的推文分享服务,有别于[Friendship](002-关于Friendship功能项的设计.md "关于Friendship功能项的设计")、[Followship](003-关于Followship功能项的设计.md "关于Followship功能项的设计")使用Lightship用户模式部署paopao-ce用户发布的所有推文都是公开可访问的广场推文列表展示的是全站所有公开推文的Timeline Tweets。

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 013| 北野 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-13 | v0.0 | 提议 |
| 23011309 | 北野 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-13 | v0.0 | 提议 |
### 概述
目前paopao-ce前端/后端 都使用中文提供业务服务暂时还没有提供国际化i18n机制提供国际化的业务服务。本提按提议提过在前端/后端中引入i8n机制以提供国际化业务服务。 本提按建立在[012-优化前端运行时配置获取机制的设计](012-优化前端运行时配置获取机制的设计.md)基础之上。

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 012| 北野 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-13 | v0.0 | 提议 |
| 23011310 | 北野 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-13 | v0.0 | 提议 |
### 概述

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 014| 北野 | 2023-02-09 | 2023-02-09 | v0.0 | 提议 |
| 23020910| 北野 | 2023-02-09 | 2023-02-09 | v0.0 | 提议 |
### 概述

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 015| 北野 | 2023-02-13 | 2023-02-13 | v0.0 | 提议 |
| 23021310| 北野 | 2023-02-13 | 2023-02-13 | v0.0 | 提议 |
### 概述

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 016| 北野 | 2023-02-15 | 2023-02-16 | v1.1 | 提议 |
| 23021510| 北野 | 2023-02-15 | 2023-02-16 | v1.1 | 提议 |
### 概述
Pyroscope 是一个开源的持续性能剖析平台。它能够帮你:

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| 23040412| 北野 | 2023-04-04 | 2023-04-04 | v1.0 | 提议 |
### 概述
[Sentry]( Sentry is a developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring platform that helps developers see what actually matters, solve quicker, and learn continuously about their applications.
### 需求
* 通过配置文件开启Sentry功能
### 方案
#### 设计要点
* config.yaml中添加`Sentry` 功能来启用Sentry功能
#### 设计细节
* 参考实现(PR):
[add Sentry feature support #258](
### 疑问
1. 为什么要引入Sentry
2. 如何开启这个功能?
* 在配置文件config.yaml中的`Features`中添加`Sentry`功能项开启该功能:
# features中加上 Sentry
Default: ["Meili", "LoggerMeili", "Base", "Sqlite3", "BigCacheIndex", "MinIO", "Sentry"]
Base: ["Redis", "PhoneBind"]
Sentry: # Sentry配置
Dsn: "http://4ea0af5cd88d4512b7e52070506c80ec@localhost:9000/2"
Debug: True
AttachStacktrace: True
TracesSampleRate: 1.0
AttachLogrus: True # logrus是否附加到Sentry
AttachGin: True # gin是否附加到Sentry
### 参考文档
* [sentry](
* [self-hosted](
### 更新记录
#### v1.0(2023-04-04) - 北野
* 初始文档

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Draft
* [001-关于paopao-ce的设计定位](001-关于paopao-ce的设计定位.md "关于paopao-ce的设计定位")
* [002-关于Friendship功能项的设计](002-关于Friendship功能项的设计.md "关于Friendship功能项的设计")
* [003-关于Followship功能项的设计](003-关于Followship功能项的设计.md "关于Followship功能项的设计")
* [005-引入go-mir优化后端架构设计](005-引入go-mir优化后端架构设计.md "引入go-mir优化后端架构设计")
* [006-关于paopao-ce的结构设计](006-关于paopao-ce的结构设计.md "关于paopao-ce的结构设计")
* [22110411-关于paopao-ce的设计定位](22110411-关于paopao-ce的设计定位.md "关于paopao-ce的设计定位")
* [22110410-关于Friendship功能项的设计](22110410-关于Friendship功能项的设计.md "关于Friendship功能项的设计")
* [22110409-关于Followship功能项的设计](22110409-关于Followship功能项的设计.md "关于Followship功能项的设计")
* [22112109-引入go-mir优化后端架构设计](22112109-引入go-mir优化后端架构设计.md "引入go-mir优化后端架构设计")
* [22112309-关于paopao-ce的结构设计](22112309-关于paopao-ce的结构设计.md "关于paopao-ce的结构设计")

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
| 编号 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 变更时间 | 版本 | 状态 |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- |
| <编号000> | <作者> | <发表时间> | <变更时间> | <版本号v1.0> | <提议/提案/决议/冻结> |
| <编号YYMMDDHH> | <作者> | <发表时间> | <变更时间> | <版本号v1.0> | <提议/提案/决议/冻结> |
* 编号: 填写提案编号,三位数比如001
* 编号: 填写提案编号,六位数格式为YYMMDDHH年(后两位)+月+日+时
* 作者: 填写发表者。
* 发表时间: 填写首次发表时间,之后保持不变。
* 变更时间: 填写变更时间,首次发表时,变更时间和发表时间一样。

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
* `Frontend:EmbedWeb` 开启内嵌于后端Web API服务中的前端服务(目前状态: 内测)
* [ ] 提按文档
* [x] 服务初始化逻辑
* `Deprecated:OldWeb` 开启旧的Web服务(目前状态: 内测)
* `Deprecated:OldWeb` 开启旧的Web服务(目前状态: 已弃,不可用)
* [ ] 提按文档
* [x] 服务初始化逻辑
@ -105,6 +105,10 @@
* [ ] 提按文档
* [x] 接口定义
* [x] 业务逻辑实现
* `RedisCacheIndex` 使用Redis缓存 广场推文列表,缓存每个用户每一页,简单做到千人千面(目前状态: 内测阶段,推荐使用)
* [ ] 提按文档
* [x] 接口定义
* [x] 业务逻辑实现
#### 搜索:
* `Zinc` 基于[Zinc](搜索引擎提供推文搜索服务(目前状态: 稳定,推荐使用)
@ -119,6 +123,7 @@
* [ ] 提按文档
* [ ] 接口定义
* [ ] 业务逻辑实现
#### 日志:
* `LoggerFile` 使用文件写日志(目前状态: 稳定);
* [ ] 提按文档
@ -133,6 +138,12 @@
* [x] 接口定义
* [x] 业务逻辑实现
#### 监控:
* `Sentry` 使用Sentry进行错误跟踪与性能监控(目前状态: 内测);
* [x] [提按文档](docs/proposal/23040412-关于使用sentry用于错误追踪与性能检测的设计.md)
* [x] 接口定义
* [x] 业务逻辑实现
#### 关系模式:
* `Friendship` 弱关系好友模式,类似微信朋友圈(目前状态: 内测);
* [x] [提按文档](docs/proposal/002-关于Friendship功能项的设计.md)
@ -178,4 +189,10 @@
* `PhoneBind` 手机绑定功能;
* [ ] 提按文档
* [x] 接口定义
* [x] 业务逻辑实现
* [x] 业务逻辑实现
### 功能特性:
* `Web:DisallowUserRegister` 不允许用户注册;
* [ ] 提按文档
* [x] 接口定义
* [x] 业务逻辑实现


@ -1,136 +1,139 @@
go 1.18
go 1.20
require ( v3.1.1 v3.2.1 v0.0.0-20191010092841-4bd1f21c8868 v0.3.0 v3.1.1 v2.2.2+incompatible v2.2.7+incompatible v3.0.2 v1.5.0 v1.8.8 v1.9.1 v1.6.2 v1.10.16 v1.14.1 v0.0.0-20211102183839-58a64f4da5f4 v1.3.1 v1.8.1 v8.11.4 v1.15.0 v0.20.0 v1.4.0 v1.9.0 v2.7.0 v0.9.7 v4.0.0+incompatible v4.4.2 v0.10.2 v4.4.0+incompatible v4.5.0 v4.15.2 v3.21.12+incompatible v3.23.3+incompatible v1.1.12 v0.21.0 v7.0.45 v0.6.0 v0.24.0 v7.0.52 v2.9.2 v1.27.6 v0.7.0 v0.0.100 v1.9.0 v3.1.7 v1.14.0 v0.7.35 v3.2.1 v0.3.0 v1.15.0 v0.7.41 v0.0.0-20131226213531-0eef680515cc v1.50.1 v1.28.1 v1.5.2 v1.54.0 v1.30.0 v2.2.1 v1.12.0 v1.3.4 v1.3.7 v1.3.4 v1.23.4 v1.1.0 v1.1.0 v1.17.3 v1.5.0 v1.5.0 v1.4.4 v1.25.0 v1.4.1 v1.2.1 v1.22.1
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -6,61 +6,60 @@ package conf
import (
var (
loggerSetting *LoggerSettingS
loggerFileSetting *LoggerFileSettingS
loggerZincSetting *LoggerZincSettingS
loggerMeiliSetting *LoggerMeiliSettingS
redisSetting *RedisSettingS
loggerSetting *loggerConf
loggerFileSetting *loggerFileConf
loggerZincSetting *loggerZincConf
loggerMeiliSetting *loggerMeiliConf
sentrySetting *sentryConf
redisSetting *redisConf
PyroscopeSetting *PyroscopeSettingS
DatabaseSetting *DatabaseSetingS
MysqlSetting *MySQLSettingS
PostgresSetting *PostgresSettingS
Sqlite3Setting *Sqlite3SettingS
ServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
WebServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
AdminServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
SpaceXServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
BotServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
LocalossServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
FrontendWebSetting *HttpServerSettingS
DocsServerSetting *HttpServerSettingS
MobileServerSetting *GRPCServerSettingS
AppSetting *AppSettingS
CacheIndexSetting *CacheIndexSettingS
SimpleCacheIndexSetting *SimpleCacheIndexSettingS
BigCacheIndexSetting *BigCacheIndexSettingS
SmsJuheSetting *SmsJuheSettings
AlipaySetting *AlipaySettingS
TweetSearchSetting *TweetSearchS
ZincSetting *ZincSettingS
MeiliSetting *MeiliSettingS
ObjectStorage *ObjectStorageS
AliOSSSetting *AliOSSSettingS
COSSetting *COSSettingS
HuaweiOBSSetting *HuaweiOBSSettingS
MinIOSetting *MinIOSettingS
S3Setting *S3SettingS
LocalOSSSetting *LocalOSSSettingS
JWTSetting *JWTSettingS
Mutex *sync.Mutex
PyroscopeSetting *pyroscopeConf
DatabaseSetting *databaseConf
MysqlSetting *mysqlConf
PostgresSetting *postgresConf
Sqlite3Setting *sqlite3Conf
WebServerSetting *httpServerConf
AdminServerSetting *httpServerConf
SpaceXServerSetting *httpServerConf
BotServerSetting *httpServerConf
LocalossServerSetting *httpServerConf
FrontendWebSetting *httpServerConf
DocsServerSetting *httpServerConf
MobileServerSetting *grpcServerConf
AppSetting *appConf
CacheIndexSetting *cacheIndexConf
SimpleCacheIndexSetting *simpleCacheIndexConf
BigCacheIndexSetting *bigCacheIndexConf
RedisCacheIndexSetting *redisCacheIndexConf
SmsJuheSetting *smsJuheConf
AlipaySetting *alipayConf
TweetSearchSetting *tweetSearchConf
ZincSetting *zincConf
MeiliSetting *meiliConf
ObjectStorage *objectStorageConf
AliOSSSetting *aliOSSConf
COSSetting *cosConf
HuaweiOBSSetting *huaweiOBSConf
MinIOSetting *minioConf
S3Setting *s3Conf
LocalOSSSetting *localossConf
JWTSetting *jwtConf
func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error {
setting, err := NewSetting()
vp, err := newViper()
if err != nil {
return err
// initialize features configure
ss, kv := setting.featuresInfoFrom("Features")
ss, kv := featuresInfoFrom(vp, "Features")
cfg.Initial(ss, kv)
if len(suite) > 0 {
cfg.Use(suite, noDefault)
@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error {
objects := map[string]any{
"App": &AppSetting,
"Server": &ServerSetting,
"WebServer": &WebServerSetting,
"AdminServer": &AdminServerSetting,
"SpaceXServer": &SpaceXServerSetting,
@ -80,9 +78,11 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error {
"CacheIndex": &CacheIndexSetting,
"SimpleCacheIndex": &SimpleCacheIndexSetting,
"BigCacheIndex": &BigCacheIndexSetting,
"RedisCacheIndex": &RedisCacheIndexSetting,
"Alipay": &AlipaySetting,
"SmsJuhe": &SmsJuheSetting,
"Pyroscope": &PyroscopeSetting,
"Sentry": &sentrySetting,
"Logger": &loggerSetting,
"LoggerFile": &loggerFileSetting,
"LoggerZinc": &loggerZincSetting,
@ -104,27 +104,30 @@ func setupSetting(suite []string, noDefault bool) error {
"LocalOSS": &LocalOSSSetting,
"S3": &S3Setting,
if err = setting.Unmarshal(objects); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range objects {
err := vp.UnmarshalKey(k, v)
if err != nil {
return err
JWTSetting.Expire *= time.Second
SimpleCacheIndexSetting.CheckTickDuration *= time.Second
SimpleCacheIndexSetting.ExpireTickDuration *= time.Second
BigCacheIndexSetting.ExpireInSecond *= time.Second
RedisCacheIndexSetting.ExpireInSecond *= time.Second
redisSetting.ConnWriteTimeout *= time.Second
Mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
return nil
func Initialize(suite []string, noDefault bool) {
func Initial(suite []string, noDefault bool) {
err := setupSetting(suite, noDefault)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("init.setupSetting err: %v", err)
func GetOssDomain() string {
@ -156,8 +159,9 @@ func GetOssDomain() string {
func RunMode() string {
if !cfg.If("Deprecated:OldWeb") {
return ServerSetting.RunMode
return AppSetting.RunMode
func UseSentryGin() bool {
return cfg.If("Sentry") && sentrySetting.AttachGin

@ -1,49 +1,50 @@
App: # APP基础设置项
RunMode: debug
AttachmentIncomeRate: 0.8
MaxCommentCount: 10
MaxCommentCount: 1000
DefaultContextTimeout: 60
DefaultPageSize: 10
MaxPageSize: 100
Server: # 服务设置
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8008
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
Default: []
WebServer: # Web服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8010
HttpPort: 8008
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
AdminServer: # Admin后台运维服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8014
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
SpaceXServer: # SpaceX服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8012
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
BotServer: # Bot服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8016
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
LocalossServer: # Localoss服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8018
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
FrontendWebServer: # Web前端静态资源服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8006
ReadTimeout: 60
WriteTimeout: 60
DocsServer: # 开发文档服务
RunMode: debug
HttpPort: 8011
ReadTimeout: 60
@ -73,11 +74,21 @@ BigCacheIndex: # 使用BigCache缓存泡泡广场消息流
HardMaxCacheSize: 256 # 最大缓存大小(MB)0表示无限制
Verbose: False # 是否打印cache操作的log
ExpireInSecond: 300 # 多少秒(>0)后强制过期缓存
RedisCacheIndex: # 使用Redis缓存泡泡广场消息流
Verbose: False # 是否打印cache操作的log
ExpireInSecond: 300 # 多少秒(>0)后强制过期缓存
Pyroscope: # Pyroscope配置
AppName: "paopao-ce" # application name
Endpoint: "http://localhost:4040" # Pyroscope server address
AuthToken: # Pyroscope authentication token
Logger: none # Pyroscope logger (standard | logrus | none)
Sentry: # Sentry配置
Dsn: "http://4ea0af5cd88d4512b7e52070506c80ec@localhost:9000/2"
Debug: True
AttachStacktrace: True
TracesSampleRate: 1.0
AttachLogrus: True # logrus是否附加到Sentry
AttachGin: True # gin是否附加到Sentry
Logger: # 日志通用配置
Level: debug # 日志级别 panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace
LoggerFile: # 使用File写日志
@ -179,7 +190,10 @@ Postgres: # PostgreSQL数据库
Sqlite3: # Sqlite3数据库
Path: custom/data/sqlite3/paopao-ce.db
Host: redis:6379
- redis:6379
ConnWriteTimeout: 60 # 连接写超时时间 多少秒 默认 60秒

