@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ These dependencies are expressed as interfaces so that alternate implementations
package cli
import (
// EnvSettings describes all of the environment settings.
@ -49,15 +51,26 @@ type EnvSettings struct {
RepositoryCache string
// PluginsDirectory is the path to the plugins directory.
PluginsDirectory string
// Environment Variables Store
EnvironmentVariables []EnvironmentVariable
type EnvironmentVariable struct {
Name string
Value string
func New() *EnvSettings {
return &EnvSettings{
envSettings := EnvSettings{
PluginsDirectory: helmpath.DataPath("plugins"),
RegistryConfig: helmpath.ConfigPath("registry.json"),
RepositoryConfig: helmpath.ConfigPath("repositories.yaml"),
RepositoryCache: helmpath.CachePath("repository"),
EnvironmentVariables: []EnvironmentVariable{},
return &envSettings
// AddFlags binds flags to the given flagset.
@ -72,13 +85,6 @@ func (s *EnvSettings) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs.StringVar(&s.RepositoryCache, "repository-cache", s.RepositoryCache, "path to the repositories config file")
// Init sets values from the environment.
func (s *EnvSettings) Init(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
for name, envar := range envMap {
setFlagFromEnv(name, envar, fs)
// envMap maps flag names to envvars
var envMap = map[string]string{
"debug": "HELM_DEBUG",
@ -95,3 +101,34 @@ func setFlagFromEnv(name, envar string, fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs.Set(name, v)
func (s *EnvSettings) setHelmEnvVars() {
for key, val := range map[string]string{
"HELM_HOME": helmpath.DataPath(),
"HELM_PATH_STARTER": helmpath.DataPath("starters"),
"HELM_DEBUG": fmt.Sprint(s.Debug),
"HELM_REGISTRY_CONFIG": s.RegistryConfig,
"HELM_PATH_REPOSITORY_FILE": s.RepositoryConfig,
"HELM_PLUGIN": s.PluginsDirectory,
xdg.CacheHomeEnvVar: helmpath.CachePath(),
xdg.ConfigHomeEnvVar: helmpath.ConfigPath(),
xdg.DataHomeEnvVar: helmpath.DataPath(),
} {
if eVal := os.Getenv(key); len(eVal) > 0 {
val = eVal
s.EnvironmentVariables = append(s.EnvironmentVariables,
Name: key,
Value: val,
// Init sets values from the environment.
func (s *EnvSettings) Init(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
for name, envar := range envMap {
setFlagFromEnv(name, envar, fs)