Remove unnecessary agent config items. (#1435)

yanrongzhen 10 months ago committed by GitHub
parent 5aa418c611
commit bd17297413
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -17,36 +17,22 @@
# The service name in UI # The service name in UI
# ${service name} = [${group name}::]${logic name} # ${service name} = [${group name}::]${logic name}
# The group name is optional only. # The group name is optional only.
agent.service_name=${SW_AGENT_NAME:Your_ApplicationName} agent.service_name=${HIPPO4J_AGENT_NAME:Your_ApplicationName}
# The agent namespace # The agent namespace
agent.namespace=${SW_AGENT_NAMESPACE:} agent.namespace=${HIPPO4J_AGENT_NAMESPACE:}
# The agent cluster # The agent cluster
agent.cluster=${SW_AGENT_CLUSTER:} agent.cluster=${HIPPO4J_AGENT_CLUSTER:}
# The number of sampled traces per 3 seconds
# Negative or zero means off, by default
# Authentication active is based on backend setting, see application.yml for more details.
# The max number of TraceSegmentRef in a single span to keep memory cost estimatable.
# The max amount of spans in a single segment.
# Through this config item, SkyWalking keep your application memory cost estimated.
# If the operation name of the first span is included in this set, this segment should be ignored. Multiple values should be separated by `,`. # If the operation name of the first span is included in this set, this segment should be ignored. Multiple values should be separated by `,`.
agent.ignore_suffix=${SW_AGENT_IGNORE_SUFFIX:.jpg,.jpeg,.js,.css,.png,.bmp,.gif,.ico,.mp3,.mp4,.html,.svg} agent.ignore_suffix=${HIPPO4J_AGENT_IGNORE_SUFFIX:.jpg,.jpeg,.js,.css,.png,.bmp,.gif,.ico,.mp3,.mp4,.html,.svg}
# If true, SkyWalking agent will save all instrumented classes files in `/debugging` folder. # If true, Hippo4j agent will save all instrumented classes files in `/debugging` folder.
# SkyWalking team may ask for these files in order to resolve compatible problem. # SkyWalking team may ask for these files in order to resolve compatible problem.
agent.is_open_debugging_class=${SW_AGENT_OPEN_DEBUG:false} agent.is_open_debugging_class=${SW_AGENT_OPEN_DEBUG:false}
# If true, SkyWalking agent will cache all instrumented classes files to memory or disk files (decided by class cache mode), # If true, Hippo4j agent will cache all instrumented classes files to memory or disk files (decided by class cache mode),
# allow other javaagent to enhance those classes that enhanced by SkyWalking agent. # allow other javaagent to enhance those classes that enhanced by SkyWalking agent.
agent.is_cache_enhanced_class=${SW_AGENT_CACHE_CLASS:false} agent.is_cache_enhanced_class=${SW_AGENT_CACHE_CLASS:false}
@ -55,71 +41,18 @@ agent.is_cache_enhanced_class=${SW_AGENT_CACHE_CLASS:false}
# FILE: cache class bytes in `/class-cache` folder, automatically clean up cached class files when the application exits # FILE: cache class bytes in `/class-cache` folder, automatically clean up cached class files when the application exits
agent.class_cache_mode=${SW_AGENT_CLASS_CACHE_MODE:MEMORY} agent.class_cache_mode=${SW_AGENT_CLASS_CACHE_MODE:MEMORY}
