Helm is a tool for managing Charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
Helm is a tool for managing Charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ Unpack the `helm` binary and add it to your PATH and you are good to go!
If you want to use a package manager:
If you want to use a package manager:
- [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) users can use `brew install kubernetes-helm`.
- [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) users can use `brew install helm`.
- [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/) users can use `choco install kubernetes-helm`.
- [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/) users can use `choco install kubernetes-helm`.
- [Scoop](https://scoop.sh/) users can use `scoop install helm`.
- [Scoop](https://scoop.sh/) users can use `scoop install helm`.
- [GoFish](https://gofi.sh/) users can use `gofish install helm`.
- [GoFish](https://gofi.sh/) users can use `gofish install helm`.
To rapidly get Helm up and running, start with the [Quick Start Guide](https://docs.helm.sh/using_helm/#quickstart-guide).
To rapidly get Helm up and running, start with the [Quick Start Guide](https://docs.helm.sh/using_helm/#quickstart-guide).
See the [installation guide](https://docs.helm.sh/using_helm/#installing-helm) for more options,
See the [installation guide](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) for more options,
including installing pre-releases.
including installing pre-releases.
## Docs
## Docs
Get started with the [Quick Start guide](https://docs.helm.sh/using_helm/#quickstart-guide) or plunge into the [complete documentation](https://docs.helm.sh)
Get started with the [Quick Start guide](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/quickstart/) or plunge into the [complete documentation](https://helm.sh/docs)
f.BoolVar(&client.DryRun,"dry-run",false,"simulate an install")
f.BoolVar(&client.DryRun,"dry-run",false,"simulate an install")
f.BoolVar(&client.DisableHooks,"no-hooks",false,"prevent hooks from running during install")
f.BoolVar(&client.DisableHooks,"no-hooks",false,"prevent hooks from running during install")
f.BoolVar(&client.Replace,"replace",false,"re-use the given name, even if that name is already used. This is unsafe in production")
f.BoolVar(&client.Replace,"replace",false,"re-use the given name, only if that name is a deleted release which remains in the history. This is unsafe in production")
f.DurationVar(&client.Timeout,"timeout",300*time.Second,"time to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks)")
f.DurationVar(&client.Timeout,"timeout",300*time.Second,"time to wait for any individual Kubernetes operation (like Jobs for hooks)")
f.BoolVar(&client.Wait,"wait",false,"if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout")
f.BoolVar(&client.Wait,"wait",false,"if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout")
f.BoolVarP(&client.GenerateName,"generate-name","g",false,"generate the name (and omit the NAME parameter)")
f.BoolVarP(&client.GenerateName,"generate-name","g",false,"generate the name (and omit the NAME parameter)")
f.StringVar(&client.NameTemplate,"name-template","","specify template used to name the release")
f.StringVar(&client.NameTemplate,"name-template","","specify template used to name the release")
f.StringVar(&client.Description,"description","","add a custom description")
f.BoolVar(&client.Devel,"devel",false,"use development versions, too. Equivalent to version '>0.0.0-0'. If --version is set, this is ignored")
f.BoolVar(&client.Devel,"devel",false,"use development versions, too. Equivalent to version '>0.0.0-0'. If --version is set, this is ignored")
f.BoolVar(&client.DependencyUpdate,"dependency-update",false,"run helm dependency update before installing the chart")
f.BoolVar(&client.DependencyUpdate,"dependency-update",false,"run helm dependency update before installing the chart")
f.BoolVar(&client.Atomic,"atomic",false,"if set, installation process purges chart on fail. The --wait flag will be set automatically if --atomic is used")
f.BoolVar(&client.Atomic,"atomic",false,"if set, installation process purges chart on fail. The --wait flag will be set automatically if --atomic is used")
f.StringArrayVarP(&showFiles,"show-only","s",[]string{},"only show manifests rendered from the given templates")
f.StringArrayVarP(&showFiles,"show-only","s",[]string{},"only show manifests rendered from the given templates")
f.StringVar(&client.OutputDir,"output-dir","","writes the executed templates to files in output-dir instead of stdout")
f.StringVar(&client.OutputDir,"output-dir","","writes the executed templates to files in output-dir instead of stdout")
f.BoolVar(&validate,"validate",false,"validate your manifests against the Kubernetes cluster you are currently pointing at. This is the same validation performed on an install")
f.BoolVar(&validate,"validate",false,"validate your manifests against the Kubernetes cluster you are currently pointing at. This is the same validation performed on an install")
f.BoolVar(&includeCrds,"include-crds",false,"include CRDs in the templated output")
f.BoolVar(&client.IsUpgrade,"is-upgrade",false,"set .Release.IsUpgrade instead of .Release.IsInstall")
f.StringArrayVarP(&extraAPIs,"api-versions","a",[]string{},"Kubernetes api versions used for Capabilities.APIVersions")
f.StringArrayVarP(&extraAPIs,"api-versions","a",[]string{},"Kubernetes api versions used for Capabilities.APIVersions")
returnhs,b,"",errors.Errorf("chart requires kubernetesVersion: %s which is incompatible with Kubernetes %s",ch.Metadata.KubeVersion,caps.KubeVersion.String())
returnhs,b,"",errors.Errorf("chart requires kubeVersion: %s which is incompatible with Kubernetes %s",ch.Metadata.KubeVersion,caps.KubeVersion.String())