Merge pull request #2008 from technosophos/feat/1624-disable-plugins

feat(helm): allow disabling plugins
Matt Butcher 8 years ago committed by GitHub
commit af379faf4b

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ Common actions from this point include:
$HELM_HOME set an alternative location for Helm files. By default, these are stored in ~/.helm
$HELM_HOST set an alternative Tiller host. The format is host:port
$HELM_NO_PLUGINS disable plugins. Set HELM_NO_PLUGINS=1 to disable plugins.
$TILLER_NAMESPACE set an alternative Tiller namespace (default "kube-namespace")
$KUBECONFIG set an alternative Kubernetes configuration file (default "~/.kube/config")

@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ const pluginEnvVar = "HELM_PLUGIN"
// to inspect its environment and then add commands to the base command
// as it finds them.
func loadPlugins(baseCmd *cobra.Command, home helmpath.Home, out io.Writer) {
// If HELM_NO_PLUGINS is set to 1, do not load plugins.
if os.Getenv("HELM_NO_PLUGINS") == "1" {
plugdirs := os.Getenv(pluginEnvVar)
if plugdirs == "" {
plugdirs = home.Plugins()

@ -134,6 +134,28 @@ func TestLoadPlugins(t *testing.T) {
func TestLoadPlugins_HelmNoPlugins(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv("HELM_NO_PLUGINS", "1")
defer os.Setenv("HELM_NO_PLUGINS", "0")
// Set helm home to point to testdata
old := helmHome
helmHome = "testdata/helmhome"
defer func() {
helmHome = old
hh := helmpath.Home(homePath())
out := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
cmd := &cobra.Command{}
loadPlugins(cmd, hh, out)
plugins := cmd.Commands()
if len(plugins) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 0 plugins, got %d", len(plugins))
func TestSetupEnv(t *testing.T) {
name := "pequod"
hh := helmpath.Home("testdata/helmhome")