# Instance name is the identity of an instance, should be unique in the service. If empty, SkyWalking agent will
# generate an 32-bit uuid. BY Default, SkyWalking uses UUID@hostname as the instance name. Max length is 50(UTF-8 char)
# service instance properties in json format. e.g. agent.instance_properties_json = {"org": "apache-skywalking"}
# How depth the agent goes, when log all cause exceptions.
# Force reconnection period of grpc, based on grpc_channel_check_interval.
# The operationName max length
# Notice, in the current practice, we don't recommend the length over 190.
# Keep tracing even the backend is not available if this value is true.
# The agent use gRPC plain text in default.
# If true, SkyWalking agent uses TLS even no CA file detected.
# gRPC SSL trusted ca file.
# enable mTLS when ssl_key_path and ssl_cert_chain_path exist.
# Limit the length of the ipv4 list size.
# grpc channel status check interval.
# Agent heartbeat report period. Unit, second.
# The agent sends the instance properties to the backend every
# collector.heartbeat_period * collector.properties_report_period_factor seconds
# Backend service addresses.
# How long grpc client will timeout in sending data to upstream. Unit is second.
# Sniffer get profile task list interval.
# Sniffer get agent dynamic config interval.
# If true, skywalking agent will enable periodically resolving DNS to update receiver service addresses.
# Logging level # Logging level
logging.level=${SW_LOGGING_LEVEL:INFO} logging.level=${HIPPO4J_LOGGING_LEVEL:INFO}
# Logging file_name # Logging file_name
logging.file_name=${SW_LOGGING_FILE_NAME:hippo4j-api.log} logging.file_name=${HIPPO4J_LOGGING_FILE_NAME:hippo4j-api.log}
# Log output. Default is FILE. Use CONSOLE means output to stdout. # Log output. Default is FILE. Use CONSOLE means output to stdout.
logging.output=${SW_LOGGING_OUTPUT:FILE} logging.output=${SW_LOGGING_OUTPUT:FILE}
# Log files directory. Default is blank string, meaning use "{theHippo4jAgentJarDir}/logs " to output logs. # Log files directory. Default is blank string, meaning use "{theHippo4jAgentJarDir}/logs " to output logs.
# {theHippo4jAgentJarDir} is the directory where the hippo4j agent jar file is located # {theHippo4jAgentJarDir} is the directory where the hippo4j agent jar file is located
logging.dir=${SW_LOGGING_DIR:} logging.dir=${HIPPO4J_LOGGING_DIR:}
# Logger resolver: PATTERN or JSON. The default is PATTERN, which uses logging.pattern to print traditional text logs. # Logger resolver: PATTERN or JSON. The default is PATTERN, which uses logging.pattern to print traditional text logs.
# JSON resolver prints logs in JSON format. # JSON resolver prints logs in JSON format.
# Logging format. There are all conversion specifiers: # Logging format. There are all conversion specifiers:
# * %level means log level. # * %level means log level.
# * %timestamp means now of time with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS. # * %timestamp means now of time with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS.
@ -128,147 +61,16 @@ logging.resolver=${SW_LOGGING_RESOLVER:PATTERN}
# * %class means SimpleName of TargetClass. # * %class means SimpleName of TargetClass.
# * %throwable means a throwable which user called. # * %throwable means a throwable which user called.
# * %agent_name means agent.service_name. Only apply to the PatternLogger. # * %agent_name means agent.service_name. Only apply to the PatternLogger.
logging.pattern=${SW_LOGGING_PATTERN:%level %timestamp %thread %class : %msg %throwable} logging.pattern=${HIPPO4J_LOGGING_PATTERN:%level %timestamp %thread %class : %msg %throwable}
# Logging max_file_size, default: 300 * 1024 * 1024 = 314572800 # Logging max_file_size, default: 300 * 1024 * 1024 = 314572800
logging.max_file_size=${SW_LOGGING_MAX_FILE_SIZE:314572800} logging.max_file_size=${HIPPO4J_LOGGING_MAX_FILE_SIZE:314572800}
# The max history log files. When rollover happened, if log files exceed this number, # The max history log files. When rollover happened, if log files exceed this number,
# then the oldest file will be delete. Negative or zero means off, by default. # then the oldest file will be delete. Negative or zero means off, by default.
logging.max_history_files=${SW_LOGGING_MAX_HISTORY_FILES:-1} logging.max_history_files=${HIPPO4J_LOGGING_MAX_HISTORY_FILES:-1}
# Listed exceptions would not be treated as an error. Because in some codes, the exception is being used as a way of controlling business flow.
# Besides, the annotation named IgnoredException in the trace toolkit is another way to configure ignored exceptions.
# The max recursive depth when checking the exception traced by the agent. Typically, we don't recommend setting this more than 10, which could cause a performance issue. Negative value and 0 would be ignored, which means all exceptions would make the span tagged in error status.