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
@ -20,22 +19,21 @@ import (
var (
db *gorm.DB
Redis *redis.Client
once sync.Once
_gormDB *gorm.DB
_onceGorm sync.Once
func MustGormDB() *gorm.DB {
once.Do(func() {
_onceGorm.Do(func() {
var err error
if db, err = newDBEngine(); err != nil {
if _gormDB, err = newGormDB(); err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("new gorm db failed: %s", err)
return db
return _gormDB
func newDBEngine() (*gorm.DB, error) {
func newGormDB() (*gorm.DB, error) {
newLogger := logger.New(
logrus.StandardLogger(), // io writer日志输出的目标前缀和日志包含的内容
@ -84,11 +82,3 @@ func newDBEngine() (*gorm.DB, error) {
return db, err
func setupDBEngine() {
Redis = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: redisSetting.Host,
Password: redisSetting.Password,
DB: redisSetting.DB,

@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ package conf
import (
sentrylogrus ""
@ -42,3 +45,16 @@ func setupLogger() {
func setupSentryLogrus(opts sentry.ClientOptions) {
// Send only ERROR and higher level logs to Sentry
sentryLevels := []logrus.Level{logrus.ErrorLevel, logrus.FatalLevel, logrus.PanicLevel}
sentryHook, err := sentrylogrus.New(sentryLevels, opts)
if err != nil {
// Flushes before calling os.Exit(1) when using logger.Fatal
// (else all defers are not called, and Sentry does not have time to send the event)
logrus.RegisterExitHandler(func() { sentryHook.Flush(5 * time.Second) })

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conf
import (
var (
_redisClient rueidis.Client
_onceRedis sync.Once
func MustRedisClient() rueidis.Client {
_onceRedis.Do(func() {
client, err := rueidis.NewClient(rueidis.ClientOption{
InitAddress: redisSetting.InitAddress,
Username: redisSetting.Username,
Password: redisSetting.Password,
SelectDB: redisSetting.SelectDB,
ConnWriteTimeout: redisSetting.ConnWriteTimeout,
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("create a redis client failed: %s", err)
_redisClient = client
return _redisClient

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conf
import (
func initSentry() {
cfg.Be("Sentry", func() {
opts := sentry.ClientOptions{
Dsn: sentrySetting.Dsn,
Debug: sentrySetting.Debug,
AttachStacktrace: sentrySetting.AttachStacktrace,
TracesSampleRate: sentrySetting.TracesSampleRate,
_ = sentry.Init(opts)
if sentrySetting.AttachLogrus {
sentry.WithScope(func(scope *sentry.Scope) {
"version": version.VersionInfo(),
"time": time.Now().Local(),
sentry.CaptureMessage("paopao-ce sentry works!")

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package conf
import (
_ "embed"
@ -17,30 +18,35 @@ import (
//go:embed config.yaml
var files embed.FS
var configBytes []byte
type Setting struct {
vp *viper.Viper
type PyroscopeSettingS struct {
type pyroscopeConf struct {
AppName string
Endpoint string
AuthToken string
Logger string
type LoggerSettingS struct {
type sentryConf struct {
Dsn string
Debug bool
AttachStacktrace bool
TracesSampleRate float64
AttachLogrus bool
AttachGin bool
type loggerConf struct {
Level string
type LoggerFileSettingS struct {
type loggerFileConf struct {
SavePath string
FileName string
FileExt string
type LoggerZincSettingS struct {
type loggerZincConf struct {
Host string
Index string
User string
@ -48,7 +54,7 @@ type LoggerZincSettingS struct {
Secure bool
type LoggerMeiliSettingS struct {
type loggerMeiliConf struct {
Host string
Index string
ApiKey string
@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ type LoggerMeiliSettingS struct {
MinWorker int
type HttpServerSettingS struct {
type httpServerConf struct {
RunMode string
HttpIp string
HttpPort string
@ -65,12 +71,12 @@ type HttpServerSettingS struct {
WriteTimeout time.Duration
type GRPCServerSettingS struct {
type grpcServerConf struct {
Host string
Port string
type AppSettingS struct {
type appConf struct {
RunMode string
MaxCommentCount int64
AttachmentIncomeRate float64
@ -79,25 +85,30 @@ type AppSettingS struct {
MaxPageSize int
type CacheIndexSettingS struct {
type cacheIndexConf struct {
MaxUpdateQPS int
MinWorker int
type SimpleCacheIndexSettingS struct {
type simpleCacheIndexConf struct {
MaxIndexSize int
CheckTickDuration time.Duration
ExpireTickDuration time.Duration
type BigCacheIndexSettingS struct {
type bigCacheIndexConf struct {
MaxIndexPage int
HardMaxCacheSize int
ExpireInSecond time.Duration
Verbose bool
type AlipaySettingS struct {
type redisCacheIndexConf struct {
ExpireInSecond time.Duration
Verbose bool
type alipayConf struct {
AppID string
PrivateKey string
RootCertFile string
@ -106,19 +117,19 @@ type AlipaySettingS struct {
InProduction bool
type SmsJuheSettings struct {
type smsJuheConf struct {
Gateway string
Key string
TplID string
TplVal string
type TweetSearchS struct {
type tweetSearchConf struct {
MaxUpdateQPS int
MinWorker int
type ZincSettingS struct {
type zincConf struct {
Host string
Index string
User string
@ -126,19 +137,19 @@ type ZincSettingS struct {
Secure bool
type MeiliSettingS struct {
type meiliConf struct {
Host string
Index string
ApiKey string
Secure bool
type DatabaseSetingS struct {
type databaseConf struct {
TablePrefix string
LogLevel string
type MySQLSettingS struct {
type mysqlConf struct {
UserName string
Password string
Host string
@ -149,18 +160,18 @@ type MySQLSettingS struct {
MaxOpenConns int
type PostgresSettingS map[string]string
type postgresConf map[string]string
type Sqlite3SettingS struct {
type sqlite3Conf struct {
Path string
type ObjectStorageS struct {
type objectStorageConf struct {
RetainInDays int
TempDir string
type MinIOSettingS struct {
type minioConf struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Secure bool
@ -169,7 +180,7 @@ type MinIOSettingS struct {
Domain string
type S3SettingS struct {
type s3Conf struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Secure bool
@ -178,7 +189,7 @@ type S3SettingS struct {
Domain string
type AliOSSSettingS struct {
type aliOSSConf struct {
AccessKeyID string
AccessKeySecret string
Endpoint string
@ -186,7 +197,7 @@ type AliOSSSettingS struct {
Domain string
type COSSettingS struct {
type cosConf struct {
SecretID string
SecretKey string
Region string
@ -194,7 +205,7 @@ type COSSettingS struct {
Domain string
type HuaweiOBSSettingS struct {
type huaweiOBSConf struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Endpoint string
@ -202,92 +213,36 @@ type HuaweiOBSSettingS struct {
Domain string
type LocalOSSSettingS struct {
type localossConf struct {
SavePath string
Secure bool
Bucket string
Domain string
type RedisSettingS struct {
Host string
Password string
DB int
type redisConf struct {
InitAddress []string
Username string
Password string
SelectDB int
ConnWriteTimeout time.Duration
type JWTSettingS struct {
type jwtConf struct {
Secret string
Issuer string
Expire time.Duration
func NewSetting() (*Setting, error) {
cfgFile, err := files.Open("config.yaml")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cfgFile.Close()
vp := viper.New()
if err = vp.ReadConfig(cfgFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = vp.MergeInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Setting{vp}, nil
func (s *Setting) ReadSection(k string, v any) error {
err := s.vp.UnmarshalKey(k, v)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Setting) Unmarshal(objects map[string]any) error {
for k, v := range objects {
err := s.vp.UnmarshalKey(k, v)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Setting) featuresInfoFrom(k string) (map[string][]string, map[string]string) {
sub := s.vp.Sub(k)
keys := sub.AllKeys()
suites := make(map[string][]string)
kv := make(map[string]string, len(keys))
for _, key := range sub.AllKeys() {
val := sub.Get(key)
switch v := val.(type) {
case string:
kv[key] = v
case []any:
suites[key] = sub.GetStringSlice(key)
return suites, kv
func (s *HttpServerSettingS) GetReadTimeout() time.Duration {
func (s *httpServerConf) GetReadTimeout() time.Duration {
return s.ReadTimeout * time.Second
func (s *HttpServerSettingS) GetWriteTimeout() time.Duration {
func (s *httpServerConf) GetWriteTimeout() time.Duration {
return s.WriteTimeout * time.Second
func (s *MySQLSettingS) Dsn() string {
func (s *mysqlConf) Dsn() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s)/%s?charset=%s&parseTime=%t&loc=Local",
@ -298,7 +253,7 @@ func (s *MySQLSettingS) Dsn() string {
func (s PostgresSettingS) Dsn() string {
func (s postgresConf) Dsn() string {
var params []string
for k, v := range s {
if len(v) == 0 {
@ -318,7 +273,7 @@ func (s PostgresSettingS) Dsn() string {
return strings.Join(params, " ")
func (s *Sqlite3SettingS) Dsn(driverName string) string {
func (s *sqlite3Conf) Dsn(driverName string) string {
pragmas := "_foreign_keys=1&_journal_mode=WAL&_synchronous=NORMAL&_busy_timeout=8000"
if driverName == "sqlite" {
pragmas = "_pragma=foreign_keys(1)&_pragma=journal_mode(WAL)&_pragma=synchronous(NORMAL)&_pragma=busy_timeout(8000)&_pragma=journal_size_limit(100000000)"
@ -326,7 +281,7 @@ func (s *Sqlite3SettingS) Dsn(driverName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?%s", s.Path, pragmas)
func (s *DatabaseSetingS) logLevel() logger.LogLevel {
func (s *databaseConf) logLevel() logger.LogLevel {
switch strings.ToLower(s.LogLevel) {
case "silent":
return logger.Silent
@ -341,7 +296,7 @@ func (s *DatabaseSetingS) logLevel() logger.LogLevel {
func (s *LoggerSettingS) logLevel() logrus.Level {
func (s *loggerConf) logLevel() logrus.Level {
switch strings.ToLower(s.Level) {
case "panic":
return logrus.PanicLevel
@ -362,15 +317,15 @@ func (s *LoggerSettingS) logLevel() logrus.Level {
func (s *LoggerZincSettingS) Endpoint() string {
func (s *loggerZincConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) Endpoint() string {
func (s *loggerMeiliConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) minWork() int {
func (s *loggerMeiliConf) minWork() int {
if s.MinWorker < 5 {
return 5
} else if s.MinWorker > 100 {
@ -379,7 +334,7 @@ func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) minWork() int {
return s.MinWorker
func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) maxLogBuffer() int {
func (s *loggerMeiliConf) maxLogBuffer() int {
if s.MaxLogBuffer < 10 {
return 10
} else if s.MaxLogBuffer > 1000 {
@ -388,19 +343,19 @@ func (s *LoggerMeiliSettingS) maxLogBuffer() int {
return s.MaxLogBuffer
func (s *ObjectStorageS) TempDirSlash() string {
func (s *objectStorageConf) TempDirSlash() string {
return strings.Trim(s.TempDir, " /") + "/"
func (s *ZincSettingS) Endpoint() string {
func (s *zincConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *MeiliSettingS) Endpoint() string {
func (s *meiliConf) Endpoint() string {
return endpoint(s.Host, s.Secure)
func (s *PyroscopeSettingS) GetLogger() (logger pyroscope.Logger) {
func (s *pyroscopeConf) GetLogger() (logger pyroscope.Logger) {
switch strings.ToLower(s.Logger) {
case "standard":
logger = pyroscope.StandardLogger
@ -417,3 +372,37 @@ func endpoint(host string, secure bool) string {
return schema + "://" + host
func newViper() (*viper.Viper, error) {
vp := viper.New()
err := vp.ReadConfig(bytes.NewReader(configBytes))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = vp.MergeInConfig(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return vp, nil
func featuresInfoFrom(vp *viper.Viper, k string) (map[string][]string, map[string]string) {
sub := vp.Sub(k)
keys := sub.AllKeys()
suites := make(map[string][]string)
kv := make(map[string]string, len(keys))
for _, key := range sub.AllKeys() {
val := sub.Get(key)
switch v := val.(type) {
case string:
kv[key] = v
case []any:
suites[key] = sub.GetStringSlice(key)
return suites, kv

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
package core
import (
@ -56,3 +58,21 @@ type CacheIndexService interface {
SendAction(act IdxAct, post *dbr.Post)
// RedisCache memory cache by Redis
type RedisCache interface {
SetPushToSearchJob(ctx context.Context) error
DelPushToSearchJob(ctx context.Context) error
SetImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string, value string) error
GetImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
DelImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string) error
GetCountSmsCaptcha(ctx context.Context, phone string) (int64, error)
IncrCountSmsCaptcha(ctx context.Context, phone string) error
GetCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) (int64, error)
DelCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
IncrCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
GetCountWhisper(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (int64, error)
IncrCountWhisper(ctx context.Context, uid int64) error
SetRechargeStatus(ctx context.Context, tradeNo string) error
DelRechargeStatus(ctx context.Context, tradeNo string) error

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package core
import (
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ type CommentService interface {
GetCommentReplyByID(id int64) (*CommentReply, error)
GetCommentContentsByIDs(ids []int64) ([]*CommentContent, error)
GetCommentRepliesByID(ids []int64) ([]*CommentReplyFormated, error)
GetCommentThumbsMap(userId int64, tweetId int64) (cs.CommentThumbsMap, cs.CommentThumbsMap, error)
// CommentManageService 评论管理服务
@ -33,4 +35,8 @@ type CommentManageService interface {
CreateCommentReply(reply *CommentReply) (*CommentReply, error)
DeleteCommentReply(reply *CommentReply) error
CreateCommentContent(content *CommentContent) (*CommentContent, error)
ThumbsUpComment(userId int64, tweetId, commentId int64) error
ThumbsDownComment(userId int64, tweetId, commentId int64) error
ThumbsUpReply(userId int64, tweetId, commentId, replyId int64) error
ThumbsDownReply(userId int64, tweetId, commentId, replyId int64) error

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cs
type CommentThumbs struct {
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
TweetID int64 `json:"tweet_id"`
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id"`
ReplyID int64 `json:"reply_id"`
CommentType int8 `json:"comment_type"`
IsThumbsUp int8 `json:"is_thumbs_up"`
IsThumbsDown int8 `json:"is_thumbs_down"`
type CommentThumbsList []*CommentThumbs
type CommentThumbsMap map[int64]*CommentThumbs

@ -18,5 +18,11 @@ type TopicService interface {
CreateTag(tag *Tag) (*Tag, error)
DeleteTag(tag *Tag) error
GetTags(conditions *ConditionsT, offset, limit int) ([]*Tag, error)
GetHotTags(userId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]*TagFormated, error)
GetNewestTags(userId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]*TagFormated, error)
GetFollowTags(userId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]*TagFormated, error)
GetTagsByKeyword(keyword string) ([]*Tag, error)
FollowTopic(userId int64, topicId int64) error
UnfollowTopic(userId int64, topicId int64) error
StickTopic(userId int64, topicId int64) (int8, error)

