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# Deployment Manager Design
## Overview
Deployment Manager is a service that runs in a Kubernetes cluster. It
provides a declarative configuration language to describe Kubernetes
resources, and a mechanism for deploying, updating, and deleting configurations.
This document describes the configuration language, object model, and
architecture of the service in detail.
## Configuration Language
The configuration language in Deployment Manager consists of two parts: a
YAML-based language for describing resources, and a templating mechanism for
creating abstract parameterizable types.
A configuration consists of a list of resources in YAML. Resources have three
* name: the name to use when managing the resource
* type: the type of the resource being managed
* properties: the configuration properties of the resource
An example snippet of a configuration looks like:
- name: my-rc
type: ReplicationController
name: my-rc
replicas: 1
- name: my-service
type: Service
### References
Resources can reference values from other resources. The version of Deployment
Manager running in the Google Cloud Platform uses references to understand
dependencies between resources and properly order the operations it performs on
a configuration. (This version of DM doesn't yet order operations to satisfy
dependencies, but it will soon.)
A reference follows this syntax: **$(ref.NAME.PATH)**, where _NAME_ is the name
of the resource being referenced, and _PATH_ is a JSON path to the value in the
resource object.
For example:
In this case, _my-service_ is the name of the resource, and _metadata.name_ is
the JSON path to the value being referenced.
### Configurable Resources
Configurable resources are the primitive resources that can be configured in
Deployment Manager, including:
* Pod
* ReplicationController
* Service
Deployment Manager processes configurable resources by passing their
configuration properties directly to kubectl to create, update, or delete them
in the cluster.
### Templates
Templates are abstract types that can be created using Python or
[Jinja](http://jinja.pocoo.org/). A template takes a set of properties as input,
and must output a valid YAML configuration string. Properties are bound to
values when a template is instantiated in a configuration.
Templates are expanded in a pre-processing step before configurable resources
are processed. They can output configurations containing configurable resources,
or additional nested templates. Nested templates are processed recursively.
An example of a template in python is:
import yaml
def GenerateConfig(context):
resources = [{
'name': context.env['name'] + '-service',
'type': 'Service',
'properties': {
'prop1': context.properties['prop1'],
return yaml.dump({'resources': resources})
and in Jinja:
- name: {{ env['name'] }}-service
type: Service
prop1: {{ properties['prop1'] }}
Templates provide access to multiple sets of data, which can be used for
parameterizing or further customizing configurations:
* env: a map of key/value pairs from the environment, including pairs
defined by Deployment Manager, such as _deployment_, _name_, and _type_
* properties: a map of the key/value pairs passed in the properties section when
instantiating the template
* imports: a map of import file names to file contents of all imports
originally specified for the configuration
In Python, this data is available from the _context_ object passed into the
_GenerateConfig_ method.
### Template Schemas
A schema can be optionally provided for a template. The schema describes
the template in more detail, including:
* info: more information about the template, including long description and
* imports: any sub-imports used by this template (may be relative path or URL)
* required: properties which are required when instantiating the template
* properties: JSON Schema descriptions of each property the template accepts
Here's an example of a template schema:
title: The Example
description: A template being used as an example to illustrate concepts.
- path: helper.py
- prop1
description: The first property
type: string
default: prop-value
Schemas are used by Deployment Manager to validate properties during
template instantiation, and to provide default values.
Schemas must be imported with the templates they describe, when passing
configuration to Deployment Manager.
### Instantiating Templates
Templates can be used in two different ways: either passed to the API as an
imported file, or used from a public HTTP endpoint.
#### Imported Templates
Templates can be imported as part of the target configuration, and used
directly, for example:
- path: example.py
- name: example
type: example.py
prop1: prop-value
The _imports_ list is not understood by the Deployment Manager service.
It's a directive used by client-side tools to specify what additional files
should be included when passing a configuration to the API.
Using the Deployment Manager API, these templates can be included in the
imports section of the _configuration_.
#### External Templates
Templates can also be used from a public HTTP endpoint. For example:
- name: example
type: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/example/example.py
prop1: prop-value
The service will process external templates as follows:
1. Fetch the external template as an import
1. Attempt to fetch the schema for the template, using
_<full template path>.schema_ as the schema path
1. Repeat for any sub-imports found in the schema file
When fetching schema files and sub-imports, the base path of the external
template is used for relative paths.