# Max element count in the correlation context
# Max value length of each element.
# Tag the span by the key/value in the correlation context, when the keys listed here exist.
# The buffer size of collected JVM info.
# The buffer channel size.
# The buffer size.
# If true, skywalking agent will enable profile when user create a new profile task. Otherwise disable profile.${SW_AGENT_PROFILE_ACTIVE:true}
# Parallel monitor segment count
# Max monitor segment time(minutes), if current segment monitor time out of limit, then stop it.
# Max dump thread stack depth
# Snapshot transport to backend buffer size
# If true, the agent collects and reports metrics to the backend.${SW_METER_ACTIVE:true}
# Report meters interval. The unit is second
# Max size of the meter pool
# The max size of message to send to server.Default is 10 MB
# Mount the specific folders of the plugins. Plugins in mounted folders would work. # Mount the specific folders of the plugins. Plugins in mounted folders would work.
plugin.mount=${SW_MOUNT_FOLDERS:plugins,activations} plugin.mount=${SW_MOUNT_FOLDERS:plugins,activations}
# Peer maximum description limit. # Peer maximum description limit.
plugin.peer_max_length=${SW_PLUGIN_PEER_MAX_LENGTH:200} plugin.peer_max_length=${SW_PLUGIN_PEER_MAX_LENGTH:200}
# Exclude some plugins define in plugins dir.Plugin names is defined in [Agent plugin list]( # Exclude some plugins define in plugins dir.Plugin names is defined in [Agent plugin list](
plugin.exclude_plugins=${SW_EXCLUDE_PLUGINS:} plugin.exclude_plugins=${SW_EXCLUDE_PLUGINS:}
# If true, trace all the parameters in MongoDB access, default is false. Only trace the operation, not include parameters.
# If set to positive number, the `WriteRequest.params` would be truncated to this length, otherwise it would be completely saved, which may cause performance problem.
# If true, trace all the DSL(Domain Specific Language) in ElasticSearch access, default is false.
# If true, the fully qualified method name will be used as the endpoint name instead of the request URL, default is false.
# If true, the fully qualified method name will be used as the operation name instead of the given operation name, default is false.
# If set to true, the parameters of the sql (typically `java.sql.PreparedStatement`) would be collected.
# If set to positive number, the `db.sql.parameters` would be truncated to this length, otherwise it would be completely saved, which may cause performance problem.
# If set to positive number, the `db.statement` would be truncated to this length, otherwise it would be completely saved, which may cause performance problem.
# If true, trace all the query parameters(include deleteByIds and deleteByQuery) in Solr query request, default is false.
# If true, trace all the operation parameters in Solr request, default is false.
# If true, trace all middleware/business handlers that are part of the Light4J handler chain for a request.
# If true, the transaction definition name will be simplified.
# Threading classes (`java.lang.Runnable` and `java.util.concurrent.Callable`) and their subclasses, including anonymous inner classes whose name match any one of the `THREADING_CLASS_PREFIXES` (splitted by `,`) will be instrumented, make sure to only specify as narrow prefixes as what you're expecting to instrument, (`java.` and `javax.` will be ignored due to safety issues)
# This config item controls that whether the Tomcat plugin should collect the parameters of the request. Also, activate implicitly in the profiled trace.
# This config item controls that whether the SpringMVC plugin should collect the parameters of the request, when your Spring application is based on Tomcat, consider only setting either `plugin.tomcat.collect_http_params` or `plugin.springmvc.collect_http_params`. Also, activate implicitly in the profiled trace.
# This config item controls that whether the HttpClient plugin should collect the parameters of the request
# When `COLLECT_HTTP_PARAMS` is enabled, how many characters to keep and send to the OAP backend, use negative values to keep and send the complete parameters, NB. this config item is added for the sake of performance.
# When `include_http_headers` declares header names, this threshold controls the length limitation of all header values. use negative values to keep and send the complete headers. Note. this config item is added for the sake of performance.
# Set the header names, which should be collected by the plugin. Header name must follow `javax.servlet.http` definition. Multiple names should be split by comma.
