Move @Suppress("ktlint:standard:max-line-length") to function scope

lihenggui 7 months ago
parent 2a2d8ed88d
commit d671126f9e

@ -44,47 +44,45 @@ class FakeNiaNetworkDataSourceTest {
) )
} }
@Test @Test
fun testDeserializationOfTopics() = fun testDeserializationOfTopics() = runTest(testDispatcher) {
@Suppress("ktlint:standard:max-line-length") assertEquals(
runTest(testDispatcher) { NetworkTopic(
assertEquals( id = "1",
NetworkTopic( name = "Headlines",
id = "1", shortDescription = "News you'll definitely be interested in",
name = "Headlines", longDescription = "The latest events and announcements from the world of Android development.",
shortDescription = "News you'll definitely be interested in", url = "",
longDescription = "The latest events and announcements from the world of Android development.", imageUrl = "",
url = "", ),
imageUrl = "", subject.getTopics().first(),
), )
subject.getTopics().first(), }
@Test @Test
fun testDeserializationOfNewsResources() = fun testDeserializationOfNewsResources() = runTest(testDispatcher) {
@Suppress("ktlint:standard:max-line-length") assertEquals(
runTest(testDispatcher) { NetworkNewsResource(
assertEquals( id = "125",
NetworkNewsResource( title = "Android Basics with Compose",
id = "125", content = "We released the first two units of Android Basics with Compose, our first free course that teaches Android Development with Jetpack Compose to anyone; you do not need any prior programming experience other than basic computer literacy to get started. ",
title = "Android Basics with Compose", url = "",
content = "We released the first two units of Android Basics with Compose, our first free course that teaches Android Development with Jetpack Compose to anyone; you do not need any prior programming experience other than basic computer literacy to get started. ", headerImageUrl = "",
url = "", publishDate = LocalDateTime(
headerImageUrl = "", year = 2022,
publishDate = LocalDateTime( monthNumber = 5,
year = 2022, dayOfMonth = 4,
monthNumber = 5, hour = 23,
dayOfMonth = 4, minute = 0,
hour = 23, second = 0,
minute = 0, nanosecond = 0,
second = 0, ).toInstant(TimeZone.UTC),
nanosecond = 0, type = "Codelab",
).toInstant(TimeZone.UTC), topics = listOf("2", "3", "10"),
type = "Codelab", ),
topics = listOf("2", "3", "10"), subject.getNewsResources().find { == "125" },
), )
subject.getNewsResources().find { == "125" }, }
} }