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
const (
_cacheIndexKey = "paopao_index"
var (
_ core.CacheIndexService = (*cacheIndexSrv)(nil)
_ core.VersionInfo = (*cacheIndexSrv)(nil)
type postsEntry struct {
key string
tweets *core.IndexTweetList
type tweetsCache interface {
getTweetsBytes(key string) ([]byte, error)
setTweetsBytes(key string, bs []byte) error
delTweets(keys []string) error
allKeys() ([]string, error)
type cacheIndexSrv struct {
ips core.IndexPostsService
ams core.AuthorizationManageService
name string
version *semver.Version
indexActionCh chan *core.IndexAction
cachePostsCh chan *postsEntry
cache tweetsCache
lastCacheResetTime time.Time
preventDuration time.Duration
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) IndexPosts(user *core.User, offset int, limit int) (*core.IndexTweetList, error) {
key := s.keyFrom(user, offset, limit)
posts, err := s.getPosts(key)
if err == nil {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.IndexPosts get index posts from cache by key: %s", key)
return posts, nil
if posts, err = s.ips.IndexPosts(user, offset, limit); err != nil {
return nil, err
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.IndexPosts get index posts from database by key: %s", key)
s.cachePosts(key, posts)
return posts, nil
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) getPosts(key string) (*core.IndexTweetList, error) {
data, err := s.cache.getTweetsBytes(key)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.getPosts get posts by key: %s from cache err: %v", key, err)
return nil, err
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf)
var resp core.IndexTweetList
if err := dec.Decode(&resp); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.getPosts get posts from cache in decode err: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &resp, nil
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) cachePosts(key string, tweets *core.IndexTweetList) {
entry := &postsEntry{key: key, tweets: tweets}
select {
case s.cachePostsCh <- entry:
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.cachePosts cachePosts by chan of key: %s", key)
go func(ch chan<- *postsEntry, entry *postsEntry) {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.cachePosts cachePosts indexAction by goroutine of key: %s", key)
ch <- entry
}(s.cachePostsCh, entry)
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) setPosts(entry *postsEntry) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
if err := enc.Encode(entry.tweets); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.setPosts setPosts encode post entry err: %v", err)
if err := s.cache.setTweetsBytes(entry.key, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.setPosts setPosts set cache err: %v", err)
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.setPosts setPosts set cache by key: %s", entry.key)
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) keyFrom(user *core.User, offset int, limit int) string {
var userId int64 = -1
if user != nil {
userId = user.ID
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d:%d", _cacheIndexKey, userId, offset, limit)
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) SendAction(act core.IdxAct, post *core.Post) {
action := core.NewIndexAction(act, post)
select {
case s.indexActionCh <- action:
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.SendAction send indexAction by chan: %s", act)
go func(ch chan<- *core.IndexAction, act *core.IndexAction) {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.SendAction send indexAction by goroutine: %s", action.Act)
ch <- act
}(s.indexActionCh, action)
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) startIndexPosts() {
for {
select {
case entry := <-s.cachePostsCh:
case action := <-s.indexActionCh:
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) handleIndexAction(action *core.IndexAction) {
act, post := action.Act, action.Post
// 创建/删除 私密推文特殊处理
switch act {
case core.IdxActCreatePost, core.IdxActDeletePost:
if post.Visibility == core.PostVisitPrivate {
s.deleteCacheByUserId(post.UserID, true)
// 如果在s.preventDuration时间内就清除所有缓存否则只清除自个儿的缓存
// TODO: 需要优化只清除受影响的缓存,后续完善
if time.Since(s.lastCacheResetTime) > s.preventDuration {
s.deleteCacheByUserId(post.UserID, false)
} else {
s.deleteCacheByUserId(post.UserID, true)
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) deleteCacheByUserId(id int64, oneself bool) {
var keys []string
userId := strconv.FormatInt(id, 10)
friendSet := core.FriendSet{}
if !oneself {
friendSet = s.ams.MyFriendSet(id)
friendSet[userId] = types.Empty{}
// 获取需要删除缓存的key目前是仅删除自个儿的缓存
allKeys, err := s.cache.allKeys()
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.deleteCacheByUserId userId: %s err:%s", userId, err)
for _, key := range allKeys {
keyParts := strings.Split(key, ":")
if len(keyParts) > 2 && keyParts[0] == _cacheIndexKey {
if _, ok := friendSet[keyParts[1]]; ok {
keys = append(keys, key)
// 执行删缓存
s.lastCacheResetTime = time.Now()
logrus.Debugf("cacheIndexSrv.deleteCacheByUserId userId:%s oneself:%t keys:%d", userId, oneself, len(keys))
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) Name() string {
func (s *cacheIndexSrv) Version() *semver.Version {
return s.version
func newCacheIndexSrv(ips core.IndexPostsService, ams core.AuthorizationManageService, tc tweetsCache) *cacheIndexSrv {
cacheIndex := &cacheIndexSrv{
ips: ips,
ams: ams,
cache: tc,
name: tc.Name(),
version: tc.Version(),
preventDuration: 10 * time.Second,
// indexActionCh capacity custom configure by conf.yaml need in [10, 10000]
// or re-compile source to adjust min/max capacity
capacity := conf.CacheIndexSetting.MaxUpdateQPS
if capacity < 10 {
capacity = 10
} else if capacity > 10000 {
capacity = 10000
cacheIndex.indexActionCh = make(chan *core.IndexAction, capacity)
cacheIndex.cachePostsCh = make(chan *postsEntry, capacity)
// 启动索引更新器
go cacheIndex.startIndexPosts()
return cacheIndex

@ -5,189 +5,51 @@
package cache
import (
var (
_ core.CacheIndexService = (*bigCacheIndexServant)(nil)
_ core.VersionInfo = (*bigCacheIndexServant)(nil)
_ tweetsCache = (*bigCacheTweetsCache)(nil)
type postsEntry struct {
key string
tweets *core.IndexTweetList
type bigCacheTweetsCache struct {
name string
version *semver.Version
bc *bigcache.BigCache
type bigCacheIndexServant struct {
ips core.IndexPostsService
ams core.AuthorizationManageService
indexActionCh chan *core.IndexAction
cachePostsCh chan *postsEntry
cache *bigcache.BigCache
lastCacheResetTime time.Time
preventDuration time.Duration
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) IndexPosts(user *core.User, offset int, limit int) (*core.IndexTweetList, error) {
key := s.keyFrom(user, offset, limit)
posts, err := s.getPosts(key)
if err == nil {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.IndexPosts get index posts from cache by key: %s", key)
return posts, nil
if posts, err = s.ips.IndexPosts(user, offset, limit); err != nil {
return nil, err
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.IndexPosts get index posts from database by key: %s", key)
s.cachePosts(key, posts)
return posts, nil
func (s *bigCacheTweetsCache) getTweetsBytes(key string) ([]byte, error) {
return s.bc.Get(key)
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) getPosts(key string) (*core.IndexTweetList, error) {
data, err := s.cache.Get(key)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.getPosts get posts by key: %s from cache err: %v", key, err)
return nil, err
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
dec := gob.NewDecoder(buf)
var resp core.IndexTweetList
if err := dec.Decode(&resp); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.getPosts get posts from cache in decode err: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &resp, nil
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) cachePosts(key string, tweets *core.IndexTweetList) {
entry := &postsEntry{key: key, tweets: tweets}
select {
case s.cachePostsCh <- entry:
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.cachePosts cachePosts by chan of key: %s", key)
go func(ch chan<- *postsEntry, entry *postsEntry) {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.cachePosts cachePosts indexAction by goroutine of key: %s", key)
ch <- entry
}(s.cachePostsCh, entry)
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) setPosts(entry *postsEntry) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
if err := enc.Encode(entry.tweets); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.setPosts setPosts encode post entry err: %v", err)
if err := s.cache.Set(entry.key, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.setPosts setPosts set cache err: %v", err)
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.setPosts setPosts set cache by key: %s", entry.key)
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) keyFrom(user *core.User, offset int, limit int) string {
var userId int64 = -1
if user != nil {
userId = user.ID
return fmt.Sprintf("index:%d:%d:%d", userId, offset, limit)
func (s *bigCacheTweetsCache) setTweetsBytes(key string, bs []byte) error {
return s.bc.Set(key, bs)
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) SendAction(act core.IdxAct, post *core.Post) {
action := core.NewIndexAction(act, post)
select {
case s.indexActionCh <- action:
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.SendAction send indexAction by chan: %s", act)
go func(ch chan<- *core.IndexAction, act *core.IndexAction) {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.SendAction send indexAction by goroutine: %s", action.Act)
ch <- act
}(s.indexActionCh, action)
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) startIndexPosts() {
for {
select {
case entry := <-s.cachePostsCh:
case action := <-s.indexActionCh:
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) handleIndexAction(action *core.IndexAction) {
act, post := action.Act, action.Post
// 创建/删除 私密推文特殊处理
switch act {
case core.IdxActCreatePost, core.IdxActDeletePost:
if post.Visibility == core.PostVisitPrivate {
s.deleteCacheByUserId(post.UserID, true)
// 如果在s.preventDuration时间内就清除所有缓存否则只清除自个儿的缓存
// TODO: 需要优化只清除受影响的缓存,后续完善
if time.Since(s.lastCacheResetTime) > s.preventDuration {
s.deleteCacheByUserId(post.UserID, false)
} else {
s.deleteCacheByUserId(post.UserID, true)
func (s *bigCacheTweetsCache) delTweets(keys []string) error {
for _, k := range keys {
return nil
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) deleteCacheByUserId(id int64, oneself bool) {
func (s *bigCacheTweetsCache) allKeys() ([]string, error) {
var keys []string
userId := strconv.FormatInt(id, 10)
friendSet := core.FriendSet{}
if !oneself {
friendSet = s.ams.MyFriendSet(id)
friendSet[userId] = types.Empty{}
// 获取需要删除缓存的key目前是仅删除自个儿的缓存
for it := s.cache.Iterator(); it.SetNext(); {
for it := s.bc.Iterator(); it.SetNext(); {
entry, err := it.Value()
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.deleteCacheByUserId userId: %s err:%s", userId, err)
return nil, err
key := entry.Key()
keyParts := strings.Split(key, ":")
if len(keyParts) > 2 && keyParts[0] == "index" {
if _, ok := friendSet[keyParts[1]]; ok {
keys = append(keys, key)
// 执行删缓存
for _, k := range keys {
keys = append(keys, entry.Key())
s.lastCacheResetTime = time.Now()
logrus.Debugf("bigCacheIndexServant.deleteCacheByUserId userId:%s oneself:%t keys:%d", userId, oneself, len(keys))
return keys, nil
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) Name() string {
func (s *bigCacheTweetsCache) Name() string {
return "BigCacheIndex"
func (s *bigCacheIndexServant) Version() *semver.Version {
func (s *bigCacheTweetsCache) Version() *semver.Version {
return semver.MustParse("v0.2.0")

@ -13,6 +13,12 @@ import (
func NewRedisCache() core.RedisCache {
return &redisCache{
c: conf.MustRedisClient(),
func NewBigCacheIndexService(ips core.IndexPostsService, ams core.AuthorizationManageService) (core.CacheIndexService, core.VersionInfo) {
s := conf.BigCacheIndexSetting
c := bigcache.DefaultConfig(s.ExpireInSecond)
@ -21,32 +27,23 @@ func NewBigCacheIndexService(ips core.IndexPostsService, ams core.AuthorizationM
c.Verbose = s.Verbose
c.MaxEntrySize = 10000
c.Logger = logrus.StandardLogger()
cache, err := bigcache.NewBigCache(c)
bc, err := bigcache.NewBigCache(c)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("initial bigCahceIndex failure by err: %v", err)
cacheIndex := newCacheIndexSrv(ips, ams, &bigCacheTweetsCache{
bc: bc,
return cacheIndex, cacheIndex
cacheIndex := &bigCacheIndexServant{
ips: ips,
ams: ams,
cache: cache,
preventDuration: 10 * time.Second,
// indexActionCh capacity custom configure by conf.yaml need in [10, 10000]
// or re-compile source to adjust min/max capacity
capacity := conf.CacheIndexSetting.MaxUpdateQPS
if capacity < 10 {
capacity = 10
} else if capacity > 10000 {
capacity = 10000
cacheIndex.indexActionCh = make(chan *core.IndexAction, capacity)
cacheIndex.cachePostsCh = make(chan *postsEntry, capacity)
// 启动索引更新器
go cacheIndex.startIndexPosts()
func NewRedisCacheIndexService(ips core.IndexPostsService, ams core.AuthorizationManageService) (core.CacheIndexService, core.VersionInfo) {
cacheIndex := newCacheIndexSrv(ips, ams, &redisCacheTweetsCache{
expireDuration: conf.RedisCacheIndexSetting.ExpireInSecond,
expireInSecond: int64(conf.RedisCacheIndexSetting.ExpireInSecond / time.Second),
c: conf.MustRedisClient(),
return cacheIndex, cacheIndex

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
var (
_ core.RedisCache = (*redisCache)(nil)
_ tweetsCache = (*redisCacheTweetsCache)(nil)
const (
_cacheIndexKeyPattern = _cacheIndexKey + "*"
_pushToSearchJobKey = "paopao_push_to_search_job"
_countLoginErrKey = "paopao_count_login_err"
_imgCaptchaKey = "paopao_img_captcha:"
_smsCaptchaKey = "paopao_sms_captcha"
_countWhisperKey = "paopao_whisper_key"
_rechargeStatusKey = "paopao_recharge_status:"
type redisCache struct {
c rueidis.Client
type redisCacheTweetsCache struct {
expireDuration time.Duration
expireInSecond int64
c rueidis.Client
func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) getTweetsBytes(key string) ([]byte, error) {
res, err := rueidis.MGetCache(s.c, context.Background(), s.expireDuration, []string{key})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
message := res[key]
return message.AsBytes()
func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) setTweetsBytes(key string, bs []byte) error {
cmd := s.c.B().Set().Key(key).Value(rueidis.BinaryString(bs)).ExSeconds(s.expireInSecond).Build()
return s.c.Do(context.Background(), cmd).Error()
func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) delTweets(keys []string) error {
cmd := s.c.B().Del().Key(keys...).Build()
return s.c.Do(context.Background(), cmd).Error()
func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) allKeys() ([]string, error) {
cmd := s.c.B().Keys().Pattern(_cacheIndexKeyPattern).Build()
return s.c.Do(context.Background(), cmd).AsStrSlice()
func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) Name() string {
return "RedisCacheIndex"
func (s *redisCacheTweetsCache) Version() *semver.Version {
return semver.MustParse("v0.1.0")
func (r *redisCache) SetPushToSearchJob(ctx context.Context) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Set().
func (r *redisCache) DelPushToSearchJob(ctx context.Context) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(_pushToSearchJobKey).Build()).Error()
func (r *redisCache) SetImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string, value string) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Set().
func (r *redisCache) GetImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error) {
res, err := r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(_imgCaptchaKey+id).Build()).AsBytes()
return unsafe.String(&res[0], len(res)), err
func (r *redisCache) DelImgCaptcha(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(_imgCaptchaKey+id).Build()).Error()
func (r *redisCache) GetCountSmsCaptcha(ctx context.Context, phone string) (int64, error) {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(_smsCaptchaKey+phone).Build()).AsInt64()
func (r *redisCache) IncrCountSmsCaptcha(ctx context.Context, phone string) (err error) {
if err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Incr().Key(_smsCaptchaKey+phone).Build()).Error(); err == nil {
currentTime := time.Now()
endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location())
err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Expire().Key(_smsCaptchaKey+phone).Seconds(int64(endTime.Sub(currentTime)/time.Second)).Build()).Error()
func (r *redisCache) GetCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) (int64, error) {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Build()).AsInt64()
func (r *redisCache) DelCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Build()).Error()
func (r *redisCache) IncrCountLoginErr(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
err := r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Incr().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Build()).Error()
if err == nil {
err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Expire().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countLoginErrKey, id)).Seconds(3600).Build()).Error()
return err
func (r *redisCache) GetCountWhisper(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (int64, error) {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Get().Key(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countWhisperKey, uid)).Build()).AsInt64()
func (r *redisCache) IncrCountWhisper(ctx context.Context, uid int64) (err error) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _countWhisperKey, uid)
if err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Incr().Key(key).Build()).Error(); err == nil {
currentTime := time.Now()
endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location())
err = r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Expire().Key(key).Seconds(int64(endTime.Sub(currentTime)/time.Second)).Build()).Error()
func (r *redisCache) SetRechargeStatus(ctx context.Context, tradeNo string) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Set().
func (r *redisCache) DelRechargeStatus(ctx context.Context, tradeNo string) error {
return r.c.Do(ctx, r.c.B().Del().Key(_rechargeStatusKey+tradeNo).Build()).Error()