# This config item controls that whether the Feign plugin should collect the http body of the request.
# When `COLLECT_REQUEST_BODY` is enabled, how many characters to keep and send to the OAP backend, use negative values to keep and send the complete body.
# When `COLLECT_REQUEST_BODY` is enabled and content-type start with SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES_PREFIX, collect the body of the request , multiple paths should be separated by `,`
# If true, trace all the influxql(query and write) in InfluxDB access, default is true.
# Apache Dubbo consumer collect `arguments` in RPC call, use `Object#toString` to collect `arguments`.
# When `plugin.dubbo.collect_consumer_arguments` is `true`, Arguments of length from the front will to the OAP backend
# Apache Dubbo provider collect `arguments` in RPC call, use `Object#toString` to collect `arguments`.
# When `plugin.dubbo.collect_provider_arguments` is `true`, Arguments of length from the front will to the OAP backend
# A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
# Timeout period of reading topics from the Kafka server, the unit is second.
# Kafka producer configuration. Read [producer configure](
# to get more details. Check document for more details and examples.
# Configure Kafka Producer configuration in JSON format. Notice it will be overridden by plugin.kafka.producer_config[key], if the key duplication.
# Specify which Kafka topic name for Meter System data to report to.
# Specify which Kafka topic name for JVM metrics data to report to.
# Specify which Kafka topic name for traces data to report to.
# Specify which Kafka topic name for Thread Profiling snapshot to report to.
# Specify which Kafka topic name for the register or heartbeat data of Service Instance to report to.
# Specify which Kafka topic name for the logging data to report to.
# isolate multi OAP server when using same Kafka cluster (final topic name will append namespace before Kafka topics with `-` ).
# Match spring beans with regular expression for the class name. Multiple expressions could be separated by a comma. This only works when `Spring annotation plugin` has been activated.
# Whether or not to transmit logged data as formatted or un-formatted.
# If set to true, the parameters of Redis commands would be collected by Lettuce agent.
# If set to positive number and `plugin.lettuce.trace_redis_parameters` is set to `true`, Redis command parameters would be collected and truncated to this length.
# If set to true, the parameters of the cypher would be collected.
# If set to positive number, the `db.cypher.parameters` would be truncated to this length, otherwise it would be completely saved, which may cause performance problem.
# If set to positive number, the `db.statement` would be truncated to this length, otherwise it would be completely saved, which may cause performance problem.
# If set to a positive number and activate `trace sampler CPU policy plugin`, the trace would not be collected when agent process CPU usage percent is greater than `plugin.cpupolicy.sample_cpu_usage_percent_limit`.

@ -75,12 +75,6 @@ public class Config {
@Length(20) @Length(20)
public static String CLUSTER = ""; public static String CLUSTER = "";
* Authentication active is based on backend setting, see application.yml for more details. For most scenarios,
* this needs backend extensions, only basic match auth provided in default implementation.
public static String AUTHENTICATION = "";
/** /**
* If true, Hippo4j agent will save all instrumented classes files in `/debugging` folder. Hippo4j team * If true, Hippo4j agent will save all instrumented classes files in `/debugging` folder. Hippo4j team
* may ask for these files in order to resolve compatible problem. * may ask for these files in order to resolve compatible problem.
@ -99,177 +93,6 @@ public class Config {
* folder, automatically clean up cached class files when the application exits * folder, automatically clean up cached class files when the application exits
*/ */
public static ClassCacheMode CLASS_CACHE_MODE = ClassCacheMode.MEMORY; public static ClassCacheMode CLASS_CACHE_MODE = ClassCacheMode.MEMORY;
* The identifier of the instance
public volatile static String INSTANCE_NAME = "";
* service instance properties in json format. e.g. agent.instance_properties_json = {"org":
* "cn.hippo4j"}
public static String INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_JSON = "";
* How depth the agent goes, when log cause exceptions.
public static int CAUSE_EXCEPTION_DEPTH = 5;
* Force reconnection period of grpc, based on grpc_channel_check_interval. If count of check grpc channel
* status more than this number. The channel check will call channel.getState(true) to requestConnection.
public static long FORCE_RECONNECTION_PERIOD = 1;
* Limit the length of the operationName to prevent the overlength issue in the storage.
