@ -191,7 +191,9 @@ below.
issue to a milestone until the questions are answered.
- We attempt to do this process at least once per work day.
3. Discussion
- issues that are labeled as `feature` or `bug` should be connected to the PR that resolves it.
- Issues that are labeled `feature` or `proposal` must write a Helm Improvement Proposal (HIP).
See [Proposing an Idea](#proposing-an-idea). Smaller quality-of-life enhancements are exempt.
- Issues that are labeled as `feature` or `bug` should be connected to the PR that resolves it.
- Whoever is working on a `feature` or `bug` issue (whether a maintainer or someone from the
community), should either assign the issue to themself or make a comment in the issue saying
that they are taking it.
@ -200,16 +202,22 @@ below.
and reduce noise. Should the issue need to stay open, the `keep open` label can be added.
4. Issue closure
## Writing a Feature
## Proposing an Idea
Before writing a new feature for Helm, please make sure to write up a [Helm
Improvement Proposal](https://github.com/helm/community/tree/master/hips). A
Helm Improvement Proposal is a design document that describes a new feature for
the Helm project. The proposal should provide a concise technical specification
and rationale for the feature.
Before proposing a new idea to the Helm project, please make sure to write up a [Helm Improvement
Proposal](https://github.com/helm/community/tree/master/hips). A Helm Improvement Proposal is a
design document that describes a new feature for the Helm project. The proposal should provide a
concise technical specification and rationale for the feature.
[HIP 1](https://github.com/helm/community/blob/master/hips/hip-0001.md)
describes the process to write a HIP as well as the review process.
It is also worth considering vetting your idea with the community via the
[cncf-helm](mailto:cncf-helm@lists.cncf.io) mailing list. Vetting an idea publicly before going as
far as writing a proposal is meant to save the potential author time. Many ideas have been proposed
- it's quite likely there are others in the community who may be working on a similar proposal, or a
similar proposal may have already been written.
HIPs are submitted to the [helm/community repository](https://github.com/helm/community). [HIP
1](https://github.com/helm/community/blob/master/hips/hip-0001.md) describes the process to write a
HIP as well as the review process.
After your proposal has been approved, follow the [developer's
guide](https://helm.sh/docs/community/developers/) to get started.