@ -5,8 +5,12 @@
package jinzhu
import (
@ -35,6 +39,26 @@ func newCommentManageService(db *gorm.DB) core.CommentManageService {
func (s *commentServant) GetCommentThumbsMap(userId int64, tweetId int64) (cs.CommentThumbsMap, cs.CommentThumbsMap, error) {
if userId < 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
commentThumbsList := cs.CommentThumbsList{}
err := s.db.Model(&dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}).Where("user_id=? AND tweet_id=?", userId, tweetId).Find(&commentThumbsList).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
commentThumbs, replyThumbs := make(cs.CommentThumbsMap), make(cs.CommentThumbsMap)
for _, thumbs := range commentThumbsList {
if thumbs.CommentType == 0 {
commentThumbs[thumbs.CommentID] = thumbs
} else {
replyThumbs[thumbs.ReplyID] = thumbs
return commentThumbs, replyThumbs, nil
func (s *commentServant) GetComments(conditions *core.ConditionsT, offset, limit int) ([]*core.Comment, error) {
return (&dbr.Comment{}).List(s.db, conditions, offset, limit)
@ -72,6 +96,7 @@ func (s *commentServant) GetCommentRepliesByID(ids []int64) ([]*core.CommentRepl
CommentReply := &dbr.CommentReply{}
replies, err := CommentReply.List(s.db, &dbr.ConditionsT{
"comment_id IN ?": ids,
"ORDER": "id ASC",
}, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
@ -106,7 +131,22 @@ func (s *commentServant) GetCommentRepliesByID(ids []int64) ([]*core.CommentRepl
func (s *commentManageServant) DeleteComment(comment *core.Comment) error {
return comment.Delete(s.db)
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
err := comment.Delete(s.db)
if err != nil {
return err
err = db.Model(&dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}).Where("user_id=? AND tweet_id=? AND comment_id=?", comment.UserID, comment.PostID, comment.ID).Updates(map[string]any{
"deleted_on": time.Now().Unix(),
"is_del": 1,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *commentManageServant) CreateComment(comment *core.Comment) (*core.Comment, error) {
@ -117,10 +157,244 @@ func (s *commentManageServant) CreateCommentReply(reply *core.CommentReply) (*co
return reply.Create(s.db)
func (s *commentManageServant) DeleteCommentReply(reply *core.CommentReply) error {
return reply.Delete(s.db)
func (s *commentManageServant) DeleteCommentReply(reply *core.CommentReply) (err error) {
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
err = reply.Delete(s.db)
if err != nil {
err = db.Model(&dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}).
Where("user_id=? AND comment_id=? AND reply_id=?", reply.UserID, reply.CommentID, reply.ID).Updates(map[string]any{
"deleted_on": time.Now().Unix(),
"is_del": 1,
if err != nil {
func (s *commentManageServant) CreateCommentContent(content *core.CommentContent) (*core.CommentContent, error) {
return content.Create(s.db)
func (s *commentManageServant) ThumbsUpComment(userId int64, tweetId, commentId int64) error {
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
var (
thumbsUpCount int32 = 0
thumbsDownCount int32 = 0
commentThumbs := &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}
// 检查thumbs状态
err := s.db.Where("user_id=? AND tweet_id=? AND comment_id=? AND comment_type=0", userId, tweetId, commentId).Take(commentThumbs).Error
if err == nil {
switch {
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp == types.Yes && commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.No:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = -1, 0
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp == types.No && commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.No:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 1, 0
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 1, -1
commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown = types.No
commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp = 1 - commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp
commentThumbs.ModifiedOn = time.Now().Unix()
} else {
commentThumbs = &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{
UserID: userId,
TweetID: tweetId,
CommentID: commentId,
IsThumbsUp: types.Yes,
IsThumbsDown: types.No,
CommentType: 0,
Model: &dbr.Model{
CreatedOn: time.Now().Unix(),
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 1, 0
// 更新thumbs状态
if err = s.db.Save(commentThumbs).Error; err != nil {
return err
// 更新thumbsUpCount
if err = s.updateCommentThumbsUpCount(&dbr.Comment{}, commentId, thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *commentManageServant) ThumbsDownComment(userId int64, tweetId, commentId int64) error {
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
var (
thumbsUpCount int32 = 0
thumbsDownCount int32 = 0
commentThumbs := &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}
// 检查thumbs状态
err := s.db.Where("user_id=? AND tweet_id=? AND comment_id=? AND comment_type=0", userId, tweetId, commentId).Take(commentThumbs).Error
if err == nil {
switch {
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.Yes:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 0, -1
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.No && commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp == types.No:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 0, 1
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = -1, 1
commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp = types.No
commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown = 1 - commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown
commentThumbs.ModifiedOn = time.Now().Unix()
} else {
commentThumbs = &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{
UserID: userId,
TweetID: tweetId,
CommentID: commentId,
IsThumbsUp: types.No,
IsThumbsDown: types.Yes,
CommentType: 0,
Model: &dbr.Model{
CreatedOn: time.Now().Unix(),
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 0, 1
// 更新thumbs状态
if err = s.db.Save(commentThumbs).Error; err != nil {
return err
// 更新thumbsUpCount
if err = s.updateCommentThumbsUpCount(&dbr.Comment{}, commentId, thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *commentManageServant) ThumbsUpReply(userId int64, tweetId, commentId, replyId int64) error {
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
var (
thumbsUpCount int32 = 0
thumbsDownCount int32 = 0
commentThumbs := &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}
// 检查thumbs状态
err := s.db.Where("user_id=? AND tweet_id=? AND comment_id=? AND reply_id=? AND comment_type=1", userId, tweetId, commentId, replyId).Take(commentThumbs).Error
if err == nil {
switch {
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp == types.Yes:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = -1, 0
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp == types.No && commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.No:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 1, 0
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 1, -1
commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown = types.No
commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp = 1 - commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp
commentThumbs.ModifiedOn = time.Now().Unix()
} else {
commentThumbs = &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{
UserID: userId,
TweetID: tweetId,
CommentID: commentId,
ReplyID: replyId,
IsThumbsUp: types.Yes,
IsThumbsDown: types.No,
CommentType: 1,
Model: &dbr.Model{
CreatedOn: time.Now().Unix(),
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 1, 0
// 更新thumbs状态
if err = s.db.Save(commentThumbs).Error; err != nil {
return err
// 更新thumbsUpCount
if err = s.updateCommentThumbsUpCount(&dbr.CommentReply{}, replyId, thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *commentManageServant) ThumbsDownReply(userId int64, tweetId, commentId, replyId int64) error {
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
var (
thumbsUpCount int32 = 0
thumbsDownCount int32 = 0
commentThumbs := &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{}
// 检查thumbs状态
err := s.db.Where("user_id=? AND tweet_id=? AND comment_id=? AND reply_id=? AND comment_type=1", userId, tweetId, commentId, replyId).Take(commentThumbs).Error
if err == nil {
switch {
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.Yes:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 0, -1
case commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp == types.No && commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown == types.No:
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 0, 1
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = -1, 1
commentThumbs.IsThumbsUp = types.No
commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown = 1 - commentThumbs.IsThumbsDown
commentThumbs.ModifiedOn = time.Now().Unix()
} else {
commentThumbs = &dbr.TweetCommentThumbs{
UserID: userId,
TweetID: tweetId,
CommentID: commentId,
ReplyID: replyId,
IsThumbsUp: types.No,
IsThumbsDown: types.Yes,
CommentType: 1,
Model: &dbr.Model{
CreatedOn: time.Now().Unix(),
thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount = 0, 1
// 更新thumbs状态
if err = s.db.Save(commentThumbs).Error; err != nil {
return err
// 更新thumbsUpCount
if err = s.updateCommentThumbsUpCount(&dbr.CommentReply{}, replyId, thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *commentManageServant) updateCommentThumbsUpCount(obj any, id int64, thumbsUpCount, thumbsDownCount int32) error {
updateColumns := make(map[string]any, 2)
if thumbsUpCount == 1 {
updateColumns["thumbs_up_count"] = gorm.Expr("thumbs_up_count + 1")
} else if thumbsUpCount == -1 {
updateColumns["thumbs_up_count"] = gorm.Expr("thumbs_up_count - 1")
if thumbsDownCount == 1 {
updateColumns["thumbs_down_count"] = gorm.Expr("thumbs_down_count + 1")
} else if thumbsDownCount == -1 {
updateColumns["thumbs_down_count"] = gorm.Expr("thumbs_down_count - 1")
if len(updateColumns) > 0 {
updateColumns["modified_on"] = time.Now().Unix()
return s.db.Model(obj).Where("id=?", id).UpdateColumns(updateColumns).Error
return nil

@ -7,27 +7,33 @@ package dbr
import (
type Comment struct {
PostID int64 `json:"post_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
PostID int64 `json:"post_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
ThumbsUpCount int32 `json:"thumbs_up_count"`
ThumbsDownCount int32 `json:"-"`
type CommentFormated struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
PostID int64 `json:"post_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
User *UserFormated `json:"user"`
Contents []*CommentContent `json:"contents"`
Replies []*CommentReplyFormated `json:"replies"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
CreatedOn int64 `json:"created_on"`
ModifiedOn int64 `json:"modified_on"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
PostID int64 `json:"post_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
User *UserFormated `json:"user"`
Contents []*CommentContent `json:"contents"`
Replies []*CommentReplyFormated `json:"replies"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
ThumbsUpCount int32 `json:"thumbs_up_count"`
IsThumbsUp int8 `json:"is_thumbs_up"`
IsThumbsDown int8 `json:"is_thumbs_down"`
CreatedOn int64 `json:"created_on"`
ModifiedOn int64 `json:"modified_on"`
func (c *Comment) Format() *CommentFormated {
@ -35,15 +41,18 @@ func (c *Comment) Format() *CommentFormated {
return &CommentFormated{}
return &CommentFormated{
ID: c.Model.ID,
PostID: c.PostID,
UserID: c.UserID,
User: &UserFormated{},
Contents: []*CommentContent{},
Replies: []*CommentReplyFormated{},
IPLoc: c.IPLoc,
CreatedOn: c.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn: c.ModifiedOn,
ID: c.Model.ID,
PostID: c.PostID,
UserID: c.UserID,
User: &UserFormated{},
Contents: []*CommentContent{},
Replies: []*CommentReplyFormated{},
IPLoc: c.IPLoc,
ThumbsUpCount: c.ThumbsUpCount,
IsThumbsUp: types.No,
IsThumbsDown: types.No,
CreatedOn: c.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn: c.ModifiedOn,

@ -7,30 +7,36 @@ package dbr
import (
type CommentReply struct {
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
AtUserID int64 `json:"at_user_id"`
Content string `json:"content"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
AtUserID int64 `json:"at_user_id"`
Content string `json:"content"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
ThumbsUpCount int32 `json:"thumbs_up_count"`
ThumbsDownCount int32 `json:"-"`
type CommentReplyFormated struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
User *UserFormated `json:"user"`
AtUserID int64 `json:"at_user_id"`
AtUser *UserFormated `json:"at_user"`
Content string `json:"content"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
CreatedOn int64 `json:"created_on"`
ModifiedOn int64 `json:"modified_on"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
User *UserFormated `json:"user"`
AtUserID int64 `json:"at_user_id"`
AtUser *UserFormated `json:"at_user"`
Content string `json:"content"`
IPLoc string `json:"ip_loc"`
ThumbsUpCount int32 `json:"thumbs_up_count"`
IsThumbsUp int8 `json:"is_thumbs_up"`
IsThumbsDown int8 `json:"is_thumbs_down"`
CreatedOn int64 `json:"created_on"`
ModifiedOn int64 `json:"modified_on"`
func (c *CommentReply) Format() *CommentReplyFormated {
@ -39,16 +45,19 @@ func (c *CommentReply) Format() *CommentReplyFormated {
return &CommentReplyFormated{
ID: c.ID,
CommentID: c.CommentID,
UserID: c.UserID,
User: &UserFormated{},
AtUserID: c.AtUserID,
AtUser: &UserFormated{},
Content: c.Content,
IPLoc: c.IPLoc,
CreatedOn: c.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn: c.ModifiedOn,
ID: c.ID,
CommentID: c.CommentID,
UserID: c.UserID,
User: &UserFormated{},
AtUserID: c.AtUserID,
AtUser: &UserFormated{},
Content: c.Content,
IPLoc: c.IPLoc,
ThumbsUpCount: c.ThumbsUpCount,
IsThumbsUp: types.No,
IsThumbsDown: types.No,
CreatedOn: c.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn: c.ModifiedOn,

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dbr
type TweetCommentThumbs struct {
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
TweetID int64 `json:"tweet_id"`
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id"`
ReplyID int64 `json:"reply_id"`
CommentType int8 `json:"comment_type"`
IsThumbsUp int8 `json:"is_thumbs_up"`
IsThumbsDown int8 `json:"is_thumbs_down"`

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type Post struct {
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
CommentCount int64 `json:"comment_count"`
CollectionCount int64 `json:"collection_count"`
ShareCount int64 `json:"share_count"`
UpvoteCount int64 `json:"upvote_count"`
Visibility PostVisibleT `json:"visibility"`
IsTop int `json:"is_top"`
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ type PostFormated struct {
Contents []*PostContentFormated `json:"contents"`
CommentCount int64 `json:"comment_count"`
CollectionCount int64 `json:"collection_count"`
ShareCount int64 `json:"share_count"`
UpvoteCount int64 `json:"upvote_count"`
Visibility PostVisibleT `json:"visibility"`
IsTop int `json:"is_top"`
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ func (p *Post) Format() *PostFormated {
Contents: []*PostContentFormated{},
CommentCount: p.CommentCount,
CollectionCount: p.CollectionCount,
ShareCount: p.ShareCount,
UpvoteCount: p.UpvoteCount,
Visibility: p.Visibility,
IsTop: p.IsTop,

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (p *PostCollection) Get(db *gorm.DB) (*PostCollection, error) {
db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID)
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ? OR (visibility = ? AND ? = ?)", PostVisitPrivate, PostVisitPrivate, clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "user_id"}, p.UserID).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
err := db.First(&star).Error
if err != nil {
return &star, err
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ func (p *PostCollection) List(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT, offset, limi
db = db.Joins("Post").Where(`visibility <> ?`, PostVisitPrivate).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
db = db.Joins("Post").Where(`visibility <> ? OR (visibility = ? AND ? = ?)`, PostVisitPrivate, PostVisitPrivate, clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "user_id"}, p.UserID).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
if err = db.Where(tn+"is_del = ?", 0).Find(&collections).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func (p *PostCollection) Count(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT) (int64, err
db = db.Joins("Post").Where(`visibility <> ?`, PostVisitPrivate)
db = db.Joins("Post").Where(`visibility <> ? OR (visibility = ? AND ? = ?)`, PostVisitPrivate, PostVisitPrivate, clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "user_id"}, p.UserID)
if err := db.Model(p).Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (p *PostStar) Get(db *gorm.DB) (*PostStar, error) {
db = db.Where(tn+"user_id = ?", p.UserID)
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ? OR (visibility = ? AND ? = ?)", PostVisitPrivate, PostVisitPrivate, clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "user_id"}, p.UserID).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
if err := db.First(&star).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func (p *PostStar) List(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT, offset, limit int)
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ? OR (visibility = ? AND ? = ?)", PostVisitPrivate, PostVisitPrivate, clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "user_id"}, p.UserID).Order(clause.OrderByColumn{Column: clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "id"}, Desc: true})
if err = db.Find(&stars).Error; err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ func (p *PostStar) Count(db *gorm.DB, conditions *ConditionsT) (int64, error) {
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ?", PostVisitPrivate)
db = db.Joins("Post").Where("visibility <> ? OR (visibility = ? AND ? = ?)", PostVisitPrivate, PostVisitPrivate, clause.Column{Table: "Post", Name: "user_id"}, p.UserID)
if err := db.Model(p).Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
return 0, err