## API Model
Deployment Manager exposes a set of RESTful collections over HTTP/JSON.
### Deployments
Deployments are the primary resource in the Deployment Manager service. The
inputs to a deployment are:
* name
* configuration
When creating a deployment, users pass their configuration,
as well as any import files (templates, datafiles, etc.), all encoded in `YAML`,
in as the _configuration_.
Creating, updating or deleting a deployment creates a new manifest for the
deployment. When deleting a deployment, the deployment is first updated to
an empty manifest containing no resources, and then removed from the system.
Deployments are available at the HTTP endpoint:
### Manifests
A manifest is created for a deployment every time it is changed. It contains
three key components:
* inputConfig: the original input configuration for the manifest
* expandedConfig: the expanded configuration to be used when processing resources
* for the manifest
* layout: the hierarchical structure of the manifest
Manifests are available at the HTTP endpoint:
#### Expanded Configuration
Given a new _inputConfig_, Deployment Manager expands all template
instantiations recursively until there is a flat set of configurable resources.
This final set is stored as the _expandedConfig_ and is used during resource
#### Layout
Users can use templates to build a rich, deep hierarchical architecture in their
configuration. Expansion flattens this hierarchy and removes the template
relationships from the configuration to create a format optimized for the process
of instantiating the resources. However, the structural information contained in
the original configuration has many uses, so rather than discard it, Deployment
Manager preserves it in the form of a _layout_.
The _layout_ looks very much like an input configuration. It is a YAML list of
resources, where each resource contains the following information:
* name: name of the resource
* type: type of the resource
* properties: properties of the resource, set only for templates
* resources: sub-resources from expansion, set only for templates
An example layout is:
- name: rs
type: replicatedservice.py
replicas: 2
- name: rs-rc
type: ReplicationController
- name: rs-service
type: Service
The layout can be used for visualizing the architecture of resources, including
their hierarchical structure and reference relationships.
### Types
The types API provides information about existing types being used the cluster.
It can be used to list all known types that are in use in existing deployments:
It can be used to list all active instances of a specific type in the cluster:
Passing _all_ as the type shows all instances of all types in the cluster. Type
instances include the following information:
* name: name of resource
* type: type of resource
* deployment: name of deployment in which the resource resides
* manifest: name of manifest in which the resource configuration resides
* path: JSON path to the entry for the resource in the manifest layout
## Architecture
The Deployment Manager service is built to run as a service within a Kubernetes
cluster. It has three major components to manage deployments. The following
diagram illustrates the relationships between the components, which are described
in more detail below.
![Architecture Diagram](architecture.png "Architecture Diagram")
Currently there are two caveats in the design of the service:
* Synchronous API: the API currently blocks on all processing for
a deployment request. In the future, this design will change to an
asynchronous operation-based mode.
* Non-persistence: the service currently stores all metadata in memory,
so it will lose all knowledge of deployments and their metadata on restart.
In the future, the service will persist all deployment metadata.
### Manager
The **manager** service acts as both the API server and the workflow engine for
processing deployments. It uses the following process:
1. Create a new deployment with a manifest containing _inputConfig_ from the
user request
1. Call out to the **expandybird** service to expand the _inputConfig_
1. Store the resulting _expandedConfig_ and _layout_
1. Call out to the **resourcifier** service to perform processing on resources
from the _expandedConfig_
1. Respond with success or error messages to the original API request
The manager is responsible for saving the metadata associated with
deployments, manifests, type instances, and other resources in the Deployment
Manager model.
### Expandybird
The **expandybird** service takes in input configurations, performs all template
expansions, and returns the resulting flat configuration and layout. It is completely
Because templates are written in Python or Jinja, the actual expansion process
is performed in a sub-process that runs a Python interpreter. A new sub-process
is created for every request to expandybird.
Currently, expansion is not sandboxed, but templates should be reproducable,
hermetically sealed entities. Future designs may therefore, introduce a sandbox to
limit external interaction, such as network or disk access, during expansion.
### Resourcifier
The **resourcifier** service takes in flat expanded configurations containing
only configurable resources, and makes the respective kubectl calls to process
each resource. It is totally stateless, and handles requests synchronously.
The resourcifier returns either success or error messages encountered during
resource processing.