* <p>NOTICE</p>
* In the current practice, we don't recommend the length over 190.
public static int OPERATION_NAME_THRESHOLD = 150;
* Keep tracing even the backend is not available.
public static boolean KEEP_TRACING = false;
* Force open TLS for gRPC channel if true.
public static boolean FORCE_TLS = false;
* SSL trusted ca file. If it exists, will enable TLS for gRPC channel.
public static String SSL_TRUSTED_CA_PATH = "ca" + Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + "ca.crt";
* Key cert chain file. If ssl_cert_chain and ssl_key exist, will enable mTLS for gRPC channel.
public static String SSL_CERT_CHAIN_PATH;
* Private key file. If ssl_cert_chain and ssl_key exist, will enable mTLS for gRPC channel.
public static String SSL_KEY_PATH;
public static class OsInfo {
* Limit the length of the ipv4 list size.
public static int IPV4_LIST_SIZE = 10;
public static class Collector {
* grpc channel status check interval
public static long GRPC_CHANNEL_CHECK_INTERVAL = 30;
* The period in which the agent report a heartbeat to the backend.
public static long HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 30;
* The agent sends the instance properties to the backend every `collector.heartbeat_period *
* collector.properties_report_period_factor` seconds
* Collector hippo4j trace receiver service addresses.
public static String BACKEND_SERVICE = "";
* How long grpc client will timeout in sending data to upstream.
public static int GRPC_UPSTREAM_TIMEOUT = 30;
* Get profile task list interval
public static int GET_PROFILE_TASK_INTERVAL = 20;
* Get agent dynamic config interval
* If true, hippo4j agent will enable periodically resolving DNS to update receiver service addresses.
public static boolean IS_RESOLVE_DNS_PERIODICALLY = false;
public static class Profile {
* If true, hippo4j agent will enable profile when user create a new profile task. Otherwise disable
* profile.
public static boolean ACTIVE = true;
* Parallel monitor segment count
public static int MAX_PARALLEL = 5;
* Max monitor segment time(minutes), if current segment monitor time out of limit, then stop it.
public static int MAX_DURATION = 10;
* Max dump thread stack depth
public static int DUMP_MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 500;
* Snapshot transport to backend buffer size
public static int SNAPSHOT_TRANSPORT_BUFFER_SIZE = 500;
public static class Meter {
* If true, Hippo4j agent will enable sending meters. Otherwise disable meter report.
public static boolean ACTIVE = true;
* Report meters interval
public static Integer REPORT_INTERVAL = 20;
* Max size of the meter count.
public static Integer MAX_METER_SIZE = 500;
public static class Jvm {
* The buffer size of collected JVM info.
public static int BUFFER_SIZE = 60 * 10;
public static class Log {
* The max size of message to send to server.Default is 10 MB.
public static int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
public static class Buffer {
public static int CHANNEL_SIZE = 5;
public static int BUFFER_SIZE = 300;
} }
public static class Logging { public static class Logging {
@ -326,22 +149,6 @@ public class Config {
public static String PATTERN = "%level %timestamp %thread %class : %msg %throwable"; public static String PATTERN = "%level %timestamp %thread %class : %msg %throwable";
} }
public static class StatusCheck {
* Listed exceptions would not be treated as an error. Because in some codes, the exception is being used as a
* way of controlling business flow.
public static String IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS = "";
* The max recursive depth when checking the exception traced by the agent. Typically, we don't recommend
* setting this more than 10, which could cause a performance issue. Negative value and 0 would be ignored,
* which means all exceptions would make the span tagged in error status.
public static Integer MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH = 1;
public static class Plugin { public static class Plugin {
/** /**
@ -385,22 +192,4 @@ public class Config {
} }
} }
} }
public static class Correlation {
* Max element count in the correlation context.
public static int ELEMENT_MAX_NUMBER = 3;
* Max value length of each element.
public static int VALUE_MAX_LENGTH = 128;
* Tag the span by the key/value in the correlation context, when the keys listed here exist.
public static String AUTO_TAG_KEYS = "";
} }