@ -16,12 +16,27 @@ type Tag struct {
Tag string `json:"tag"`
QuoteNum int64 `json:"quote_num"`
type TopicUser struct {
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
TopicID int64 `json:"topic_id"`
AliasName string `json:"-"`
Remark string `json:"-"`
QuoteNum int64 `json:"quote_num"`
IsTop int8 `json:"is_top"`
ReserveA string `json:"-"`
ReserveB string `json:"-"`
type TagFormated struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
User *UserFormated `json:"user"`
Tag string `json:"tag"`
QuoteNum int64 `json:"quote_num"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
User *UserFormated `json:"user"`
Tag string `json:"tag"`
QuoteNum int64 `json:"quote_num"`
IsFollowing int8 `json:"is_following"`
IsTop int8 `json:"is_top"`
func (t *Tag) Format() *TagFormated {
@ -30,11 +45,13 @@ func (t *Tag) Format() *TagFormated {
return &TagFormated{
ID: t.ID,
UserID: t.UserID,
User: &UserFormated{},
Tag: t.Tag,
QuoteNum: t.QuoteNum,
ID: t.ID,
UserID: t.UserID,
User: &UserFormated{},
Tag: t.Tag,
QuoteNum: t.QuoteNum,
IsFollowing: 0,
IsTop: 0,

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ func NewDataService() (core.DataService, core.VersionInfo) {
pvs := security.NewPhoneVerifyService()
ams := NewAuthorizationManageService()
ths := newTweetHelpService(db)
ums := newUserManageService(db)
// initialize core.IndexPostsService
if cfg.If("Friendship") {
@ -63,23 +64,30 @@ func NewDataService() (core.DataService, core.VersionInfo) {
// initialize core.CacheIndexService
if cfg.If("SimpleCacheIndex") {
// simpleCache use special post index service
ips = newSimpleIndexPostsService(db, ths)
cis, v = cache.NewSimpleCacheIndexService(ips)
} else if cfg.If("BigCacheIndex") {
// TODO: make cache index post in different scence like friendship/followship/lightship
cis, v = cache.NewBigCacheIndexService(ips, ams)
} else {
"SimpleCacheIndex": func() {
// simpleCache use special post index service
ips = newSimpleIndexPostsService(db, ths)
cis, v = cache.NewSimpleCacheIndexService(ips)
"BigCacheIndex": func() {
// TODO: make cache index post in different scence like friendship/followship/lightship
cis, v = cache.NewBigCacheIndexService(ips, ams)
"RedisCacheIndex": func() {
cis, v = cache.NewRedisCacheIndexService(ips, ams)
}, func() {
// defualt no cache
cis, v = cache.NewNoneCacheIndexService(ips)
logrus.Infof("use %s as cache index service by version: %s", v.Name(), v.Version())
ds := &dataServant{
IndexPostsService: cis,
WalletService: newWalletService(db),
MessageService: newMessageService(db),
TopicService: newTopicService(db),
TopicService: newTopicService(db, ums),
TweetService: newTweetService(db),
TweetManageService: newTweetManageService(db, cis),
TweetHelpService: newTweetHelpService(db),

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package jinzhu
import (
@ -17,12 +18,23 @@ var (
type topicServant struct {
db *gorm.DB
db *gorm.DB
ums core.UserManageService
tnTopicUser string
tnDotTopicUser string
func newTopicService(db *gorm.DB) core.TopicService {
type topicInfo struct {
TopicId int64
IsTop int8
func newTopicService(db *gorm.DB, ums core.UserManageService) core.TopicService {
return &topicServant{
db: db,
db: db,
ums: ums,
tnTopicUser: db.NamingStrategy.TableName("TopicUser"),
tnDotTopicUser: db.NamingStrategy.TableName("TopicUser") + ".",
@ -38,6 +50,110 @@ func (s *topicServant) GetTags(conditions *core.ConditionsT, offset, limit int)
return (&dbr.Tag{}).List(s.db, conditions, offset, limit)
func (s *topicServant) GetHotTags(userId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]*core.TagFormated, error) {
tags, err := (&dbr.Tag{}).List(s.db, &core.ConditionsT{
"ORDER": "quote_num DESC",
}, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.tagsFormat(userId, nil, tags)
func (s *topicServant) GetNewestTags(userId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]*core.TagFormated, error) {
tags, err := (&dbr.Tag{}).List(s.db, &core.ConditionsT{
"ORDER": "id DESC",
}, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.tagsFormat(userId, nil, tags)
func (s *topicServant) GetFollowTags(userId int64, limit int, offset int) ([]*core.TagFormated, error) {
if userId < 0 {
return nil, nil
userTopics := []*topicInfo{}
err := s.db.Model(&dbr.TopicUser{}).
Where("user_id=?", userId).
Order("is_top DESC").
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userTopicsMap := make(map[int64]*topicInfo, len(userTopics))
topicIds := make([]int64, 0, len(userTopics))
topicIdsMap := make(map[int64]int, len(userTopics))
for idx, info := range userTopics {
userTopicsMap[info.TopicId] = info
topicIds = append(topicIds, info.TopicId)
topicIdsMap[info.TopicId] = idx
var tags []*core.Tag
err = s.db.Model(&dbr.Tag{}).Where("quote_num > 0 and id in ?", topicIds).Order("quote_num DESC").Find(&tags).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
formtedTags, err := s.tagsFormat(-1, userTopicsMap, tags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 置顶排序后处理
// TODO: 垃圾办法最好是topic_user join tag 一次查询但是gorm的join真他喵的别扭F*K
res := make([]*core.TagFormated, len(topicIds), len(topicIds))
for _, tag := range formtedTags {
res[topicIdsMap[tag.ID]] = tag
return res, nil
func (s *topicServant) tagsFormat(userId int64, userTopicsMap map[int64]*topicInfo, tags []*core.Tag) ([]*core.TagFormated, error) {
// 获取创建者User IDs
userIds := []int64{}
tagIds := []int64{}
for _, tag := range tags {
userIds = append(userIds, tag.UserID)
tagIds = append(tagIds, tag.ID)
users, err := s.ums.GetUsersByIDs(userIds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tagsFormated := []*core.TagFormated{}
for _, tag := range tags {
tagFormated := tag.Format()
for _, user := range users {
if user.ID == tagFormated.UserID {
tagFormated.User = user.Format()
tagsFormated = append(tagsFormated, tagFormated)
// 填充话题follow信息
if userId > -1 && len(userTopicsMap) <= 0 {
userTopics := []*topicInfo{}
err = s.db.Model(&dbr.TopicUser{}).Where("is_del=0 and user_id=? and topic_id in ?", userId, tagIds).Find(&userTopics).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userTopicsMap = make(map[int64]*topicInfo, len(userTopics))
for _, info := range userTopics {
userTopicsMap[info.TopicId] = info
if len(userTopicsMap) > 0 {
for _, tag := range tagsFormated {
if info, exist := userTopicsMap[tag.ID]; exist {
tag.IsFollowing, tag.IsTop = 1, info.IsTop
return tagsFormated, nil
func (s *topicServant) GetTagsByKeyword(keyword string) ([]*core.Tag, error) {
tag := &dbr.Tag{}
@ -53,3 +169,39 @@ func (s *topicServant) GetTagsByKeyword(keyword string) ([]*core.Tag, error) {
}, 0, 6)
func (s *topicServant) FollowTopic(userId int64, topicId int64) (err error) {
return s.db.Create(&dbr.TopicUser{
UserID: userId,
TopicID: topicId,
IsTop: 0,
func (s *topicServant) UnfollowTopic(userId int64, topicId int64) error {
return s.db.Exec("DELETE FROM "+s.tnTopicUser+" WHERE user_id=? AND topic_id=?", userId, topicId).Error
func (s *topicServant) StickTopic(userId int64, topicId int64) (status int8, err error) {
db := s.db.Begin()
defer db.Rollback()
m := &dbr.TopicUser{}
err = db.Model(m).
Where("user_id=? and topic_id=?", userId, topicId).
UpdateColumn("is_top", gorm.Expr("1-is_top")).Error
if err != nil {
status = -1
err = db.Model(m).Where("user_id=? and topic_id=?", userId, topicId).Select("is_top").Scan(&status).Error
if err != nil {
if status < 0 {
return -1, errors.New("topic not exist")

@ -293,7 +293,8 @@ func (s *tweetManageServant) VisiblePost(post *core.Post, visibility core.PostVi
tags := strings.Split(post.Tags, ",")
for _, t := range tags {
tag := &dbr.Tag{
Tag: t,
UserID: post.UserID,
Tag: t,
// TODO: 暂时宽松不处理错误,这里或许可以有优化,后续完善
if oldVisibility == dbr.PostVisitPrivate {

@ -52,20 +52,20 @@ func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) Name() string {
func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) Version() *semver.Version {
return semver.MustParse("v0.2.1")
return semver.MustParse("v0.2.2")
func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) IndexName() string {
return s.index.UID
func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data []core.TsDocItem, primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) {
func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) AddDocuments(data []core.TsDocItem, _primaryKey ...string) (bool, error) {
docs := s.toDocs(data)
if len(docs) == 0 {
return true, nil
if _, err := s.index.AddDocuments(docs, primaryKey...); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("meiliTweetSearchServant.AddDocuments error: %v", err)
if _, err := s.index.AddDocuments(docs); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("meiliTweetSearchServant.AddDocuments error: %s", err)
return false, err
return true, nil
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func (s *meiliTweetSearchServant) DeleteDocuments(identifiers []string) error {
logrus.Errorf("meiliTweetSearchServant.DeleteDocuments error: %v", err)
return err
logrus.Debugf("meiliTweetSearchServant.DeleteDocuments task: %+v", task.Details)
logrus.Debugf("meiliTweetSearchServant.DeleteDocuments task: (taskUID:%d, indexUID:%s, status:%s)", task.TaskUID, task.IndexUID, task.Status)
return nil

@ -22,19 +22,22 @@ func NewMeiliTweetSearchService(ams core.AuthorizationManageService) (core.Tweet
if _, err := client.Index(s.Index).FetchInfo(); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("create index because fetch index info error: %v", err)
logrus.Debugf("create meili index because fetch index info error: %v", err)
if _, err := client.CreateIndex(&meilisearch.IndexConfig{
Uid: s.Index,
PrimaryKey: "id",
searchableAttributes := []string{"content", "tags"}
sortableAttributes := []string{"is_top", "latest_replied_on"}
filterableAttributes := []string{"tags", "visibility", "user_id"}
index := client.Index(s.Index)
}); err == nil {
settings := meilisearch.Settings{
SearchableAttributes: []string{"content", "tags"},
SortableAttributes: []string{"is_top", "latest_replied_on"},
FilterableAttributes: []string{"tags", "visibility", "user_id"},
if _, err = client.Index(s.Index).UpdateSettings(&settings); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("update meili settings error: %s", err)
} else {
logrus.Errorf("create meili index error: %s", err)
mts := &meiliTweetSearchServant{
@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ func NewZincTweetSearchService(ams core.AuthorizationManageService) (core.TweetS
ams: ams,
indexName: s.Index,
client: zinc.NewClient(s),
client: zinc.NewClient(s.Endpoint(), s.User, s.Password),
publicFilter: fmt.Sprintf("visibility:%d", core.PostVisitPublic),
privateFilter: fmt.Sprintf("visibility:%d AND user_id:%%d", core.PostVisitPrivate),
friendFilter: fmt.Sprintf("visibility:%d", core.PostVisitFriend),

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
package security
import (

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
package storage
import (
@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ import (

@ -6,15 +6,9 @@ package internal
import (
func Initialize() {
func Initial() {
// migrate database if needed
// initialize service

@ -9,6 +9,25 @@ import (
const (
TagTypeHot TagType = "hot"
TagTypeNew TagType = "new"
TagTypeFollow TagType = "follow"
TagTypeHotExtral TagType = "hot_extral"
type TweetCommentsReq struct {
SimpleInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"`
TweetId int64 `form:"id" binding:"required"`
SortStrategy string `form:"sort_strategy"`
Page int `form:"-" binding:"-"`
PageSize int `form:"-" binding:"-"`
type TweetCommentsResp base.PageResp
type TagType string
type TimelineReq struct {
BaseInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"`
Query string `form:"query"`
@ -44,6 +63,24 @@ type GetUserProfileResp struct {
IsFriend bool `json:"is_friend"`
type TopicListReq struct {
SimpleInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"`
Type TagType `json:"type" form:"type" binding:"required"`
Num int `json:"num" form:"num" binding:"required"`
ExtralNum int `json:"extral_num" form:"extral_num"`
// TopicListResp 主题返回值
// TODO: 优化内容定义
type TopicListResp struct {
Topics []*core.TagFormated `json:"topics"`
ExtralTopics []*core.TagFormated `json:"extral_topics,omitempty"`
func (r *GetUserTweetsReq) SetPageInfo(page int, pageSize int) {
r.Page, r.PageSize = page, pageSize
func (r *TweetCommentsReq) SetPageInfo(page int, pageSize int) {
r.Page, r.PageSize = page, pageSize

@ -12,6 +12,19 @@ import (
type TweetCommentThumbsReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
TweetId int64 `json:"tweet_id" binding:"required"`
CommentId int64 `json:"comment_id" binding:"required"`
type TweetReplyThumbsReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
TweetId int64 `json:"tweet_id" binding:"required"`
CommentId int64 `json:"comment_id" binding:"required"`
ReplyId int64 `json:"reply_id" binding:"required"`
type PostContentItem struct {
Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"`
Type core.PostContentT `json:"type" binding:"required"`
@ -146,6 +159,25 @@ type DownloadAttachmentResp struct {
SignedURL string `json:"signed_url"`
type StickTopicReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
TopicId int64 `json:"topic_id" binding:"required"`
type StickTopicResp struct {
StickStatus int8 `json:"top_status"`
type FollowTopicReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
TopicId int64 `json:"topic_id" binding:"required"`
type UnfollowTopicReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
TopicId int64 `json:"topic_id" binding:"required"`
// Check 检查PostContentItem属性
func (p *PostContentItem) Check(acs core.AttachmentCheckService) error {
// 检查附件是否是本站资源

@ -6,42 +6,15 @@ package web
import (
const (
TagTypeHot TagType = "hot"
TagTypeNew TagType = "new"
type TagType string
type TweetDetailReq struct {
TweetId int64 `form:"id"`
type TweetDetailResp core.PostFormated
type TweetCommentsReq struct {
TweetId int64 `form:"id"`
Page int `form:"-"`
PageSize int `form:"-"`
type TweetCommentsResp base.PageResp
type TopicListReq struct {
Type TagType `json:"type" form:"type" binding:"required"`
Num int `json:"num" form:"num" binding:"required"`
// TopicListResp 主题返回值
// TODO: 优化内容定义
type TopicListResp struct {
Topics []*core.TagFormated `json:"topics"`
type GetCaptchaResp struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Content string `json:"b64s"`
@ -54,7 +27,7 @@ type SendCaptchaReq struct {
type VersionResp struct {
BuildInfo *debug.BuildInfo `json:"build_info"`
BuildInfo *version.BuildInfo `json:"build_info"`
type LoginReq struct {

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func newUserSrv() api.User {
func newUserBinding() api.UserBinding {
return &userBinding{
UnimplementedUserBinding: &api.UnimplementedUserBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -9,23 +9,28 @@ import (
sentrygin ""
type BaseServant types.Empty
type DaoServant struct {
Redis *redis.Client
Ds core.DataService
Ts core.TweetSearchService
Redis core.RedisCache
type BaseBinding types.Empty
@ -38,6 +43,10 @@ type JsonResp struct {
Data any `json:"data,omitempty"`
type SentryHubSetter interface {
SetSentryHub(hub *sentry.Hub)
type UserSetter interface {
@ -74,7 +83,7 @@ func UserNameFrom(c *gin.Context) (string, bool) {
return "", false
func BindAny(c *gin.Context, obj any) mir.Error {
func bindAny(c *gin.Context, obj any) mir.Error {
var errs xerror.ValidErrors
err := c.ShouldBind(obj)
if err != nil {
@ -98,6 +107,40 @@ func BindAny(c *gin.Context, obj any) mir.Error {
return nil
func bindAnySentry(c *gin.Context, obj any) mir.Error {
hub := sentrygin.GetHubFromContext(c)
var errs xerror.ValidErrors
err := c.ShouldBind(obj)
if err != nil {
xerr := mir.NewError(xerror.InvalidParams.StatusCode(), xerror.InvalidParams.WithDetails(errs.Error()))
if hub != nil {
hub.CaptureException(errors.Wrap(xerr, "bind object"))
return xerr
// setup sentry hub if needed
if setter, ok := obj.(SentryHubSetter); ok && hub != nil {
// setup *core.User if needed
if setter, ok := obj.(UserSetter); ok {
user, _ := UserFrom(c)
// setup UserId if needed
if setter, ok := obj.(UserIdSetter); ok {
uid, _ := UserIdFrom(c)
// setup PageInfo if needed
if setter, ok := obj.(PageInfoSetter); ok {
page, pageSize := app.GetPageInfo(c)
setter.SetPageInfo(page, pageSize)
return nil
func RenderAny(c *gin.Context, data any, err mir.Error) {
if err == nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, &JsonResp{
@ -140,8 +183,8 @@ func (s *DaoServant) GetTweetBy(id int64) (*core.PostFormated, error) {
func (s *DaoServant) PushPostsToSearch(c context.Context) {
if ok, _ := s.Redis.SetNX(c, "JOB_PUSH_TO_SEARCH", 1, time.Hour).Result(); ok {
defer s.Redis.Del(c, "JOB_PUSH_TO_SEARCH")
if err := s.Redis.SetPushToSearchJob(c); err == nil {
defer s.Redis.DelPushToSearchJob(c)
splitNum := 1000
totalRows, _ := s.Ds.GetPostCount(&core.ConditionsT{
@ -168,6 +211,8 @@ func (s *DaoServant) PushPostsToSearch(c context.Context) {
s.Ts.AddDocuments(docs, fmt.Sprintf("%d", posts[i].ID))
} else {
logrus.Errorf("redis: set JOB_PUSH_TO_SEARCH error: %s", err)
@ -207,3 +252,18 @@ func (s *DaoServant) GetTweetList(conditions *core.ConditionsT, offset, limit in
postFormated, err := s.Ds.MergePosts(posts)
return posts, postFormated, err
func NewDaoServant() *DaoServant {
return &DaoServant{
Redis: cache.NewRedisCache(),
Ds: dao.DataService(),
Ts: dao.TweetSearchService(),
func NewBindAnyFn() func(c *gin.Context, obj any) mir.Error {
if conf.UseSentryGin() {
return bindAnySentry
return bindAny

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func newUserSrv() api.User {
func newUserBinding() api.UserBinding {
return &userBinding{
UnimplementedUserBinding: &api.UnimplementedUserBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
func Admin() gin.HandlerFunc {
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ func Admin() gin.HandlerFunc {
response := app.NewResponse(c)

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
func JWT() gin.HandlerFunc {
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func JWT() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
var (
token string
ecode = errcode.Success
ecode = xerror.Success
if s, exist := c.GetQuery("token"); exist {
token = s
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func JWT() gin.HandlerFunc {
// 验证前端传过来的token格式不为空开头为Bearer
if token == "" || !strings.HasPrefix(token, "Bearer ") {
response := app.NewResponse(c)
@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ func JWT() gin.HandlerFunc {
token = token[7:]
if token == "" {
ecode = errcode.InvalidParams
ecode = xerror.InvalidParams
} else {
claims, err := app.ParseToken(token)
if err != nil {
switch err.(*jwt.ValidationError).Errors {
case jwt.ValidationErrorExpired:
ecode = errcode.UnauthorizedTokenTimeout
ecode = xerror.UnauthorizedTokenTimeout
ecode = errcode.UnauthorizedTokenError
ecode = xerror.UnauthorizedTokenError
} else {
c.Set("UID", claims.UID)
@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ func JWT() gin.HandlerFunc {
if err == nil {
c.Set("USER", user)
} else {
ecode = errcode.UnauthorizedAuthNotExist
ecode = xerror.UnauthorizedAuthNotExist
// 强制下线机制
if (conf.JWTSetting.Issuer + ":" + user.Salt) != claims.Issuer {
ecode = errcode.UnauthorizedTokenTimeout
ecode = xerror.UnauthorizedTokenTimeout
if ecode != errcode.Success {
if ecode != xerror.Success {
response := app.NewResponse(c)

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
func Priv() gin.HandlerFunc {
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ func Priv() gin.HandlerFunc {
if user.Status == core.UserStatusNormal {
if user.Phone == "" {
response := app.NewResponse(c)
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ func Priv() gin.HandlerFunc {
response := app.NewResponse(c)
} else {
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ func Priv() gin.HandlerFunc {
response := app.NewResponse(c)

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Copyright 2023 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package chain
import (
// nolint
var (
_errUserHasBeenBanned = xerror.NewError(20006, "该账户已被封停")
_errAccountNoPhoneBind = xerror.NewError(20013, "拒绝操作: 账户未绑定手机号")
_errNoAdminPermission = xerror.NewError(20022, "无管理权限")

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func newUserSrv() api.User {
func newUserBinding() api.UserBinding {
return &userBinding{
UnimplementedUserBinding: &api.UnimplementedUserBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func newUserSrv() api.User {
func newUserBinding() api.UserBinding {
return &userBinding{
UnimplementedUserBinding: &api.UnimplementedUserBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func newAdminSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.Admin {
func newAdminBinding() api.AdminBinding {
return &adminBinding{
UnimplementedAdminBinding: &api.UnimplementedAdminBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package web
import (
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ func (b *alipayPubBinding) BindAlipayNotify(c *gin.Context) (*web.AlipayNotifyRe
func (s *alipayPubSrv) AlipayNotify(req *web.AlipayNotifyReq) mir.Error {
if req.TradeStatus == alipay.TradeStatusSuccess {
if ok, _ := s.Redis.SetNX(req.Ctx, "PaoPaoRecharge:"+req.TradeNo, 1, time.Second*5).Result(); ok {
if err := s.Redis.SetRechargeStatus(req.Ctx, req.TradeNo); err == nil {
recharge, err := s.Ds.GetRechargeByID(req.ID)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("GetRechargeByID id:%d err: %s", req.ID, err)
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ func (s *alipayPubSrv) AlipayNotify(req *web.AlipayNotifyReq) mir.Error {
if recharge.TradeStatus != "TRADE_SUCCESS" {
// 标记为已付款
err := s.Ds.HandleRechargeSuccess(recharge, req.TradeNo)
defer s.Redis.Del(req.Ctx, "PaoPaoRecharge:"+req.TradeNo)
defer s.Redis.DelRechargeStatus(req.Ctx, req.TradeNo)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("HandleRechargeSuccess id:%d err: %s", req.ID, err)
return _errRechargeNotifyError
@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ func newAlipayPubSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.AlipayPub {
func newAlipayPubBinding(alipayClient *alipay.Client) api.AlipayPubBinding {
return &alipayPubBinding{
UnimplementedAlipayPubBinding: &api.UnimplementedAlipayPubBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),
alipayClient: alipayClient,
@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ func newAlipayPrivSrv(s *base.DaoServant, client *alipay.Client) api.AlipayPriv
func newAlipayPrivBinding() api.AlipayPrivBinding {
return &alipayPrivBinding{
UnimplementedAlipayPrivBinding: &api.UnimplementedAlipayPrivBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
func CreateAttachment(attachment *core.Attachment) (*core.Attachment, error) {
return ds.CreateAttachment(attachment)

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
var defaultAvatars = []string{
func GetRandomAvatar() string {
return defaultAvatars[rand.Intn(len(defaultAvatars))]

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
var (
ds core.DataService
ts core.TweetSearchService
oss core.ObjectStorageService
DisablePhoneVerify bool
func Initialize() {
ds = dao.DataService()
ts = dao.TweetSearchService()
oss = dao.ObjectStorageService()
DisablePhoneVerify = !cfg.If("Sms")
// persistMediaContents 获取媒体内容并持久化
func persistMediaContents(contents []*PostContentItem) (items []string, err error) {
items = make([]string, 0, len(contents))
for _, item := range contents {
switch item.Type {
case core.ContentTypeImage,
items = append(items, item.Content)
if err != nil {
if err = oss.PersistObject(oss.ObjectKey(item.Content)); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("service.persistMediaContents failed: %s", err)

@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
type CommentCreationReq struct {
PostID int64 `json:"post_id" binding:"required"`
Contents []*PostContentItem `json:"contents" binding:"required"`
Users []string `json:"users" binding:"required"`
type CommentReplyCreationReq struct {
CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id" binding:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"`
AtUserID int64 `json:"at_user_id"`
type CommentDelReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type ReplyDelReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
func GetPostComments(postID int64, sort string, offset, limit int) ([]*core.CommentFormated, int64, error) {
conditions := &core.ConditionsT{
"post_id": postID,
"ORDER": sort,
comments, err := ds.GetComments(conditions, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
userIDs := []int64{}
commentIDs := []int64{}
for _, comment := range comments {
userIDs = append(userIDs, comment.UserID)
commentIDs = append(commentIDs, comment.ID)
users, err := ds.GetUsersByIDs(userIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
contents, err := ds.GetCommentContentsByIDs(commentIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
replies, err := ds.GetCommentRepliesByID(commentIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
commentsFormated := []*core.CommentFormated{}
for _, comment := range comments {
commentFormated := comment.Format()
for _, content := range contents {
if content.CommentID == comment.ID {
commentFormated.Contents = append(commentFormated.Contents, content)
for _, reply := range replies {
if reply.CommentID == commentFormated.ID {
commentFormated.Replies = append(commentFormated.Replies, reply)
for _, user := range users {
if user.ID == comment.UserID {
commentFormated.User = user.Format()
commentsFormated = append(commentsFormated, commentFormated)
// 获取总量
totalRows, _ := ds.GetCommentCount(conditions)
return commentsFormated, totalRows, nil
func CreatePostComment(ctx *gin.Context, userID int64, param CommentCreationReq) (comment *core.Comment, err error) {
var mediaContents []string
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if mediaContents, err = persistMediaContents(param.Contents); err != nil {
// 加载Post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(param.PostID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if post.CommentCount >= conf.AppSetting.MaxCommentCount {
return nil, errcode.MaxCommentCount
ip := ctx.ClientIP()
comment = &core.Comment{
PostID: post.ID,
UserID: userID,
IP: ip,
IPLoc: util.GetIPLoc(ip),
comment, err = ds.CreateComment(comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, item := range param.Contents {
// 检查附件是否是本站资源
if item.Type == core.ContentTypeImage || item.Type == core.ContentTypeVideo || item.Type == core.ContentTypeAttachment {
if err := ds.CheckAttachment(item.Content); err != nil {
postContent := &core.CommentContent{
CommentID: comment.ID,
UserID: userID,
Content: item.Content,
Type: item.Type,
Sort: item.Sort,
// 更新Post回复数
post.LatestRepliedOn = time.Now().Unix()
// 更新索引
// 创建用户消息提醒
postMaster, err := ds.GetUserByID(post.UserID)
if err == nil && postMaster.ID != userID {
go ds.CreateMessage(&core.Message{
SenderUserID: userID,
ReceiverUserID: postMaster.ID,
Type: core.MsgtypeComment,
Brief: "在泡泡中评论了你",
PostID: post.ID,
CommentID: comment.ID,
for _, u := range param.Users {
user, err := ds.GetUserByUsername(u)
if err != nil || user.ID == userID || user.ID == postMaster.ID {
// 创建消息提醒
go ds.CreateMessage(&core.Message{
SenderUserID: userID,
ReceiverUserID: user.ID,
Type: core.MsgtypeComment,
Brief: "在泡泡评论中@了你",
PostID: post.ID,
CommentID: comment.ID,
return comment, nil
func GetPostComment(id int64) (*core.Comment, error) {
return ds.GetCommentByID(id)
func DeletePostComment(comment *core.Comment) error {
// 加载post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(comment.PostID)
if err == nil {
// 更新post回复数
return ds.DeleteComment(comment)
func createPostPreHandler(commentID int64, userID, atUserID int64) (*core.Post, *core.Comment, int64,
error) {
// 加载Comment
comment, err := ds.GetCommentByID(commentID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, atUserID, err
// 加载comment的post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(comment.PostID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, atUserID, err
if post.CommentCount >= conf.AppSetting.MaxCommentCount {
return nil, nil, atUserID, errcode.MaxCommentCount
if userID == atUserID {
atUserID = 0
if atUserID > 0 {
// 检测目前用户是否存在
users, _ := ds.GetUsersByIDs([]int64{atUserID})
if len(users) == 0 {
atUserID = 0
return post, comment, atUserID, nil
func CreatePostCommentReply(ctx *gin.Context, commentID int64, content string, userID, atUserID int64) (*core.CommentReply, error) {
var (
post *core.Post
comment *core.Comment
err error
if post, comment, atUserID, err = createPostPreHandler(commentID, userID, atUserID); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 创建评论
ip := ctx.ClientIP()
reply := &core.CommentReply{
CommentID: commentID,
UserID: userID,
Content: content,
AtUserID: atUserID,
IP: ip,
IPLoc: util.GetIPLoc(ip),
reply, err = ds.CreateCommentReply(reply)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 更新Post回复数
post.LatestRepliedOn = time.Now().Unix()
// 更新索引
// 创建用户消息提醒
commentMaster, err := ds.GetUserByID(comment.UserID)
if err == nil && commentMaster.ID != userID {
go ds.CreateMessage(&core.Message{
SenderUserID: userID,
ReceiverUserID: commentMaster.ID,
Type: core.MsgTypeReply,
Brief: "在泡泡评论下回复了你",
PostID: post.ID,
CommentID: comment.ID,
ReplyID: reply.ID,
postMaster, err := ds.GetUserByID(post.UserID)
if err == nil && postMaster.ID != userID && commentMaster.ID != postMaster.ID {
go ds.CreateMessage(&core.Message{
SenderUserID: userID,
ReceiverUserID: postMaster.ID,
Type: core.MsgTypeReply,
Brief: "在泡泡评论下发布了新回复",
PostID: post.ID,
CommentID: comment.ID,
ReplyID: reply.ID,
if atUserID > 0 {
user, err := ds.GetUserByID(atUserID)
if err == nil && user.ID != userID && commentMaster.ID != user.ID && postMaster.ID != user.ID {
// 创建消息提醒
go ds.CreateMessage(&core.Message{
SenderUserID: userID,
ReceiverUserID: user.ID,
Type: core.MsgTypeReply,
Brief: "在泡泡评论的回复中@了你",
PostID: post.ID,
CommentID: comment.ID,
ReplyID: reply.ID,
return reply, nil
func GetPostCommentReply(id int64) (*core.CommentReply, error) {
return ds.GetCommentReplyByID(id)
func DeletePostCommentReply(reply *core.CommentReply) error {
err := ds.DeleteCommentReply(reply)
if err != nil {
return err
// 加载Comment
comment, err := ds.GetCommentByID(reply.CommentID)
if err != nil {
return err
// 加载comment的post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(comment.PostID)
if err != nil {
return err
// 更新Post回复数
post.LatestRepliedOn = time.Now().Unix()
// 更新索引
return nil

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
// MAX_WHISPER_NUM_DAILY 当日单用户私信总数限制TODO 配置化、积分兑换等)
type ReadMessageReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type WhisperReq struct {
UserID int64 `json:"user_id" binding:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"`
// CreateWhisper 创建私信
func CreateWhisper(c *gin.Context, msg *core.Message) (*core.Message, error) {
whisperKey := fmt.Sprintf("WhisperTimes:%d", msg.SenderUserID)
// 今日频次限制
if res, _ := conf.Redis.Get(c, whisperKey).Result(); convert.StrTo(res).MustInt() >= MAX_WHISPER_NUM_DAILY {
return nil, errcode.TooManyWhisperNum
// 创建私信
msg, err := ds.CreateMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 写入当日(自然日)计数缓存
conf.Redis.Incr(c, whisperKey).Result()
currentTime := time.Now()
endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location())
conf.Redis.Expire(c, whisperKey, endTime.Sub(currentTime))
return msg, err
func GetUnreadCount(userID int64) (int64, error) {
return ds.GetUnreadCount(userID)
func ReadMessage(id, userID int64) error {
// 获取message
message, err := ds.GetMessageByID(id)
if err != nil {
return err
if message.ReceiverUserID != userID {
return errcode.NoPermission
// 已读消息
return ds.ReadMessage(message)
func GetMessages(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*core.MessageFormated, int64, error) {
conditions := &core.ConditionsT{
"receiver_user_id": userID,
"ORDER": "id DESC",
messages, err := ds.GetMessages(conditions, offset, limit)
for _, mf := range messages {
if mf.SenderUserID > 0 {
user, err := ds.GetUserByID(mf.SenderUserID)
if err == nil {
mf.SenderUser = user.Format()
// 好友申请消息不需要获取其他信息
if mf.Type == core.MsgTypeRequestingFriend {
if mf.PostID > 0 {
post, err := GetPost(mf.PostID)
if err == nil {
mf.Post = post
if mf.CommentID > 0 {
comment, err := GetPostComment(mf.CommentID)
if err == nil {
mf.Comment = comment
if mf.ReplyID > 0 {
reply, err := GetPostCommentReply(mf.ReplyID)
if err == nil {
mf.Reply = reply
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// 获取总量
totalRows, _ := ds.GetMessageCount(conditions)
return messages, totalRows, nil

@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
type TagType string
const TagTypeHot TagType = "hot"
const TagTypeNew TagType = "new"
type PostListReq struct {
Conditions *core.ConditionsT
Offset int
Limit int
type PostTagsReq struct {
Type TagType `json:"type" form:"type" binding:"required"`
Num int `json:"num" form:"num" binding:"required"`
type PostCreationReq struct {
Contents []*PostContentItem `json:"contents" binding:"required"`
Tags []string `json:"tags" binding:"required"`
Users []string `json:"users" binding:"required"`
AttachmentPrice int64 `json:"attachment_price"`
Visibility core.PostVisibleT `json:"visibility"`
type PostDelReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type PostLockReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type PostStickReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type PostVisibilityReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
Visibility core.PostVisibleT `json:"visibility"`
type PostStarReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type PostCollectionReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type PostContentItem struct {
Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"`
Type core.PostContentT `json:"type" binding:"required"`
Sort int64 `json:"sort" binding:"required"`
// Check 检查PostContentItem属性
func (p *PostContentItem) Check() error {
// 检查附件是否是本站资源
if p.Type == core.ContentTypeImage || p.Type == core.ContentTypeVideo || p.Type == core.ContentTypeAttachment {
if err := ds.CheckAttachment(p.Content); err != nil {
return err
// 检查链接是否合法
if p.Type == core.ContentTypeLink {
if strings.Index(p.Content, "http://") != 0 && strings.Index(p.Content, "https://") != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("链接不合法")
return nil
func tagsFrom(originTags []string) []string {
tags := make([]string, 0, len(originTags))
for _, tag := range originTags {
// TODO: 优化tag有效性检测
if tag = strings.TrimSpace(tag); len(tag) > 0 {
tags = append(tags, tag)
return tags
// CreatePost 创建文章
// TODO: 推文+推文内容需要在一个事务中添加,后续优化
func CreatePost(c *gin.Context, userID int64, param PostCreationReq) (_ *core.PostFormated, err error) {
var mediaContents []string
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if mediaContents, err = persistMediaContents(param.Contents); err != nil {
ip := c.ClientIP()
tags := tagsFrom(param.Tags)
post := &core.Post{
UserID: userID,
Tags: strings.Join(tags, ","),
IP: ip,
IPLoc: util.GetIPLoc(ip),
AttachmentPrice: param.AttachmentPrice,
Visibility: param.Visibility,
post, err = ds.CreatePost(post)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, item := range param.Contents {
if err := item.Check(); err != nil {
// 属性非法
logrus.Infof("contents check err: %v", err)
if item.Type == core.ContentTypeAttachment && param.AttachmentPrice > 0 {
item.Type = core.ContentTypeChargeAttachment
postContent := &core.PostContent{
PostID: post.ID,
UserID: userID,
Content: item.Content,
Type: item.Type,
Sort: item.Sort,
if _, err = ds.CreatePostContent(postContent); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 私密推文不创建标签与用户提醒
if post.Visibility != core.PostVisitPrivate {
// 创建标签
for _, t := range tags {
tag := &core.Tag{
UserID: userID,
Tag: t,
// 创建用户消息提醒
for _, u := range param.Users {
user, err := ds.GetUserByUsername(u)
if err != nil || user.ID == userID {
// 创建消息提醒
// TODO: 优化消息提醒处理机制
go ds.CreateMessage(&core.Message{
SenderUserID: userID,
ReceiverUserID: user.ID,
Type: core.MsgTypePost,
Brief: "在新发布的泡泡动态中@了你",
PostID: post.ID,
// 推送Search
formatedPosts, err := ds.RevampPosts([]*core.PostFormated{post.Format()})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return formatedPosts[0], nil
func DeletePost(user *core.User, id int64) *errcode.Error {
if user == nil {
return errcode.NoPermission
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(id)
if err != nil {
return errcode.GetPostFailed
if post.UserID != user.ID && !user.IsAdmin {
return errcode.NoPermission
mediaContents, err := ds.DeletePost(post)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("service.DeletePost delete post failed: %s", err)
return errcode.DeletePostFailed
// 删除推文的媒体内容
// 删除索引
return nil
// deleteOssObjects 删除推文的媒体内容, 宽松处理错误(就是不处理), 后续完善
func deleteOssObjects(mediaContents []string) {
mediaContentsSize := len(mediaContents)
if mediaContentsSize > 1 {
objectKeys := make([]string, 0, mediaContentsSize)
for _, cUrl := range mediaContents {
objectKeys = append(objectKeys, oss.ObjectKey(cUrl))
// TODO: 优化处理尽量使用channel传递objectKeys使用可控数量的Goroutine集中处理object删除动作后续完善
go oss.DeleteObjects(objectKeys)
} else if mediaContentsSize == 1 {
func LockPost(id int64) error {
post, _ := ds.GetPostByID(id)
err := ds.LockPost(post)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func StickPost(id int64) error {
post, _ := ds.GetPostByID(id)
err := ds.StickPost(post)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func VisiblePost(user *core.User, postId int64, visibility core.PostVisibleT) *errcode.Error {
if visibility >= core.PostVisitInvalid {
return errcode.InvalidParams
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(postId)
if err != nil {
return errcode.GetPostFailed
if err := checkPermision(user, post.UserID); err != nil {
return err
if err = ds.VisiblePost(post, visibility); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("update post failure: %v", err)
return errcode.VisblePostFailed
// 推送Search
post.Visibility = visibility
return nil
func GetPostStar(postID, userID int64) (*core.PostStar, error) {
return ds.GetUserPostStar(postID, userID)
func CreatePostStar(postID, userID int64) (*core.PostStar, error) {
// 加载Post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(postID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 私密post不可操作
if post.Visibility == core.PostVisitPrivate {
return nil, errors.New("no permision")
star, err := ds.CreatePostStar(postID, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 更新Post点赞数
// 更新索引
return star, nil
func DeletePostStar(star *core.PostStar) error {
err := ds.DeletePostStar(star)
if err != nil {
return err
// 加载Post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(star.PostID)
if err != nil {
return err
// 私密post不可操作
if post.Visibility == core.PostVisitPrivate {
return errors.New("no permision")
// 更新Post点赞数
// 更新索引
return nil
func GetPostCollection(postID, userID int64) (*core.PostCollection, error) {
return ds.GetUserPostCollection(postID, userID)
func CreatePostCollection(postID, userID int64) (*core.PostCollection, error) {
// 加载Post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(postID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 私密post不可操作
if post.Visibility == core.PostVisitPrivate {
return nil, errors.New("no permision")
collection, err := ds.CreatePostCollection(postID, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 更新Post点赞数
// 更新索引
return collection, nil
func DeletePostCollection(collection *core.PostCollection) error {
err := ds.DeletePostCollection(collection)
if err != nil {
return err
// 加载Post
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(collection.PostID)
if err != nil {
return err
// 私密post不可操作
if post.Visibility == core.PostVisitPrivate {
return errors.New("no permision")
// 更新Post点赞数
// 更新索引
return nil
func GetPost(id int64) (*core.PostFormated, error) {
post, err := ds.GetPostByID(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
postContents, err := ds.GetPostContentsByIDs([]int64{post.ID})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
users, err := ds.GetUsersByIDs([]int64{post.UserID})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 数据整合
postFormated := post.Format()
for _, user := range users {
postFormated.User = user.Format()
for _, content := range postContents {
if content.PostID == post.ID {
postFormated.Contents = append(postFormated.Contents, content.Format())
return postFormated, nil
func GetPostContentByID(id int64) (*core.PostContent, error) {
return ds.GetPostContentByID(id)
func GetIndexPosts(user *core.User, offset int, limit int) (*core.IndexTweetList, error) {
return ds.IndexPosts(user, offset, limit)
func GetPostList(req *PostListReq) ([]*core.Post, []*core.PostFormated, error) {
posts, err := ds.GetPosts(req.Conditions, req.Offset, req.Limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
postFormated, err := ds.MergePosts(posts)
return posts, postFormated, err
func GetPostCount(conditions *core.ConditionsT) (int64, error) {
return ds.GetPostCount(conditions)
func GetPostListFromSearch(user *core.User, q *core.QueryReq, offset, limit int) ([]*core.PostFormated, int64, error) {
resp, err := ts.Search(user, q, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
posts, err := ds.RevampPosts(resp.Items)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return posts, resp.Total, nil
func GetPostListFromSearchByQuery(user *core.User, query string, offset, limit int) ([]*core.PostFormated, int64, error) {
q := &core.QueryReq{
Query: query,
Type: "search",
return GetPostListFromSearch(user, q, offset, limit)
func PushPostToSearch(post *core.Post) {
postFormated := post.Format()
postFormated.User = &core.UserFormated{
ID: post.UserID,
contents, _ := ds.GetPostContentsByIDs([]int64{post.ID})
for _, content := range contents {
postFormated.Contents = append(postFormated.Contents, content.Format())
contentFormated := ""
for _, content := range postFormated.Contents {
if content.Type == core.ContentTypeText || content.Type == core.ContentTypeTitle {
contentFormated = contentFormated + content.Content + "\n"
docs := []core.TsDocItem{{
Post: post,
Content: contentFormated,
ts.AddDocuments(docs, fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID))
func DeleteSearchPost(post *core.Post) error {
return ts.DeleteDocuments([]string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", post.ID)})
func PushPostsToSearch(c *gin.Context) {
if ok, _ := conf.Redis.SetNX(c, "JOB_PUSH_TO_SEARCH", 1, time.Hour).Result(); ok {
defer conf.Redis.Del(c, "JOB_PUSH_TO_SEARCH")
splitNum := 1000
totalRows, _ := GetPostCount(&core.ConditionsT{
"visibility IN ?": []core.PostVisibleT{core.PostVisitPublic, core.PostVisitFriend},
pages := math.Ceil(float64(totalRows) / float64(splitNum))
nums := int(pages)
for i := 0; i < nums; i++ {
posts, postsFormated, err := GetPostList(&PostListReq{
Conditions: &core.ConditionsT{},
Offset: i * splitNum,
Limit: splitNum,
if err != nil || len(posts) != len(postsFormated) {
for i, pf := range postsFormated {
contentFormated := ""
for _, content := range pf.Contents {
if content.Type == core.ContentTypeText || content.Type == core.ContentTypeTitle {
contentFormated = contentFormated + content.Content + "\n"
docs := []core.TsDocItem{{
Post: posts[i],
Content: contentFormated,
ts.AddDocuments(docs, fmt.Sprintf("%d", posts[i].ID))
func GetPostTags(param *PostTagsReq) ([]*core.TagFormated, error) {
num := param.Num
if num > conf.AppSetting.MaxPageSize {
num = conf.AppSetting.MaxPageSize
conditions := &core.ConditionsT{}
if param.Type == TagTypeHot {
// 热门标签
conditions = &core.ConditionsT{
"ORDER": "quote_num DESC",
if param.Type == TagTypeNew {
// 热门标签
conditions = &core.ConditionsT{
"ORDER": "id DESC",
tags, err := ds.GetTags(conditions, 0, num)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 获取创建者User IDs
userIds := []int64{}
for _, tag := range tags {
userIds = append(userIds, tag.UserID)
users, _ := ds.GetUsersByIDs(userIds)
tagsFormated := []*core.TagFormated{}
for _, tag := range tags {
tagFormated := tag.Format()
for _, user := range users {
if user.ID == tagFormated.UserID {
tagFormated.User = user.Format()
tagsFormated = append(tagsFormated, tagFormated)
return tagsFormated, nil
func CheckPostAttachmentIsPaid(postID, userID int64) bool {
bill, err := ds.GetPostAttatchmentBill(postID, userID)
return err == nil && bill.Model != nil && bill.ID > 0

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
func GetParamSign(param map[string]any, secretKey string) string {
signRaw := ""
rawStrs := []string{}
for k, v := range param {
if k != "sign" {
rawStrs = append(rawStrs, k+"="+fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
for _, v := range rawStrs {
signRaw += v
if conf.ServerSetting.RunMode == "debug" {
"signRaw": signRaw,
"sysSign": util.EncodeMD5(signRaw + secretKey),
return util.EncodeMD5(signRaw + secretKey)

@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
const _MaxCaptchaTimes = 2
type PhoneCaptchaReq struct {
Phone string `json:"phone" form:"phone" binding:"required"`
ImgCaptcha string `json:"img_captcha" form:"img_captcha" binding:"required"`
ImgCaptchaID string `json:"img_captcha_id" form:"img_captcha_id" binding:"required"`
type UserPhoneBindReq struct {
Phone string `json:"phone" form:"phone" binding:"required"`
Captcha string `json:"captcha" form:"captcha" binding:"required"`
type AuthRequest struct {
Username string `json:"username" form:"username" binding:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" form:"password" binding:"required"`
type RegisterRequest struct {
Username string `json:"username" form:"username" binding:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" form:"password" binding:"required"`
type ChangePasswordReq struct {
Password string `json:"password" form:"password" binding:"required"`
OldPassword string `json:"old_password" form:"old_password" binding:"required"`
type ChangeNicknameReq struct {
Nickname string `json:"nickname" form:"nickname" binding:"required"`
type ChangeAvatarReq struct {
Avatar string `json:"avatar" form:"avatar" binding:"required"`
type ChangeUserStatusReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" form:"id" binding:"required"`
Status int `json:"status" form:"status" binding:"required"`
type RequestingFriendReq struct {
UserId int64 `json:"user_id" binding:"required"`
Greetings string `json:"greetings" binding:"required"`
type AddFriendReq struct {
UserId int64 `json:"user_id" binding:"required"`
type RejectFriendReq struct {
UserId int64 `json:"user_id" binding:"required"`
type DeleteFriendReq struct {
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
type UserProfileResp struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Status int `json:"status"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"`
IsFriend bool `json:"is_friend"`
const (
_LoginErrKey = "PaoPaoUserLoginErr"
_MaxLoginErrTimes = 10
// DoLogin 用户认证
func DoLogin(ctx *gin.Context, param *AuthRequest) (*core.User, error) {
user, err := ds.GetUserByUsername(param.Username)
if err != nil {
return nil, errcode.UnauthorizedAuthNotExist
if user.Model != nil && user.ID > 0 {
if errTimes, err := conf.Redis.Get(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _LoginErrKey, user.ID)).Result(); err == nil {
if convert.StrTo(errTimes).MustInt() >= _MaxLoginErrTimes {
return nil, errcode.TooManyLoginError
// 对比密码是否正确
if ValidPassword(user.Password, param.Password, user.Salt) {
if user.Status == core.UserStatusClosed {
return nil, errcode.UserHasBeenBanned
// 清空登录计数
conf.Redis.Del(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _LoginErrKey, user.ID))
return user, nil
// 登录错误计数
_, err = conf.Redis.Incr(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _LoginErrKey, user.ID)).Result()
if err == nil {
conf.Redis.Expire(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", _LoginErrKey, user.ID), time.Hour).Result()
return nil, errcode.UnauthorizedAuthFailed
return nil, errcode.UnauthorizedAuthNotExist
// ValidPassword 检查密码是否一致
func ValidPassword(dbPassword, password, salt string) bool {
return strings.Compare(dbPassword, util.EncodeMD5(util.EncodeMD5(password)+salt)) == 0
// CheckStatus 检测用户权限
func CheckStatus(user *core.User) bool {
return user.Status == core.UserStatusNormal
// ValidUsername 验证用户
func ValidUsername(username string) error {
// 检测用户是否合规
if utf8.RuneCountInString(username) < 3 || utf8.RuneCountInString(username) > 12 {
return errcode.UsernameLengthLimit
if !regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$`).MatchString(username) {
return errcode.UsernameCharLimit
// 重复检查
user, _ := ds.GetUserByUsername(username)
if user.Model != nil && user.ID > 0 {
return errcode.UsernameHasExisted
return nil
// CheckPassword 密码检查
func CheckPassword(password string) error {
// 检测用户是否合规
if utf8.RuneCountInString(password) < 6 || utf8.RuneCountInString(password) > 16 {
return errcode.PasswordLengthLimit
return nil
// CheckPhoneCaptcha 验证手机验证码
func CheckPhoneCaptcha(phone, captcha string) *errcode.Error {
// 如果禁止phone verify 则允许通过任意验证码
if DisablePhoneVerify {
return nil
c, err := ds.GetLatestPhoneCaptcha(phone)
if err != nil {
return errcode.ErrorPhoneCaptcha
if c.Captcha != captcha {
return errcode.ErrorPhoneCaptcha
if c.ExpiredOn < time.Now().Unix() {
return errcode.ErrorPhoneCaptcha
if c.UseTimes >= _MaxCaptchaTimes {
return errcode.MaxPhoneCaptchaUseTimes
// 更新检测次数
return nil
// CheckPhoneExist 检测手机号是否存在
func CheckPhoneExist(uid int64, phone string) bool {
u, err := ds.GetUserByPhone(phone)
if err != nil {
return false
if u.Model == nil || u.ID == 0 {
return false
if u.ID == uid {
return false
return true
// EncryptPasswordAndSalt 密码加密&生成salt
func EncryptPasswordAndSalt(password string) (string, string) {
salt := uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()).String()[:8]
password = util.EncodeMD5(util.EncodeMD5(password) + salt)
return password, salt
// Register 用户注册
func Register(username, password string) (*core.User, error) {
password, salt := EncryptPasswordAndSalt(password)
user := &core.User{
Nickname: username,
Username: username,
Password: password,
Avatar: GetRandomAvatar(),
Salt: salt,
Status: core.UserStatusNormal,
user, err := ds.CreateUser(user)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return user, nil
func RequestingFriend(user *core.User, param *RequestingFriendReq) error {
if _, err := ds.GetUserByID(param.UserId); err != nil {
return errcode.NotExistFriendId
return ds.RequestingFriend(user.ID, param.UserId, param.Greetings)
func AddFriend(user *core.User, param *AddFriendReq) error {
if _, err := ds.GetUserByID(param.UserId); err != nil {
return errcode.NotExistFriendId
return ds.AddFriend(user.ID, param.UserId)
func RejectFriend(user *core.User, param *RejectFriendReq) error {
if _, err := ds.GetUserByID(param.UserId); err != nil {
return errcode.NotExistFriendId
return ds.RejectFriend(user.ID, param.UserId)
func DeleteFriend(user *core.User, param *DeleteFriendReq) error {
if _, err := ds.GetUserByID(param.UserId); err != nil {
return errcode.NotExistFriendId
return ds.DeleteFriend(user.ID, param.UserId)
func GetContacts(user *core.User, offset int, limit int) (*core.ContactList, error) {
return ds.GetContacts(user.ID, offset, limit)
// GetUserInfo 获取用户信息
func GetUserInfo(param *AuthRequest) (*core.User, error) {
user, err := ds.GetUserByUsername(param.Username)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if user.Model != nil && user.ID > 0 {
return user, nil
return nil, errcode.UnauthorizedAuthNotExist
func GetUserByID(id int64) (*core.User, error) {
user, err := ds.GetUserByID(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if user.Model != nil && user.ID > 0 {
return user, nil
return nil, errcode.NoExistUsername
func GetUserByUsername(user *core.User, username string) (*UserProfileResp, error) {
other, err := ds.GetUserByUsername(username)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var resp *UserProfileResp
if other.Model != nil && other.ID > 0 {
resp = &UserProfileResp{
ID: other.ID,
Nickname: other.Nickname,
Username: other.Username,
Status: other.Status,
Avatar: other.Avatar,
IsAdmin: other.IsAdmin,
IsFriend: !(user == nil || user.ID == other.ID),
} else {
return nil, errcode.NoExistUsername
if user != nil && user.ID != other.ID {
resp.IsFriend = ds.IsFriend(user.ID, other.ID)
return resp, nil
// UpdateUserInfo 更新用户信息
func UpdateUserInfo(user *core.User) *errcode.Error {
if err := ds.UpdateUser(user); err != nil {
return errcode.ServerError
return nil
func ChangeUserAvatar(user *core.User, avatar string) (err *errcode.Error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if err := ds.CheckAttachment(avatar); err != nil {
return errcode.InvalidParams
if err := oss.PersistObject(oss.ObjectKey(avatar)); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("service.ChangeUserAvatar persist object failed: %s", err)
return errcode.ServerError
user.Avatar = avatar
err = UpdateUserInfo(user)
// GetUserCollections 获取用户收藏列表
func GetUserCollections(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*core.PostFormated, int64, error) {
collections, err := ds.GetUserPostCollections(userID, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
totalRows, err := ds.GetUserPostCollectionCount(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
var posts []*core.Post
for _, collection := range collections {
posts = append(posts, collection.Post)
postsFormated, err := ds.MergePosts(posts)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return postsFormated, totalRows, nil
// GetUserStars 获取用户点赞列表
func GetUserStars(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*core.PostFormated, int64, error) {
stars, err := ds.GetUserPostStars(userID, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
totalRows, err := ds.GetUserPostStarCount(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
var posts []*core.Post
for _, star := range stars {
posts = append(posts, star.Post)
postsFormated, err := ds.MergePosts(posts)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return postsFormated, totalRows, nil
// GetUserWalletBills 获取用户账单列表
func GetUserWalletBills(userID int64, offset, limit int) ([]*core.WalletStatement, int64, error) {
bills, err := ds.GetUserWalletBills(userID, offset, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
totalRows, err := ds.GetUserWalletBillCount(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return bills, totalRows, nil
// SendPhoneCaptcha 发送短信验证码
func SendPhoneCaptcha(ctx *gin.Context, phone string) error {
err := ds.SendPhoneCaptcha(phone)
if err != nil {
return err
// 写入计数缓存
conf.Redis.Incr(ctx, "PaoPaoSmsCaptcha:"+phone).Result()
currentTime := time.Now()
endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location())
conf.Redis.Expire(ctx, "PaoPaoSmsCaptcha:"+phone, endTime.Sub(currentTime))
return nil
// GetSuggestUsers 根据关键词获取用户推荐
func GetSuggestUsers(keyword string) ([]string, error) {
users, err := ds.GetUsersByKeyword(keyword)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
usernames := []string{}
for _, user := range users {
usernames = append(usernames, user.Username)
return usernames, nil
// GetSuggestTags 根据关键词获取标签推荐
func GetSuggestTags(keyword string) ([]string, error) {
tags, err := ds.GetTagsByKeyword(keyword)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ts := []string{}
for _, t := range tags {
ts = append(ts, t.Tag)
return ts, nil
func IsFriend(userId, friendId int64) bool {
return ds.IsFriend(userId, friendId)
// checkPermision 检查是否拥有者或管理员
func checkPermision(user *core.User, targetUserId int64) *errcode.Error {
if user == nil || (user.ID != targetUserId && !user.IsAdmin) {
return errcode.NoPermission
return nil

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2022 ROC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package broker
import (
type RechargeReq struct {
Amount int64 `json:"amount" form:"amount" binding:"required"`
func GetRechargeByID(id int64) (*core.WalletRecharge, error) {
return ds.GetRechargeByID(id)
func CreateRecharge(userID, amount int64) (*core.WalletRecharge, error) {
return ds.CreateRecharge(userID, amount)
func FinishRecharge(ctx *gin.Context, id int64, tradeNo string) error {
if ok, _ := conf.Redis.SetNX(ctx, "PaoPaoRecharge:"+tradeNo, 1, time.Second*5).Result(); ok {
recharge, err := ds.GetRechargeByID(id)
if err != nil {
return err
if recharge.TradeStatus != "TRADE_SUCCESS" {
// 标记为已付款
err := ds.HandleRechargeSuccess(recharge, tradeNo)
defer conf.Redis.Del(ctx, "PaoPaoRecharge:"+tradeNo)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func BuyPostAttachment(post *core.Post, user *core.User) error {
if user.Balance < post.AttachmentPrice {
return errcode.InsuffientDownloadMoney
// 执行购买
return ds.HandlePostAttachmentBought(post, user)

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package web
import (
@ -120,6 +119,8 @@ func (s *coreSrv) Chain() gin.HandlersChain {
func (s *coreSrv) SyncSearchIndex(req *web.SyncSearchIndexReq) mir.Error {
if req.User != nil && req.User.IsAdmin {
go s.PushPostsToSearch(context.Background())
} else {
logrus.Warnf("sync search index need admin permision user: %#v", req.User)
return nil
@ -225,8 +226,7 @@ func (s *coreSrv) SendUserWhisper(req *web.SendWhisperReq) mir.Error {
// 今日频次限制
ctx := context.Background()
whisperKey := fmt.Sprintf("WhisperTimes:%d", req.Uid)
if res, _ := s.Redis.Get(ctx, whisperKey).Result(); convert.StrTo(res).MustInt() >= _MaxWhisperNumDaily {
if count, _ := s.Redis.GetCountWhisper(ctx, req.Uid); count >= _MaxWhisperNumDaily {
return _errTooManyWhisperNum
@ -244,10 +244,7 @@ func (s *coreSrv) SendUserWhisper(req *web.SendWhisperReq) mir.Error {
// 写入当日(自然日)计数缓存
s.Redis.Incr(ctx, whisperKey).Result()
currentTime := time.Now()
endTime := time.Date(currentTime.Year(), currentTime.Month(), currentTime.Day(), 23, 59, 59, 0, currentTime.Location())
s.Redis.Expire(ctx, whisperKey, endTime.Sub(currentTime))
s.Redis.IncrCountWhisper(ctx, req.Uid)
return nil
@ -286,7 +283,7 @@ func (s *coreSrv) UserPhoneBind(req *web.UserPhoneBindReq) mir.Error {
// 如果禁止phone verify 则允许通过任意验证码
if _EnablePhoneVerify {
if _enablePhoneVerify {
c, err := s.Ds.GetLatestPhoneCaptcha(req.Phone)
if err != nil {
return _errErrorPhoneCaptcha
@ -455,7 +452,7 @@ func newCoreSrv(s *base.DaoServant, oss core.ObjectStorageService) api.Core {
func newCoreBinding() api.CoreBinding {
return &coreBinding{
UnimplementedCoreBinding: &api.UnimplementedCoreBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func newFollowshipSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.Followship {
func newFollowshipBinding() api.FollowshipBinding {
return &followshipBinding{
UnimplementedFollowshipBinding: &api.UnimplementedFollowshipBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ func newFriendshipSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.Friendship {
func newFriendshipBinding() api.FriendshipBinding {
return &friendshipBinding{
UnimplementedFriendshipBinding: &api.UnimplementedFriendshipBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import (
api ""
@ -149,6 +151,128 @@ func (s *looseSrv) GetUserProfile(req *web.GetUserProfileReq) (*web.GetUserProfi
}, nil
func (s *looseSrv) TopicList(req *web.TopicListReq) (*web.TopicListResp, mir.Error) {
var (
tags, extralTags []*core.TagFormated
err error
num := req.Num
switch req.Type {
case web.TagTypeHot:
tags, err = s.Ds.GetHotTags(req.Uid, num, 0)
case web.TagTypeNew:
tags, err = s.Ds.GetNewestTags(req.Uid, num, 0)
case web.TagTypeFollow:
tags, err = s.Ds.GetFollowTags(req.Uid, num, 0)
case web.TagTypeHotExtral:
extralNum := req.ExtralNum
if extralNum <= 0 {
extralNum = num
tags, err = s.Ds.GetHotTags(req.Uid, num, 0)
if err == nil {
extralTags, err = s.Ds.GetFollowTags(req.Uid, extralNum, 0)
// TODO: return good error
err = _errGetPostTagsFailed
if err != nil {
return nil, _errGetPostTagsFailed
return &web.TopicListResp{
Topics: tags,
ExtralTopics: extralTags,
}, nil
func (s *looseSrv) TweetComments(req *web.TweetCommentsReq) (*web.TweetCommentsResp, mir.Error) {
sort := "id ASC"
if req.SortStrategy == "newest" {
sort = "id DESC"
conditions := &core.ConditionsT{
"post_id": req.TweetId,
"ORDER": sort,
comments, err := s.Ds.GetComments(conditions, (req.Page-1)*req.PageSize, req.PageSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, _errGetCommentsFailed
userIDs := []int64{}
commentIDs := []int64{}
for _, comment := range comments {
userIDs = append(userIDs, comment.UserID)
commentIDs = append(commentIDs, comment.ID)
users, err := s.Ds.GetUsersByIDs(userIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, _errGetCommentsFailed
contents, err := s.Ds.GetCommentContentsByIDs(commentIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, _errGetCommentsFailed
replies, err := s.Ds.GetCommentRepliesByID(commentIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, _errGetCommentsFailed
var commentThumbs, replyThumbs cs.CommentThumbsMap
if req.Uid > 0 {
commentThumbs, replyThumbs, err = s.Ds.GetCommentThumbsMap(req.Uid, req.TweetId)
if err != nil {
return nil, _errGetCommentsFailed
replyMap := make(map[int64][]*dbr.CommentReplyFormated)
if len(replyThumbs) > 0 {
for _, reply := range replies {
if thumbs, exist := replyThumbs[reply.ID]; exist {
reply.IsThumbsUp, reply.IsThumbsDown = thumbs.IsThumbsUp, thumbs.IsThumbsDown
replyMap[reply.CommentID] = append(replyMap[reply.CommentID], reply)
} else {
for _, reply := range replies {
replyMap[reply.CommentID] = append(replyMap[reply.CommentID], reply)
commentsFormated := []*core.CommentFormated{}
for _, comment := range comments {
commentFormated := comment.Format()
if thumbs, exist := commentThumbs[comment.ID]; exist {
commentFormated.IsThumbsUp, commentFormated.IsThumbsDown = thumbs.IsThumbsUp, thumbs.IsThumbsDown
for _, content := range contents {
if content.CommentID == comment.ID {
commentFormated.Contents = append(commentFormated.Contents, content)
if replySlice, exist := replyMap[commentFormated.ID]; exist {
commentFormated.Replies = replySlice
for _, user := range users {
if user.ID == comment.UserID {
commentFormated.User = user.Format()
commentsFormated = append(commentsFormated, commentFormated)
// 获取总量
totalRows, _ := s.Ds.GetCommentCount(conditions)
resp := base.PageRespFrom(commentsFormated, req.Page, req.PageSize, totalRows)
return (*web.TweetCommentsResp)(resp), nil
func newLooseSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.Loose {
return &looseSrv{
DaoServant: s,
@ -158,7 +282,7 @@ func newLooseSrv(s *base.DaoServant) api.Loose {
func newLooseBinding() api.LooseBinding {
return &looseBinding{
UnimplementedLooseBinding: &api.UnimplementedLooseBinding{
BindAny: base.BindAny,
BindAny: base.NewBindAnyFn(),

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
